Book chapters
- Dowling, K, Florentine, S. K., Martin, R., and Pearce, D., (2017). Sustainability and Regional Development: When Brownfields Become Playing Fields in Sustainability in the Mineral and Energy Sectors, eds. Sheila Devasahayam, Kim Dowling, and Manoj Mahapatra, Taylor & Francis.
- Florentine, S. K, Patrick Graz, Augustine Doronila, Martin, R., Dowling, K., Nimesha, F. (2016). Building suitable restoration approaches in the Brownfields. in Sustainability in the Mineral and Energy Sectors, eds. Sheila Devasahayam, Kim Dowling, and Manoj Mahapatra, Taylor & Francis.
- Doronila, A., Bellette, M., and Florentine, S. K. (2015). Developing closure criteria for reconstruction of Eucalypt grassy woodland in a mined landscape which has been subjected to more than 150 years of gold mining in the goldfields of Victoria, Australia. In Responsible Mining: Sustainable Practices in the Mining Industry edited by Dr. Michelle Jarvie-Eggart, Barr Engineering and University of Maryland University College, USA and Dr. Helen E. Muga, University of Mount Union, USA. ISBN 978-0-87335-373-1 Pages 639-662.
- Greenslade, P. and Florentine, S. K. (2014). Collembola (Springtails) In: The distributions of invertebrate species along the Warra-Mt Weld Altitudinal Transect in 2001–2002 and identification of taxa restricted by altitude. Eds. By. Michael Driessen and Stephen Mallick. Nature Conservation Report 13/4. Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
Refereed journals
- Zimmer, H. C., Florentine, S. K. Enke, R, and Westbrooke, M. (Accepted) Rainfall and grazing: not the only barriers to arid-zone conifer recruitment. Australian Journal of Botany. X: XX-XX
- Martin, R. Dowling, K. Nankervis, S. Pearce, D. Florentine, S. K., & McKnight, S. (Accepted) In vitro assessment of arsenic mobility in historical mine waste dust using simulated lung fluid. Environmental Geochemistry and Health.
- Chauhan, B. S., Florentine, S. K., Ferguson, J. C., and Chechetto, R. G. (2017) Implications of narrow crop row spacing in managing weeds in mung bean (Vigna radiata). Crop Protection: 95: 116–119.
- Ramesh K, Matloob A, Aslam F, Florentine, S. K., and Chauhan B. S., (2017). Weeds in a Changing Climate: Vulnerabilities, Consequences, and Implications for Future Weed Management. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:95. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00095
- Fernando, N., Manalil, S., Florentine, S. K., Chauhan B. S., and Seneweera, S., (2016). Glyphosate resistance of C3 and C4 weeds under rising atmospheric CO2. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:910. doi: 10.3389/fpla.2016.00910.
- Florentine, S. K., Weller, S., Graz, F. P., Westbrooke, M., Florentine, A., Javaid, M., Fernando, N., Chauhan, B. S, and Dowling, K. (2016). Influence of selected environmental factors on seed germination and seedling survival of the arid zone invasive species tobacco bush (Nicotiana glauca R. Graham). The Rangeland Journal. 38: 417– 425.
- Greenslade, P. Florentine S. K. et al. (2016). Biases encountered in long-term monitoring studies of invertebrates and microflora: Australian examples of protocols, personnel, tools and site location. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 188: 188 – 491.
- Greenslade, P., Sutrisno, Florentine, S. K. (2016). Differences in composition and vertical distribution of Collembola from canopies of three Australian rainforests. Soil Organisms. 88: 175–192.
- Mahmood, A. H. Florentine, S. K. McLaren, D. Chauhan, B. S., Palmer, G. and Wright, W. (2016) Influence of various environmental factors on seed germination and seedling emergence of a noxious environmental weed: Galenia pubescens. Weed Science. 64: 486–494.
- Fernando, N., Humphries, T., Chauhan, B. C., Florentine. S. K. (2016) Weed Science–Factors affecting seed germination of Feather Fingergrass (Chloris virgata). Weed Science. 64: 605-612.
- Martin, R., Dowling, K., Pearce, D., Florentine, S. K., Bennett, J. W. and Stopic, A. (2016). Trace metal content in inhalable particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5 collected from historical mine waste deposits using a laboratory-based approach. Environmental Geochemistry & Health: DOI 10.1007/s10653-016-9833-1.
