Lee, Christine (Dr)
Position: | Lecturer, Management |
Discipline: | Business |
Phone: | 03 5122 6714 |
Email: | Christine.Lee@federation.edu.au |
Research interests
Her research and publications relate principally to multiculturalism, health, tourism, international business and management.
Journal articles, industry reports, conference publications/presentations and contributions to books:
Lee, C. and Olsen, D. (in press) Quarantine. In D. Buhalis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Spisto, M. and Lee, C. (2018) Virtual online teaching in Transport Law, Victoria University Law and Justice Journal (VULJ) 8(1), 32-42.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2017) Volunteering in Community Broadcasting. FECCA (Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia) Conference “Celebrate Reflect Advance: Challenges and Possibilities for Multicultural Australia”, Darwin, Australia 8-10 October.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2017) The Perils of International Travel. ALTA (Australasian Law Teachers Association) Conference “Law on the Line” Adelaide, Australia, 5-8 July.
Spisto, M. and Lee, C. (2017) Where have all the lawyers gone? ALTA (Australasian Law Teachers Association) Conference “Law on the Line” Adelaide, Australia, 5-8 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2016) Sustainable vibrant ethnic communities. ALTA (Australasian Law Teachers Association) Conference “Sustainable vibrant ethnic communities” Wellington, New Zealand, 6-9 July.
Spisto, M. and Lee, C. (2016) Virtual classrooms are here to stay. ALTA (Australasian Law Teachers Association) Conference “Sustainable vibrant ethnic communities” Wellington, New Zealand, 6-9 July.
Lee, C and Olsen, D., F. (2015). Accessibility Tourism. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_1-1.
Olsen, D. and Lee, C. (2015). Disability Tourism. In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_1-1.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2015) Multiculturalism and service-learning accessibility. ALTA (Australasian Law Teachers Association) Conference “Legal Education and Access to Justice”, Melbourne, Australia, 16 to 18 July.
Spisto, M. and Lee, C. (2015) Navigating virtual teaching environments. ALTA (Australasian Law Teachers Association) Conference “Legal Education and Access to Justice”, Melbourne, Australia, 16 to 18 July.
Lee, C. and Gunaratne, K.A. (2014) Multicultural challenges in today's environment. World Business, Finance and Management Conference, Auckland, 8 – 9 December.
Gunaratne, K.A. and Lee, C. (2014) Modelling and validating the motivation of New Zealanders' to use social media. World Business, Finance and Management Conference, Auckland, 8 – 9 December.
Lee, C. (2014) Opportunities and threats in a globalised world. Medical Tourism Summit, Melbourne, 20 – 21 November.
Lee, C. (2013) Evolution in orchestrating distance teaching. HERSLEB International Conference, Melbourne, 11 – 12 December.
Lee, C. (2013) Teaching and learning for the present and future. HERSLEB International Conference, Melbourne, 11 – 12 December.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2013) The impact of globalisation and technology on the effectiveness of teaching and evaluation in the modern classroom. PERA Teaching and Learning Symposium. Melbourne 22 – 23 November.
Lee, C. (2013) Challenges in educating youth in today's environment. Poster Presentation. FECCA Conference, Gold Coast, 7th and 8th November.
Lee, C. and Dettrick, G. (2013) Challenges in mitigating barriers to regional settlement. Poster Presentation. FECCA Conference, Gold Coast, 7th and 8th November.
Lee, C (2012). Domestic Tourism. Tourism. The Key Concepts. Edited by Peter Robinson. Routledge.
Lee, C (2012). Independent Travel. Tourism. The Key Concepts. Edited by Peter Robinson. Routledge.
Lee, C. (2012) Opportunities and challenges of emerging technologies on distance teaching. Higher Education Research And The Student Learning Experience In Business (HERSLEB) International Conference 2012, Melbourne, 10th-12th December.
Lee, C. (2012) Originality and leadership in student assessment and feedback. Higher Education Research and 21st November. 10th-12th December.
