Xiao, Zhigang (Dr)
Email: zhigang.xiao@federation.edu.au
Room: 4N 261
Phone: 5122 6481
Dr Zhigang Xiao works as a lecturer. Before joining the institute in 2009, Dr Xiao had worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University for three years. Being different to most academics, his professional career also has close connections with the civil engineering industry. His 10-year industry working experience in Pacific Consultants in Japan as a research engineer and in Shenyang Institute of Architectural and Building Design in China as a structural engineer helps relate most of his research to practical engineering needs and challenges.
Research and supervision interests
Dr Xiao's research interest include civil infrastructure assessment, rehabilitation and maintenance with the focus on 1) fatigue and fracture of welded steel structures, 2) advanced structural analysis and 3) structural health monitoring.
Doctor of Engineering - Nagoya University, Japan 2003
Master of Structural Engineering - Tsinghua University 2000
Bachelor of Structural Engineering - Tsinghua University 1990
Journal articles
Yu, Q. Q., Chen, T., Gu, X. L., Zhao, X. L., and Xiao, Z. G. (2015). Boundary element analysis of fatigue crack growth for CFRP strengthened steel plates with longitudinal weld attachment. Journal of composites for construction, 19(2), 04014044 (12 pages). (ERA A journal)
Yu, Q. Q., Zhao, X. L., Xiao, Z. G., Chen, T., and Gu, X. L. (2014). Evaluation of stress intensity factor for CFRP bonded steel plates." Advances in Structural Engineering, 17(12), pp 1729-46. (ERA A journal)
Yu, Q. Q., Zhao, X. L., Chen, T., Gu, X. L., and Xiao, Z. G. (2014). Crack propagation prediction of CFRP retrofitted steel plates with different degrees of damage using BEM. Thin-Walled Structures, 82, 145-158. (ERA A journal)
Yu Q.-Q., Zhao, X. L., Al-Mahaidi, R., Xiao, Z.G., Chen, T., Gu, X. L. (2014). Tests on cracked steel plates with different damage levels strengthened by CFRP laminates, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 14(6), 1450018 (26 pages). (ERA B journal)
Chen, T., Zhao, X. L., Gu, X. L., Xiao, Z.G. (2013). Numerical analysis on fatigue crack growth life of non-load-carrying cruciform welded joints repaired with FRP materials, Composites Part B: Engineering, v 56, p 171-177, 2014 (ERA A journal)
Yu, Q., Chen, T., Gu, X., Zhao X. L. and Xiao, Z. G. (2013). Fatigue behaviour of CFRP strengthened steel plates with different degrees of damage, Thin-Walled Structures, vol 69, Pergamon, Oxford UK, pp. 10-17 (ERA A journal)
Chen, T., Xiao, Z. G., Zhao, X. L. and Gu, X. L. (2013). A boundary element analysis of fatigue crack growth for welded connections under bending, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 98: 44-51. (ERA A* journal)
Xiao, Z. G., Chen, T., and Zhao, X. L. (2012). Fatigue strength evaluation of transverse fillet welded joints subjected to bending loads, International Journal of Fatigue, 38(8): 57-64. (ERA A journal)
Xiao, Z. G. and Zhao, X. L. (2012). CFRP repaired welded thin-walled cross-beam connections subject to in-plane fatigue loading, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 12(1):195-211. (ERA B journal)
Xiao, Z. G., and Zhao, X. L. (2010). Prediction of natural frequency of free spanning subsea pipelines, International Journal of Steel Structures, 10(1): 81-89. (ERA B journal)
Liu, H. B., Xiao, Z. G., and Zhao, X. L. (2009). Prediction of fatigue life for CFRP strengthened steel plates, Thin-Walled Structures, 47(10): 1069-1077. (ERA A journal)
Xiao, Z. G., Yamada, K., Ya, S., and Zhao, X. L. (2008). Stress analyses and fatigue evaluation of rib-to-deck joints in steel orthotropic decks, International Journal of Fatigue, 30(8): 1387-1397. (ERA A journal)