- Weller, S. L., Florentine, S. K., Sillitoe, J., Grech, C., McLaren., D. (2016). An investigation of the effects of stage of ensilage on Nassella neesiana seeds, for reducing seed viability and injury to livestock. Scientific Reports. 6, 22345; doi: 10.1038/srep22345.
- Weller, S., Florentine, S. K., Sillitoe, J., Grech, C., McLaren, D., Chauhan. B. S., (2015). Detecting weed seeds in large round hay bales by means of non-destructive core sampling. PLoS One 10(9): e0137343. doi:10.1371/journal.
- Martin, R., Dowling, K., Pearce, D., Florentine, S. K., Bennett, J. W., and Stopic,A. (2015). Size-dependent characterisation of historical gold mine wastes to examine human pathways of exposure to arsenic and other potentially toxic elements. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 37: DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9775-z
- Florentine, S.K., C.L. Pohlman, M. Westbrooke (2016). The effectiveness of different planting frameworks for recruitment of tropical rainforest species on ex-rainforest land. Restoration Ecology. 24: 364–372.
- Rasiah, V., R. Florentine, S. K. and Dahlhaus P. (2015) Environmental benefits inferred from impact of reforestation of deforested creek banks on soil conditioning: A case study in Victoria, Australia. Agroforestry Systems 89: 345-355.
- Florentine, S. K., Milberg, P., Julian, S., Westbrooke, M., and Graz, P. (2015) Decade-long response of arid-land mallee vegetation to fire, flooding and grazing in south-eastern Australia. Journal of Arid Environments 121: 7 – 14.
- Roberts, C., Westbrooke, M., and Florntine S. K. (2015). Winter diet of introduced red deer (Cervus elaphus) in woodland vegetation in the Grampians National Park, central western Victoria. Australian Mammalogy 37: 107-112
- Weller, S., Florentine, S. K., Sillitoe, J., Grech, C., McLaren, D., and Chauhan, B. C. (2015). The need for speed: Timely prevention of the dispersal of noxious weeds in relief fodder using efficient sampling procedures. Crop Protection. 70: 21-27
- Martin R., Dowling, K., Pearce D., Sillitoe, J. and Florentine S. K., (2014). Health effects associated with inhalation of airborne arsenic arising from mining operations. Geoscience 4: 128-175.
- Wevill, Tand Florentine, S.K.(2014). An assessment of riparian restoration outcomes in two rural catchments in south-western Victoria: Focusing on tree and shrub species richness, structure and recruitment characteristics. Ecological Management and Restoration. 15: 133–139.
- Florentine, S. K., Gardner, J., Moloney, S., Graz, F. P. (2013). Plant recruitment and survival as indicators of ecological restoration success in abandoned pastures in Nurcoung, Victoria, Australia. Ecosystem Process. DOI: 10.1186/2192-1709-2-34
- Monie, K., Florentine, S. K., Palmer, G. (2013). Plant recruitment and functionality traits as bioindicators of ecological restoration success in Lurg Hills district, Victoria, Australia. Ecosystem Process. doi:10.1186/2192-1709-2-27
- Dunstan, H., Florentine, S. K.., Calviño-Cancela, M., Westbrooke, M. E.,and Palmer, G., (2013). Dietary characteristics of Emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) in the semi-arid landscape in NSW, Australia, and dispersal and germination of ingested seeds. Emu- Austral Ornithology. 113: 168–176.
- Marriott, J. Florentine, S. K., and Raman, A. (2013). Effects of Tetranychus lintearius (Acari: Tetranychidae) on the structure and water potential in the foliage of the invasive Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae) in Australia.International Journal of Acarology. 1-10.
- Florentine, S.K., F. Patrick Graz, Graeme Ambrose and Luke O’Brien, (2013). The current status of different age, direct-seeded revegetation sites in an agricultural landscape in the Burrumbeet region, Victoria, Australia. Land Degradation and Development. 24: 81-89. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.1110.
- Greenslade, P., Florentine, S. K., G. Horrocks,(2012). Long term effect of fire, flood and grazing on invertebrates in Australia’s arid zone: Collembolan and Formicidae. Soil Organisms, 84: 569-587.