Lee, C. and Dettrick, G. (2012) Serendipity in cross-cultural competency - multiculturalism within borders. Higher Education Research And The Student Learning Experience In Business (HERSLEB) International Conference 2012, Melbourne, 10th-12th December.
Lee, C. (2012) Chinese, what colour and image now? Chinese Community Council of Australia (CCCA) National Conference, Melbourne, 18-19 August.
K.A. Gunaratne and Lee C.L.H. (2011) How can individualised support that is context compatible be delivered to small and medium sized enterprises? 25th Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM), Wellington, NZ, 7-9 December.
Lee, C. (2011) Multiculturalism in the Education Industry: Challenges and trends in international education. Advancing Multiculturalism. Federal Ethnic Communities Council of Australia (FECCA) Conference, Adelaide 17-18 November.
Lee, C. (2011) Challenges in Educating New and Emerging CALD Communities in a Regional Setting. Research in Education Issues (REIN) Conference, Monash University, Gippsland Campus 21 November.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2011) Challenges to sustainability of best practices in education and services. 15thInternational Conference on ISO9000 & TQM. Kajang, Malaysia 26-28 July.
Townsend, P. and Lee, C. (2010) The relevance of human resource management theory on the management practices of hospitality providers on Phillip Island Victoria, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 18(2), 61-76.
Subhash, K. B, Weiermair, K., Lee, C, Scaglione, M. (2010). What constitutes health tourism: An Ayurvedic viewpoint, role of social venture capital in rejuvenating Ayurveda tradition. Special Edition: Journal of Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism 7: 55-81.
Subhash, K. B, Weiermair, K., Lee, C, and Scaglione, M. (2010). What Constitutes Health Tourism: An Ayurvedic Viewpoint, Role of Social Venture Capital in Rejuvenating Ayurveda Tradition. Asian Tourism Forum. The 9th Biennial Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Asia. Hualien, Taiwan 7-9 May.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2010) Efficient and effective lean management in academia – What does this mean for academic staff?14th International Conference on ISO9000 & TQM. Scranton, USA 5-7 April (Received Best Paper Award)
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2010) Racial discrimination – diminishing the quality of the academic experience. 14th International Conference on ISO9000 & TQM. Scranton, USA 5-7 April.
Lee, C. (2009) Panel Presentation Invited Session: Editors for academic journals. The Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Journal. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 9thTeaching, Learning and Research Conference. Glenelg, 17-20 November.
Lee, C. (2009) Volunteering activities of academics in times of crisis and change. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 9th Teaching, Learning and Research Conference. Glenelg, 17-20 November.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2009) Challenges in managing teaching assistance in times of crisis and change. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 9th Teaching, Learning and Research Conference. Glenelg, 17-20 November.
Lee, C. and Dettrick, G. (2009) Engaging ethnic communities to participate in volunteer work in Gippsland. Poster Presentation. Strengthening Multicultural and Building Social Inclusion. Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) 2009 Conference. Shepparton, 29 & 30October.
Dettrick, G.W. and Lee, C. (2009) The boat, the festival and the wall. Poster Presentation. Strengthening Multicultural and Building Social Inclusion. Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) 2009 Conference. Shepparton, 29 & 30 October.
Lee, C., Bergin-Seers, S., Galloway, G., O'Mahony, B. and McMurray, A. (2008). Seasonality and the Tourism Industry: Impacts and Strategies. Sustainable Tourism CRC (STCRC) Technical Report.
Lee, C (2008). Invertebrate. Encyclopaedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments. Edited by Michael Luck. CABI.
Lee, C (2008). Red tide. Encyclopaedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments. Edited by Michael Luck. CABI.
Lee, C (2008). Hurricane. Encyclopaedia of Tourism and Recreation in Marine Environments. Edited by Michael Luck. CABI.
Lee, C. (2008) International human resource challenges in medical tourism in an international environment. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 8th Teaching, Learning and Research Conference. Ballarat, 19-22 November.
