Prof Wendy Wright - Research
Current research projects
- Population structure and movement patterns of introduced Sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) in south eastern Australia.
- Assessing gene flow in fragmented populations of Yarra Gum (Eucalyptus yarraensis) in Victoria
- Wild deer as reservoirs of agriculturally important gastrointestinal parasites in Eastern Australia
- Interactions between a gall–inducing wasp and its host plant , Sallow Wattle (Acacia longifolia) in the Grampians National Park
- Valuing cultural ecosystem services in rattan agroforests in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Functional and Phylogenetic Island Biogeography of the Melanesian Avifauna
- Conflict and Conservation: Sharing the costs and benefits of Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) conservation in communities adjacent to wildlife reserves in Nepal.
- Fear, Resistance and Reverence: European colonists’ perceptions of Aboriginal fire use in Victoria 1770-1900
- The roles of women in Nepalese forestry institutions
Research publications
Stanley, J.R., Birrell, R.J., Brain, P., Carey, M.G., Duffy, M., Ferraro, S., Fisher, S., Griggs, D.J., Hall, A., Kestin, T., Macmillan, C., Manning, I., Martin, H., Rapson, V.J., Spencer, M., Stanley, C., Steffen, W., Symmons, M.A., Wright, W., 2013, What Would a Climate-Adapted Settlement Look Like in 2030? A Case Study of Inverloch and Sandy Point, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Southport Qld Australia.
Dutta, D., Wright, W. (eds), 2010, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coastal Zones and Climate Change: Assessing the Impacts and Developing Adaptation Strategies, Monash University, Churchill Vic Australia.
Book chapters
Lugli, S., Wright, W., Tang, Y., Du, J., Qiao, X and Fisher, S. (2016) Conquests of the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve. A world heritage site at the edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (China) IN Kalak, M.A. and Guarenti, C. B. (Eds) Conquering mountains: The History of an idea. Pearson Italia, Milan.
Wright, W., Mosse, J. and Panther, B. (2016) The basics of getting biology courses online. In Kennepohl, D.K. (Ed) Teaching Science Online. Stylus Publishing, Virginia, USA.
Mosse, J., Wright, W., 2010, Acquisition of laboratory skills by on-campus and distance education students, in Accessible Elements, eds Dietmar Kennepohl and Lawton Shaw, AU Press, Edmonton Canada, pp. 109-129.
Journal articles
Afentina, A., McShane, P., Plahe, J. and Wright, W. (2017) Cultural Ecosystem Services of Rattan Gardens: The Hidden Values. European Journal of sustainable Development 6(3): 360-372
Aryal, A., Acharya, K. P., Shrestha, U.B., Dhakal, M., Raubenhiemer, D. and Wright, W. (2017) Global lessons from successful rhinoceros conservation in Nepal. Conservation Biology
Bhattarai, B., Wright, W., Poudel, B.S., Aryal, A., Yadav, B.P. and Wagle, R. (2017) Shifting paradigms for Nepal’s protected areas: history, challenges and relationships. Journal of Mountain Science 14(5):964-979
Khanal, S., Aryal, A., Morley, C.G., Wright, W. and Singh, N.B. (2017) Challenges of conserving Blue Bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus) outside the protected areas of Nepal. Proceedings of the Zoological Society.
Manandhar, S., Thapa, S., Shrestha, K., Jyakhwo, R., Wright, W. and Aryal, A. (2017) Population status and diurnal behaviour of the Indian Flying Fox Pteropus giganteus (Brunnich, 1782) in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Proceedings of the Zoological Society.
Wedrowicz, F., Wright, W., Schlagloth, R., Santamaria, F., Cahir, F. (2017) Landscape, koalas and people: A historical account of koala populations and their environment in South Gippsland. Australian Zoologist. DOI:
Wedrowicz, F., Mosse, J., Wright, W. and Hogan, F.E. (2017) Validating the use of non-invasively sourced DNA for population genetic studies using pedigree data. Web Ecology 17:9-18. https://doi:10.5194/we-17-9-2017
Bhattarai, B.R., Wright, W. and Khatiwada, A. (2016) Illegal hunting of prey species in the Northern section of Bardia National Park, Nepal: Implications for Carnivore Conservation. Environments 3, 32.