- Rasiah, V., J. D. Armour and Florentine, S. K. (2012). Hydraulic heterogeneity in a highly weathered basaltic regolith: Impact on lateral-flow and solute transport. Environmental Hydrology. 20: 1- 14.
- Warnock D. A, Florentine, S. K., Graz, P. & Westbrooke, M.E.(2012). Short term gain and long term pain – Lessons learnt from the control of Lachnagrostis filiformis (Fairy Grass) in Victoria, Australia.Weed Biology and Management. 12: 156-167 DOI: 10.1111/j.1445-6664.2012.00448.x
- Graz, F. P., Westbrooke, M. E. and Florentine, S. K. (2012). Modelling the effects of water-point closure and fencing removal: a GIS approach. Journal of Environmental Management. 104: 186-194.
- Greenslade, P. L. Bell and Florentine, S. K. (2011). Auditing revegetated catchments in southern Australia: decomposition rates and collembolan species assemblages. Soil Organisms. 83: 433-450.
- Rasiah V., Armour JD, Cogle AL, Florentine SK (2010). Nitrate import–export dynamics in groundwater interacting with surface-water in a wet tropical environment. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 48: 361 – 370. DOI: 10.1071/SR09120
- Rasiah, V, J. D. Armour, P. W. Moody, A. B. Pattison, S. Lindsay, and S. K. Florentine. (2009). Characterising and improving the deteriorating trends in soil physical quality under banana. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 47: 574 – 584. DOI: 10.1071/SR08256
- Florentine, S. K. (2008) Species persistence and natural recruitment after 14 years in a restoration planting on ex–rainforest land in north-east Queensland. Ecological Management and Restoration 9: 217–221.
- Florentine, S. K., P. Milberg, M. Gibson, M. Westbrooke. (2008). Post wildfire seedling colonisation patterns in Eucalyptus delegatensis (Myrtaceae) windthrow site at Snowy River National Park, Victoria. Australian Forestry. 71: 48–53.
- Warnock, A. D., M. E. Westbrooke, Florentine, S. K. and C. P. Hurst (2007). Does Geijera parviflora Lindl. (Rutaceae) facilitate understorey species in semi–arid Australia? The Rangeland Journal. 29: 207– 216. [Impact Factor –0.4 – CSIRO Publication]
- Florentine, S.K. Westbrooke, M.E. K. Gosney and G. Ambrose (2006). The arid land invasive weed Nicotiana glauca R. Graham (Solanaceae): population and soil seed bank dynamics, seed germination patterns and seedling response to flood and drought. Journal of Arid Environments. 66: 218–230. [Impact Factor 1.238– Elsevier Publication]
- Raman, A, Madhavan, S., Florentine, S. K. and Dhileepan, K (2006). Metabolite mobilization in the stem galls of Parthenium hysterophorus induced by Epiblema strenuana inferred from the signatures of isotopic carbon and nitrogen and concentrations of total non-structural carbohydrates. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 119: 101–107. [[Impact Factor 1.391– Blackwell Publication– Rank 17/69 Entomology section]
- Florentine, S.K., Raman, A, and Dhileepan, K (2005). Effects of gall induction by Epiblema strenuana on gas exchange, nutrients, and energetics in Parthenium hysterophorus. Biocontrol 50: 787–801. [Impact Factor 1.324–Springer Publication–Rank 16/66 Section Entomology]
- Westbrooke, M.E. and Florentine, S.K. (2005). Rainfall–driven episodic flood events: Are they a major factor in moulding Australian arid land vegetation patterns? Australian Geographer. 36: 171–181. [Impact Factor 0.947; ranked 18/35 in Geography in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).
- Florentine, S.K. and Westbrooke, M.E. (2005). Exotic species invasion in southwest New South Wales: influence of a rare flooding event and grazing. Plant protection Quarterly 20: 42–45.
- Adkins, M.F. Westbrooke, M.E. Florentine, S.K. and McDonald, S. P. (2005). Fire and hollow formation in box-ironbark eucalypts of the Warby Range State Park.The Victorian Naturalist. 111: 47–56.
