Reeves, Jessica (Dr) - Research
Recent research projects
- Highlighting the value of local Landcare groups to community led recovery Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Program 2021-2022 (University of Melbourne) - $69,579
- Defining the economic and social benefits of regenerative farming systems. Soils CRC (Charles Sturt University) - $258,000
- Mapping the Latrobe Valley Authority’s Smart Specialisation Strategy to the Sustainable Development Goals – $64,400
- Living Bung Yarnda; CoastCare - $26,000
- Assessing community values around the vision for the Latrobe Valley pit voids; AGL - $103,000
- Developing a framework for cumulative regional assessment; CRC-TiME (WASBI) - $150,000
- Influencing the influencers: Climate change adaptation and sustainability education for Gippsland business and community – Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan – DELWP - $14,000. Partner: Bass Coast Shire Council
- Growing Gippsland – Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan – DELWP (AgVic)- $58,000.
- Southern Gippsland Land Capacity and Capability Project - LVCCI – DELWP - $258,000
- Contaminant mobility in the Gippsland Lakes; Gippsland Lakes Co-ordinating Committee - $110,000
- Historical contaminants of the Gippsland Lakes; DELWP - $30,000
Consulting and other activities
- Brady, K., Reeves, J., Wright, W., Foliente, G., Gibbs, L. The Overwhelm of black and the joy of green: Experiences of members of Landcare and other environmentally focussed community groups after the 2019-2020 bushfires. Final Report to Landcare by the University of Melbourne and Federation University.
- Reeves, J, Morgan, D., Reimers, V., Baumgartl, T, Green, M. (2021). Final Mine Void Form, and Future Land and Water Uses: Researching the Community Perspective. Report for AGL Loy Yang
- Reeves, J. and Bonney, P. (2021). Growing Gippsland: Adapting agricultural practice to a changing Gippsland climate. Agriculture Victoria.
- Reeves, J. and Russell, B. (2020). Using influencers: Gippsland Community Leadership Program – sustainability and climate change education and knowledge. Report for the DELWP Climate Change Adaptation Program
- Bonica, A. and Reeves, J. (2018). Acid-sulfate materials of the Lower Latrobe Wetlands. Report for the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
- Reeves, J.M, Rahman, A., Roberts, K. and Trewarn, A.J., (2018). Managing for metal mobility and bioavailability in the Gippsland Lakes (II) Report for the Gippsland Lakes Coordinating Committee.
- Grover, S., Platell, G., Barbour,M., Haeffner, M., Hames, F., Reeves, J., Stringer, L., Webster, N. (2019) Women in White Space: Insights for Transdisciplinary Practice Perspectives, Rachel Carson Center.
- Reeves, J.M. and Buckeridge, J.S., 2012. The Urban Sanctuary: Algae and Marine Invertebrates of Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary. 128 pp. ISBN 978-0-9804483-5-1.
- Reeves, J.M (Ed.), 2010. Biodiversity research - Safeguarding the Future. Biology International special publication No. 48, 92 pp. ISSN 02532069.
Book chapters
- Reeves, J.M. Hames, F., Graymore, M. & McLeod, A (2020).Watery Places: stories of environmental and community renewal. In: Campbell, Duffy, Edmonson (Eds) Located research: regional places, transitions and challenges Palgrave pp. 281-302.
- Reeves, J.M. (2016) Ostracods as recorders of palaeoenvironmental change in estuaries. In: Weckström, Saunders, Gell, Skilbeck (Eds). Application of paleoenvironmental techniques in estuarine studies. DPER Volume 18.
Refereed journal articles
- Hames, F., Haeffner, M. Barbour, M.M., Grover, S., Reeves, J., Platell, G. and Webster, N. (submitted) Women in whitespace: connecting with Antarctica and practicing multidisciplinarity. People and Nature
- Haeffner, M., Hames, F., Barbour, M.M., Reeves, J., Grover, S., Platell, G., (2022). Wicked problems need transdisciplinary solutions: 1 a case study of collaborative autoethnography transforming research practice. One Earth 5(2): 157-167
- Kattel G, Reeves J, Western A, et al. Healthy waterways and ecologically sustainable cities in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration (northern China): Challenges and future directions. WIREs Water. 2020; e1500.