Xiao, Z. G., Yamada, K., Inoue, J., and Yamaguchi, K. (2006). Measurement of truck axle weights by instrumenting longitudinal ribs of orthotropic bridge, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 11(5): 526-532. (ERA A journal)
Xiao, Z. G., Yamada, K., Inoue, J., and Yamaguchi, K. (2006). Fatigue cracks in longitudinal ribs of steel orthotropic deck, International Journal of Fatigue, 28(4): 409-416. (ERA A journal)
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2005). Fatigue strength of intersecting attachments, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 131(6): 924-932. (ERA A* journal)
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2004). A method of determining geometric stress for fatigue strength evaluation of steel welded joints, International Journal of Fatigue, 26(12): 1277-1293. (ERA A journal) (32 Scopus Citations as of 11 April 2011)
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2004). Fatigue strength evaluation of root-failed welded joints based on one-millimetre stress, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.50A: 719-726. (Japan journal, not listed in ERA)
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2003). Fatigue evaluation of steel post structures, Journal of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE, No.738/I-64: 25-36. (Japan journal, not listed in ERA)
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2003). Fatigue strength of tensile plates with combined attachments, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.49A: 717-724. (Japan journal, not listed in ERA)
Yamada, K., Xiao, Z. G., Kim, I.T. and Tateishi, K. (2002). Re-analysis of fatigue test data of attachments based on stress at fillet weld toe, Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE, Vol.48A: 1047-1054. (Japan journal, not listed in ERA)
Ma, Z., Liu, B., Chen, W., Wang, Z., Xiao, Z. G. and Zhang, Z. (1999). A construction information management system for an office complex, Construction Technology, China Civil Engineering Society, 28(11):11-22.
Conference proceedings
Yu Q.-Q., Zhao X. L., Chen T., Gu X. L., Xiao Z.-G. (2014). Boundary element analysis of CFRP strengthened steel plate with different degrees of damage. The 7th International Conference on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering – CICE 2014. 20-22 August 2014, Vancouver, Canada.
Yu Q. Q., Zhao X. L., Al-Mahaidi R., Xiao Z.G., Chen T. and Gu X. L. (2014). Experimental study on repair of steel plate with different damage degrees subject to fatigue loading. 7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - IABMAS 2014, 7-11 July 2014, Shanghai China.
Yu Q. Q., Zhao X. L., Xiao Z. G., Chen T., and Gu X. L. (2013). Analytical approach to estimate SIF values for damaged steel plates repaired by CFRP laminate. Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures - APFIS 2013, 11-13 Dec 2013, Melbourne.
Yu, Q., Zhao, X. L., Chen, T., Xiao, Z., Gu, X., 2013, Formula for SIF of cracked steel plates strengthened with CFRP plate, From Materials to Structures: Advancement through Innovation, 11 December 2012 to 14 December 2012, Taylor and Francis, London, pp. 537-540. (same as ACMSM22 – 2012 paper)
Xiao Z.G., Zhao X. L. and Borrie D. (2012). Fatigue behaviour of CFRP-strengthened thin-walled RHS-to-SHS cross-beam connections, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, 12 – 14 September 2012, London. p.345-350.
Chen, T., Zhao, X. L., Gu, X. L. and Xiao, Z. G. (2012). A boundary element analysis of non-load-carrying cruciform welded joints strengthened with FRP materials. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Nanjing, China, April 14-16, 2012, p.1405-1412.
Yu Q. Q., Zhao X. L., Chen, T., Xiao, Z.-G. and Gu X. L. (2012). Formula for SIF of cracked steel plates strengthened with CFRP plate. Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM22), 11-14 December 2012, Sydney, Australia, p. 537-540.
