Nguyen, Daniel (Dr)

Position:Lecturer in Finance
Work-Integrated Learning Coordinator
Business Honours Program Coordinator
Phone:03 5327 6556


Dr. Phong (Daniel) Minh Nguyen is a Lecturer in Finance at the Institute of Innovation, Science and Sustainability, Federation University Australia. Previously, he had extensive teaching experience at La Trobe University. In 2019, he was appointed as a visiting scholar in Department of Finance at Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China. He also operated a fintech and tax company and has held an innovation patent granted by IP Australia. Dr. Nguyen’s current research focuses on investment portfolio management, behavioural finance, and quantitative finance. His research papers are published in prestigious journals in Finance, such as The European Journal of Finance, International Review of Finance. He has received the 2016 La Trobe Student Union Teaching Award and the 2016 Pro-Vice Chancellor Award for his teaching excellence. He has extensive teaching experience in Financial Econometrics, International Financial Management, Financial Management, Banking and Finance, Management Accounting, Financial Planning.


  • B.B.A, Foreign Trade University
  • M.Fin, La Trobe University
  • Ph.D, La Trobe University


Selected Publication:

Nguyen, Phong Minh, and Wei-Han Liu. "Portfolio management using time-varying vine copula: an application on the G7 equity market indices." The European Journal of Finance (2022): 1-27, DOI:

Nguyen, Phong, and Wei-han Liu. "Time-Varying Linkage of Possible Safe Haven Assets: A Cross-Market and Cross-asset Analysis." International Review of Finance 17.1 (2017): 43-76, DOI:

Nguyen, Phong Minh, Darren Henry, Jae H. Kim, and Sisira Colombage. "Estimation of Optimal Hedge Ratio: A Wild Bootstrap Approach." Journal of Risk and Financial Management 17, no. 7 (2024): 310, DOI:

Sharpe, Wen Hua, Phong Minh Nguyen, and Sisira Colombage. "CEO overconfidence, customer satisfaction, and firm value: An investigation of mediating and moderating effects." European Management Journal (2023), DOI:

Nguyen, Phong Minh, and Wei-Han Liu. "Portfolio management using time-varying vine copula: an application on the G7 equity market indices." The European Journal of Finance (2022): 1-27, DOI:

Nguyen, Phong, and Wei-han Liu. "Time-Varying Linkage of Possible Safe Haven Assets: A Cross-Market and Cross-asset Analysis." International Review of Finance 17.1 (2017): 43-76, DOI:

* This paper was announced as one of the top 20 most downloaded recent papers between July 2016 and June 2018 in International Review of Finance.

Working papers:

Nguyen, Phong, Wen Hua Sharpe and Darren Henry. “CEO overconfidence, customer satisfaction, and firm value – An investigation of mediating and moderating effects”

Nguyen, Phong, Wen Hua Sharpe and Darren Henry. “Firm performance and CEO dismissal: Evidence from earnings management and customer satisfaction”

Liu, Wei-Han, and Phong Nguyen. “Are Major Oil Markets Globalized or Regionalized, or Both?”

Nguyen, Phong, Jae H. Kim and Darren Henry. “Estimation of Hedge Ratio: A Wild Bootstrap Approach”

Nguyen, Phong, Wen Hua Sharpe and Darren Henry. “Corporate Social Responsibility and Access to Capital: The Mediating role of Intangible Sources and the Moderating role of CEO”

Nguyen, Phong, Wen Hua Sharpe and Darren Henry. “Firm performance and CEO dismissal: Evidence from earnings management and customer satisfaction”

Liu, Wei-Han, and Phong Nguyen. “Are Major Oil Markets Globalized or Regionalized, or Both?”

Nguyen, Phong, Wen Hua Sharpe and Darren Henry. “Corporate Social Responsibility and Access to Capital: The Mediating role of Intangible Sources and the Moderating role of CEO”

Teaching areas

Financial Econometrics, International Finance Management, Financial Management, Banking and Finance, Management Accounting.

Consulting and other activities

Visiting Scholar, June-August 2019, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.

Awards and grants

Winner of the LTSU Teaching Award 2016, La Trobe Student Union

Winner of the 2016 College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce (ASSC) Pro-Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Support Staff Award, La Trobe University