A/Prof Rakibuzzaman Shah - Research
Research publications/conferences
Scholarly book chapter / edited book
- Md. Rabiul Islam, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Hasan Ali, Emerging Converters for Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles: Modelling, Design and Control, London, UK: CRC Press, 2021.
- M. Habibullah, N. Mithulananthan, R. Sharma, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, A Comprehensive Stability Analysis of Multi-converter-based DC Microgrids,” Emerging Converters for Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles: Modelling, Design and Control, London, UK: CRC Press, 2021.
- Bong Wei Li, Syed Islam, Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Impact of Dust and External Factors on PV Output in Western Australia,” Solar PV Power Intermittency and Implications on Power Systems, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.
- Duong Quoc Hung, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “Technical Challenges, Security and Risks in Grid Integration of Renewable Energy,” Smart Power Systems and Renewable Energy System Integration, Springer (Europe), 2016 .
- Surajit Das, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Apurv Kumar, Syed Islam, “Numerical Model of Cloud to Ground Lightning for PyroCb Thunderstorms,” in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 16, pp. 8689-8701, 2023 (SJR Q1 1.26).
- Umer Akram, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and Saeed Alzahrani, “Energy Storage as a Fast Frequency Response Reserve,” in IEEE System Journal, vol. 17, vol. 3, pp. 4763-4774, 2023 (SJR Q1 0.98).
- Tossaporn Surenkaew, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Md. Rabiul Islam, and Syed Islam, “Forced Oscillation Management in a Microgrid with Distributed Converter-based Resources,” in Electrical Power System Research, vol. 222, pp. 109479, 2023 (SJR Q1 1.1).
- Tan Nhat Pham, Minh Dao, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Sultanova, G. Li, and Syed Islam, “A Proximal Sub-Gradient Algorithm with Extrapolation for Structured Nonconvex Non-Smooth Problem,” in Numerical Algorithms (Springernature) (accepted), 2023, (SJR Q1 0.83).
- Tanvir Hasan, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Hasan, et. al., “Techno-economic Assessment of a Hydrogen-based Islanded Microgrid in the North-east of the Queensland,” in Energy Reports, vol. 9, pp. 3380-3396, 2023, (SJR Q1 0.89).
- M. Habibullah, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Rabiul Islam, S. M. Muyeen, “Investigation of Oscillation and Resonance in the Renewable Integrated DC-Microgrid,” in Electronics, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 1574, Mar. 2023 (SJR Q2 0.3).
- Awan Uji Krismanto, N. Mithulananthan, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, H. Setiadi, Rabiul Islam, “Small-signal Stability and Resonance Perspectives in Microgrid: A Review,” in Energies, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 1017, Feb. 2023, (SJR Q1 0.6).
- Tanvir Hasan, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Hasan, et. al., “A Study on Green Hydrogen-based Isolated Microgrid,” in Energy Reports, vol. 8, pp. 259-267, 2022, (SJR Q1 0.89).
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, S. M. Muyeen, N. Mithulananthan, “A Unified Controller for Non-stationary Forced Oscillation,” in International Journal of Power and Energy System, vol. 143, pp. 108410, 2022, (SJR Q1 1.54)
- Mehedi Hasan, Jahangir Hossain, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “A Threshold-free Localized Scheme for DC Fault Identification in Multiterminal HVDC Systems,” in Electrical Power System Research, vol. 210, 2022 (SJR Q1 1.1).
- H. Setiadi, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Md. Rabiul Islam, and et. al., “Multi-mode Damping Control Approach for the Optimal Resilience of Renewable-rich Power System,” in Energies, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 1-11, 2022 (SJR Q1 0.6).
- H. Setiadi, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Md. Rabiul Islam, and et. al., “An Extreme Learning Machine based Adaptive VISMA for Stability Enhancement of Renewable Rich Power System,” in Electronics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1-22, 2022 (SJR Q2 0.3).
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Syed Islam, N. Mithulananthan, “Forced Oscillation in Power Systems with Converter Control based Resources – A Survey with Case Studies,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 150911-150924, 2021 (SJR Q1 1.63).
- Mehedi Hasan, Jahangir Hossain, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “DC Fault Identification in Multi-terminal HVDC System based on Reactor Voltage Gradient,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 115855-115867, 2021 (SJR Q1 1.63).
- Saeed S AlZahrani, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “Examination of Effective VAr with Respect to Dynamic Voltage Stability in Renewable Rich Power Grid,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 75494-75508, 2021 (SJR Q1 1.63).
- Abdulrhman Alshareef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and S. Alzahrani, “A New Global Index for Short-term Voltage Stability Assessment,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 36114-36124, 2021 (SJR Q1 1.63).
- Billal Eid, Md. Rabiul Islam, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Abdullah Al-Nahid, Abbas Z Kouzani, Parvez Mahmud, “Enhanced Profitability of Photovoltaic Plants by Utilizing Crypto Currency based Mining Load,” in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity – ASEMD Special Session, vol. 31, 8, pp.1-5, 2021 (SJR Q2 0.42).
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, S. M. Muyeen, and Issarachai Ngamroo, “Improvement on Forced Oscillation Detection Considering Communication Uncertainties,” in IEEE System Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 4644-4655, 2021 (SJR Q1 0.98).
- Umer Akram, Qamar Reza, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and F. Milano, “RoCoF Restrictive Planning Framework and Wind Speed Forecast Informed Operation Strategy of Energy Storage System,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, 1, pp. 224-234. 2021 (SJR Q1 2.742).
