Dr Gopinath Chattopadhyay - Research
Professional body affiliation
- Chair of Asset management Council, (Brisbane Chapter), (2014 – 2016)
- Vice Chair of Asset Management Council (Brisbane Chapter) (2013 – 2014)
- Chair of Asset Management Council (Gladstone Chapter) (2010 – 2012.)
- President (2004-2007), Secretary (2002-2004) Executive (1998-2001): Australian Society of Operations Research (ASOR), QLD.
- Bulletin Secretary (2000-2002), Executive (1999-2000): Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- Vice President (2005-2007), Technical Coordinator (2002-2003), Executive (2004-2005): Maintenance Eng Society of Australia (MESA)
Research grants and industry funding
- 2015, Project management capability building for PNG Government agencies, $12k, UNRE, PNG
- 2014, Asset registers and information management in water treatment projects,$64k, Mackay Water
- 2014, Asset Management in line with ISO55000, $12k UNRE, PNG
- 2014, Regional Development Business case, $6k, for Gatton West Industrial Zone, Lockyer Valley Regional Council.
- 2013, Business process reengineering and gap analysis for defect maintenance (reactive) maintenance planning process, Macquarie Generation, $35k
- 2013, Maintenance planning rationalisation and development of risk based capital planning process, Macquarie generation, $275k
- 2013, Asset Register and cost modelling for Doubleton Raw Water Pump Station, $30k,Mackay Regional Council
- 2013, Gap Analysis for Infrastructure projects and capability building, $12k UNRE, PNG
- 2012, Asset Register and cost modelling for Nebo Road Water Treatment Plant, Mackay Regional Council, $30k
- 2012, Prioritisation model for Void Protection for Sewage Treatment Pumps for Unity water, $20k
- 2012, Lifecycle cost analysis and maintenance plan for CSG water pipelines for Sun water, $35k
- 2011, Chattopadhyay, G and Cole, C Rail CRC grant - Life Cycle Management of Railway Bridges, $223,736
- 2011, Sivathasan, S., and Chattopadhyay, G., CQU Merit Grant Integrated flood prediction and risk management system for Gladstone, $30,000
- 2011, Chattopadhyay, G. and Khan., M, FSEH - Integrated Model in Sustainable Development, $7500
- 2010, Sharma, S. and Chattopadhyay, G., CQU Development of Eddy Current method for detecting cracks in rolling contact fatigue of Top of Rail surface, $7500
- 2009, Chattopadhyay, G., Misra, S.K, Schuetz, M., Rashford, S, Toft, Y., Keleher, P., Halder, S., Integrated trauma Management systems for head injury cases, Qld Health, $100, 000
- 2009, Colin, C, and Chattopadhyay G., Rail CRC, demonstrating the maintenance as important area for capability building and attracting CRC money for CQU Post Doc for emerging technologies in Maintenance Management, RAIL CRC, $325,000
- 2008, Chattopadhyay and team members from CQ University and QUT, BT8, Best Practice in rail grinding, Rail CRC, with CQU part is $393, 000 out of $422,000.
- 2008, Chattopadhyay G, Scott S, Hargreaves D, Baker, J, CZ3, Optimizing Track lubrication, Rail CRC, with CQU part $220,000 out of $273,000.
- 2008, Toft, Y, Chattopadhyay, G. Along with UQ, CZ6, Level crossing risk reduction, Rail CRC, CQU part is $97,700 out of $220,000
- 2008, Mandal, N., Chattopadhyay G, Rasul, M, Khan, M.M.K., BT23, Track Stability Monitoring Systems, Rail CRC, $180K
- 2007, Chattopadhyay, G., Mandal, N, Clegg, R, Integrated rail risk modelling, BT22, Rail CRC, $180K
- 2006, Chattopadhyay, G, Hargreaves, D, Powell J, Ferreira, L, Murray, M, M. Dhanasekar, Collin Cole, Studies on operational risks due to rolling contact fatigue and lubrication interaction for optimal strategies in rail/wheel lubrication and preventive wheel/rail grinding, CIEAM CRC, $180K.
- 2006, Lin Ma , G. Chattopadhyay and others, Prediction model for asset health, CIEAM CRC, $400K
- 2004, Chattopadhyay, G, Wang, W, Will, G, Hargreaves, D, Improving plant reliability and reduction of process cycle time of animal feedstock production, Strategic Link With Industry, Ridley Agro Products, $23K.
