Louwhoff, Simone (Dr)
Position: | Lecturer and SE5 Program Coordinator |
Discipline: | Science |
Phone: | 5122 8026 |
Email: | s.louwhoff@federation.edu.au |
- Bachelor of Secondary Education in Environmental Science 1991
- Masters of Applied Science (Research)1995
- PhD (Systematics and Evolution) 2000
Teaching area
- Biological Sciences (Cell Biology)
- Australian Vegetation
- Invasive Species
- Restoration Ecology
Professional associations
- Australasian Lichenologists
- International Association of Lichenology
- Australian Network for Plant Conservation
Research interests
- Lichens (all topics)
- Australian Flora
- Bryophytes and Fungi
- Dell M, Worley M, Casanova MT, McMullan-Fisher S, Louwhoff S and Fielder J (2020) An assessment of conservation priorities and actions for bryophytes, algae and fungi in response to Victoria’s 2019–2020 bushfires. Independent consultant report, Melbourne, Victoria.
- Louwhoff, S (2019) Observations on the vertical distribution of lichens on Eucalyptus radiata subsp. radiata tree in burnt lowland forest, Victoria, including a new State record. Australasian Lichenology 87, 85–91.
- Louwhoff, S. & Harris, K. (2014) A guide to the lichens of Morwell National Park. 12 panel glossy pamphlet.
(older- selected literature)
- Louwhoff, S (2009) A Look at the Lichenised Fungi. Australian Plants. Vol 25. No.200.
- Louwhoff, S (2009) Umbilicareaceae. Flora of Australia. 57, 553-562.
- Louwhoff, S (2009) Nephromataceae. Flora of Australia. 57, 423-427.
- Louwhoff, S (2009) Peltigeraceae. Flora of Australia. 57, 428-446.
- Purvis OW, Chomonides J, Din V, Erotokritou L, Jeffries T, Jones GC, Louwhoff S, Read, H & Spiro B. (2003) Which factors are responsible for the changing lichen floras of London? The Science of the Total Environment 310, 179–189.
- Kantvilas G & Louwhoff SHJJ (2007) The lichen genus Umbilicaria Hoffm. in Tasmania. Muelleria 25, 3-20.
- Chooi Y-H, Stalker DM, Davis MA, Fujii I, Elix JA, Louwhoff SHJJ & Lawrie AC (2008) Cloning and sequence characterization of a non-reducingpolyketide synthase gene from the lichen Xanthoparmelia semiviridis. Mycological Research 112, 147–161.