Dr Selena (Sally) Firmin - Research

Current research projects

Current research projects can be seen at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sally_Firmin

Current research students

Program of study: PhD

  • Thesis Title: The Visual Representation of a Patient’s Pathway for Multi-Disciplinary Meetings
  • Supervisors: A/Prof Andrew Stranieri (Co), Prof Frada Burstein (Co), and Sally Firmin (Associate)

Program of study: PhD

  • Thesis Title: A framework for adoption decision process for blockchain technology - an institutional and actor-network theory perspective
  • Supervisors: Dr Mehmood Chadhar (Principal), Dr Selena (Sally) Firmin (Associate), Dr Arthur Tatnall (External)

Program of study: PhD

  • Thesis Title: The impact of educational management information systems’ (EMIS) use on organisational success in regional Victorian universities
  • Supervisors: Dr. Selena (Sally) Firmin (Principal), Dr Taiwo Oseni (Associate), A/Prof Andrew Stranieri

Program of study: PhD

  • Thesis Title: Data-efficient and reliable deep learning for fake video detection
  • Supervisors: Dr Giles Oatley (Principal), Dr Selena (Sally) Firmin (Associate)

Program of study: PhD

  • Thesis Title: Cybersecurity challenges during remote working in COVID-19 pandemic: A key enabler for changing organisational resilience strategies
  • Supervisors: Dr Mehmood Chadhar (Principal), Dr Selena (Sally) Firmin (Associate)

Program of study: PhD

  • Thesis Title: Building higher education organisational cybersecurity capacity through individual employee mental models of privacy: A design science approach
  • Supervisors: Dr Selena (Sally) Firmin (Principal), Dr Taiwo Oseni (Associate)

Program of study: PhD

  • Thesis Title: An interpretive study of stakeholders' privacy in blockchain based healthcare: issues and strategies in australian privacy principles context
  • Supervisors: Dr Selena (Sally) Firmin (Principal), Dr Mehmood Chadhar (Associate)

Completed research students

Dr Suleiman Alnaimi

  • Program of study: PhD
  • Thesis Title: Decision making process with educated intercultural marriages in Australia
  • Supervisors: A/Prof Andrew Stranieri (Main), Prof John McDonald (Associate) and Sally Firmin (Associate)

Student: Stephanie Sharp

  • Program of study: Honours
  • Thesis Title: An investigation into how mobile technology can engage young museum visitors
  • Supervisors: Dr Charlynn Miller (Main), Sally Firmin (Associate)

Student: Linh Ngyuen

  • Program of study: Honours
  • Thesis Title: Case based web system for diabetes management using traditional Chinese medicine
  • Supervisors: Dr Zhaohao Sun, A/Prof Andrew Stranieri (Associate), Sally Firmin (Associate)

Consulting and Other Activities

Journal reviewer

Research groups


Teaching and Learning

  • Firmin, S., Burke, W., & Miller, C. (2011). IPOL fellowship funding – A framework for flexible learning and teaching practices - $10,000.
  • Turville, K., Firmin, S., Dekker, E., & Lansley, A. (2013). SITE L&T innovation grant – Flexible learning development room – $4,180.
  • Lim, S., Firmin, S., Moore, S., Oseni, T., Shatte, A, Javidan, F., & Goriss-Hunter, A. (2021). HEPPP funding – The Fed Uni STEM club – $62,890


  • Oseni, T., Firmin, S., Balasubramanian Appiah, V., & Stranieri, A. (2021). RSP funding – A Context-Initiative-Mechanism-Outcome (CIMO) Approach for Fluid Management in CKD using a Flex Behaviour Change Intervention Program – $5,500.
  • Oseni, T., Firmin, S., Stranieri, A., Ayoola, I., & van Berlo, S. (2022). Health innovation and transformation centre (HITC) early career researcher engagement and impact grants seed funding – A Context-Initiative-Mechanism-Outcome (CIMO) Approach for Fluid Management in CKD using a Flex Behaviour Change Intervention Program: A clinical trial – $9,947.



  1. Guo, T., Zhao, W., Alrashoud, M., Tolba, A., Firmin, S., & Xia, F. (2022). Multimodal educational data fusion for students; mental health detection. IEEE Access, 10, 70370-70382.
  2. Mahmood, S., Chadhar, M., & Firmin, S. (2022). Cybersecurity challenges in blockchain technology: A scoping review. Human Behaviour and Emerging Technologies, 2022.
  3. Stranieri, A., Venkatraman, S., Minicz, J., Zarnegar, A., Firmin, S., Balasubramanian, V., & Jelinek, H. F. (2022). Emerging point of care devices and artificial intelligence: Prospects and challenges for public health. Smart Health, 24, 1-9.
  4. Thomas, L., Gondal, I., Oseni T., & Firmin, S. (2022). A framework for data privacy and security accountability in data breach communications. Computers & Security, 116, 1-15.
  5. Guo, T., Bai, X., Tian, X., Firmin, S., & Xia, F. (2021). Educational anomaly analytics: Features, methods, and challenges. Frontiers, 4, 1-16.
  6. Goriss-Hunter, A., Echter, A., Oseni, T., & Firmin, S. (2018). ‘Undoing’ Gender: how the School of Science, Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT) Women’s Group works across university and community lines to promote inclusive STEMM. Andragoška spoznanja, 24(3), 57-72.
  7. Vamplew, P., Dazeley, R., Foale, C., Firmin, S., & Mummery, J. (2017). Human-aligned artificial intelligence is a multiobjective problem. Ethics and Information Technology. 1-14.
  8. Sun, Z., Stang, K., & Firmin, S . (2016). Business analytics-based enterprise information systems. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2-17.
  9. Meredith, G., Firmin, S ., & McAllister, L. (2013). Digital possibilities and ethical considerations: Speech-language pathologists and the web. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 15(1), 43-46.
  10. Sun, Z., & Firmin, S . (2012). A strategic perspective on management intelligent systems. Management Intelligent Systems, 171, 3-14.