Yu Q. Q., Xiao, Z. G. and Zhao X. L. (2012). Numerical analysis of stress intensity factor in cracked steel plates strengthened with CFRP plate. ACUN6 –Composites and Nanocomposites in Civil, Offshore and Mining Infrastructure, 14 – 16 November 2012, Melbourne, Australia. pp. 187-191.
Jiao, H. Mashiri, F., Xiao, Z. G. and Imms, D. (2011). A feasibility study on mechanical connections of very high strength (VHS) circular steel tubes. The 6th International Symposium on Steel Structures. November 3-5, 2011, Seoul, Korea
Chen, T., Zhao, X. L., Gu, X. L. and Xiao, Z. G. (2011) Crack propagation in non-load-carrying cruciform welded joints with bonded composite patch. The Fifth Victorian Association of Chinese PhD and Young Scholars Research Workshop, Melbourne, Australia, November 12, 2011.
Peng, Y., Tong, L. W., Zhao X. L., and Xiao, Z.G. (2011). Modified stress intensity factor equations for semi-elliptical surface cracks in finite thickness and width plates, the Twelfth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Procedia Engineering 14 (2011) 2601–2608.
Mashiri F. R., Zhao X. L., Xiao Z. G., Dong P. and Tong L.W. (2010). Comparison of approaches for fatigue design of different tubular joint types, Tubular Structures XIII - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, December 2010, Hong Kong, China, Editor: Young B. pp.491-497.
Xiao, Z. G., Zhao, X. L. and Tong, L. W. (2010). Tests on CFRP repaired welded thin-walled cross-beam connections, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2010), September 2010, Beijing, China, pp. 903-906.
Liu, H. B., Zhao, X. L. and Xiao, Z. G. (2010). Fatigue testing of subsea pipeline steel connections under combined actions, Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM21), December 2010, Melbourne, Australia, 6. pp.
Xiao, Z. G., Zhao, X. L. and Mashiri, F. R. (2008). Fatigue experiments on CFRP repaired welded thin-walled RHS-to-RHS cross-beam connections, Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, October 2008, Changsha, China, pp. 971-980.
Xiao, Z. G. and Zhao, X. L. (2008). Stress analysis of free spanning subsea pipelines with finite element method, Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Structural Engineering for Young Experts, October 2008, Changsha, China, pp. 305-309.
Xiao, Z. G. and Zhao, X. L. (2007). Frequency analyses of free spanning subsea pipelines with finite element method, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conferences on Advances in Steel Structures, 5-7 December 2007, Singapore.
Liu, H., Xiao Z. G., Zhao, X. L. and Al-Mahaidi, R. (2007). Fracture mechanics analysis of cracked steel plates repaired with composite sheets, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS 2007), S.T. Smith (ed).
Xiao, Z. G. and Zhao, X. L. (2007). Current status of research into subsea pipelines subjected to fatigue loading, Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Pacific IIW International Congress, CD-ROM, 7-9 March 2007, Sydney, Australia, Paper 1.34.
Xiao, Z. G., Yamada, K., and Ojio, T. (2003). Fatigue experiments on tensile plates with combined attachments, Proceedings of the 58th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, CD-ROM, 24-26 September, 2003, Tokushima, Japan.
Xiao, Z. G., Yamada, K., and Ojio, T. (2003). Fatigue evaluation of steel post structures based on one-millimetre stress, Proc. of Annual Conference of the Chubu Branch of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 7 March 2003, Toyohashi, Japan, pp. 119-120.
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2002). Correlation of fatigue life of fillet welded joints based on stress at 1 mm in depth, Proceedings of the Third International Conferences on Advances in Steel Structures, 9-11 December 2002, Hong Kong, China, Elsevier Science, pp. 1001-1008.
Xiao, Z. G., Yamada, K., Ojio, T., and Yamada, S. (2002). Fatigue life evaluation of sign structures based on global stress, Proceedings of the 57th Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, CD-ROM, 25-27 September 2002, Sapporo, Japan, pp.321-322.
