Wakeling, Lara (A/Prof)

Position:Director of Learning and Teaching Lara Wakeling 
Discipline: Science
Phone:5327 9250


  • PhD (Queensland)
  • Grad Cert Education (Tertiary Teaching)
  • BAppSci(Hons)


I am passionate about food and the science of food and am keen to share this with others. I have 15 years experience in academia and a keen interest in learning and teaching, with a focus on enhancing the student experience. My research interests include a focus on both learning and teaching and compositional analysis of food to monitor effects of various processing techniques.

Teaching areas

  • SCFST1022 Introduction to Food Science
  • SCFST2043 Food Analysis
  • SCFST3044 Food Chemistry
  • SCFST3076 Research Project

Extended research profile