Giles Oatley - Research
Graduate research supervisions
- 10 PhD Completions
- Currently 3 PhD supervisions at Federation University, and 1 PhD supervision at Murdoch University
Current research projects
- Geospatial temporal analysis of tracklog data
- Mobile app for cognitive appraisal
- Smart textiles for people with dementia, for quality of life and non-invasive assessment of cognitive abilities
- UK Biobank data – hormones and diabetes/cardiovascular diseases
Research publications/conferences
Journal articles
- Xia, Feng; Wang, Lei; Tang, Tao; Kong, Xiangjie; Oatley, Giles; King, Irwin (2022). CenGCN: Centralized Convolutional Networks with Unequal Information for Scale-Free Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (Accepted for publication)
- Oatley G, Choudhury T, Buckman P. Smart Textiles for Improved Quality of Life and Cognitive Assessment. Sensors. 2021; 21(23):8008.
- Oatley, G. C. (2021). Themes in data mining, big data, and crime analytics. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, e1432.
- Mohamed A. Nassar, Len Luxford, Peter Cole, Giles Oatley, Polychronis Koutsakis, (2021). Real-time localisation system for GPS-denied open areas using smart street furniture. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 112, 2021
- Yu, Q. Qing, C. Zhang, A. Shehzad, G. Oatley and F. Xia, "Data-Driven Decision-Making in COVID-19 Response: A Survey," in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1016-1029, Aug. 2021,
- Mohamed A. Nassar, Len Luxford, Peter Cole, Giles Oatley, Polychronis Koutsakis, “Wifi-Based Localisation Datasets for No-GPS Open Areas Using Smart Bins,” Computer Networks, Vol. 180, 2020, 107422.
- Oatley, G, Chapman B & Speers J., (2020). Forensic Intelligence and the Analytic Process. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10 (3), May/June 2020
- Chapman, B., Keatley, D., Oatley, G., Coumbaros, J. and Maker, G. (2019), "A review and recommendations for the integration of forensic expertise within police cold case reviews", Journal of Criminal Psychology, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 79-91.
- Keatley, D. A., Arntfield, M., Gill, P., Clare, J., Oatley, G., Bouhana, N., & Clarke, D. D. (2019). Behaviour Tracking: Using geospatial and behaviour sequence analysis to map crime. Security Journal.March 2019 DOI: 10.1057/s41284-019-00216-3
- Mohamed A. Nassar, Len Luxford, Peter Cole, Giles Oatley, Polychronis Koutsakis. (2019). The Current and Future Role of Smart Street Furniture in Smart Cities. IEEE Communications Magazine 57(6) 68-73. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2019.1800979
- G. Oatley, Williams S., G. C. Barnes, J. Clare & B. Chapman (2019) Crime concentration in Perth CBD: a comparison of officer predicted hot spots, data derived hot spots and officer GPS patrol data, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences,51:sup1, S136-S140, DOI: 10.1080/00450618.2019.1569141
- Rafferty, J., Ranson, C., Oatley, G.,Mostafa, M., Mathema, P., Crick, T., & Moore, I., 2018. On average, a professional rugby union player is more likely than not to sustain a concussion after 25 matches. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Published Online First: 12 March 2018. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098417
- Oatley, G. & Crick T. Measuring UK Crime Gangs: A Social Network Problem. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5(1), Springer, 2015
- Oatley G., Mostafa, L., Khalifa N., & Rabie W., (2015). E-Advisor in Egyptian Educational Institutions. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research 2015 Vol 2. Issue 1, 11 -14
- Bowes, N., McMurran, M., Evans, C., Oatley, G., Williams, B. & David, S., (2014). Treating alcohol-related violence: a feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial in prisons. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, (2014), 25, 152-163. doi:10.1080/14789949.(2014).895025
- Hussien M.I., Aziz R.A., & Oatley G., (2014). Perception and Ranking of Internet Banking Service Quality from Banker perspective in Public and Private Banks in Egypt. International Journal of Research Vol-1, Issue-8, September(2014) ISSN 2348-6848
- Oatley G., & Ewart B.W. (2011). Data mining and crime analysis. WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Feb 04 (2011). DOI: 10.1002/widm.6
- McGarry, K., Chambers, J. & Oatley, G., (2007). A Multi-layered approach to protein data integration for diabetes research. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, (2007). Oct 41(2): 129-43
- Oatley, G., Ewart, B.W., & Zeleznikow, J., (2006). Decision Support Systems For Police: Lessons From The Application of Data Mining Techniques To ‘Soft’ Forensic Evidence. Artificial Intelligence and Law (2006) 14: 35-100.