Cahir, F., McMaster, S., Clark, I., Kerin, R. and Wright, W (2016) Winda Lingo Parugoneit or Why set the bush [on] fire? Fire and Victorian Aboriginal people on the colonial frontier. Australian Historical Studies. 47(2) 225-240
Mahmood, A.H., Florentine, S.K., Chauhan, B.S., McLaren, D.A., Palmer, G. and Wright, W (2016) Influence of various environmental factors on seed germination and seedling emergence of a noxious environmental weed: Green Galenia (Galenia pubescens) Weed Science 64:486-494
Wagle, R., Pillay, S. and Wright, W. (2016) Examining Nepalese forestry governance from gender perspectives. International Journal of Public Administration 40(3): 205-225
Wedrowicz, F., Saxton, T., Mosse, J., Wright, W. and Hogan, F. (2016) A non-invasive tool for assessing pathogen prevalence in koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations: detection of Chlamydia pecorum and koala retrovirus (KoRV) DNA in genetic material sourced from scats. Conservation Genetics Resources 8(4): 511-521
Wright, W., Francis, S., Fisher, S. and Tang, Y. (2014) Observations of the 'Yunnan Parrotbill' Sinosuthora Brunnea ricketti in the lower Jinsha valley, China. BirdingASIA 21: 34-36
Schinagl, H., Wright, W. and Rayment, P., 2013, Recruitment of Eucalyptus strzelecki (Myrtaceae) in remnant patches of native vegetation in the Latrobe Valley and South Gippsland, Victoria. Australian Journal of Botany 61, 654–662
Dutta, D., Wright, W., Nakayama, K., Sugawara, Y., 2013, Design of synthetic impact response functions for flood vulnerability assessment under climate change conditions: case studies in two selected coastal zones in Australia and Japan, Natural Hazards Review [P], vol 14, American Society of Civil Engineers, United States, pp. 52-65.
Wright, W., Wang, Y., Tang, Y., 2013, Traditional ecological knowledge in non-traditional communities: a case study in Jiuzhaigou National Park, Journal of Park and Recreation Administration [P], vol 31, issue 3, Sagamore Publishing, United States, pp. 77-95.
Dutta, D., Wright, W., Rayment, P.R., 2012, Flood vulnerability analysis in coastal zones: a comparative analysis across five Asia-Pacific countries, APN Science Bulletin (E), vol 2, APN, Kobe, Japan, pp. 6-16.
Panther, B.C., Wright, W., Mosse, J.A., 2012, Providing a flexible learning environment: are on-line lectures the answer?, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education [E], vol 20, issue 1, Institute for Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, Australia, pp. 71-82.
Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Peterson, J., Wright, W., 2011, Cool temperate rainforest and adjacent forests classification using airborne LiDAR data, Area [E], vol 43, issue 4, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 438-448.
Wright, W., Zhu, X., Okurowski, M., 2011, Identification of key environmental variables associated with the presence of Toothed Leionema (Leionema bilobum serrulatum) in the Strzelecki Ranges, Victoria, Australia, Australian Journal of Botany [P], vol 59, issue 3, C S I R O Publishing, Australia, pp. 207-214.
Dutta, D., Wright, W., Rayment, P., 2011, Synthetic impact response functions for flood vulnerability analysis and adaptation measures in coastal zones under changing climatic conditions: a case study in Gippsland coastal region, Australia, Natural Hazards [P], vol 59, issue 2, Springer Netherlands, Netherlands, pp. 967-986.
Barr, R., Wright, W., Rayment, P., 2011, Thinning, fire and birds in Boola Boola state forest, Victoria, Australia, Australian Forestry [P], vol 74, issue 1, Institute of Foresters of Australia, Australia, pp. 43-53.
Hatanaka, N., Wright, W., Loyn, R.H., Mac Nally, R., 2010, 'Ecologically complex carbon'- linking biodiversity values, carbon storage and habitat structure in some austral temperate forests, Global Ecology and Biogeography [P], vol 20, issue 2, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Edinburgh UK, pp. 260-271.
Lester, R.E., Wright, W., Jones-Lennon, M., Rayment, P.R., 2009, Large versus small wood in streams: the effect of wood dimension on macroinvertebrate communities, Fundamental and Applied Limnology [P], vol 174, issue 4, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Germany, pp. 339-351.
Lester, R.E., Wright, W., 2009, Reintroducing wood to streams in agricultural landscapes: changes in velocity profile, stage and erosion rates, River Research And Applications [P], vol 25, issue 4, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester England, pp. 376-392.
Lester, R.E., Wright, W., Jones-Lennon, M., 2007, Does adding wood to agricultural streams enhance biodiversity? An experimental approach, Marine and Freshwater Research, vol 58, issue 8, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Vic Australia, pp. 687-698.
MacHunter, J., Wright, W., Loyn, R., Rayment, P.R., 2006, Bird declines over 22 years in forest remnants in southeastern Australia: evidence of faunal relaxation?, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, vol 36, issue 11, NRC Research Press, Ottawa Canada, pp. 2756-2768.