- Mehedi Hasan, Jahangir Hossain, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Impact of Meshed HVDC Grid Operation and Control on the Dynamics of Mixed AC/DC System, in IEEE System Journal, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 5209-5220, 2021 (SJR Q1 0.98).
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, Rakibuzzaman Shah, S. M. Muyeen, N. Mithulananthan, K. Emami, and Issarachai Ngamroo, “Novel Control Design for Simultaneous Damping of Inter-area and Forced Oscillation,” in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol, 36, no. 1, 451-463, 2021 (SJR Q1 2.742).
- Umer Akram, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and S. Ali, “An Analytical Approach for Hybrid Storage Planning to Meet Frequency Standards,” in IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 15, pp. 99-113, 2020 (SJR Q1 0.979).
- Saeed S AlZahrani, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “Exploring the Dynamic Voltage Signature of Renewable Rich Weak Power System,” IEEE Access, vol, 8, pp. 216529-216542, 2020 (SJR Q1 1.63).
- Biplob Ray, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Rabiul Islam, and Syed Islam, “A New and Reliable Data-driven Solar Yield Analysis Model of Photovoltaic Power Plants,” in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 136223-136233, 2020 (SJR Q1 1.63).
- Mamun Ur Rasid, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and et. al., “Development of Cluster-based Energy Management Scheme for Residential Usages in the Smart Grid Community,” in Electronics, vol. 9, pp. 1-18, 2020 (SJR Q2 0.3).
- Saeed S AlZahrani, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “Implication of Solar PV System Configurations on Steady-state Performance,” in CSEE Journal of Power and Energy System, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 353-361, 2020 (SJR Q1 0.453).
- Mehedi Hasan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and Jahangir Hossain, “Frequency Regulation of Multiple Asynchronous Grids using Adaptive Droop in HVDC System,” in IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 1389-1399, 2020 (SJR Q1 0.907).
- Umer Akram, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and F. Milano, “Energy Storage for Frequency Regulation: Survey on Recent Practice,” in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 120, 2020 (SJR Q1 3.04).
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and S. M. Muyeen, “A Forced Oscillation Damping Controller for an Interconnected Power System,” in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 339-347, 2019 (SJR Q1 0.907).
- Carina Anderson, Rob Passey, Valck De Jeremy, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Towards Zero-emission Noosa,” in Sustainability, vol. 11, no. 17, 2019 (SJR Q1 0.55).
- Umer Akram, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “A Hybrid Energy Storage System for Frequency Regulation in Microgrids with Source and Load Uncertainties,” in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 13, no. 22, pp. 5048-5057, 2019 (SJR Q1 0.907).
- Tofael Ahmed, Saad Mekhilef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “Assessment of the Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Yield in Malaysia using Satellite Data,” in International Energy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, 2019 (SJR Q2 0.193).
- Herlambang Setiadi, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah and et. al., “Enabling Resilient Wide-area POD at BESS in Java, Indonesian 500 kV Power Grid,” in IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution, vol. 13, no. 16, pp. 3734-3744, 2019 (SJR Q1 0.907).
- Herlambang Setiadi, N. Mithulananthan, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Design Wide-area Resilient Multi-mode Controller based on Bat Algorithm with RPG and Battery Energy Storage System,” in IET Generation, Transmission, & Distribution, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 1884-1894, 2019 (SJR Q1 0.907).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, Robin Preece, Mike Barnes, and Jesus Sanchez-Carmona, “Techno-economic Evaluation of Power Electronics Assisted System Frequency Regulation,” IET Journal of Engineering, vol. 17, pp. 4138-4142, 2019 (SJR Q1 1.08).
- Monirul Islam, N. Mithulananthan, M. J. Hossain, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Dynamic Voltage Stability of Unbalanced DN with High Penetration of Single-phase PV Systems,” IET Journal of Engineering, vol. 17, pp. 4070-4080, 2019 (SJR Q1 1.08).
- Herlambang Setiadi, N. Mithulananthan, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Design of Power Oscillation Damping Controller with Resiliency by Modified DEA,” in IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 342-351, 2018 (SJR Q1 0.979).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, Robin Preece, and Mike Barnes, “The Impact of Voltage Regulation of Multi-infeed VSC-HVDC on Power System Stability,” in IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 1614-1627, 2018 (SJR Q1 1.377).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, Jesus Sanchez-Carmona, Robin Preece, and Mike Barnes, “Stability and Control of Mixed AC-DC System with VSC-HVDC: An Overview,” in IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, vol. 12, no. 10, pp. 2207-2219, 2018 (SJR Q1 0.907).
- Tofael Ahmed, Saad Mekhilef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “Investigation into Transmission Options for Cross-border Power Trading in ASEAN Power Grid,” in Energy Policy, vol. 108, pp. 91-101, Sept. 2017 (SJR Q1 1.994).
- .Rakibuzzaman Shah, Mike Barnes, and Robin Preece, “Characterization of Interaction in an Offshore AC Grid with Large WPPs and VSC-HVDC,” IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 723-731, 2017 (SJR Q1 0.979).
- Tofael Ahmed, Saad Mekhilef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “ASEAN Power Grid: A Secure Transmission Infrastructure for Clean and Sustainable Energy,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 67, pp. 1420-1435, Jan. 2017 (SJR Q1 3.04).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, R. Yan, and T. Saha, “Chronological Risk Assessment Approach of Distribution System with Concentrated Solar Power Plant,” IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 629-637, 2015 (SJR Q1 0.979).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, R. C. Bansal, and Vigna K. Ramachandaramurthy, “A Review of Key Power System Challenges for Large-scale PV Integration,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 41, pp. 1423-1436, Jan. 2015 (SJR Q1 3.04).