- Oatley, G., McGarry, K. & Ewart, B.W., (2006). Offender network metrics. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 12, Volume 3, December (2006), pp. 2440-2448.
- Ewart, B.W., Oatley, G. & Burn K., (2005). Suspect retrieval system for burglary: A test of three models. International Journal of Police Science and Management 7(3), pp. 160-174.
- Mugambi, E., Hunter, A., Oatley, G., & Kennedy, L., (2004). Polynomial-fuzzy decision tree structures for classifying medical data. Knowledge Based Systems, vol 17, issue 2-4, pp. 81-87
- Oatley G.,C., & Ewart B., (2003). Crimes Analysis Software: 'Pins in Maps', Clustering and Bayes Net Prediction. Expert Systems with Applications 25 (4) Nov (2003) 569-588
- Ewart B.W., & Oatley G., (2003). Applying the concept of revictimization: using burglars' behaviour to predict houses at risk of future victimization. International Journal of Police Science and Management 5 (2) (2003)
- Oatley, G., MacIntyre, J., Ewart, B.W., & Mugambi, E., (2002). SMART Software for Decision Makers KDD Experience. Knowledge Based Systems 15 (2002) 323-333.
- Adgar, A., Marris, P., Oatley, G., Taylor, O., & MacIntyre, J., (1998). Current UK Research Activities in the Field of NDT and Condition Monitoring. INSIGHT Journal of the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Vol:39, pp. 324-325
Book/book chapters
- [Book] Jayal, A., McRobert, A., Oatley, G. and Peter O’Donoghue: Sports Analytics - Analysis, Visualisation and Decision Making in Sports Performance. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, ISBN: 978-0-415-78942-4
- [Chapter] Oatley, G.C., 2018. Geospatial Data Analysis. In: (Eds.) Ambikesh Jayal, Allistair McRobert, Giles Oatley and Peter O’Donoghue: Sports Analytics - Analysis, Visualisation and Decision Making in Sports Performance. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, ISBN: 978-0-415-78942-4
- [Chapter] Oatley, G.C., 2018. Machine Learning and Sports. In: (Eds.) Ambikesh Jayal, Allistair McRobert, Giles Oatley and Peter O’Donoghue: Sports Analytics - Analysis, Visualisation and Decision Making in Sports Performance. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, ISBN: 978-0-415-78942-4
- [Chapter] Oatley, G., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Lewis, C., Meier, P., Morgan, K., Santhanam, J., and Squires, P., (2008). The Gang Gun-Crime Problem - Solutions from Social Network Theory, Epidemiology, Cellular Automata, Bayesian Networks and Spatial Statistics. Accepted (unpublished): book chapter for IEEE publication ‘Computational Forensics’.
- [Chapter] Bokma, A., Tektonidis, D., Oatley, G. & Salampasis, M., (2005). ONAR: An ontologies-based service oriented application integration framework. In: Interoperability of Enterprises Software and Applications. Springer, pp. 65-74. ISBN 1846281512
- [Chapter] Oatley, G., (2004). Case-based reasoning. In: D., Addison & J., MacIntyre (Eds.), ‘Intelligent Computing Techniques; A Review’, Springer-Verlag
Referred national and international conference papers
- Thang, N.D., Oatley, G., Stranieri, A., & Walker, D., (2021). Non-invasive smartphone use monitoring to assess cognitive impairment. In: Proceedings of ICCAE2021, March 20-22, 2021, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN: 978-0-7381-3219-8, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP2196F-USB, pp. 64-68
- Nassar, M.A., Luxford, L., Cole, P., Oatley G., Koutsakis P. (2019). Adaptive Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for Smart Street Furniture-Based Crowd and Environmental Measurements. 20th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM ).
