Jerry Courvisanos - extended research
Position | Associate Professor, Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
Location | Mt Helen, Building B, B112 |
Phone | 5327 9417 | |
Basic research is centred on processes of innovation, complexity and resilience to understand disruptive activity like crises and change. Examination of these processes enables an appreciation of their impact on investment, business cycles, sustainable development, evolution of businesses and community development. This work informs applied research into innovation and entrepreneurial activity in business, and sustainable regional development in communities.
Methodology is a critical focus to this research endeavour, with emphasis on critical realism and pragmatism using mixed-method approach. All research and supervision requires a clear research paradigm based on the research questions and problems being investigated.
Supervision interests
Specific topic areas for supervision are:
- Economics of innovation
- Political economy of innovation and entrepreneurship
- History of economic thought,especially Michal Kalecki and Joseph Schumpeter
- Sustainable and regional economic development
- National and regional innovation systems
- Disruptive and incremental innovation in business
- Technology commercialisation processes
- Business and social entrepreneurship
- Complexity and resilience in organisations, institutions and communities Pluralism in economics
Courvisanos, J., Jain, A. and Mardaneh, K.,(2015) "Economic Resilience of Regions under Crises: A Study of the Australian Economy", Regional Studies, DOI:10.1080/00343404.2015.1034669
Jomaraty, M. and Courvisanos, J., (2014) "The Growth Process of Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing in Developing Countries: A Study of Women-owned Firms in Bangladesh", in K.V. Lewis, C. Henry, E.J.Gatewood and J. Watson (eds), Women's Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century: An International Multi-Level Research Analysis, Cheltenham UK and Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, pp.186-212.
Courvisanos, J., (2014) "Thomas Michael Fitzgerald", in Griffen-Foley, B. (ed.), A Companion to the Australian Media, Kew, Vic., Australian Scholarly Publishing/Arcadia, p. 174.
Song-Turner, H., Courvisanos, J. and Zeegers, M., (2014) "Green Marketing the Chinese Way: Insights From a Medium Sized High-Tech Daily Chemical Firm", Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, Volume 15 (2),pp. 164-92.
Courvisanos, J., (2013) "Business Cycles" and "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" (with Stuart Mackenzie), in Elias G. Carayannis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship – Volume 1, New York, Springer Reference, pp. 149-55 (Cycles) and pp. 933-43 (Innovation).
Moyeen, A. and Courvisanos, J. (2012) "Corporate Social Responsibility in Regional Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Australia", The Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, Volume 18 (3), pp. 364-91.
Courvisanos, J., (2012) Cycles, Crises and Innovation: Path to Sustainable Development – A Kaleckian-Schumpeterian Synthesis, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
Song-Turner, H., Courvisanos, J. and Zeegers, M., (2012) "Strategies for marketing greenness: A case study of architectural design firm in China", World Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 2 (7), pp. 79-94.
Courvisanos, J. and Hipwell, A., (2012) "Permo-Drive:Governance under Innovation", in Wells, P. and Mueller, J. (eds), Contemporary Challenges in Corporate Governance, Oxford UK, Rossi Smith Academic Publishing, pp. 101-17.
Courvisanos, J., (2012) "Innovation" and "Sustainable Development", in King, J. (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Second Edition, Cheltenham UK and Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, pp. 294-300 and 515-23.
Courvisanos, J., (2012) "Political Economy of Innovation and Sustainable Development", in Laperche, B.,Levratto, N. and Uzunidis, D. (eds), Crisis,Innovation and Sustainable Development, Cheltenham UK and Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, pp. 184-206.
Smith, A., Courvisanos,J., Tuck, J and McEachern, S., (2012) Building the Capacity to Innovate: The Role of Human Capital, NCVER Research Report.
Effendi, P. and Courvisanos. J., (2012) "Political Aspects of Innovation: Examining Renewable Energy in Australia", Renewable Energy, Volume 38 (1), pp.245-52.
Courvisanos, J.,(2011) "Environment, Innovation and Sustainable Development: Introduction to an Interdisciplinary Approach", Journal of Innovation Economics, Volume 8 (2), pp. 3-10.
Courvisanos, J.and Richardson, C., (2011) "Towards a Model of Eco-Sustainable Agricultural Production in a Regulated River Basin", Journal of Innovation Economics, Volume 8 (2), pp. 59-87.
Courvisanos, J. and Richardson, C., (2011) "Economic Modelling of Climate Change and Water in a Regulated River Basin", Journal of Economic and Social Policy, Volume 14 (3), Article 7.
Jagodick, J., Courvisanos, J. and Yearwood, J., (2011) "ICT Change Agents: Global Actors in Financial Services Technology Projects", Asia Pacific Management Review, Volume 16 (2), pp. 163-178.
Courvisanos, J. (2011) "Political Aspects of Innovation in an Ecologically Unsustainable World", The Journal of Economic Analysis, Volume II (1), pp. 1-16.
Bloch, H., Courvisanos, J. and Mangano, M., (2011) "The Impact of Technical Change and Profit on Investment in Australian Manufacturing", Review of Political Economy, Volume 23(3), pp. 389-408.