Lester, R.E., Wright, W., Jones-Lennon, M., 2006, Determining target loads of large and small wood for stream rehabilitation in high-rainfall agricultural regions of Victoria, Australia, Ecological Engineering, vol 28, issue 1, Elsevier BV, Amsterdam The Netherlands, pp. 71-78.
Conference proceedings
Afentina, A., McShane, P., Plahe, J. and Wright, W. (2017) Cultural ecosystem services of rattan gardens in Tumbang Runen Village, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development, ICSD 2017, 6-7 September, 2017. Rome, Italy,
Smith, L., Cordy, E., Bluff, L and Wright, W. (2017) Reducing the effect of planned burns on hollow-bearing trees. 11th Biennial Bushfire Conference – Fire, fauna and ferals: from backyards to Bush. Nature Conservation Council 30 May – 1 June, 2017, Sydney, Australia
Wright, W., West, P., Broeren, R., Crane, J., King, L. and Gilham, A. (Eds) (2014) Proceedings of Living with Bush fire: A Community Conference 3-5 October 2014. Federation University, Gippsland Campus, Churchill, Victoria.
Zhang, Z., Liu, X., Peterson, J.A., Wright, W., 2012, Terrain and canopy surface modelling from lidar data for tree species classification, GIS Ostrava 2012: Surface models for geosciences, 23 January 2012 to 25 January 2012, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, pp. 299-311.
Mosse, J., Panther, B., Wright, W., 2011, Off-campus learning: what do students want?, Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science & Mathematics Education 2011 (The 17th Annual UniServe Science Conference) Teaching for diversity - challenges & strategies, 28 September 2011 to 30 September 2011, UniServe Science, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 205-210.
Panther, B., Mosse, J., Wright, W., 2011, Recorded lectures don't replace the 'real thing': what the students say, Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science & Mathematics Education 2011 (The 17th Annual UniServe Science Conference), 28 September 2011 to 30 September 2011, UniServe Science, Sydney NSW Australia, pp. 127-132.
Wright, W., Dutta, D., Rayment, P., 2010, Flood vulnerability analysis in coastal zones: a comparative analysis across five Asia-Pacific countries, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coastal Zones and Climate Change: Assessing the Impacts and Developing Adaptation Strategies, Monash University, Churchill Vic Australia, pp. 433-443.
Dutta, D., Wright, W., Rayment, P., 2010, Use of synthetic impact response functions for the analysis of vulnerability to flood damage in Gippsland coastal zones, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Coastal Zones and Climate Change: Assessing the Impacts and Developing Adaptation Strategies, 12 April 2010 to 13 April 2010, Monash University, Churchill Vic Australia, pp. 419-432.
Dutta, D., Wright, W., Adeloju, S.B.O., 2008, A holistic approach for analysing impacts of climatic changes on coastal zone systems, USMCA 2008: 7th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 21 October 2008 to 22 October 2008, Centre for Public Safety Research Tsinghua University China, China, pp. 305-314.
Zhang, Z., Peterson, J.A., Zhu, X., Wright, W., 2008, Long term land use and land cover change and its impact on cool temperate rain forest in the Strzelecki ranges, Australia, XXI ISPRS Congress, Beijing 2008: Proceedings of Commission VII: IAPRS, Vol XXXVII, Part B7: 'Silk Road for Information from Imagery', 03 July 2008 to 11 July 2008, ISPRS, UK, pp. 899-904.
Zhang, Z., Peterson, J.A., Zhu, X., Wright, W., 2008, Revealing long term land use and land cover change in a severely disturbed environment, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy Assessment in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, 25 June 2008 to 27 June 2008, World Academic Press, UK, pp. 302-308.
Wright, W., Barr, R., 2008, The effects of silvicultural thinning on bird populations in Boola Boola state forest, Victoria, Proceedings of 'Old Forests, New Management' Sir Mark Oliphant Conference, 17-21 February 2008 Hobart Australia, 17 February 2008 to 21 February 2008, Sir Mark Oliphant Conferences, Hobart Tas Australia, p. 76.
Dutta, D., Doloi, H., Wright, W., Adeloju, S.B.O., 2007, APN project ARCP2007-14NMY: background, objectives, methodology, implementation strategy and expected outcomes, Proceedings of the Planning Workshop on the APN Project on Climate Perturbation and Coastal Zone Systems in Asia Pacific Region: Holistic approaches and tools for vulnerability assessment and sustainable management strategy, 27 September to 28 September 2007, Monash University, Churchill Vic Australia, pp. 1-6.
Weston, N.M., Wright, W., Mac Nally, R., Loyn, R., 2007, Combined impacts of wildfire and timber harvesting on bird communities in a managed forest - does time since harvesting affect bird community responses following fire? ESA 2007 Program and Abstracts, 26 November 2007 to 30 November 2007, Ecological Society of Australia, Perth WA Australia, p. 168.