- Willems, D., Reeves, J.M., Williams, P., Trestrail, C., Nugegoda, D. (2019). Trace metal analysis in the east Gippsland Lakes estuary using the barnacle Amphibalanus variegatus and mussel Mytilus edulis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27(3): 3361-3383
- Ackerley, D., Reeves, J.M. et al., (in press). Evaluation of PMIP2 and PMIP3 simulations of mid-Holocene climate in the Indo-Pacific, Australasian and Southern Ocean regions. Climate of the Past 13(11): 1661-1684
- Smith, R., Tyler, J.J., Reeves, J.M., Blockley, S., Jacobsen, G.E. (2016). First Holocene Cryptotephras in mainland Australia reported from sediments at Lake Keilambete, Victoria, Australia. Quaternary Geochronology 40: 82-91
- Rouillard, A., Skrzypek, G., Turney, C., Dogramaci, S., Hua, Q., Zawadaski, A., Reeves, J., Greenwood, P., Grierson, P. (2016). Evidence for extreme floods in arid subtropical northwest Australia during the Little Ice Age Chronozone Quaternary Science Reviews 144: 107-122.
- Williams, A.N., Veth, P., Steffen, W., Ulm, S., Turney, C., Reeves, J.M. Phipps, S.J., Smith, M., (2015). Settlement patterns and Australian climate variability over the last 35,000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 123: 91-112.
- Reeves, J.M., Gell, P.A., Reichman, S., Trewarn, A., Zawadaski, A., (2015). Industrial past, urban future: Using palaeo-studies to determine the industrial legacy of the Barwon Estuary, Victoria, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research.
- Reeves, J.M., Haynes, D., Garcia, A., Gell, P.A., (2014). Hydrological change in The Coorong estuary, Australia, past and present: evidence from fossil invertebrate and algal assemblages. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-014-9920-4
- Reeves, J.M., Barrows, T.T., Cohen, T.J., Kiem, A.S., Bostock, H.C., Fitzsimmons, K., Jansen, J.D., Kemp, J., Krause, C., Petherick, L., Phipps, S. and OZ-INTIMATE members, 2013. Climate variability over the last 35,000 years recorded in marine and terrestrial archives in the Australian region: an OZ-INTIMATE compilation. Quaternary Science Reviews 74: 21-34.
- Petherick, L., Bostock, H.C., Cohen, T.J., Fitzsimmons, K.E., Fletcher, M.S., Tibby, J., Reeves, J., Moss, P., Barrows, T.T., Mooney, S.D., Kemp, J., Jansen, J.D., Nanson, G.C., Dosseto, A., 2013. Climatic records over the past 30 ka from temperate Australia - a synthesis from the OZ-INTIMATE workgroup. Quaternary Science Reviews 74: 58-77.
- Reeves, J.M., Bostock, H., Ayliffe, L.K., Barrows, T.T., De Deckker, P., Devriendt, L.S., Dunbar, G.B., Drysdale, R.N., Fitzsimmons, K., Gagan, M., Griffiths, M.L., Haberle, S.G., Jansen, J.D., Krause, C., Lewis, S. McGregor, H.V., Mooney, S.D., Moss, P., Nanson, G.C., Purcell, A., van der Kaars, S., 2013. Palaeoenvironmental change in tropical Australia over the last 30,000. A synthesis from the OZ-INTIMATE working group. Quaternary Science Reviews 74: 97-114.
- Buckeridge, J. St J. S. and Reeves, J.M., 2009. Some insights into how barnacles survive as sessile organisms. Integrative Zoology 4: 395-401.
- Reeves, J.M., Chivas, A.R, Garcia, A., Holt, S., Couapel, M.J.J., Jones, B.G., Cendon, D.I. and Fink, D., 2008. The sedimentary record of palaeoenvironments and sea-level change in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia, through the last glacial cycle. Quaternary International 183: 3-22.
- Reeves, J.M., Chivas, A.R., Garcia, A. and De Deckker, P., 2007. Palaeoenvironmental change in the Golf of Carpentaria (Australia) since the last interglacial based on Ostracoda. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 246: 163-187
- Reeves, J.M., De Deckker, P. and Halse, S., 2007. Groundwater ostracods from the arid Pilbara, northwestern Australia: distribution and water chemistry Hydrobiologia 585: 99-118
- Chivas, A.R., Garcia, A., van der Kaars, S., Couapel, M.J.J., Holt, S., Reeves, J.M., Wheeler, D.J., Switzer, A.D., Murray-Wallace, C.M., Banerjee, D., Price, D.M., Wang, S.X., Pearson, G., Edgar, N.T., Beaufort, L., De Deckker, P., Lawson, E., Cecil, C.B., (2001). Sea level and environmental changes since the Last Interglacial in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: An overview. Quaternary International 83-85: 19-46.
Professional memberships and associations
- Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Institute of Australian Geographers
- EU Jean Monnet Network on Social and Scientific Innovation to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
- Veski sidebyside inspiring women in STEM program (2020)
- Homeward Bound Women in Science Leadership Program (Alumnus, inaugural program, 2016)