Smith, A., Courvisanos, J., Tuck, J. and McEachern, S., (2011) "Building Innovation Capacity: The Role of Human Capital Formation in Enterprises", in Curtin, P., Stanwick, J. and Beddie, F. (eds), Fostering Enterprise: The Innovation and Skills Nexus – Research Readings. Adelaide, NCVER, pp. 103-115.
Smith, A., Courvisanos, J., Tuck, J. and McEachern, S., (2011) Building Innovation Capacity: The Role of Human Capital Formation in Enterprises – A Review of the Literature, NCVER Occasional Paper No. 2341, Adelaide, Commonwealth of Australia.
Richardson, C., Courvisanos, J. and Crawford, J., (2011) "Towards a Synthetic Economic Systems Modelling Tool for Sustainable Exploitation of Ecosystems", in Ecological Economics Review, R. Constanza, K. Limburg and I. Kubiszewski (eds), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,Volume 1219 (February), pp. 171-84.
Pansiri, J. and Courvisanos, J. (2010) "Attitude to Risk in Technology-based Strategic Alliances for Tourism", International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, Volume 11 (3), pp. 275-302.
Jagodick, J., Courvisanos, J., Yearwood, J. and Braun, P.(2009) "Key Public Sector Individuals as ICT Change Agents: An analysis of
Australian and German experience", AsiaPacific Journal of Public Administration, Volume 31 (2), pp. 197-212.
Jagodic, J., Courvisanos, J. and Yearwood, J., (2009) "The Processes of ICT Diffusion in Technology Projects", Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, Volume 11 (3), pp.291-303.
Courvisanos, J., (2009) "Innovation Policy and Social Learning: An Economic Framework for Sustainable Development in Regional Australia", in Martin, J., Rogers, M. and Winter, C.(eds), Climate Change in Regional Australia: Social Learning and Adaptation, Ballarat, VURRN Press,pp. 256-81
Courvisanos, J., (2009)"Optimise Versus Satisfice: Two Approaches to an Investment Policy for Sustainable Development", in Holt, R., Pressman, S. and Spash, C.L. (eds), Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics:Confronting Environmental Issues, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA,Edward Elgar, pp. 279-300
Courvisanos, J.,Laramie, A. and Mair, D., (2009) "Tax Policy and Innovation: A Search for Common Ground", Intervention: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies,Volume 6 (2), pp. 271-87.
Jain, A. and Courvisanos, J. (2009) "Urban Growth Centres on the Periphery: Ad hoc Policy Vision and Research Neglect", The Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, Volume 15 (1), pp. 3-26.
Courvisanos, J., (2009)"Political Aspects of Innovation", Research Policy, Volume 38 (7), pp 1117-24.
Courvisanos, J.,(2009) "Regional Innovation for Sustainable Development: An Australian Perspective", Journal of Innovation Economics, Volume 3 (1), pp. 119-43.
Richardson, C. and Courvisanos, J., (2008) "Modelling Keynes with Kalecki", in Wray,L.R. and Forstater, M. (eds), Keynes and Macroeconomics After 70 Years: Critical Assessments of The General Theory, Cheltenham UK and Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, pp. 99-122
Courvisanos, J., (2008) "Research & Development" in O'Hara, P.A. (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Public Policy Volume 4: Entrepreneurial and Corporate Governance, Perth, Global Political Economy Research Unit (GPERU), Curtin University, pp. 566-82. Access at:
Courvisanos, J., (2008) "The Political Economy of R&D in a Global Financial Context", in Laperche, B. and Uzunidis, D. (eds), Powerful Finance and Innovation Trends in a High-Risk Economy, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 88-109
Courvisanos, J. and Richardson, C., (2008) "Invention, Innovation, Investment: Heterodox Simulation Modeling of Capital Accumulation", in Harvey. J. and Garnett, R. Jr. (eds),Future Directions for Heterodox Economics, The University of Michigan Press, pp. 185-24
Courvisanos, J., (2007)"Chapter 11: Stanhope", in Towns in Time 2001 – Analysis: Incorporating the update to the Study of Small Towns in Victoria, Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment, pp. 103-20
Courvisanos, J., (2007) "Political Business Cycle", in O'Hara, P.A. (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Public Policy Volume 2: Economic Policy, Perth, GPERU, Curtin University, pp. 472-80. Access at:
Courvisanos, J., (2007) "Thomas Michael Fitzgerald", in King, J. (ed.), Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 105-6
Courvisanos,J., "The Ontology of Innovation: Human Agency in the Pursuit of Novelty", History of Economics Review, Volume 45 (Winter),pp. 41-59.
Millmow, A. and Courvisanos, J., (2007) "The Two Tribes of 'The Econ': A Study of Economists and Economic Media Commentary in Australia", Economic Papers, Volume 26 (2), pp. 1-20.
Courvisanos, J., (2007) "The Dynamics of Innovation and Investment, with Application to Australia 1984-1998", in Holt, R. and Pressman, S. (eds), Empirical Post Keynesian Economics: Looking at the Real World, Armonk, M. E Sharpe, pp. 141-77.