- Florentine S. K. and M.E. Westbrooke. (2005). Invasion of the noxious weed Nicotiana glauca R. Graham after an episodic flooding event in the arid zone of Australia. Journal of Arid Environments. 60: 531–545. [Impact Factor 1.238– Elsevier Publication]
- Westbrooke, M.E, Florentine, S.K. Milberg, P. (2005). Arid land vegetation dynamics after a rare flooding event: influence of fire and grazing. Journal of Arid Environments. 61: 249–260. [Impact Factor 1.238– Elsevier Publication]
- Seidel, J. E., Ambrose, G. J., Florentine, S. K. and Wilson, M. E., (2005) Ecology of the Endangered Southern Shepherd’s Purse Ballantinia antipoda (Brassicaceae) and the associated moss mat community on Mount Alexander. Victorian Naturalist. 122: 179–188. Fox, J.
- E. D., Florentine, S. K. Westbrooke, M. E. and Hurst. C. (2004) Observations on survival and early growth of natural regeneration in floodplain coolibah Eucalyptus victrix (Myrtaceae) in the Pilbara, Western Australia. The Rangeland Journal. 26: 150–160. [Impact Factor –0.4 – CSIRO Publication]
- Florentine, S. K. and Westbrooke, M. E. (2004). Restoration on abandoned tropical pasture lands– do we know enough? Journal for Nature Conservation. 12: 85–94.
- Graham, R. A. Florentine, S. K. and Fox, J. E. D. (2004). The germinable soil seed–bank of Eucalyptus victrix grassy woodlands at Roy Hill Station, Pilbara district, Western Australia. The Rangeland Journal. 26: 17–34. [Impact Factor –0.4 – CSIRO Publication]
- Florentine S. K. and Westbrooke, M. E. (2004). Effects of windthrow on a stand of Eucalyptus delegatensis (Myrtaceae) and early understorey succession at Snowy River National Park, Victoria, Australia. Australian Forestry.67: 54–59.
- Florentine, S. K. and Westbrooke, M. E. (2004). Evaluation of alternative approaches to rainforest restoration on abandoned pasturelands in tropical north Queensland, Australia. Land Degradation and Development. 15: 1–13. (DOI: 10.1002/ldr.586)
- Rasiah, V., Florentine, S. K., Williams, B.L. and Westbrooke, M.E. (2004) The impact of deforestation and pasture abandonment on soil properties in the wet tropics of Australia.Geoderma. 120: 35–45. [Impact Factor 2.124– Elsevier Publication].
- Florentine, S. K. and Westbrooke, M.E (2003). Allelopathic potential of the newly emerging weed Solanum mauritianum Scop. (Solanaceae) in wet tropics of north east Queensland. Plant Protection Quarterly. 18: 23–25.
- Florentine, S. K. Craig, M and Westbrooke, M.E. (2003). Flowering, fruiting, germination and seed dispersal of the newly emerging weed Solanum mauritianum Scop. (Solanaceae) in the wet tropics of north Queensland, Plant Protection Quarterly. 18: 116–120.
- Florentine, S. K. and Fox, J. E. D. (2003). Competition between seedling Eucalyptus victrix seedlings and grass species. Ecological Research. 18: 1–25. [Impact Factor 1.012– Springer Publication – Rank 75/114 Ecology filed]
- Florentine, S. K. and Fox, J. E. D. (2003). Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus victrix L. on Eucalyptus species and grasses. Allelopathy Journal. 11: 77–84.
- Florentine, S. K. and Fox, J.E.D. (2002). Seed longevity of Eucalyptus victrix in grassland in the floodplain of the Fortescue River, Pilbara, Western Australia. Biologia Plantarum. 45: 477–479.
- Florentine, S. K, Raman, A, and Dhileepan, K. (2002). Responses of the Weed Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) to the Stem Gall–inducing Weevil Conotrachelus albocinereus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Entomologia Generalis 26: (3) 195–206.
- Graham, R. A. Florentine, S. K. and Fox, J. E. D. (2002). Heat Requirement for Germination of the grass, Panicum laevinode.International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 28: 143–145.
- Florentine, S.K. and Fox, J.E.D. (2002). Morphological and physiological adaptations to waterlogging by Eucalyptus seedlings from the semi-arid Pilbara, Western Australia. Journal of Royal Society of Western Australia 85: 61–70.
- Florentine, S.K, Raman, A, and Dhileepan, K. (2001). Gall inducing insects and biological control of Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae). Plant protection Quarterly, 16: 1–6.
- Dhileepan, K, Raman, A, and Florentine, S.K. (2001). Efficiency of Gall–Inducing Insects in the Biological Control of Parthenium Weed: Structural and Physiological Changes. Antenna 25: 47–52.
