Dr Apurv Kumar - Research
Current research projects
- Modelling of liquid sodium boiling flows.
- Solid-gas modelling in a particle receiver with polydisperse particles.
- High temperature Sodium receiver modelling.
- Artificial suppression of PyroCb lightening
Research publications/conferences
- Ho, Clifford K., Kim, Jin-soo, Kumar, Apurv, 2019 Multi-Stage Falling Particle Receivers, United States National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (Albuquerque, NM, US),CSIRO (Canberra, AU) 20190316812
Peer-reviewed journal and conference publications:
Potential honours and PhD projects
- Bushfire suppression by artificial suppression of PyroCb lightning.
- Numerical and experimental investigations into flow of sodium in 3D printed novel solar receivers
- System modelling of solar thermal biomass gasifier for hydrogen production in a wastewater treatment plant
- Modelling of vibrations during rock blasting in a mine
Consulting and other activities
- Graphite Energy