Lee, C. (2008) Triage in Tertiary Education. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 8th Teaching, Learning and Research Conference. Ballarat, November 19-22.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2008) Behind and Beyond the Curtain of Economic Sanctions and the Apartheid Regime. Oxford Round Table: Trade Liberalization: Consequences for Human Rights. Oxford, August 3-8.
Spisto, M. and Lee, C. (2008) Media and Technology: Towards a Monoculture. Oxford Round Table: Trade Liberalization: Consequences for Human Rights. Oxford, August 3-8.
Lee, C.; Morgan, D. and Townsend, P. (2008) Business responses to small accommodation providers to demand seasonality in coastal Victoria. SME-Entrepreneurship Global Conference 2008: Creating Sustainable Entrepreneurship Eco-system and High Performance SME's. Melbourne, 3-4 July.
Lee, C. (2008) Successful completion of off-campus subjects at postgraduate level. Collected Wisdom OCL Symposium, Monash University
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2008) Challenges in providing suitable accommodation for medical tourists. 13thInternational Conference on ISO 9000 and TQM, Malaysia 24-26 March.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2008) Revisiting feedback for quality improvement in tertiary education. 13thInternational Conference on ISO 9000 and TQM, Malaysia 24-26 March.
Beeton, S, Bergin-Seers, S and Lee, C. (2007). Environmentally sustainable practices of Victorian Tourism Enterprises. Sustainable Tourism CRC (STCRC) Technical Report.
Lee, C. (2007). Medical tourism, an innovative opportunity for entrepreneurs. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability 3(1):110-123.
Lee, C. (2007). Just what the doctor ordered. Monash Business Review 3(3):10-12.
Lee, C. (2007). The theory v practice balance at universities. E-book: Volume 46 of the At the Interface Series - The Value of Knowledge. Morley, I (ed.) Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN: 978-1-904710-45-5.
Lee, C., McMurray, A., Galloway, G., Bergin-Seers, S. and O'Mahony, B. (2007) Seasonality and the Tourism Industry. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 7th Teaching, Learning and Research Conference. Sunshine Coast, 14-16 November.
Lee, C., Morgan, D., Gaulton, R. and Townsend, P. (2007) A case study on accommodation providers in a coastal destination in Victoria, Australia. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 7th Teaching, Learning and Research Conference. Sunshine Coast, 14-16 November.
Lee, C. (2007) Mental health: Medical tourism to the rescue? Recovering in Gippsland: First Gippsland Mental Health Conference. Churchill, 12-13 October.
Lee, C. and Galloway, G. (2007). Ethical challenges in conducting research with ethnic communities. (Third) National Research Ethics Conference: "The Ethics of Good Research". Australian Government National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Melbourne, 17-18 October.
Beeton, S, Bergin-Seers, S and Lee, C. (2007) Environmentally sustainable practices of Victorian Tourism Enterprises. BEST Education Network Think Tank VII Conference: Innovations for Sustainable Tourism. Arizona, 21-24 June.
Lee, C. (2007) Medical tourism, addressing future healthcare needs. Latrobe Regional Hospital Inaugural Research Day. Traralgon, 6 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2007) Medical tourism, the future of health services. 12th International Conference on ISO 9000 and TQM, Taichung, 9-11 April.
Lee, C. and Galloway, G. (2007) Addressing the negligible usage of parks by ethnic communities. 12thInternational Conference on ISO 9000 and TQM, Taichung, 9-11 April.
Lee, C. (2007) The theory v practice balance at universities. 1st Global Conference: The Value of Knowledge, Sydney 12 February – 14 February.
Lee, C. (2006) Learning towards designing assessment for distance students: A postgraduate case study. 5th Evaluation and assessment Conference. Perth 30 November – 1 December.
Lee, C. (2006) Successful postgraduate learning: More than just fulfilling the requirement. 5thEvaluation and assessment Conference. Perth 30 November – 1 December.
Lee, C. (2006) Medical tourism, an emerging international business. SME-Entrepreneurship Competitiveness, Challenges and Prospects in the New Global Environment. Malaysia, 17 – 18 October.