Full refereed conference papers
- Mahmood, A. H., Florentine, S. K., Fernando, N., Wright, W., Palmer, G., McLaren, D., and Sillitoe, J. (2016). Investigations into the effects of elevated carbon dioxide and drought on the growth and physiology of carpet weed (Galenia pubescens Eckl. & Zeyh.). 20th Australian Weeds Conference, Perth WA, Australia. pp: 347- 350.
- Fisher, R. L., Florentine, S. K., and Westbrooke, M. W., (2016). Arid land invasive weed Salvia verbenaca L. (wild sage): investigation into seedling emergence, soil seedbank, allelopathic effects, and germination. 20th Australian Weeds Conference, Perth WA, Australia. pp: 329-331.
- Weller, S., Florentine, S. K., Ambrose, G. A., Grech, C. J., McLaren, D. A. (2012). Finding needles in a haystack: an investigation of a non-destructive method to detect the seeds of Chilean needle grass (Nassella neesiana (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth) in round hay bales. 18thAustralasian Weeds Conference. pp. 222-223.
- Weller, S., Florentine, S. K., Ambrose, G. A., Grech, C. J., McLaren, D. A. (2010). Detection, quantification and management of the dispersal of Nassella neesiana (Chilean needle grass) seeds in hay bales. 17th Australasian Weeds Conference. New Zealand. pp. 428-430.
- Warnock, A. D., S. K. Florentine, F.P. Graz and M.E. Westbrooke (2008) A unique weed problem – the control of fairy grass Lachnagrostis filiformis seedheads on Lake Learmonth in western Victoria. Proceedings of the 16th Australian Weeds Conference, eds R.D. van Klinken, V.A. Osten, F.D. Panetta and J.C. Scanlan. (Queensland Weeds Society, Brisbane). pp. 165–167.
- Gosney, K., Florentine, S. K., Cameron, H., (2006). Dry lakes and drifting seed–heads: the ecology of fairy grass Lachnagrostis filiformis. Proceeding of the 15th Australian Weeds Conference, (eds.) C. Preston, J. H. Watts., and N. D. Crossman. (Weed Management Society of South Australia, Adelaide). pp. 772-775.
- Dhileepan, K., Florentine, S. K., Lockett, C. (2006). Establishment, initial impact and persistence of parthenium summer rust Puccinia melampodii in north Queensland. Proceeding of the 15th Australian Weeds Conference, (eds.) C. Preston, J. H. Watts., and N. D. Crossman, (weed Management Society of South Australia, Adelaide). pp. 577-580.
- Florentine, S. K. and Fox, J. E. D. (1997). Morphological, physiological and anatomical adaptations to waterlogging by seedlings of Eucalyptus victrix. Proceedings of the IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Brazil. 4: Environmental and social impacts of eucalypt plantations pp. 172–180.
- Florentine, S. K. and Fox, J. E. D. (1997). Is there an association between the coolibah tree, Eucalyptus victrix L. Johns and K. Hill and the grass Setaria dielsii Herrn.? Proceedings of the IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Brazil. 4: Environmental and social impacts of eucalypt plantations pp. 155–160. Salvador Brazil. August 24–29.
Edited conference proceedings
- Florentine, S. K., and Ambrose, G., (2015). (Eds.). Biodiversity Across the Borders, “Biodiversity in Rural Landscapes” Conference held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 12 June 2015. Federation University Australia. pp. 53. ISBN 978-1-876851-88-0.
- Florentine, S.K., and Ambrose, G., (2013). (Eds.). Biodiversity Across the Borders, “Enhancing Ecosystems Management and Restoration” Conference held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 7 June 2013. University of Ballarat. pp. 38. ISBN 978-1-876851-74-3.
- Florentine, S.K., and Ambrose, G., (2011). (Eds.). Biodiversity Across the Borders, “Vulnerability and Resilience of Ecosystems” Conference held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 9 June 2009. University of Ballarat. pp. 39. ISBN 9781876851521.
