Chadhar, Mehmood (Dr) - Research
Current research projects
An ERP implementation Process as a Co-emergence of Organisational learning and Communities of Practice
Research supervision
Name | Degree | Year of enrolment | Role in supervision | Topic | Status |
Mr Chukwuma Ukoha | PhD | 2016 | Associate | Deriving value from Health 2.0: A study of social media use among healthcare providers has been sent for examination today | Completed |
Mr Saleem Malik | PhD | 2018 | Principal | Factors affecting Blockchain adoption in Australian organisation | Completed |
Ms Nadia Faisal | PhD | 2019 | Principal | Are ERPsim Games Helping Students to be More Job Ready? Australian Universities’ Perspectives | In Progress |
Ms Shipra Chhina | PhD | 2019 | Principal | Appropriateness of Blockchain adoption from information transparency perspective | In progress |
Mr Ezazul Islam | PhD | 2020 | Associate | Blockchain based energy billing for proposed microgrid | In progress |
Ms Samreen Mahmood | PhD | 2021 | Principal | Cybersecurity challenges during Remote Working in COVID-19 pandemic: A key enabler for changing Organisational Resilience Strategies | In progress |
Mr Supreet Singh | PhD | 2021 | Associate | An interpretive study of stakeholders’ privacy issues in blockchain: a healthcare context | In progress |
Consulting and other activities
5 years' experience in the analysis and design of business processes and operations as input to systems development activity and projects Experience in the development of business cases to support proposals for technology investment
Professional memberships and associations
- SAP Associates
- Australian Computer Society
- ERP Simulation Games Certified Instructor
Professional training
- ERP Simulation Instructor Level 2 (Train The Trainer)
- SAS Applied Analytics Using SAS (R) Enterprise Miner (TM)
- Tableau Desktop Advanced, Business Analytics , Visualization
- Tableau Desktop Fundamentals, Business Analytics , Visualization
- IBM Watson Analytics, Social Media Analytics
- IBM Modeller
- SAP ERP, September 2011, SAP Australia
- Foundations of University Learning and Teaching, UNSW Australia
Research interests
- Blockchain adoption in Australia
- Blockchain based energy trading
- Enterprise System in organisation
- IT and organisational change
- Business simulation games and job-readiness
Research publications
Faisal, N., Chadhar, M., Stranieri, A., and Gorris-Hunter, A. 2022. "Effects of Simulation Games on Is Students’ Work-Readiness: Instructors’ Perspectives," AMCIS Proceedings.
Islam, M., Chetty, M., Lim, S., Chadhar, M., and Islam, S. 2022a. "Blockchain Based Smart Auction Mechanism for Distributed Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading," Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Islam, M., Chetty, M., Lim, S., Chadhar, M., and Islam, S. 2022b. "Incorporating Price Information in Blockchain-Based Energy Trading," AMCIS Proceeding.
Mahmood, S., Chadhar, M., and Firmin, S. 2022. "Cybersecurity Challenges in Blockchain Technology: A Scoping Review," Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies (2022).
Malik, S., Chadhar, M., Chetty, M., and Vatanasakdakul, S. 2022. "Adoption of Blockchain Technology: Exploring the Factors Affecting Organizational Decision," Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies (2022).
Singh, S., Firmin, S., and Chadhar, M. 2022. "An Interpretive Study of Stakeholders’ Privacy Issues in Blockchain: A Healthcare Context," in Australasian Computer Science Week 2022. pp. 235-238.
Sun, K., Li, W., Saikrishna, V., Chadhar, M., and Xia, F. 2022. "Covid-19 Datasets: A Brief Overview," Computer Science and Information Systems:00), pp. 14-14.
Malik, M. S., Chadhar, M., & Chetty, M. (2021, January). Factors Affecting the Organizational Adoption of Blockchain Technology: An Australian Perspective. In Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (p. 5597).
Malik, S., Chadhar, M., Vatanasakdakul, S., & Chetty, M. (2021). Factors Affecting the Organizational Adoption of Blockchain Technology: Extending the Technology–Organization–Environment (TOE) Framework in the Australian Context. Sustainability, 13(16), 9404.
Faisal, Nadia; Chadhar, Mehmood; Stranieri, Andrew; and Gorris-Hunter, Anitra, "Rethinking IS Graduates Work-readiness: Employers’ perspectives" (2021). AMCIS 2021 Proceedings. 12.
Faisal, Nadia; Chadhar, Mehmood; Goriss-Hunter, Anitra; and Stranieri, Andrew, "An Exploratory Study on the Employers' Perceptions of ICT Graduate work-readiness" (2021). PACIS 2021 Proceedings. 17.
S Chhina, M Chadhar, S Vatanasakdakul, M Chetty, 2021 ; Blockchain Adoption Framework Using Innovation Translation Approach- The preliminary study; Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Sydney , Australia
S Malik, M Chadhar & M Chetty, 2020; : Organizational Adoption of Blockchain Technology: an Australian Perspective; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Dubai, UAE.
S Ivkovic, M Chadhar, T Oseni and S Firmin, 2020; Discovery of Small Group Interactions and Performance from Project Emails; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Dubai, UAE.
S Ivkovic & M Chadhar,2020 ; INTEGRATING the ANALYSIS OF PROJECT emails to its critical success factors; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Dubai, UAE.
N Faisal, M Chadhar, 2020; A Goriss-Hunter, A Stranieri, 2020; The Past, Present and Future of Computer Simulation Games in Information Technology Education: A Systematic Literature Review; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Dubai, UAE.
N Faisal, M Chadhar, A Goriss-Hunter, A Stranieri, 2019 ; Are ERP Simulation Games Assisting Students to be Job-Ready? An Australian Universities’ Perspective; Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Perth , Australia
S Chhina, M Chadhar, S Vatanasakdakul, M Chetty, 2019 ; Challenges and opportunities for Blockchain Technology adoption: A systematic review; Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Perth , Australia
Chadhar, MA;& Denesghar,F; 2018; Relationship Between Organisational Learning and ERP Implementation Phase: A situated learning perspective; Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application - 19(2), 7
Chadhar, MA;& Denesghar,F; 2018; Relationship Between Organisational Learning and ERP Implementation Phase: A situated learning perspective; Journal Knowledge Management Research & Practice - Submitted
S Ivkovic, S Firmin, T Oseni & Chadhar, M; 2018; Communication Metrics Extracted from Project Managers' Email In-Box; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Yokohama, Japan
T Oseni , M Chadhar, S Ivkovic & S Firmin;2018 ; Organisational Learning with SaaS CRM – A case study of Higher Education; Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Sydney , Australia
S Malik,M Chetty & M Chadhar,;2018 ; Information Technology and Organizational Learning Interplay: A Survey; Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Sydney , Australia
Chadhar, M & Denesghar,F; 2017; IS Enactment and organisational learning: A case of an integrated ERP post-implementation in Australia; Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Hobart, Australia
Ukoha, C; Stainrie, A;Chadhar, M; 2017; Deriving Quantifiable Value from Health 2.0: A Mixed Methods Study of Social Media Use in Australian Healthcare Organizations; Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Langkawi, Malaysia
Chadhar, MA; & Daneshgar, F; 2016; Understanding ERP Post-Implementation Issues: A situated learning perspective; International Conference on Information Systems (Pre-Workshop), Dublin, Ireland