Courvisanos, J.and Richardson, C., (2006) "Corridor of Viability:Complexity Analysis for Enterprise and Investment", in Setterfield, M. (ed.), Complexity, Endogenous Money and Macroeconomic Theory: Essays in Honour of Basil J. Moore, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, pp. 125-51
Courvisanos, J. and Jain, A., (2006) "A Framework for Sustainable Ecotourism:Application to Costa Rica", Tourism and Hospitality: Planning and Development, Volume 3 (2), pp. 131-42.
Courvisanos, J., (2006) "Study of Small Towns in Victoria Revisited, and its Application to Heritage", in Jan Schapper (ed.), Historic Towns in the Landscape Forum, East Melbourne, Heritage Council of Victoria, pp. 11-15
Millmow, A. and Courvisanos, J., (2006) "How Milton Friedman Came to Australia: A Case Study of Class-based Political Business Cycles", Australian Journal of Political Economy, Volume 57 (June), pp.112-36.
Courvisanos, J., (2006)"Galbraith and the Political Economy of Technological Innovation: Critical Perspectives and a Heterodox Synthesis", in Laperche, B., Galbraith, J. and Uzunidis, D. (eds), Innovation, Evolution and Economic Change: New Ideas in the Tradition of Galbraith, Cheltenham UK and Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar, pp. 205-28
Courvisanos, J., (2005) "Technological Innovation: Galbraith, the Post Keynesians and a Heterodox Future", Journal of Post Keynesian Economics,Volume 28 (1), pp. 83-102.
Courvisanos, J., (2005) "A post-Keynesian Innovation Policy for Sustainable Development", International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment, Volume 1 (2), pp. 187-202.
Courvisanos, J. and Verspagen, B., (2004) "Innovation and Investment in Capitalist Economies 1870-2000: Kaleckian Dynamics and Evolutionary Life Cycles", in Wray, L.R. and Forstater, M. (eds), Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 205-226
Courvisanos, J., (2004) "Michał Kalecki as a Behavioural Economist: Implications for Modern Evolutionary Economic Analysis", in Sadowski, Z. and Szeworski, A. (eds), Kalecki's Economics Today, London, London, Routledge, pp. 27-41
Courvisanos, J., (2003) "Innovation", in King, J. (ed.), The Elgar Companion to Post Keynesian Economics, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 191-6
Courvisanos, J. and Verspagen, B., (2002) "Innovation and Investment in Capitalist Economies 1870-2000: Kaleckian Dynamics and Evolutionary Life Cycles", Investigación Económica, Volume LXII (242), Octubre-Diciembre 2002, pp. 33-80. Also a shorter version was published in L. R. Wray and M. Forstater (eds), Contemporary Post Keynesian Analysis, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, 2002, pp. 205-226
Courvisanos, J., (2002) "Enterprise Development:Strategic Collaboration for Economics and Business", in Johannessen, T.A.,Pedersen, A. and Petersen, K. (eds), Educational Innovation in Economics and Business VI: Teaching Today the Knowledge of Tomorrow, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic, pp. 215-34
Courvisanos, J., (2000) "Regional Economic Decay and Regeneration Under Structural Change", in Falk I. (ed.), Learning to Manage Change, Melbourne,NCVER, pp. 13-22
Courvisanos,J., (2000) "IT Investment Strategy for Development: An 'Instrumental Analysis' Based on the Tasmanian and New Brunswick Information Technology Strategies", Prometheus, Volume 18 (1), pp. 75-91.
Courvisanos, J., (1999) "Region in Transition: Schumpeterian Road to Recovery in Tasmania", Journal of Economic and Social Policy, Volume 4 (1), pp. 45-62.
Awards and grants
- 2014-16: Glenelg SAVES – Seniors Achieving Valuable Energy Savings (Low Income Energy Efficiency Program, Commonwealth Department of Resources Energy and Tourism)
- 2012-15: Locational Factors and Institutional Resilience to Business Development in Peripheral-metropolitan and Non-metropolitan Regions (University of Ballarat, School of Business)
- 2013-14: Understanding the 2011 Grampians Natural Disaster, addressing the risk and resilience (Victorian Department of Justice and Northern Grampians Shire Council)
- 2011-12 Building Innovation Capacity: The role of human capital formation in enterprises (National Centre for Vocational Education Research, NCVER)
- 2009-12 Towards a Sustainability Model of the Murray-Darling Basin Economy (University of Ballarat, School of Business)
- 2006-07 Water Policy and its Effect on Regional Communities (Consumer Utilities Advocacy Centre)
- 2004-05 Towns in Time Analysis Research Project – The Study of Small Towns in Victoria (1988) Revisited (Victorian Department of Sustainability and the Environment)
- 1998-99 Technological Innovation and the Volatility of Business Fixed Investment (Australian Research Council, ARC)
- 1997-98 Investment, Innovation and Sustainable Development (University of Tasmania, Faculty of Economics & Commerce)