Dr Kathleen Keogh - Research
PhD Thesis
- Keogh, Kathleen (2019) Improvised coordination in agent organisations http://hdl.handle.net/11343/238701 The University of Melbourne
Kathleen studied approaches that enable intelligent software agents to behave flexibly after observing unexpected changes in their environment. She proposed new organisational constructs to support improvised agent behaviour, and demonstrated viability of the approach through experimentation. Her work contributes to the analysis and design of complex sociotechnical systems.
Book Chapters
- "Prospects for ECollaboration with artificial partners" K.Keogh and E.A. Sonenberg in Encyclopedia of E-Collaboration T. Kock (editor) p.493-498. Information Science, IGI Global (2008), Hershey, NY. ISBN 978-1-59904-000-4
Journal articles
- "Familiarity-Based Collaborative Team Recognition in Academic Social Networks" S Yu, F Xia, C Zhang, H Wei, K Keogh, H Chen (2021) IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
- "Designing multi-agent system organisations for flexible runtime behaviour" K Keogh, L Sonenberg (2020) Applied Sciences 10 (15), 53352020
- "Designing for planned emergence in multi-agent systems" K Keogh, L Sonenberg (2014) International Workshop on Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems pp 97-113
- "Coordination Using Social Policies in Dynamic Agent Organizations" Keogh, K and Sonenberg, E.A. (2014) in Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems IX, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 8386 pp1-20
- "Adaptive coordination in distributed and Dynamic Agent Organizations", Keogh, K., Sonenberg, E.A. (2012) in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including sub-series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Vol. 7254 LNAI, pp. 38-57.
- "Coordination in Adaptive Organisations: Extending Shared Plans with Knowledge Cultivation". K.Keogh, E.A. Sonenberg, W.Smith in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) journal, 2009, pp 90-107, Springer. Post conference proceedings- Organised Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems (oamas08)
- "The Importance of Project Management Documentation in Computing Students' Capstone Projects". K.Keogh, A. Venables 2009 Article Accepted for publication in APJCE (Asia Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education) special edition in WIL (Work Integrated Learning) 10(3), 1-12.
- "A. Scalable and Portable Structure for Conducting Successful Year-long Undergraduate Software Team Projects". Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE) 6 (2007) p 515-540 K.Keogh, L.Sterling and A. Venables
- "Keeping the Patient Asleep and Alive: Towards a computational cognitive model of disturbance management in anaesthesia". K.Keogh and E.A. Sonenberg Journal of Cognitive Systems Research 8 (2007), p249-261. Elsevier doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2006.12.001
International Conferences Workshops
- "Agent Teamwork and Reorganization: exploring self-awareness in dynamic situations" AAMAS 2006 Disaster Management workshop proceedings. Hakodate, Japan, May 2006
- "Designing self-aware agents for a disaster management scenario" ISCRAM China, Harbin, August 2007. 2nd International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.
Refereed Conference papers
- "The importance of 'industrial strength' project management documentation for final year computing students" K.Keogh and A.Venables. World Association for Cooperative Education (WACE) Asia Pacific Conference - Work Integrated Learning: Transforming Futures, September, 2008. Manly. pp294-300
- "ICT student projects: assessing students engaged in the community". K.Keogh A.Venables. Proceedings of the ATN EAC Assessment and Evaluation for Real World Learning 2007 Conference, Brisbane, December 2007.ISBN 1741071356.
- "Analysis and Visualization of Complex Behavioural Data: A Case Study of Disturbance Management in Anaesthesia," Kathleen Keogh, Liz Sonenberg, in Proceedings of Human Factors HF 2002 CDROM Melbourne, November 25-27, 2002 ISBN 0 855907895
- "Towards a Computational Model of Disturbance Management in Anaesthesia", Kathleen Keogh, Liz Sonenberg, and Jeanette Lawrence, Proceedings of the Eighth Australian Joint Conference on AI, 1995 pp 115-122
Research interests
Kathleen Keogh’s current research involves intelligent software agents, with particular emphasis on agents that are designed based on beliefs, desires, goals and intentions.
Kathleen is exploring how agents can work together in organisations, in particular when the situation demands that agents improvise based on plans provided at design time. The work is motivated by emergency management simulations where people could benefit from intelligent agents behaving like people or working with people.
Kathleen is Lecturer in information technology at Federation University Australia and coordinator of the IT professional practice and cloud and enterprise computing programs. She also manages the faculty partnership with IBM. She has completed her PHD at the University of Melbourne, which proposes a meta-model for designing and creating multi-agent system organisations capable of improvisation and coordination at run time.