Lee, C. (2006) Gaming – an innovative product for the survival of smaller organizations. SME-Entrepreneurship Competitiveness, Challenges and Prospects in the New Global Environment. Malaysia, 17 – 18 October.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2004). International travel, illnesses and the global employee. Employment Relations Record 4(2):1-11.
Townsend, P. and Lee, C. (2004). Cultural adaptation: A comparative analysis of tertiary students' international education experience. Tourism Review International 8(2):143-152.
Lee, C. (2004) Tertiary Students and their Time Commitment to their Studies. Pacific Employment Relations Association, (PERA), 4th Teaching, Learning and Research Conference, Ballarat, 22 - 24 November.
Spisto, M. and Lee, C. (2004) Should tutorial attendance be compulsory for all tertiary students? 7thAmerican Society of Business and Behavioural Sciences (ASBBS), Cairns 6-8 August.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2003). Alpine Recreation. In Encyclopaedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation. Routledge.
Spisto, M. and Lee, C. (2003). Affirmative Action. In Encyclopaedia and Leisure and Outdoor Recreation. Routledge.
Lee, C. (2003) The health of employees in textile factories. 3rd Annual International Employment Relations Association Symposium (IERA), San Francisco. 1-4 October.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2002) International travel, illnesses and the global employee. 10th Annual International Employment Relations Association Conference (IERA), Gold Coast. 6-9 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2002) Karoshi, not just a Japanese problem. 10th Annual International Employment Relations Association Conference (IERA), Gold Coast. 6-9 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2001). The provision of travel advice to tourists and travellers: The legal implications in New Zealand. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 6(1):29-36.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2001). The Application of Risk Management to Occupational Diseases. International Employment Relations Review 7(2):1-11.
Lee, C., Spisto, M. and Bowie, V. (2001) The Prevention of Mortality in the Work Environment. 9thAnnual International Employment Relations Association Conference (IERA), Singapore. 9-12 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2001). The Application of Risk Management to Occupational Diseases. 9thAnnual International Employment Relations Association Conference (IERA), Singapore. 9-12 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2001). Employees and Illnesses from the Workplace. International Employment Relations Association Symposium (IERA), Malaysia. 7-9 July.
Lee, C., Spisto, M. and Tame, J. (2001). The Wights Motor World Traralgon Cup 2000: A Horse Racing Calendar Event. Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) conference, Manila, Philippines. 4-7 July.
Lee, C.L.H. (2000) Recreation Manager. In Encyclopaedia of Tourism. Routledge.
Lee, C.L.H. (2000) Joint Ventures. In Encyclopaedia of Tourism. Routledge.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2000). Workplace homicide, employment relations to the extreme. 8thAnnual International Employment Relations Association Conference (IERA), Singapore. 5-8 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2000). Health in the Workplace: Invisible invaders from within. 8th Annual International Employment Relations Association Conference (IERA), Singapore. 5-8 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2000). Flying and dying, work or leisure at its worst. 8th Annual International Employment Relations Association Conference (IERA), Singapore. 5-8 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2000). The legal implications relating to the provision of travel advice to tourists." 4th Biennial Conference - Tourism in Southeast Asia & Indo-China, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 24-26 June.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2000). The state of the statutes governing New Zealand borders. Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) conference, Prince Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand. 28 June – 1 July.
Lee, C. and Spisto, M. (2000). Healing waters with microbial menaces. Healing Waters Conference. Spa and Health Tourism in the New Millennium, Rotorua, New Zealand. 18-21 July.
Lee, C.L.H. (2000). Tourism and health: The effectiveness of health advice. Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Conference, La Trobe University, Mt. Buller Campus, Victoria. 2-5 February.
Lee, C.L.H. and Tanira, A. (1999). Adrenaline Leisure: Cost benefit interpretations at a macro and micro level. Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies (ANZALS) conference. University of Waikato, NZ. 29 January -1 February.
Lee, C.L.H. (1998). Communicating Risks: Tourism, air travel and health. Australia and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) conference. University of Waikato, NZ. 6-8 July.