- N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and K. Y. Lee, “Small-disturbance Angle Stability Control with High Penetration of Renewable Generations,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 1463-1472, May 2014 (SJR Q1 2.742).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, K. Y. Lee, and R. C. Bansal, “A WAMS-based Stabilizer for Large-scale PV Plants with High Variability and Uncertainty,” IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 614-622, Nov. 2013 (SJR Q1 0.979).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and K. Y. Lee, “Large-scale PV Plant with Robust Controller Considering Power Oscillation Damping,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 106-116, Mar. 2013 (SJR Q1 1.377).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and R. C. Bansal, “Oscillatory Stability Analysis with High Penetrations of Large-scale Photovoltaic Generation,” Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier), vol. 65, pp. 420-429, Jan. 2013 (SJR Q1 2.537).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and R. C. Bansal, “Damping Performance Analysis of BESS, Ultracapacitor and Shunt Capacitor with Large-scale PV Plants,” Applied Energy Special Issue on Smart Grid (Elsevier), vol. 96, pp. 235-244, Aug. 2012 (SJR Q1 3.162).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, R. C. Bansal, K. Y. Lee, and A. Lomi “Influence of Large-scale PV on Voltage Stability of Sub-transmission System,” International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 148-161, Mar. 2012 (SJR Q3 0.18).
- Z. Hossain, Rakibuzzaman Shah, T. Islam, R. Alam, and J. Akter, “Prospect and Challenges Implementing Micro Hydro Power in Bangladesh,” Mechanical Engineering Research Journal, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh, vol. 1, 2005.
International conference
- G. Karmakar, R. Naha, Rakibuzzaman Shah, J. Kamruzzaman, and R. Das, “Software Defined Access Control in Smart Grids,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Ballarat, Australia, 2023.
- B. M. Amin, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Amjady, and S. Islam, “A Case Study on Energy Consumption Behaviour in Western Victoria for Implementing Demand Flexibility,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Ballarat, Australia, 2023.
- B. M. Amin, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Amjady, and S. Islam, “Data Driven Modelling of Representative Rural Distribution Networks for Reliability Studies,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Ballarat, Australia, 2023.
- S. D. Barman, Rakibuzzaman Shah, S. Islam, and A. Kumar “A 3-D Numerical Model to Estimate Lightning Types for PyroCb Thundercloud,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Ballarat, Australia, 2023.
- Q. A. Rahman, A. H. Chowdhury, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “A Heuristic Technique for EV Hosting Capacity Enhancement in Power Distribution Network,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, Ballarat, Australia, 2023.
- B. M. Amin, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Amjady, K. Hasan, U. B. Tayab, and S. Islam, “Demand Response on the Operation of the Distribution Network,” in IEEE PES General Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, 2023.
- N. V. Kurkandi, M. G. Marangalu, S. K. Haghighian, Rabiul Islam, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “A New Transformer Less Common Grounded Nine-level Grid Connected Boost Inverter,” in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society On-line Conference, 2022.
- S. Mondal, S. P. Biswas, Rabiul Islam, Rakibuzzaman Shah, “A New Modulation Techniques for H6 Transformer Less Inverter to Minimize Leakage Current with Reduced Power,” in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society On-line Conference, 2022.
- A. Rajabi, M. G. Marangalu, A. Rajaei, F. M. Shahir, Rabiul Islam, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Implementation and Efficiency Calculation of Fuel Cell Vehicles using a Bidirectional DC/DC Converter with ZVS,” in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society On-line Conference, 2022.
- A. Samadian, M. G. Marangalu, S. H. Hosseini, M. Sahahi, Rabiul Islam and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “High Step-up Common Grounded Switched Quasi Z-source DC-DC Converter using Coupled Inductor,” in IEEE Industrial Electronics Society On-line Conference, 2022.
- B. M. Amin, Rakibuzzaman Shah, K. Hasan, U. B. Tayab, and S. Islam, “An Overview of Demand Response Opportunities for Commercial and Industrial Customers in the Australian NEM,” in 2022 IEEE PES 14th Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
- A. Alshareef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, Umer Akram, and Awan Uji Krismanto, “Dynamic Signature based Alignment Factor for Var Allocation,” in IEEE PES 14th Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
- S. D. Barman, Rakibuzzaman Shah, S. Islam, and A. Kumar, “Prediction of Positive Cloud-to-Ground Lighting Stroking Zones for Tilted Thunder Cloud based on Line Charge Model,” IEEE PES 14th Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2022, Melbourne, Australia.
- A. Alshareef, Y. O. Assolami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and S. Islam, “Plug-in Electric Vehicles Grid Impact on Short-term Voltage Stability in Renewable Rich Grids,” in 31st Australasian Universities Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2022, Adelaide, Australia.
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Syed Islam, “Risk and Resiliency Assessments of Renewable Dominated Edge of Grid Under High Impact Low Probability Events – A Review,” in IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication, 2022, Delhi, India.
- Tanvir Hasan, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Hasan, et. al., “A Study on Green Hydrogen-based Isolated Microgrid,” in The 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2022, Brest, France.
- Saeed Alzahrani, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, Abdulrhman Alshareef, “Dynamic VAr Planning in Large-scale PV Enriched Power Grid,” in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technology -Asia, 2021, Brisbane, Australia.