Weston, N.M., Wright, W., Loyn, R., Mac Nally, R., 2007, How does time since timber harvest affect bird communities in a managed native forest?, Fourth Biennial Australasian Ornithological Conference; Program, timetable & Abstracts, 3 December 2007 to 5 December 2007, Birds Australian WA Australia, Perth WA Australia, p. 179.
Wright, W., 2007, Impacts of climate perturbations on ecosystems & ecosystem processes, Proceedings of the Planning Workshop on the APN Project on Climate Perturbation and Coastal Zone Systems in Asia Pacific Region: Holistic approaches and tools for vulnerability assessment and sustainable management strategy, 27 September 2007 to 28 September 2007, Monash University, Churchill Vic Australia, pp. 11-14.
Weston, N.M., Wright, W., Mac Nally, R., Loyn, R.H., 2007, Measuring the effects of harvesting history, vegetation type and fire on the distribution of forest owls in a harvested forest in Victoria, The Biodiversity Extinction Crisis: An Australasian and Pacific Response, 10 July 2007 to 12 July 2007, Society for Conservation Biology (Australasian Section), University of NSW NSW Australia, p. 33.
Zhang, Z., Peterson, J.A., Zhu, X., Wright, W., 2007, Modelling land use and land cover change in the Strzelecki ranges, International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 10 December 2007 to 13 December 2007, The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc, Christchurch New Zealand, pp. 1328-1334.
Weston, N.M., Wright, W., Loyn, R., Mac Nally, R., 2006, Occurrence and distribution of forest owls in a harvested state forest in Victoria, Australia, Birds Australia Congress, 2006, 18 October 2006 to 24 October 2006, Birds Australia, Albany WA Australia, p. 1.
Lester, R.E., Jones-Lennon, M., Wright, W., 2006, Wood to water: effects of the re-introduction of wood to streams in agricultural environments as a biodiversity enhancement tool, Australian Society for Limnology 45th National Congress: Abstracts, 25 September 2006 to 29 September 2006, Border Multi Print, Wodonga Vic Australia, p. 19.
Lester, R.E., Jones-Lennon, M., Wright, W., 2006, Wood to water: habitat creation within streams on agricultural land and the contribution of the community to a scientific study, International Landcare Conference, 8 October 2006 to 11 October 2006, The State of Victoria Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne Vic Australia, pp. 1-10.
Wright, W., Rossi, S.I., Loyn, R., 2005, Birds, mammals & their habitat in a variegated landscape in the Eastern Strzelecki Ranges, Victoria, Australia, 5th North American Forest Ecology Workshop, 12 June 2005 to 16 June 2005, GREF Interuniversitaire Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal Quebec Canada, p. 202.
Loyn, R., McNabb, E.G., MacHunter, J., Rossi, S.I., Wright, W., 2005, Managing forest mosaics: values of eucalypt plantations, re-growth stands, and retained mature forest as habitat for fauna, The International Forestry Review, 08/08/2005 to 13/08/2005, Commonwealth Forestry Association, Oxford England, p. 41.
MacHunter, J., Wright, W., Loyn, R., 2005, Temporal comparison of bird assemblages in forest fragments in Gippsland, Victoria, Birds Australia Scientific Congress and Campout 2005, 30 September 2005 to 7 October 2005, Birds Australia, Hawthorn East Vic Australia, p. 14.
Wright, W., MacHunter, J., Loyn, R., 2005, Temporal comparison of bird diversity / abundance in forest fragments in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia, 5th North American Forest Ecology Workshop, 12 June 2005 to 16 June 2005, GREF Interuniversitaire Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Montreal Quebec Canada, p. 203.
Weston, N.M., Wright, W., Loyn, R., Mac Nally, R., 2005, The longer-term effects of forest utilisation on bird populations in a managed mixed-eucalypt native forest, Birds Australia Scientific Congress and Campout 2005, 30 September 2005 to 7 October 2005, Birds Australia Publications, Hawthorn East Vic Australia, p. 27.
Ryan, A.E., Wright, W., D'Urbano, T., 2007, Evaluation of the Gippsland sustainability project for GOULD group, Monash University, Churchill Vic Australia, pp. 1-43.
Dutta, D., Doloi, H., Wright, W., Adeloju, S.B.O., Mafizur, R., Khan, M., Nakayama, K., ratnayake, U., Thanh, V., Thu, T., 2007, Proceedings of the Planning Workshop on the APN Project on Climate Perturbation and Coastal Zone Systems in Asia Pacific Region: Holistic approaches and tools for vulnerability assessment and sustainable management strategy, Monash University, Churchill Vic Australia, pp. 1-51.