- 2004, Chattopadhyay, G, Hargreaves, D, Reddy, V (PhD Research Scholar), Development of integrated model for rolling contact fatigue (RCF) for predicting and preventing crack propagation, CIEAM CRC, $30K
- 2004, Chattopadhyay, Rahman, A (PhD Research Scholar), Development of life time warranty policies and modelling costs, CIEAM CRC, $24K
- 2004, Chattopadhyay, G, Hargreaves, D, QUT Visiting Fellowship (U Dinesh Kumar) Total cost of ownership model for rail wagons, $8K
- 2004, Chattopadhyay, G, ARC Linkage incentive grant, Plant efficiency enhancement through reduction of process cycle time, improvement of plant reliability and development of automated data acquisition system for decision making in capacity, production and maintenance planning, QUT, $2K
- 2004, Chattopadhyay, G and Hargreaves, D, QUT Visiting Fellowship (Dr. PO Larsson-Kraik), Benchmarking rail lubrication, $8K
- 2003, Chattopadhyay, G, QUT Strategic Link with Industry GRG Engineering on Vacuum leak detection technique, $10K.
- 2003, Chattopadhyay, G ARC Linkage incentive grant, on Non-Destructive testing of heat sealed packages, QUT, $2K
- 2002, Chattopadhyay, G, Yarlagadda, YVKD P, QUT-ECR-Grant for study on effect of soil, condition on decay of in ground wooden structures, $9K
- 2001, Chattopadhyay, G, Mathew, J QUT-ECR-Grant for modelling degradation of infrastructure components, $6K
Research higher degree supervision
Completed PhD supervision
Student: Manli, L
- Program of study: Impact of service standards performance incentive scheme into asset life cycle strategies in Australia
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Assoc. Supervisor)
Student: Nielsen, D
- Program of study: Decision support system for railway bridge maintenance management
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Assoc. Supervisor)
Student: Reddy, V
- Program of study: Optimal Rail grinding and rail Lubrication Project
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Main)
Student: Rahman, A
- Program of Study: Lifelong warranty policies and cost modelling
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Main)
Student: Sharma, T. S.
- Program of Study: Evaluation of effectiveness using elevators as fire escape in multistorey buildings
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Main)
Student: Kumar, S
- Program of Study: Reliability analysis and cost modelling of degrading systems
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Assoc. Supervisor)
Student: Parida, A
- Program of Study: Multi criteria maintenance performance measures
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G. (Assoc. Supervisor)
Student: Holmgren, M
- Program of Study: Modelling and Analysis of Losses due to Accidents linked to Maintenance Actions
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G.(Assoc. Supervisor)
Completed Masters supervision
Student: Ahmed, Shah Sanjar
- Program of Study: Truck Buckling
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G. (Associate Supervisor)
Student: Allahamanli, Lutifye
- Program of Study: Asset management in the Power Transmission Industry
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Main)
Student: Gibson, G
- Program of Study: High speed leak detection vacuum based imaging technique
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G (Main and then Assoc Supervisor)
Student: Desai, A.
- Program of Study: Reduction of down time for improving productivity and quality of animal feed production line
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G. (Main)
Student: Kumar, S
- Program of Study: A Study of the Rail Degradation Process to Predict Rail Breaks
- Supervisors: Chattopadhyay, G. (Assoc. Supervisor)
Student: Reddy, V
- Program of Study:Modelling and analysis of Rail Grinding and Lubrication strategies
- Supervisor : Chattopadhyay, G (Main)
Student: Rahman, A
- Program of Study: Modelling inground decay of wood poles for optimal maintenance decisions
- Supervisor: Chattopadhyay, G. (Main)
- Rahman, A. and Chattopadhyay, G (2015)., Long Term Warranty and After Sales Service: Concept, Policies and Cost Models, ISBN 978-3-319-16271-3, Springer, USA
- Chattopadhyay, G, Kozan, E & Beard, R (2003), 'Operations Research Into the 21st Century', Proceedings of 5th Operation Research Conference of Australian Society for Operations Research Queensland Branch, QUT, Brisbane, Australia.
- Chattopadhyay, G, Webster, C, Phillips, H & Leinster, M (2011), Asset Management Systems: Learning guide, CQUniversity, Australia
Book chapters
- Keleher, P, Chattopadhyay, G & Patil, A (2011), 'Work Integrated Learning in Maintenance Management Programs', in Keleher, P, Patil, A & Harreveld, RE (eds), Work-integrated Learning in Engineering, Built Environment and Technology, IGI Global, 184-205.
- Rahman, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2010), 'Modelling Total Cost of Ownership of Rail Infrastructure for Outsourcing Maintenance Services', in Ahmadi-Echendu, JE, Brown, K, Willett, R & Mathew, J (eds), Definition Concepts and Scope of Engineering Asset, Engineering Asset Management Review, Springer, United Kingdom, Volume 1, Part 3, 115-122.