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, “Effects of Non-stationary Forced Oscillation on Electromechanical Modes,” in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technology -Asia, 2021, Brisbane, Australia.
- Abdulrhman Alshareef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, “Impact of Active Current Ramping of Large-scale PV Plant on the Dynamic Voltage Stability,” in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technology -Asia, 2021, Brisbane, Australia.
- Tofael Ahmed, Saad Mekhilef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Benefit based Transmission Expansion Planning for ASEAN Power Grid,” in Australian Power and Energy Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2021), 2021, Perth, Australia.
- Umer Akram, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and Saad Abdul Basit, “Energy Storage for Short-term Frequency Stability Enhancement in Low-inertia Power Systems,” in Australian Power and Energy Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2020), 2020, Hobert, Australia.
- Umer Akram, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and Saifullah Shafiq, “Frequency Security Constrained Energy Management in an Isolated Power System,” in PMU International Conference on Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Computing Mobility and Manufacturing, 2020, KSA.
- Abdulrhman Alshareef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, “Influence of Induction Motor in Stability of Power System with High Penetration of Large-scale PV,” in International Conference on Smart Power and Internet Energy Systems, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Mamun Rashid, Muaz Rahman, Alamgir Hossain, Rakibuzzaman Shah, Shafiul Islam, Ashish Karmakar, “An Improved Energy and Cost Minimization Scheme for Home Energy Management in the Smart Grid Framework,” in International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices, 2020, China.
- Tossaporn Surinkaew, K. Emami, Rakibuzzaman Shah, S. Islam, N. Mithulananthan, “Forced Oscillation in Power System with Renewable Generation,” in International Conference of Smart Power and Internet Energy Systems, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Umer Akram, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and Md. Rabiul Islam, “Dynamic Derivative Droop Control for Supercapacitor Inertia Support,” in IEEE Industry Society Annual Meeting, 2020, Detroit, USA.
- Saeed Alzahrani, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, “Dynamic Voltage Signature of Large-scale PV Enriched Stressed Power System,” in International Conference of Smart Power and Internet Energy Systems, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Abdulrhman Alshareef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, “Impact of PV Plants and Load Models on System Strength and Voltage Recovery of Power System,” in International Conference of Smart Power and Internet Energy Systems, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Mohammad Habibullah, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah and Krischonme Bhumkitticpich, “Study of Voltage Oscillation in Multi Converter based DC Microgrid,” in International Conference of Smart Power and Internet Energy Systems, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Umer Akram, N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Improving Synthetic Inertia Response of Supercapacitor using Supplementary Control Signal,” in 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, 2019, Perth, Australia.
- Saeed Alzahrani, Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and Arthit Sode-Yome, “Large-scale PV Voltage Regulation: Survey of Recent Practice,” in IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia (GTD Asia), 2019, Thailand.
- Biplob Ray, Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Performance Assessment of Prospective PV Systems in Queensland and New South Wales of Australia,” in IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia (GTD Asia), 2019, Thailand.
- Tofael Ahmed, Saad Mekhilef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Economic Appraisal of Transmission Options for Connecting Lao PDR, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore Electricity Network,” in IEEE Smart Grid Saudi Arabia, 2018, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Herlambang Setiadi, N. Mithulananthan, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Simultaneous Parameter Optimization for Coordinated Control of BESS and DIPSS using Clonal Selection,” in IEEE PES Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2018, Malaysia.
- Tofael Ahmed, Saad Mekhilef, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and Tania Urmee, “Modelling of ASEAN Power Grid using Publicly Available Data,” in IEEE PES Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2018, Malaysia.
- Surat Asvapoositkul, Robin Preece, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Damping of Power System Oscillations by Using HVDC based Multi-modal POD Controller,” in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PES GM 2018), Jul. 2018, Portland, OR, USA.
- S. Lamichhane, N. Mithulananthan, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Examination of Low-frequency Oscillatory Stability of Power Systems with Detailed Wind Farm Model,” in 5th International Conference of Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems, 2018, Japan.
- Herlambang Setiadi, N. Mithulananthan, Awan Uji Krismanto, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Comparison of Battery Energy Storage Models for Small-signal Stability in Power System,” in 27th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Jun. 2018, Cairns, Australia.
- Herlambang Setiadi, N. Mithulananthan, Awan Uji Krismanto, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Low-frequency Oscillatory Stability on 500 kV Java-Indonesian Electric Grid,” in 27th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Jun. 2018, Cairns, Australia.
- **Rakibuzzaman Shah, Robin Preece, Mike Barnes, and Jesus Sanchez-Carmona, “Techno-economic Evaluation of Power Electronics Assisted System Frequency Regulation,” in The 9th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives, April. 2018, Liverpool, UK (appeared in the IET Journal of Engineering special issue).
- **Monirul Islam, N. Mithulananthan, M. J. Hossain, and Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Dynamic Voltage Stability of Unbalanced DN with High Penetration of Single-phase PV Systems,” in The 9th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines, and Drives, April. 2018, Liverpool, UK (appeared in the IET Journal of Engineering special issue).