- Florentine, S.K., Graz, P. and Ambrose, G., (2009). (Eds.). Biodiversity Across the Borders, “Biodiversity in the face of climate change” Conference held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 19 June 2009. University of Ballarat. pp. 41. ISBN 9781876851507
- Florentine, S.K., and Ambrose, G., (2007). (Eds.). Biodiversity Across the Borders, “Biodiversity in modified landscapes” Conference held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 15 June 2007. University of Ballarat. pp. 44. ISBN 9781876851514
- Florentine, S.K., Ambrose, G., and Westbrooke, M. E. (2004). (Eds.) Biodiversity Across the Borders. Conference Proceedings held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 10 June 2004. University of Ballarat. pp. 39. ISBN 9781876851538.
Scientific reports
- Florentine, S. K. and M. Westbrooke, (2013). Audit of past restoration efforts in Hindmarsh Island. Report to South Australian Native Vegetation Council. pp18.
- Westbrooke, M., and Florentine, S. K. (2013). Monitoring arid woodland regeneration 1991- 2011. Report to South Australian Native Vegetation Council. pp27.
- Florentine, S. K., and V. Rasiah (2012). Effects of decorative paper wastes produced by a laminating process on growth of native grass (Poa labillardieri). Prepared for Laminex industry, Ballarat.
- Florentine, S. K. (2010). Evaluation of past habitat restoration efforts. Final report to The Norman Wettenhall Foundation; reference number 20100010.
- Florentine, S. K., V. Rasiah and A. G. Thompson (2010). The potential biodegradability and fertiliser capability of decorative paper wastes produced by a laminating process in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Prepared for Laminex industry, Ballarat.
- Gibson, M and Florentine, S. K. (2008). Age distribution of Slender Cypress–pine (Callitris gracilis) within Pine Plains, Wyperfeld National Park Prepared for Department of Sustainability and Environment pp– 33.
- Florentine S.K. and M.E. Westbrooke (2003). Effects of windthrow on Eucalyptus delegatensis (Myrtaceae) stand and early understorey succession at Snowy River National Park, Victoria, Australia. Report to Parks Victoria.
- Florentine S.K., M. Gibson, M. Westbrooke and M. Wilson (2003) Cooinda Burrong exclusion plot monitoring protocol. Preliminary discussion paper.
- Florentine, S. K. (2008). Current status of different staged restoration sites on agricultural land in the Burrumbeet region. Interim Progress report to Department of Primary Industries.
- Florentine, S. K., P. Milberg, M. Gibson, M. Westbrooke. (2008). Post wildfire seedling colonisation patterns in Eucalyptus delegatensis (Myrtaceae) windthrow site at Snowy River National Park, Victoria. Prepared for Parks Victoria.
- Morrow, E. and Florentine S.K. (2006). The impact of slashing and burning on viable soil seed bank in an Acacia sophorae–infested coastal heathland, south of Portland, Report to Alcoa World Alumina, Australia
- Florentine S.K. and M. E. Westbrooke (2002). Effects of windthrow on tree and seedling recruitment at Snowy River National Park. Report to Parks Victoria.
- Baker, B and Florentine S.K. (2002). Cooinda Burrong herbivore exclusion plots, Grampians National Park. Report to Parks Victoria.
- Florentine, S.K. (2001) Ecology of Eucalyptus victrix in grassland in the floodplain of the Fortescue River. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of Australia.
- Florentine S.K. Dhileepan, K. and Raman A. (2000) Physiological and histochemical evaluation of impacts caused by the biological Control agents. Report submitted for Rural land Protection Board.
- Dhileepan, K., Florentine S.K.,Catherine S., and Paul H. (2000). Introduction and evaluation of Parthenium biocontrol agents Report submitted for Rural land Protection Board
- Florentine S.K. Dhileepan, K. and Raman A. (1999). Efficiency of gall insects in the biocontrol of Parthenium hysterophorus. Report submitted for Department of Natural Resources, 1999, Technical Highlights
- Florentine S.K. Dhileepan, K. and Raman A. (1999) Gall efficiency and Biological Control agents. Report submitted for Rural land Protection Board.
Recent conference abstracts and papers
- Florentine, Singarayer; Kristin Monie, Peter Dahlhaus, Tricia Wevill, Graeme Ambrose, Peter Gell, Martin Westbrooke, (2013). Catchment landscape restoration: seedling recruitments and soil organic carbon sequestration as measures of ecological restoration success Pp 60. 5th World Congress on Ecological Restoration. October 6-11, Madison, Wisconsin USA.
