Shute, Rosalyn

Phone: (08) 82012427
Room: N/A Based at Flinders University, Adelaide
Position: Adjunct professor
Discipline: Psychology


  • PhD
  • BSc (Hons)

Professional associations

  • British Psychological Society

Research interests

Child and adolescent mental health (especially in the school context); peer victimisation (aggression, bullying and sexual harassment); psychosocial aspects of chronic childhood conditions. Founder member of SWAPv research centre at Flinders University – Student Wellbeing and Prevention of Violence. Over 100 publications, including a recent co-authored book on theories of child development (Routledge, 2015). A co-edited book, on promoting mental health and well-being through schools, is in press (Routledge, 2016).

Publications (last 5 years)

Shute, R. H. (2016). "Promotion with parents is challenging": The role of teacher communication skills and parent-teacher partnerships in school-based mental health initiatives. In R. H. Shute, & P. T. Slee (Eds.), Mental health through schools: The way forward. Oxford: Routledge.

Shute, R. H. (in press, 2016). School-based responses to youth suicide. In R. H. Shute, & P. T. Slee (Eds.), Mental health through schools: The way forward. Oxford: Routledge.

Shute, R. H., & Hogan, J. (in press, 2016). Child and adolescent development. In Thielking, M., & Terjesen, M., Eds.), Handbook of Australian School Psychology: Bridging the Gaps in International Research, Practice, and Policy. Springer.

Shute, R., Owens, L., & Slee, P. (in press, 2016). High school girls' experience of victimization by boys: Where sexual harassment meets aggression. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma.

Shute, R. H., & Slee, P. T. (Eds.) (in press, 2016). Mental health through schools: The way forward. Oxford: Routledge.

Shute, R. H., & Slee, P. T. (in press, 2016). Mental health and wellbeing through schools: Thinking big, acting wisely. In R. H. Shute, & P. T. Slee (Eds.), Mental health through schools: The way forward. Oxford: Routledge.

Page, E., Shute, R., & McLachlan, A. (2015). A Self-Categorization Theory perspective on adolescent boys' sexual bullying of girls. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(3), 371-383. doi: 10.1177/0886260514535096.

Shute, R. H. (2015). Transforming the future of learning: People, positivity and pluralism (and even the planet). Chapter 17 in H. Askell-Williams, Transforming the future of learning with educational research. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, pp. 327-36.

Shute, R. H., & Slee, P. T. (2015). Child development: Theories and critical perspectives. Hove: Routledge.

Zschorn, M., & Shute, R. H. (first online, 2015). 'We are dealing with it the best we can': Exploring parents' attributions regarding their child's disability using the 'Four Ws' framework. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi: 10.1177/1359104515614071

Andronaco, J. A., Shute, R., & McLachlan, A. (2014). Exploring asynchrony as a theoretical framework for understanding giftedness: A case of cognitive dissonance? Roeper Review, 36(4), 264-272. Published online 17.09.2014. doi: 10.1080/02783193.2014.945218

Dedousis-Wallace, A., Shute, R., Varlow, M., Murrihy, R., & Kidman, A. (2013). Predictors of teacher intervention in indirect bullying at school and outcome of a professional development presentation for teachers. Educational Psychology. Published online, 13.05.2013. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2013.785385