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, Robin Preece, and Mike Barnes, “Dual-loop Primary Frequency Regulation Controller for VSC-HVDC System,” in 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Manchester Conference, Jun. 2017, Manchester, UK.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, Robin Preece, and Mike Barnes, “Role of Multi-infeed VSC-HVDC on Dynamic Behaviour of Future North Scotland Transmission System,” in IET International Conference on AC and DC Transmission (AC DC 2017), Manchester, Feb. 2017, Manchester, UK.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, Mike Barnes, and Robin Preece, “Offshore AC Grid Management for a AC Integrated VSC-HVDC Scheme with Large WPPs,” in IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 17-21 July, 2016, Boston, USA.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, Mike Barnes, and Robin Preece, “Modelling and Dynamic Analysis of a Power System with VSC-HVDC Radial Plus Strategy,” in The 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives, 19-21 April, 2016, Glasgow, UK.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, R. Yan, and T. Saha, “Evaluation of Medium - scale Linear Fresnel Reflector CSP: A Case Study in North Queensland,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2014, Perth, Australia.
- R. Wilson, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and N. Mithulananthan, “Expanding Power System Analysis Software Functionalities for Better Results Interpretation,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2014, Perth, Australia.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and K. Y. Lee, “Low-order Robust Damping Controller Design for Large-scale PV Power Plants,” in IEEE PES General Meeting 2014, Washington DC, USA.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, R. Yan, and T. Saha, “Performance Assessment of Solar Thermal Power Plants: A Case Study in Queensland,” in IEEE PES General Meeting 2014, Washington DC, USA.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, “Test Systems for Dynamic Stability Studies in Electric Power System,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC-2013, Hobart, TAS, Australia.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and K. Y. Lee, “Assessment and Choice of Input for Wide-area Damping Controller in Large-scale PV Taking Time Delay into Consideration,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC-2012, Bali, Indonesia.
- N. Mithulananthan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and D. H. Nam, “Contingency Ranking Methodology for Low-frequency Oscillations in Power Systems,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC-2012, Bali, Indonesia.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and K. Y. Lee, “Robust Power Oscillation Damping Controller for Large-scale PV Plant,” in IEEE PES General Meeting 2012, San Diego, California, USA.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah and N. Mithulananthan, “A Comparison of Ultracapacitor, BESS and Shunt Capacitor on Oscillation Damping of Power System with Large-scale PV Plants,” in Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference, AUPEC-2011, Brisbane, Australia.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and Arthit-Sode-Yome, “Development of a Dynamic Model of Solar Farm and Its Impact on Weak Power System,” in International Conference & Utility Exhibition on Power and Energy Systems: Issues and Prospects for Asia, 2011, Pattaya City, Thailand.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, R. C. Bansal, K. Y. Lee, and A. Lomi “Power System Static Voltage Stability as Affected by Large-scale PV Penetration,” in ICEEI-2011 conference, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and K. Y. Lee, “Contribution of PV Models and Ultracapacitor Energy Storage on Inter-area Oscillation,” in IEEE PES General Meeting 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, Arthit Sode-Yome, and K. Y. Lee, “Impact of Large-scale PV Penetration on Power System Oscillatory Stability,” in IEEE PES General Meeting, 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Supersession presentation is available on the following link: http://assets.pes-store.org/videos/pes/GM-2010/Wed-SS-PM/Impact_of_Large-Scale_PV_Penetration_on_Power_System/Player.html.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, “Interconnection of PV based Generator and Its Impact on Bangladesh Power System,” in 1st International Conference on the Development of Renewable Energy Technology, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, and Tofael Ahmed, “Economic Evaluation of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Power System in Bangladesh,” in 2nd International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- AHM Razibul Islam, Md Rezaul Haque Khan, Rakibuzzaman Shah, and Ju Bin Song, “Adjacent Channel Power Ratio Performance of WiBro System,” in 4th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Technical report
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al., “Neighbourhood Batteries in Heyfield Technical Analysis of Impacts and Benefits,” Prepared for the Regional and Remote Communities Reliability Fund, Jul. 2023.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al. “Technical Study Report,” Preparing Australian Communities – Local Stream, Jul. 2023.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al., “Central Highlands Energy Demand Mapping,” Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action, April 2023.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al., “Economic and Risk Assessment – Part 2,” Donald and Tarnagulla Microgrid Feasibility Study, C4NET, Jan. 2023.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al., “INFLEXION – Collating and Mapping Data to Enhance the Integration of Water and Electricity Network – Final Report,” C4NET, Dec. 2022.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al., “Resilient Community Energy Smart Grid,” Latrobe Valley Authority, June 2022.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Gippsland Energy Skill Mapping,” Latrobe Valley Authority, April 2022.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Islanding Design and Cost Analysis,” Donald and Tarnagulla Microgrid Feasibility Study – C4NET, October 2021.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al., “Data Analysis and Interoperability,” ‘Industrial and Commercial Demand FLEXing to Increase Overall benefit (INFLEXION), C4NET, September 2021.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et. al., “Boundary Options in Heyfield Microgrid,” My Town Microgrid, July 2021.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, “Second Life of Solar Panels,” Latrobe Valley Authority, Dec. 2020.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Rural Shopping Centre Microgrid,” Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions, Jun. 2020.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Networks-Grid Control: Advanced Architecture,” Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Deliverable 1.7, Jan. 2018.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Networks-Grid Control: DC Grid Reconfigurability Assessment,” Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Deliverable 1.5, Jan. 2018.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Networks-Grid Control: System Benefit Comparison,” Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Deliverable 1.8, Jun. 2017.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Stability Assessment of Multi-infeed HVDC Systems: Primary Controller Testing,” Deliverable 1.3 for Scottish and Southern Energy plc., Dec. 2016.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “VSC-HVDC Frequency Support Control and Stability of a Mixed AC-DC System,” Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Deliverable 1.4, Oct. 2016.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Stability Assessment of Multi-infeed HVDC Systems: AC System and VSC-HVDC Modelling,” Deliverable 1.2 for Scottish and Southern Energy plc., Aug. 2016.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Stability Assessment of Multi-infeed HVDC Systems: State-of-the-art Control and Stability of a Mixed AC-DC System: A Review,” Deliverable 1.1 for Scottish and Southern Energy plc., Jul. 2016.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Multi-terminal VSC-HVDC Networks-Grid Control: AC/DC System Modelling and Analysis,” Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Deliverable 1.2, Aug. 2015.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Power System Assessment-Knowledge Sharing Report,” Technical Report for Project Entitled-Feasibility Study of Collinsville Solar Thermal Power Plant (a project funded by ARENA), Aug. 2014.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah et.al., “Yield Analysis-Knowledge Sharing Report,” Technical Report for Project Entitled-Feasibility Study of Collinsville Solar Thermal Power Plant (a project funded by ARENA), Aug. 2014.
