Dr Harpreet Singh Kandra - Research
Research publications
- Chakraborty, A., Barton, A., O’Loughlin, A., Kandra, H. Exploratory Survey of Australian SMEs: an Investigation into the Barriers and Opportunities Associated with Circular Economy. Circular Economy and Sustainability. 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s43615-022-00235-0
- Kandra, H.S., McCarthy, D. and Deletic, A. Review of clogging processes in stormwater treatment filters. Sustainable Civil Engineering: Principles and Applications. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. (accepted and under publication)
- Pathberiyage, G. G. P, Barton, A., Kandra, H.S. A Review of Cascade Water Supply Systems, Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Engineers Australia, Brisbane, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2022. ISBN 978-1-925627-64-0.
- Madawala S.G.R.C., Chattopadhyay, G., Chundhoo, V. and Kandra, H.S. A study on major overhaul or replacement decision of a pendulum ride (Gyro Swing - Claw) at theme park. International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management, Anand, India, 12-16th December 2022.
- Chattopadhyay, G., Venkata, H.K.M, Oseni, T., Reddy, V., Singh, A. and Kandra, H.S. Issues and Challenges with Enterprise Systems supporting Asset Management, Maintenance and Reliability. International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management, Anand, India, 12-16th December 2022.
- Richards, H.S., Chattopadhyay, G., Kandra, H.S. and Islam, N. Risk Based Asset Management Decision-making in Life Management of Concrete Water Reservoirs. Sustainable Civil Engineering: Principles and Applications. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. (accepted and under publication)
- Choudhury, T.A., Kandra, H., Dinh, K. and Lim, S. Review of water quality monitoring using Internet of Things. Sustainable Civil Engineering: Principles and Applications. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. (accepted and under publication)
- Peters, L. J. B., Chattopadhyay, G., Kandra, H. Carbon offsetting in the road transport industry: issues and challenges of meeting the objectives. International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management (ICMIAM), Victoria, Australia, 2021.
- Proceedings International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management (ICMIAM), Victoria, Australia, 2021. 10.1109/ICMIAM54662.2021.9715200
- Dey, S., Barton, A., Bagirov, A., Kandra, H., Wilson, K. Multi-objective optimisation to manage trade-offs in water quality and quantity of complex water resource system. HWRS 2021: Digital Water: Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2021
- Dey, S., Barton, A., Kandra, H. Analysis of Water Quantity and Quality Trade-Offs to Inform Selective Harvesting of Inflows in Complex Water Resource Systems. Water resources management. 35, 4149–4165 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-021-02936-x
- Costa S., and Kandra H.S. Geotechnical Asset Management in Road Infrastructure under a Changing climate. Volume 14, Issue 1, The Asset Journal, The Asset Management Council, Pg 50-55, March 2020
- Xie Y., Costa S., Zhou L., and Kandra H.S. Mitigation of desiccation cracks in clay using fibre and enzyme. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2020. Available online https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-020-01836-5
- Kandra H., McCarthy D., Deletic A., Zhang, K., 2020. Modelling the clogging of a field filtration system used for stormwater harvesting. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. Volume 6, Issue 4, Pg 993-1003
- Costa S., and Kandra H.S. Geotechnical Asset Management in Road Infrastructure under a Changing climate. International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management, Bangalore, India, 17-18 Jan’2020
- Richards H., Chattopadhyay G., Kandra H.S., Islam, M. Risk Profile and Analysis of South Gladstone Reservoir. International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management, Bangalore, India, 17-18 Jan’2020
- Home Energy Improvement Handbook, Cardinia Shire Council, https://www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/info/20018/parks_and_environment/803/increase_your_households_energy_efficiency#handbook
- Lin J., Kandra H.S., Choudhury T.A., Barton A, 2018. Prediction of Clogging in Stormwater Filters using Artificial Neural Networks. 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 771-776
- Choudhury T.A., Wei J., Barton A., Kandra H.S., Aziz A. Exploring the Application of Artificial Neural Network in Rural Streamflow Prediction – A Feasibility Study. 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 753-758
- Rastogi S., Barton A.,Mackay R., Kandra H., and Tolooiyan A. Understanding deep aquifer responses to interseam materials of brown coal mines. 2018 Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium: Water and Communities HWRS 2018
- Ebbs D., Dahlhaus P., Barton A., Kandra H., 2018. An unexpected decrease in urban water demand: making discoveries possible by taking a long term view. Water Policy: 20 (3): 617-630.