- Westbrooke, M., Florentine, S. K., Christie, F., Graz, P. (2009). Value of landscape manipulation for restoration of pastoral ecosystems: Demonstrating the impacts of ground tank closure on recovery of biodiversity and landscape function in arid southeast Australia. Making change in a changing World, 19th Conference of the Ecological Restoration International, Perth WA, pp- 72.
- Gosney, K., Florentine, S. K., Cameron, H., (2006). Dry lakes and drifting seed–heads: the ecology of fairy grass Lachnagrostis filiformis. pp. 29 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 8 November 82006, Ballarat, VIC. Australia.
- Warnock, A., Florentine, S. K. Westbrooke, M., and F. P. Graz. (2006). What ecological and environmental conditions facilitate the establishment and persistence of the weed Lachnagrostis filiformis (G. Forst.) Trin. In western Victorian Lakes? pp. 40 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 8 November 8 2006, Ballarat, VIC. Australia. (Won the Best Poster Award).
- Larchin, C.W., Florentine, S. K. Westbrooke, M., (2006). The impact of site history on the viable soil–seed bank in Leptospermum laevigatum infested areas of Yanakie Isthmus, Wilsons Promontory National Park. pp. 33 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. November 8th. 2006, Ballarat, VIC. Australia. (Won the Best Poster Award).
- Warnock, A., Florentine, S. K. Westbrooke, M., and F. P. Graz. (2006). What ecological and environmental conditions facilitate the establishment and persistence of the weed Lachnagrostis filiformis (G. Forst.) Trin. In western Victorian Lakes? pp. 165. Conference Poster Abstract. Conference Ecology across the Tasmanian 2006. Joint conference of the NZ Ecological society and the ecological society of Australia. August 27– September 1. 2006, New Zealand.
- Warnock, A., Westbrooke, M., Florentine, S. K. (2006). Geijera parviflora Lindl. (Rutaceae) facilitates understorey species in semi–arid Australia: The importance of shade. pp. 401– 404 In Paul Erkelenz (ed.). Conference Papers. 14th Biennial Australian Rangeland Conference. September 3–7th, Renmark, South Australia. Australian Rangeland Society. [ISSN 1323–660].
- Westbrooke, M., Florentine, S. K. and F. P. Graz (2006). Demonstrating the impacts of ground tank closure on biodiversity and landscape function in southeast Australian rangelands: pp. 413– 416. In Paul Erkelenz (ed.). Conference Papers. 14th Biennial Australian Rangeland Conference. September 3–7, Renmark, South Australia. Australian Rangeland Society. [ISSN 1323–660]
- Cathy Roberts, Martin Westbrooke and Singarayer Florentine (2006) Post–fire regeneration and the influence of vertebrate grazing on woodland vegetation in the Grampians National Park, AWMS 2006 Conference, Auckland, PP 110.
- Fisher, R., Westbrooke, M., Florentine, S. K. (2005). Ecology of the invasive weed Salvia verbenaca (Wild Sage) in the rangelands of western New South Wales. pp. 30 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 9 November 2005, Ballarat, VIC. Australia. (Won the Best Poster Award)
- Dunstan, H., Florentine, S. K. Westbrooke, M., (2005). The dispersal of germinable seeds by the Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) in semi–arid New South Wales. pp. 29 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 9 November 2005, Ballarat, VIC. Australia
- Warnock, A., Florentine, S. K. Westbrooke, M., (2005). Association between Geijera parviflora (Rutaceae) and its understorey pp. 39 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 9 November 2005, Ballarat, VIC. Australia. (Won the Best Poster Award)
- Wilson, R., Florentine, S. K. Westbrooke, M., (2005). Response of coastal heath and tree health communities to annual slashing import Campbell National Park. pp. 42 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 9 November 2005, Ballarat, VIC. Australia.
- Fisher, R., Westbrooke, M., & Florentine, S. K. (2005). Ecology of the invasive weed Salvia verbenaca (Wild sage) in the rangelands of western New South Wales. pp. 11. In Proceedings Second Victorian Weed Conference. Smart Weed Control, Managing for Success. 17-18 August 2005. Bendigo 125 pp.
- Florentine, S.K. and Per, M. (2004). Arid land vegetation dynamics after a rare flooding event: influence of fire and grazing. pp. 11. In Florentine, S.K., Graeme, A., and Westbrooke, M. E. (2004). (Eds.) Biodiversity Across the Borders. Conference Proceedings held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 10th June 2004. University of Ballarat. 39 pp.