- Rakibuzzaman Shah, N. Mithulananthan, et. al., “Test Systems for Power System Analytical Studies,” Technical Report for Project Entitled- Establishment of Power System Simulation Laboratory at The University of Queensland (a project funded by Australian Power Institute), April 2011.
Funded research & projects
- EQUIS Women in Renewable Energy Scholarship, (Principal investigator), ($106,000, EQUIS Pty Ltd) – Dec. 2023 – Ongoing.
- Innovative Approaches: Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things in Australian Sustainable Energy Future, (Principal investigator), (300,000, CSIRO and Data 61) – 2024 – Ongoing.
- Bi-level Uncertainty-aware DER Aggregation Planning including Multi-period Load Forecasting with Electrical Transportation, Renewable Resources and Community Batteries, (Principal investigator), (245,000, Qatar Research Development and Innovation Council) – 2024 – Ongoing.
- ‘Energy Demand Mapping Wimmera, Mallee, and North West of Victoria,’ (Principal investigator), ($119,500, Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action) – Sept. 2023 – Ongoing.
- ‘Enhanced System Planning: Modelling and Assessment of Integrated System Performance and Technical Implications,’ (Principal investigator), ($300,000, Centre for New Energy Technologies) – Sept. 2023 – Ongoing.
- ‘Enhanced System Planning: Scenario Building,’ (Principal investigator), ($340,000, Centre for New Energy Technologies) – Jun. 2023 – Ongoing.
- ‘Central Highland Energy Mapping,’ (Principal investigator), ($67,000, Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action) – Oct 2022 – April 2023.
- ‘Community Resilience and Reliable Energy Feasibility Study,’ (Principal investigator), ($210,000, Natural Disaster Risk and Build Resilience) – From June 2022.
- ‘Commercializing FOGO and Other Organic Waste using Anaerobic Digestion,’ (Co-principal investigator), ($400,000, Sustainability Victoria) – From May 2022.
- ‘Mapping Gippsland’s Energy Skills Need,’ (Principal investigator and Project manager), ($110,000, Latrobe Valley Authority)- Dec. 2021- Dec.2022.
- ‘Strengthening Forest and Bioeconomy Connections through Efficient Energy Production and Use,’ (Principal investigator and Project Manager), ($150,000, National Institute for Forest Product Innovation) – Sept. 2021 – Dec. 2022.
- ‘Resilient Community Energy Smart Grids,’ (Principal investigator and Project Manager), ($110,000, Latrobe Valley Authority)- June. 2021 – Nov. 2022.
- ‘Industrial and Commercial Demand FLEXing to Increase Overall benefit (INFLEXION),’ (Principal investigator and Project Manager), ($300,000, Competitive Research Grant, C4NET, regional water industry, DNSP, Australia) – April. 2021 – Dec. 2022.
- ‘Mytown Microgrid,’ (Principal investigator), ($ 106,800, Competitive Research Grant, Regional Microgrid, Federal Government, Australia) - Ongoing.
- ‘Donald and Tarnagulla Microgrid Feasibility Study,” (Principal investigator), ($ 110,000, Competitive Research Grant, Regional Microgrid, Federal Government, Australia) - Ongoing.
- ‘Carbon Neutral Buninyong,’ (Principal investigator), ($ 40,000, Contract Research, Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions, Ballarat, Australia), April 2020 – July 2020.
- ‘Remaining Life of Solar PV,’ (Principal investigator), ($ 35,000, Contract Research, Gippsland Climate Change Network, Gippsland, Australia), July 2020 – December 2020.
Research collaboration
- National Grid Electricity Transmission plc, Scottish and Southern Energy plc, ALSTOM, TNEI Manchester, Tenaga Nasional (Principal Energy provider in Malaysia), Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), Ergon Energy, C4NET, BREAZE, Energy Transition Hub, Noosa Shire Council, Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Home and Energy, Australia, Ballarat Gold Mine, Latrobe Valley Authority (LVA), Ventura, CDC Wyndham, Ballarat City, Powercor, AusNet Services, McCain Food ANZ, DEECA, GWM Water, Gippsland Water, DNVGL, Bureau Veritas Group, WattWatchers, NIFPI, EQUIS, Gaia Enviro Tech, Start of the South.
- The University of Manchester, UK, Clemson University, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA, University of Memphis, USA, The University of Bath, UK, The University of Queensland, Australia, University of Wollongong, RMIT University, University of Technology Sydney, Macquarie University, Australia, Murdoch University, Australia, Curtin University, CQUniversity, Australia, Griffith University, Australia, University of Malaya, Malaysia, Qatar University, Universitas Airlangga, University of Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia, Baylor University, USA, Swinburne University, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Supervision / examination
Post-doctoral research fellow / research associate
- Dr. Tossaporn Surinkaew, C4NET Microgrid – Economical Analysis and Risk Assessment – 2021-2022.