- Davis R., Kandra H., Young P., 2018. Peak Periods and Peak Water Demand: is there a Need to Review and Revise? International Journal of Hydrology 2(1). 34–35. DOI: 10.15406/ijh.2018.02.00047
- Ebbs D., Dahlhaus P., Barton A., Kandra H., 2018. Losing stormwater: 60 years of urbanisation and reduced downstream flow. 10th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) & Hydropolis, Perth, Australia, 12-15th February 2018
- Ebbs D., Dahlhaus P., Barton A., Kandra H., 2018. Exploring a flow regime and its historical changes downstream of an urbanised catchment. 10th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) & Hydropolis, Perth, Australia. 2018
- Meade B., Khorshidi H.A., Kandra H., Barton A., 2018. Regression modelling for prediction of clogging in non-vegetated stormwater filters. 10th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) & Hydropolis 2018. Conference Proceedings - ISBN No: 987-81-920249-9-8.
- Meade B., Khorshidi H.A., Kandra H., Barton A., Polynomial models for predicting clogging in stormwater filters. International Conference on Clean Technologies and Sustainable Development, Chitkara University, 23-24 February 2018. Conference Proceedings - ISBN No: 987-81-920249-9-8.
- Scheerle T., Choudhury T.A., Kandra H.S., Barton A. Waterway level forecasting using artificial neural network (ANN). International Conference on Clean Technologies and Sustainable Development, Chitkara University, 23-24 February 2018. Conference Proceedings - ISBN No: 987-81-920249-9-8.
- Kanwar V.S., Kandra H.S., Sharma N.K. Need for Integrated urban water management in India- The way forward. International Conference on Clean Technologies and Sustainable Development, Chitkara University, 23-24 February 2018. Conference Proceedings - ISBN No: 987-81-920249-9-8.
- Ebbs D., Dahlhaus P., Kandra H. Ballarat’s messy path to a water sensitive city: A long term investigation of water management in a city. Australian Water Association, 2017. Available at https://doi.org/10.21139/wej.2017.037, 8th November 2017.
- Zhou L., Xue Y., Costa S., Kandra H., 2017. Shrinkage properties of fibre-enzyme reinforced clay. International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Practices, Chitkara University, 2-3 March 2017. Conference Proceedings - ISBN No: 978-81-920249-8-1.
- Meade B., Heyne M., Li L., Jackson D., Ooi E. T., Costa S., Kandra H., 2017. Investigating performance of stormwater filters under controlled and uncontrolled environments. International Conference on Sustainable Civil Engineering Practices, Chitkara University, 2-3 March 2017. Conference Proceedings - ISBN No: 978-81-920249-8-1.
- Ebbs D., Dahlhaus P. and Kandra H.S., 2016. Ballarat’s Journey to a Water Sensitive City. RUN Regional Futures Conference- CQ University, Rockhampton, 21-24 June 2016.
- Kandra H., Callaghan J., Deletic A., and McCarthy D., 2015. Biological Clogging in Storm Water Filters. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 141(2), 10.1061/EE.1943-7870.0000853, 04014057.
- Kandra H.S., McCarthy D., Deletic A, 2015. Assessment of impact of stormwater characteristics on clogging in stormwater filters. Water resources management, 29:1031-1048.
- Kandra H.S., 2014. Clogging of stormwater filters with high filtration rates. Ph.D. Thesis. Monash University, Australia.
- Kandra H.S., McCarthy D., Fletcher T.D., Deletic A., 2014. Assessment of clogging phenomena in granular filter media used for stormwater treatment. Journal of Hydrology, 512, pp. 518-527.
- Kandra H. S., Deletic A., McCarthy D., 2014. Assessment of impact of filter design variables on clogging in stormwater filters. Water resources management, 28, pp. 1873-1885.
- Kandra H., McCarthy D. and Deletic A., Assessing nature of clogging in zeolite based stormwater filters. 8th International Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference 2013, Gold Coast, Australia. Engineers Australia, Barton ACT
- Kandra H. S., McCarthy D., and Deletic A., 2012. Impact of filter design variables on clogging in stormwater filters. 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design, Melbourne, February 21 to 23, 2012.