- Westbrooke, M.E. and Florentine. S.K., (2004). Rainfall driven episodic flood events: Are they a major factor in moulding Australian aridland vegetation. pp. 351–352 In Bastin, G., Walsh, D., and Nicolson, S. (eds). Conference Papers. 13th Biennial Australian Rangeland Conference. July 5–8th, Alice Springs, Northern Territory. Australian Rangeland Society. [ISSN 1323–6660].
- Lia C.G., Florentine, S.K. and Wilson, M.E. (2004). Age distribution of willows along urban and rural stream reaches. pp. 26. In Florentine, S.K., Graeme, A., and Westbrooke, M. E. (2004). (Eds.) Biodiversity Across the Borders. Conference Proceedings held in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 10 June 2004. University of Ballarat. 39 pp. (Won the Best Poster Award)
- Seidel, J., Ambrose, G., Florentine, S.K. (2004) Ecology of moss mat on Mount Alexander with reference to the endangered species Ballantinia antipoda (Southern Shepherd’s Purse). pp. 84 In Regional Research – Connecting the local with global., University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 3 November 2004, Ballarat, VIC. Australia.
- Raman, A., Dhileepan, K. and Florentine, S.K. (2004). Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae): the host plant for the gall moth Epiblema strenuana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and the gall weevil Conotrachelus albocinereus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Paper presented at the XXII International Congress of Entomology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
- Florentine, S.K. Westbrooke, M.E. and Per, M. (2003). Arid land vegetation dynamics after a rare flooding event: influence of fire and grazing. pp. 63 In Oliver, I., Kristiansen, P., and Silberbauer, L. (eds). Conference Papers. Conference Ecological Society of Australia. December 8–10. 2002, Armidale, NSW. Australia.
- Matt Adkins, Martin Westbrooke, Singarayer Florentine, Simon McDonald and Colleen Mullen (2003). A Comparison of Destructive and Non–Destructive Techniques for Detecting Internal Hollows in Eucalyptus macrorhyncha and E. polyanthemos. Environmental and Engineering Research Event Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia. (Won the Best Poster Award)
- Florentine, S.K. Westbrooke, M.E. and Rasiah, V. (2002). A lesson after 10 years of restoration in a 30–year old abandoned pasture land in the edge of tropical rain forest, NE Queensland. pp. 61 In Landsberg J. (ed). Conference Papers. 2nd Joint Conference Ecological Society of Australia and the New Zealand Ecological Society. December 1– 6. 2002, Cairns, Qld. Australia.
- Florentine, S.K. (2002). Seedling recruitment in an abandoned paddock in the edge of tropical rain forest NE Queensland.3rd International Canopy Conference. June 23rd– 28th. 2002, Cairns, Qld. Australia.
- Florentine, S.K. (2002). Effects of gall induction by moth Epiblema strenuana on weed of national significance Parthenium hysterophorus. pp. 47 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 6 November 2002, Ballarat, VIC. Australia.
- Murdoch, F. Westbrooke, M, Florentine, S.K. (2002). Regeneration in semi–arid woodlands: are they suckers or seedlings? pp. 82 In University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference. 6 November 62002, Ballarat, VIC. Australia.
- Florentine, S. K. Raman, A and Dhileepan, K. (2000) and Structural and metabolic changes in the weed Pathernium hysterophorus due to galling by two insects introduced for biological control. In 31st AGM Scientific Conference, Australian Entomological Conference, Darwin. pp12.
- Dhileepan, K., Setter, S., Florentine, S. K. and Dearden, S. (2000). Effectiveness of introduced biocontrol agents against tropical weed Parthenium hysterophorus. In 31st AGM Scientific Conference, Australian Entomological Conference, Darwin. pp11.
- Florentine, K. S., Fowler, K.M., Mikli, M., Fox, J.E.D. and Jeanes, B.H. (1996). Viability of grass species of tropical arid grasslands. pp. 257–258 In Hunt, L. P. and Sinclair, R. (eds). Conference Papers. 9th Biennial Australian Rangeland Conference. September 24–27, Port Augusta, South Australia. Australian Rangeland Society. [ISSN 1323–6660].