- Nassar, M.A., Luxford, L., Cole, P., Oatley G., Koutsakis P. (2019). Secure and Privacy-Preserving Real-time Dynamic Crowd Measurement System using Smart Street Furniture. Technology Surprise Forum. 9 May 2019 - at Hotel QT Canberra.
- Oatley, G.C., Speers J., & Chapman B., 2018. (Keynote) Forensic Intelligence and the Analytic Process. ANZFSS 24th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Perth, Western Australia, 9-13 September 2018.
- Oatley, G.C., Chapman B., Williams, S., Barnes, G., & Clare, J., 2018. Geospatial Predictive Policing. ANZFSS 24th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences, Perth, Western Australia, 9-13 September 2018.
- Oatley, G., Corcorran, J., Schwartz, D., & Zeleznikow, J., 2017. A Geospatial-based Recommender System using Social Networks which assists People with Dementia. Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, 11-14 July, 2017, Brisbane, Queensland.
- Mann, G. & Oatley, G., 2017. Positive Design of Smart Interactive Fabric Artifacts for People with Dementia. 5th IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, SeGAH 2017, Perth, Western Australia, 2 - 4 April 2017
- M. Mostafa, G. Oatley, T. Crick, & A. C. Calderon. ‘Incorporating Emotion and Personality-Based Analysis in User- Centered Modelling.’ 36th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-2016), 2016
- Tryfona C., Oatley G., Calderon A., & Thorne S. ‘M-Health Solutions to support the National Health Service in the diagnosis and monitoring of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Young Children.’ HCII2016
- Oatley, G., Crick T., & Bolt D. CCTV as Smart Sensor Networks. 13th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC-2015), 1878-1885, ISBN 978-1-5090-0154-5
- Oatley G., Crick T., & Mostafa, M. (2015). Digital Footprints: Detecting and Analysing Online Behaviour. In Proceedings of 2015 Symposium on Social Aspects of Cognition and Computing Symposium (SSAISB 2015)
- Oatley G., Crick T., & Howell R, (2015). Data Exploration with GIS Viewsheds and Social Network Analysis. In Proceedings of 23rd GIS Research UK Conference (GISRUK 2015)
- Oatley G., & Crick, T., (2014). Changing Faces: Identifying Complex Behavioural Profiles. In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (HCII (2014), volume 8533 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 282–293. Springer, (2014). Available from:
- Oatley G., & Crick, T., (2014). Measuring UK Crime Gangs. In (2014) IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM (2014). IEEE Press, (2014).
- Oatley G., & Crick, T., (2014). Exploring UK Crime Gangs. In (2014) International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics (FOSINT SI (2014). IEEE Press, (2014).
- Mostafa, M., Oatley G., & Crick, T., (2014). Profiling Complex Behaviours: What can you infer from your digital footprint? In 7th IEEE International Conference on Social Computing and Networking (SocialCom2014), (2014).
- Mostafa , L., Oatley, G., Khalif, N., & Rabie, W., (2014). E-Advisor in Egyptian Educational Institutions Proc. of the Second Intl. Conf. on Advances In Social Science, Economics and Management Study SEM (2014), Page(s): 32 – 35 DOI: 10.15224/978-1-63248-052-1-75
- El Ahmar P., Oatley, G., & Tantawi, P. (2014). Government regulations and online shopping behaviour: an exploratory study on Egyptian online consumers
- Blamey, B., Crick T. and Oatley G. (2013). ‘The First Day of Summer’: Parsing Temporal Expressions with Distributed Semantics. In Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX, Proceedings of the 33rd SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI-(2013), pages 389– 402, (2013). Available from:
- Blamey, B., Oatley, G. & Crick T., (2012). R U :-) or :-( ? Character- vs. Word-Gram Feature Selection for Sentiment Classification of OSN Corpora. In proceeding of: AI-(2012): The Thirty-second SGAI International Conference, Cambridge, Springer London, Limited
- Ewart B.W., & Oatley G., (2009). The criminal patterns of retail offending gangs: Some lessons from the integration of social network and geographical analyses. Paper presented to the British Psychological Society’s Division of Forensic Psychology Conference, University of Central Lancashire. 23rd – 25th June, (2009).
