Are you interested in having a student help out your organisation? Then our Work Integrated Learning (WIL) program might help you and our students. This is an opportunity to offer our students and your organisation a unique experience in a practical setting.
External organisation placement request form
WIL provides our undergraduate students within business, commerce and applied management with work related education to support and enhance student learning and ensure our graduates are fully prepared for entry into the workforce. It provides all students the essential links between theory and practice plus the opportunity to engage with industry and community organisations by completing practical work placements or projects. It is a requirement that our students complete some form of WIL as part of their course, which may be real or simulated and can occur in the workplace, at University, online or face to face. Opportunities available include internships, voluntary placements, community projects, industry-based projects, work experiences, case studies, study abroad or international exchange.
Business internships - 160 hours in placement and averages 2 days per week across the semester for up to 12 weeks (or 13 weeks should an induction be required).
Industry experience projects - 110 hours in placement and averages to just over 9 hours per week.
Work Integrated Learning: Industry-based case studies Students explore some of the key issues of contemporary workplaces and make recommendations for solving workplace issues. Semester long course (12 weeks duration).
Please note that students will be assessed upon completion of their placement - they are required to participate in all aspects of the placement, provide a written report, oral presentation and complete journal entries.
Industry organisations are a vital component of WIL and we welcome new organisations to be part of our program.
For further information please contact the Work Integrated Learning officer via email
If you would like to submit an application, please fill out the below form.