- Dr. B. M Ruhul Amin, C4NET Demand Response Project, 2021- Ongoing.
- Mr. Mushfik Mir, National Institute for Forest Product Innovation, 2021 – July 2022.
- Dr. Umer Akram, Donald, and Tarnagulla Microgrid Project, 2021 (Now with DIgSILENT Asia Pacific, Sydney Australia).
HDR supervision (major / associate supervisor) – oldest first
- Mr. Tofael Ahmed, “HVDC Transmission, Variable Generation and Grid Flexibility: ASEAN Region,” University of Malaya, (Associate supervisor)-2014-2018 (Ph. D. Awarded on Aug. 2018) –Professor, Dept. of EEE, CUET, Bangladesh.
- Mr. Herlambang Setiadi, “Application of Battery Energy Storage for Power System Stability Enhancement,” The University of Queensland, Australia, (Associate supervisor) 2017- (Ph. D. Awarded on Aug. 2019) –Senior Researchers at INSEC Technology and Science, Porto, Portugal.
- Mr. Saeed S AlZahrani, “Development of Innovative Design and Dispatch of Utility-scale PV Power Plants,” The University of Queensland, Australia, (Associate supervisor) – Jan. 2018 – (Ph. D. Awarded on May 2022) –Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Al Baha University, Saudi Arabia.
- Mr. Mehedi Hasan, “AC System Ancillary Service through MMC-VSC,” Macquarie University, Australia (Associate supervisor) – April 2018 – (Ph. D. Awarded on Nov. 2021) – Now Associate Professor, Dept. of EEE, Jashore University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
- Mr. Umer Akram, “Islanded Microgrid Protection and Stability,” The University of Queensland, Australia, (Associate supervisor) – October 2018 – (Ph.D. Awarded on August 2022) – Senior Engineer, DIgSILENT Pacific, Sydney, Australia.
- Dr. Tossaporn Surinkaew, “An Operational Study of Domestic Energy Management in Western Australia,” CQUniversity, Australia – (Principal supervisor) Feb. 2019 – (Ph.D. Awarded on March 2023) – Research Associate at Federation University Australia.
- Mr. Tanvir Hossain, “Green Hydrogen Production – Feasibility Study in North Queensland,” CQUniversity, Australia – (Associate supervisor) Dec. 2020 – Sept. 2023 – Asset Management Engineer, Townsville City, Queensland, Australia.
- Mr. Abdulrhman Alshareef, “Power System Strength Assessment with High Penetration of Converter-based Devices,” The University of Queensland, Australia, (Associate supervisor) July 2019 – (Ph.D. Awarded on May 2023) – Research Associate at the University of Queensland, Australia.
- Mr. Surajit Das Barman, “Bushfire Retardation by Artificial Suppression by Pyro-cumulonimbus Lighting,” Federation University Australia, April. 2021 - Ongoing.
- Mr. Tan Pham, “Low Voltage Distribution Optimal Operation and Planning,” Federation University Australia, September 2021 (Associate supervisor) - Ongoing.
- Mr. Muhammad Ismail, “Rural and Remote Microgrid Design,” Federation University Australia, April 2022 (Principal supervisor)– Ongoing.
- Mr. Robert Wilson, “Net Zero Mining: Challenges and Opportunities” The University of Queensland, February 2022 (Associate supervisor) – Ongoing.
- Ms. Roksana Yasmin, “Data-driven Demand Response in Commercial and Residential Consumers,” (Principal supervisor), May 2022 - Ongoing.
- Mr. Sazal Miah, “Modeling and Assessment of Interconnected System (TSO-DSO),” (Principal supervisor), April 2023 - Ongoing.
- Mr. Pinto Anugragh, “Distribution System Ancillary Services,” (Associate Supervisor), Joining on October 2023.
- Mr. Sarvesh Kumar, “Forecasting Australian Landfalling Tropical Cyclones and their Impact on Energy Sector,” Associate Supervisor), Joining on November 2023.
M. Sc Eng. supervision
- Sean Richardson, “Net-Zero Mining: Opportunities and Challenges,” (M. Eng/FedUni) – Dec 2022.
- M. Hasham, “Techno-economic Model of Microgrid in Remote Australia,” (M. Eng/FedUni) – Nov. 2021.
- M. Adnan, “Campus Microgrid”, (M. Eng/FedUni) – Nov. 2021.
- Martin Joy, “The Appraisal of Offshore Wind Power in Australia,” (M. Eng/ CQUniversity) – Nov. 2018.
- M. Mahmud Hasan, “Converter Dominated NEM Network: Key Challenges and Solutions,” (M. Eng/ CQUniversity) – Nov. 2018.
- Chethan Reddy Vijalapuram, “Design and Validation of Reactive Power Controllers for Large-scale Wind and Solar PV,” (M. Eng/ CQUniversity) - May 2018.
- Surat Asvapoositkul, “Low Order Damping Controller Design for GB Transmission System,” (M. Eng/University of Manchester)-2016-2017.
- Georgios Karvelis, “Modelling and Analysis of an AC Integrated VSC-HVDC System,” (Postgraduate/University of Manchester)-2015.
- Mr. Timothy Gorman, “Impact of Solar Thermal Power Plant on Australian Electricity Market,” (University of Queensland)-2014.