Yamada, K., Xiao, Z. G., and Hanji, T. (2002). Fracture mechanics in fatigue assessment, Workshop on Fatigue of Steel Structures, 18 September 2002, Melbourne, Australia.
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2002). Fatigue life evaluation of fillet welded joints, Proc. of the Fourth International Summer Symposium, Organized by International Activities Committee, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 3 August 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp.67-70.
Xiao, Z. G., Yamada, K., and Ojio, T. (2002). A new approach to evaluating fatigue life of fillet welds, Proc. of Annual Conference of the Chubu Branch of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 8 March 2002, Shimizu, Japan, pp.107-108.
Yamada, K., Ojio, T., Lee, S., Xiao, Z. G., and Yamada, S. (2001). Vibration induced fatigue of overhead sign structures on elevated highway bridges, Proc. of The Second International Conference on Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance, 25-26 April 2001, Hong Kong, China.
Ma, Z., Xiao, Z. G., Zhang, Y. S., and Itoh, Y. (2000). An integrated planning system for building construction using object-oriented technology, Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction Information Technology 2000: Implementing IT to Obtain a Competitive Advantage in the 21st Century, 17-18 January 2000, Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Press, pp.382-394. Xiao, Z. G., Ma, Z. L., and Itoh, Y. (1999). An integrated planning system for construction management based on object-oriented technique, Proc. of the First International Summer Symposium, Organized by International Activities Committee, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 6 August 1999, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 325-328.
Other (IIW documents and selected technical reports)
Zhao, X. L., and Xiao, Z. G. (2008). Stress analysis of free-spanning subsea pipelines, intermediate report of Subsea Pipeline Cluster projects, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University.
Zhao, X. L., and Xiao, Z. G. (2008). Frequency analysis of free-spanning subsea pipelines, intermediate report of Subsea Pipeline Cluster projects, Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University.
Takagi, T., Xiao, Z. G., and Yoshioka, T. (2006). Truck axle weight measurement by instrumentation for the fatigue investigation of Tatuda Ohashi Bridge. Pacific Consultants Co Ltd. (in Japanese)
Takagi, T., Xiao, Z. G., and Yoshioka, T. (2006). Fatigue cracks inspection and rehabilitation of Tatuda Ohashi Bridge. Pacific Consultants Co Ltd. (in Japanese)
Katou, H., Maekawa, R., Xiao, Z. G. (2005). Earthquake resistance investigation of concrete piers of Nagoya Expressways highway bridges, Pacific Consultants Co Ltd. (in Japanese)
Xiao, Z. G., Inoue, J., and Yamakuchi, K., (2004). Fatigue damage and rehabilitation investigation of Kinuura Bridge, Pacific Consultants Co Ltd. (in Japanese)
Inoue, J., Yamakuchi, K., and Xiao, Z. G. (2004). Truck traffic weight measurement by instrumenting the orthotropic deck of Kinuura Bridge, Pacific Consultants Co Ltd. (in Japanese)
Xiao, Z. G. and Yamada, K. (2004). Fatigue experiments on tensile plates with combined attachments, IIW Document XIII-2020-04, International Institute of Welding.
Yamada, K. and Xiao, Z. G. (2004). A new method of evaluating fatigue strength of weld toe failures, IIW Document XIII-2022-04/XV-1175-04, International Institute of Welding.
Yamada, K., and Xiao, Z. G. (2003). A fundamental research on evaluating the high cycle fatigue of welded joints, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University (Projected funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), 50109310, 2002). (in Japanese)
Yamada, K., and Xiao, Z. G. (2003). Fatigue behaviour investigation of sign posts on elevated highway bridges, Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University. (in Japanese)
ENG1210 Introduction to structural engineering
ENG2202 Steel structures
ENG2203 Concrete structures
ENG3201 Project management for engineers Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2010), 27 September 2010 to 29 September 2010, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing China, pp. 903-906.