- Kandra H. S., McCarthy D., and Deletic A., 2011. Investigation of biological clogging in stormwater filters. 12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/RS – Brazil, September 11-16, 2011.
- Kandra H.S., McCarthy D.T., Deletic A. and Fletcher T.D., 2010. Assessment of clogging phenomena in granular filter media used for stormwater treatment. 7th International Conference, Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management, Novatech 2010, Lyon, France, June 27-July 1, 2010.
- Deletic, A., Fletcher, T. D., McCarthy, D.T., Poelsma, P., Devauchelle, E., Schang, C., Kandra, H.S., Bratieres, K., Lewis, J.F., 2010. Development of EcoSmart system for Water Harvesting Industries Ltd Milestone Report 1. Monash University and enviss Treatment Technologies, Australia.
- Developing an Urban Water Demand Management Strategy, Madhya Pradesh, India, 2007. Local Actions for Sustainable Development. UN Habitat, Kenya.
- Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of Himalayan Ski Village. TERI, 2007.
- Urban waste management: Policy Frame Work, TERI Report No. 2006EE31, 2007.
- Independent Third Party Assessment of Coca-Cola Facilities in India prepared for The Meridian Institute Colorado, USA. Project Report No. 2006WM21, 2007 (Co-author of plant level assessments)
- Kandra, H.S., Kapur, A. and Bhatnagar, V., 2006. Greening of Corporate India: Emerging Scenario. Indian Journal of Environmental Protection.
- Kandra, H.S. and Kapur, A., 2006. Towards a Global Freshwater Convention- Challenges Ahead. International Journal of Water.
- Cleaner is cheaper, TERI press, 2005.
- Environment- The concerns and strategies. INDIA 2025, Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, 2004, pp 370-403.
- Manual on Performance Measurement, TERI, 2004.
- Environmental Industry Development in Selected Asian Developing Countries: China, India, Indonesia, and Republic of Korea, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan, 2004.
- Cleaner is cheaper, TERI press, 2004.
- Kandra, H.S., Kapur, A. and Johri, R., 2003. Water Auditing: A Tool to Track Unaccounted for Water in Municipal supplies. Waterlines.
- State of Environment report- Delhi, Department of Environment, Government of NCT, Delhi, 2003. (Author of water resources management chapter)
- Cleaner Technologies in the Small-Scale Glass Industry prepared for Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). TERI Report No. 2002CR42, 2003.
- Project for textiles clusters at Jasol, Balotra and Bithuja belt of Barmer District in Rajasthan, TERI Report No. 2003EE62, 2003.
- Eco-rating of GVK India Limited, India. TERI Report No. 2002EE64, 2003.
- Development of emission standards and stack height regulation for the vertical shaft brick kilns vis-à-vis pollution control measures. TERI Report No. 2000EE68, 2002, prepared for Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), India.
- Kandra, H.S., Kapur, A. and Bhatnagar, V., TERI-Business Today survey of environmental practices in Indian corporates, 2001.
- Water resources management. Directions Innovations and Strategies for Harnessing Action, TERI, New Delhi, 2001. (Author of water resources management chapter)
- State of Environment report- India, United Nations Environment Program, 2001. (Author of water resources management chapter)
- State of Environment report- Bhutan, United Nations Environment Program, 2001. (Author of water resources management chapter)
- Teri eco-rating, Indian oil pipeline, Koyali Ahmedabad Oil Product Pipeline. TERI Report No. 2000ER71, 2001.
- Study on WTO related issues with focus on Trade and Environment and Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). TERI Report No. 2001EM63, 2002.
- Eco-rating exercise: Indian Oil Corporation, Jaipur Terminal, India. TERI Report No. 2000EE61, 2001
- Regulatory framework for water services in the state of Gujarat. TERI Report No. 2000ER61, 2000.
- Kandra H.S., 1998. Environmental Auditing and Management of Bio-Medical Wastes of the city of Chandigarh. Master of Engineering thesis.
Have prepared many industry reports; facilitated and reviewed reports; prepared concept notes and proposals; and made many presentations on many projects and proposals to diverse audiences.