- Lewis, C., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Meier, P., Morgan, K., Oatley, G., Santhanam, J., and Squires, P., (2007). Mathematical applications in Criminal Justice: Symposium at the European Society of Criminology conference, Bologna, Italy, 25-28 September (2007)
- Lewis, C., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Meier, P., Morgan, K., Oatley, G., Santhanam, J., and Squires, P., (2007). Gun crime: results of a preliminary analysis. British Society of Criminology conference, London, 18-20 September.
- Meier, P., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Lewis, C., Morgan, K., Oatley, G., Santhanam, J., and Squires, P., (2007). Modelling Gun Crime in Manchester. British Psychological Society Forensic Psychology Branch. Manchester, 10 March
- Meier, P., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Lewis, C., Morgan, K., Oatley, G., Santhanam, J., and Squires, P., (2007). “Mind-mapping: a tool for eliciting and representing knowledge held by diverse informants”, Social Research Updates, Issue 52: Autumn (2007)
- Santhanam, J., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Lewis, C., Meier, P., Morgan, K., Oatley, G., Santhanam, J., and Squires, P., (2007). Can Epidemic Models Assist in Controlling Rising Gun Crime and Prison Populations? Royal Statistical Society Conference, York, 16-20 July
- Santhanam, J., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Lewis, C., Meier, P., Morgan, K., Oatley, G., Santhanam, J., and Squires, P., (2007). Use of Epidemic Models Assist in Controlling Rising Gun Crime. British Society of Criminology conference, London, 18-20 September.
- Squires, P., Belem, B., Fernandes, K., Hoggarth, E., Holland, B., Lewis, C., Meier, P., Morgan, K., Oatley, G., and Santhanam, J., (2007). The construction of police knowledge on gun crime. British Society of Criminology conference, London, 18-20 September.
- Solomon, N., Oatley, G. & McGarry, K., (2007). A Dynamic Method for the Evaluation and Comparison of Imputation Techniques, International Conference of Computational Statistics and Data Engineering (ICCSDE'07), London, U.K., 2-4 July, (2007)
- Solomon, N., Oatley, G. & McGarry, K., (2007). A fast multivariate nearest neighbour imputation algorithm, International Conference of Computational Statistics and Data Engineering (ICCSDE'07), London, U.K., 2-4 July, (2007), pp. 940-947
- Hall, L., Padmore, K., Hodge, M. & Oatley, G., (2006). Designing a Virtual Learning Environment to support the study of crime and its prevention for teenagers, in R. Aylett, T. Diener and Z. Pan (Eds), Edutainment (2006) (Hangzhou, China, April 16-19), Springer-Verlag: Amsterdam, (2006).
- Oatley, G., McGarry, K. & Ewart, B.W., (2006). Prioritizing of Offenders in Networks. In: The 6th WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimisation (SMO '06), Lisbon, Portugal, September 22-24, (2006).