- Mr. Robert Wilson, “Influence of Wind Farm on Low-frequency Oscillation,” (University of Queensland)-2013.
- Mr. Tang Boon Hong, “Impact of Large-scale PV Generation on Static Voltage Stability of Distribution System,” (University of Queensland)-2012.
- Mr. Wu Tom, “Impact of Large-scale Renewable Energy Penetration on Power System Static Performance,” (University of Queensland)-2012.
External examiner (Ph. D. & M. Phil)
- Mr. Mominul Islam, “Artificial Intelligence for Fault Diagnosis in Power Transformer,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Murdoch University, Australia - 2017.
- Mr. Shamiur Rahman, “Power Management and Control of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids Integrated with Renewable Energy Sources and Electric Vehicles,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Macquarie University, Australia – 2018.
- Mr. Nafiz Musarrat, “Renewable Energy and Energy Storage based Hybrid Remote Area Power Supply System,” M.Phil. Thesis, Dissertation University of Wollongong, Australia – 2019.
- Most. Nahida Akter, “A Game Theoretic Model of Transactive Energy Management in Interconnected Residential Microgrid Cluster,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Deakin University, Australia -2021.
- Lavanyam, “Design and Implementation of Optimal Controller for UPQC and STATCOM based Systems,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Anna University, India, 2022.
- Kafeel Ahmed, “Sustaining Power Fluctuations of Renewable Energy Sources and Precise Power Sharing and Voltage Stability in Microgrid,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, July 2023.
- Edeh Vincent Chukwuemeka, “Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Grids,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, September 2023.
Distinctions, scholarships and awards
- Senior Fellow (Adjunct), School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University Queensland, Australia.
- Staff Excellence Awards – Industry Engagements, School of Engineering, Information Technology, and Physical Sciences, Federation University Australia, 2021.
- Best Student Paper by HDR, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technology -Asia, 2021.
- Best Student Paper by HDR, Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2020.
- Best Presentation Award, in International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic Devices, 2020.
- Student Conference Travel Prize and Best Student Paper, IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Queensland Chapter, 2012.
- University of Queensland International Research Student Award (UQIRTA), from May 2010 to May 2014.
- University of Queensland Research Scholarship (UQRS), from May 2010 to Oct. 2013.
- Best Student Award (The Yoshiro Takasaki Prize), Energy Field of Study, Asian Institute of Technology, May 2009.
- Netherlands Government Scholarship to pursue Master of Engineering at Asian Institute of Technology, August 2007 to May 2009.
- Higher Education Board Scholarship, for B. Sc Engineering, session 2000-2004.
Professional memberships and services
- Research Theme Leader, Future Power System and Community Energy, Centre for New Energy Transition Research (CfNETR), Federation University Australia.
- Technical Advisory Committee Member, Enhanced System Planning -Victoria, C4NET, Victoria, March 2023 – till date.
- Chair, University Standing Committee Member, C4NET, Victoria, March 2023-till date.
- Associate Member, Future Region Research Centre, Federation University Australia.
- Associate Member, Centre for Smart Analytics, Federation University Australia.
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) and the following society within this body:
- Power and Energy Society (PES)
- IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES)
- IEEE Industrial Application Society (IAS)
- IEEE Young Professionals
- Member, Engineers Australia.
- Member of the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE).
- Subject Associate Editor, Frontiers in Energy Research, (From 2020).
- Associate Editor, IET Renewable Power Generation (2021).
- Special Issue Editor, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2020).
- Special Issue Editor, IET Renewable Power Generation (2020).
- Technical Program Chair, Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Melbourne, 2022.
- Special Session Chair, Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Melbourne, 2022.
- Publication Chair, 2nd International Conference of Smart Power and Internet Energy System, Bangkok, Thailand, 2020.
- Publication Chair, 3rd International Conference of Smart Power and Internet Energy System, Shanghai, China, 2021.
- Technical Committee Member, 4th International Conference of Smart Power and Internet Energy System, Beijing, China, 2022.
- Special Session Organizer, 2nd Global Power, Energy, and Communication Conference, Izmir, Turkey.
- Guest Editor, Special Issue on Control and Operation of Overlay AC and DC System, MDPI Energies, 2019.
- Technical Committee Member, The 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines, Drives (PEMD 2016), April 19-21, 2016, Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
- Reviewer, The 9th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines, Drives (PEMD 2018), April 17-19, 2018, Liverpool, UK.
- Technical Committee Member, IEEE PES PowerTech Milan, 2019.
- Technical Committee Member, International Conference on Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management, 2021.
- Reviewer, Grant Application, University of Cyprus, 2020.
- Student Representative, Research Committee, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia, 2012.
- Co-lead, Industry Advisory Group in New Energy, Gippsland, Jul. 2022 -till date.
- Technical Advisory Committee Member, C4NET, Victoria, Jul. 2021 – till date.
- University Standing Committee Member, C4NET, Victoria, Jul. 2020 – Feb. 2023.
- New Program Development Committee Member, B. Engineering Technology in Practice (Renewable Energy Engineering), Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability, Federation University Australia, Nov. 2021 – till date.
- Accreditation Working Committee Member, School of Engineering, IT, and Physical Sciences, Federation University Australia, Feb. 2020 – May 2021.
- Discipline Leader of Electrical Engineering (Acting), School of Engineering and Technology, CQU (from Nov. 2018 till Feb. 2019).
- Course Committee Member, School of Engineering and Technology, CQU (From Nov. 2018 till Feb. 2019).