Peer reviewed conferences

  1. Firmin, S., & Khurram, S. (2022). Informing App Design to Reduce Self-Management Challenges Identified for Chronic Disease. In Australasian Computer Science Week 2022 (pp. 246-249).
  2. Oseni, T., & Firmin, S. (2022). Enhancing Self-efficacy for Fluid Management in Chronic Kidney Disease with Fitbit and Flex. In Australasian Computer Science Week 2022 (pp. 239-241).
  3. Singh, S., Firmin, S., & Chadhar, M. (2022). An interpretive study of stakeholders’ privacy issues in blockchain: a healthcare context. In Australasian Computer Science Week 2022 (pp. 235-238).
  4. Chhina, S., Chadhar, M., Firmin, S., & Tatnall, A. (2021). Blockchain adoption framework using innovation translation approach - The preliminary study. In Proceedings of the Australiasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2021). *best paper award
  5. Nimje, S., Katade, J., Dunbary, N., Mavale, S., Kulkarni, S., & Firmin, S. (2021). Psychoinformatics: The behavioural analytics. In V. Bindhu, J. Manuel, R.S. Tavares & K.L. Du (Eds.), Proceedings of Third International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems (ICCCES 2021). Springer.
  6. Ivkovic, S., Chadhar, M. A., Oseni, T., & Firmin, S. (2020). Discovery of Small Group Interactions and Performance from Project Emails. Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (p. 51). PACIS.
  7. Ivkovic, S., Firmin, S., Oseni, T., & Chadhar, M. (2018). Communication metrics extracted from project managers' email in-box" (2018). In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. (PACIS).
  8. Oseni, T., Chadhar, M., Ivkovic, S., & Firmin, S. (2018). Organisational Learning with SaaS CRM–A case study of Higher Education. In Proceedings of the Australasian Conference of Information Systems (pp. 1-11). ACIS.
  9. Sharma, V., Stranieri, A., Firmin, S., Mays, H., & Burstein, F. (2018, January). Approaches for the visualization of health information. In Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference (p. 23). ACM.
  10. Sun, Z., Yearwood, J., & Firmin, S ., (2013). A technique for ranking friendship closeness in social networking services. In J. Lamp (Ed.). Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) (pp. 1-11).Melbourne: RMIT University.
  11. Nguyen, L., Sun, Z., Stranieri, A., & Firmin, S . (2013). CWDM: A case-based diabetes management web system. In H.Deng & C. Standing (Ed.). Proceedings of the 24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS) (pp. 1-11).Melbourne: RMIT University.
  12. Sun, Z., Firmin, S ., & Yearwood, J. (2012). Integrating online social networks with e-commerce: a CBR approach. In J. Lamp (Ed.). Proceedings of the 23rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems, (pp 1-11). Geelong, Vic.: Deakin.
  13. Firmin, S ., Sheard, J., Carbone, A., & Hurst, J. (2012). An exploration of factors influencing tertiary IT educators' pedagogies. In M. de Raadt & A. Carbone (Ed.). Fourteenth Australasian Computing Education Conference, (pp.157-166). Melbourne, Vic.: ACS.
  14. Turville, K., Firmin, S ., Yearwood, J., & Miller, C. (2010). Understanding Victims of Identity Theft: A Grounded Theory Approach. In 5th Conference on Qualitative Research in IT. Brisbane, QLD.
  15. Firmin, S ., Sheard, J., Carbone, A., & Hurst, J. (2010). An approach to unravelling techno-pedagogy. Paper presented at Addressing Research Challenges, Emerging Research Conference. Caulfield, Vic: Monash University.
  16. Firmin, S ., & Miller, C. (2005). Facilitating the development of lifelong learners through e-communication tools. In H. Gross (Ed.). Proceedings of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education Conference: Balance, Fidelity, Mobility: Maintaining the Momentum, (pp 215-219). Brisbane, QLD.

Book chapters

  1. Rogers, L., Miller, M., & Firmin, S . (2011). Evaluating the impact of a virtual emergency room simulation for learning. In D. Holt, S. Segrave, & J. Cybulski (Eds.). Professional Education Using E-Simulations: Benefits of Blended Learning Design. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


  1. Firmin, S. (2020). Unravelling pedagogy: The role of technology in shaping IT academics’ perceptions and application of teaching philosophy [Doctoral dissertation, Monash University].
  2. Firmin, S. (2005). The learning value of e-communication tools - A student perspective [Unpublished honours thesis]. University of Ballarat.

Professional memberships and associations

Internal/external web links

Research Interests

My main research interest is in the area of computing education. I specialise in qualitative research, in particular grounded theory.

Other areas include: educational technology, digital pedagogy, web services, social networks, and health informatics.