- Oatley, G. & Ewart, B.W., (2005). The meaning of links. In: D. Nelson, S. Stirk, H. Edwards and K. McGarry (eds.), Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases workshop, 22nd British National Conference on Databases, Vol. 2, pp.68-76
- Oatley, G., Zeleznikow, J. and Ewart, B.W., (2005). Criminal Networks and Spatial Density. The Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL-05), Bologna, Italy, (2005)
- Oatley, G., Zeleznikow, J. and Ewart, B.W., (2005). Criminal networks. Workshop on Data Mining, Information Extraction, and Evidentiary Reasoning for Law Enforcement and Counter-Terrorism, The Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL-05), Bologna, Italy, June 11, (2005)
- Oatley, G., Zeleznikow, J., Leary, R. & Ewart, B.W., (2005). From Links to Meaning: A Burglary Data Case Study. In: Invited session on Knowledge-Based Technology on Crime Matching, Modelling and Prediction, KES (2005) 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
- Zeleznikow, J., Oatley, G. & Leary, R., (2005). A Methodology for constructing Decision Support Systems for Crime Detection. In: Invited session on Knowledge-Based Technology on Crime Matching, Modelling and Prediction, KES (2005) 9th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems
- Tektonidis, D., Bokma, A., Oatley, G. & Salampasis, M., (2005). ONAR: An ontologies-based service oriented application integration framework. In proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications. Geneva, Switzerland, 23-25 February, Springer
- Oatley, G., Zeleznikow, J. and Ewart, B.W., (2004). Matching and Predicting Crimes. In: Macintosh, A., Ellis, R. and Allen, T. (eds.), Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XII. Proceedings of AI(2004), The Twenty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Springer: 19-32. ISBN 1-85233-908-X
- Mugambi, E., Hunter, A., Oatley, G., & Kennedy, L., (2003). Polynomial-fuzzy decision tree structures for classifying medical data. In: Proceedings of AI-(2003), Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK, 15th-17th December (2003).
- Oatley G.,C., & Ewart B., (2002). Constructing a Bayesian Belief Network to determine the likelihood of burglary. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Forensic Statistics (ICFS5), Isola di San Servolo, Venice, Italy, August 30 - September 2, (2002)
- Oatley G., & Ewart B.W., (2002). A Bayesian Belief Network Predictive System for Burglary Reduction. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Division of Forensic Psychology, April 3rd-5th, (2002).
- Oatley, G., & Ewart, B.W., (2002). “Pins in Maps”: Visualisation of crime data, as a basis for a predictive model. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Division of Forensic Psychology, April 3rd-5th, (2002).
- Ewart B.W., Oatley G., & Wilbert, M.N., (2002). Applying the Concept Of Revictimisation: Using Burglars’ Behaviour to Predict Houses At Risk of Future Victimisations. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Division of Forensic Psychology, April 3rd-5th, (2002).
- Oatley, G., MacIntyre, J., Ewart, B.W., & Mugambi, E., (2001). SMART Software for Decision Makers KDD Experience. In: A., Macintosh, M. Moulton & A., Preece (eds.), Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference of the British Computer Specialist Group on Expert Systems (ES'(2001) - Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems VI, Cambridge, 14-16 December, pp. 43-65.
- Grey, D.J., Dunne, P., Ferguson, R.I., & Oatley, G., (2000). On Searching the WWW with Mobile, Collaborative Agents. In: Proceedings of the World Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI(2000). July 23-26, (2000), Orlando, Florida, USA, Volume III, pp. 59-64.
- Oatley, G., Tait, J., MacIntyre, J., & Elliot, S., (1999). Implementing Case-Based Reasoning Technology in the Ill-Structured Domain of Vibration Analysis. In: J.D., MacIntyre, & R.B.K.N., RAO, eds. Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM '99), University of Sunderland, UK, 7th - 9th July, (1999), Coxmoor Publishing Company, pp. 185-201.
- Oatley, G., Tait, J., & MacIntyre, J., (1998). A Case-Based Reasoning Tool for Vibration Analysis. In: R., MILNE, A., MACINTOSH, & M., BRAMER, eds. Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference of the British Computer Specialist Group on Expert Systems (ES'98) - Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems VI, Cambridge, 14-16 December, pp. 132-146.
Professional memberships and associations
Registered with the ACS, Australian Computing Society, 2016 - MEMBER, ACS
Awarded Membership of ACS, Australian Computing Society, 2016 - CHARTERED IT PROFESSIONAL
Registered with the BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, 2007 - FELLOW, BCS
Awarded Fellowship of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, 2007 - FELLOW, HEA
Awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, 2006