- Reddy, V, Chattopadhyay, G, Hargreaves , D, and Larsson-Kråik, PO (2006), 'Development of Wear-Fatigue-Lubrication-Interaction Model for Cost Effective Rail Maintenance Decisions', in Mathew, J, Kennedy, J, Ma, L, Tan, A & Anderson, D (eds), Engineering Asset Management, Springer, United Kingdom, 368-378.
- Reddy, V, Chattopadhyay, G, Hargreaves , D, & Larsson-Kråik, PO (2006), 'Techniques in Developing Economic Decision Model Combining Above Rail and Below Rail Assets', in Mathew, J, Kennedy, J, Ma, L, Tan, A & Anderson, D (eds), Engineering Asset Management , Springer, United Kingdom, 360-367.
- Chattopadhyay, G (2004), 'Learning Package for Mass education in Developing Countries', in Roy, K C (ed), Twentieth Century Development: Relevant Issues, Nova Science Publisher, New York, 89-100.
Journal articles
- Rahman, A.; Chattopadhyay, G.; Hossain, J., Maintenance Decisions for In-Ground Decay of Power Supply Timber Poles, Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions, Issue99, 2015
- Spiryagin, M, Sajjad, M, Nielsen, D. Sun, Y, Raman, D and Chattopadhyay, G, Research methodology for evaluation of top-of-rail friction management in Australian heavy haul networks, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit August 2014 vol. 228 no. 6 631-641, 2014 Most-Read Articles during October 2014
- Raman, D., Nielsen, D. and Chattopadhyay, G., Life cycle management for railway bridge assets, Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 227, no. 5, pp. 570-581, 2013
- Ahmad, SS, Mandal, NK, Chattopadhyay, G, Powell, J, 'Development of a unified railway track stability management tool to enhance track safety ', Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 227, no. 5, pp. 493-516, 2013
- Nielsen, D., Chattopadhyay, G. and Raman, D., An Australian Railway Bridge Management Framework International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management, (IJSEAM), Vol. 1, No. 3, 2013
- Gyas Uddin, M, Chattopadhyay, G & Rasul, M 'Development of Effective Performance Measures for Rail Curve Lubrication in Heavy Haul Lines', Journal of Rail & Rapid Transit, vol. 228, no. 5, pp. 481-495, 2013
- Rahman, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2010), 'Modelling Risks to Manufacturer and Buyer for Lifetime Warranty Policies', International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol. 5 Issue 3, 203-209.
- Rahman, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2010), 'Cost Sharing Lifetime Warranty: Modelling Costs', Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, (revised submitted 2011).
- Chattopadhyay, G & Varma, VH (2009), 'Applicability of Six Sigma for Asset Management, International', Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol.4, Nos. 5/6, 730 – 741.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Kumar, S (2009) 'Parameter Estimation for Rail Degradation Model', International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, 119 – 130.
- Reddy, V, Chattopadhyay, G, Larsson-Kråik, PO & Hargreaves, D (2007), 'Modelling and Analysis of Rail Maintenance Cost', International Journal of Production Economics, 105.2, 475-482
- Kumar, S, Chattopadhyay, G & Kumar, U (eds) (2007), 'Reliability Improvement through Alternative Design and Maintenance Decision – A Case Study', Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Vol 92 Issue 7, 983-991.
- Rahman, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2007), 'Soil factors behind in ground decay of Timber Poles: Testing and Interpretation of Results', IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol 22, Issue 3, 1897-1903.
- Parida, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2007), 'Development of a Multi criteria Hierarchical Maintenance Performance Measurement (MPM) model', Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol 13, Issue 3, 241-258.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Rahman, A (2008), 'Development of Lifetime Warranty Policies and Models for Estimating Costs', Reliability Engineers and System Safety, Vol 93, Issue 4, 522-529.
- Rahman, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2007) 'Optimal Service Contract Policies for Outsourcing Maintenance Service of Assets to the Service Providers', International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 2, 183-197.
- Rahman, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2006), 'Review of Long Term Warranty Policies', Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol 22, Issue 4, 453-473.
- Chattopadhyay G & Yun, WY (2006), 'Modelling and Analysis of Warranty Cost for 2D-Policies Associated with Sale of Second-Hand Products', International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol 7, Issue 1, 71-77.
- Chattopadhyay, G, Reddy, V & Larsson, P. O (2005), 'Decision on Economical Rail Grinding Interval for Controlling Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF)', International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol 12, Issue 6, 545-558.
- Chattopadhyay, G, Reddy, V, Hargreaves, D & Larsson-Kråik, P. O. (2004), 'Assessment of Risks and Cost Benefit Analysis of Various Lubrication Strategies for Rail Tracks Under Various Operating Conditions', International Journal of Tribology, Vol 23, 1ssue 2, 32-40.
- Chattopadhyay G & Rahman A (2004), 'Optimal Maintenance Decisions for Power Supply Timber Poles', International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 5, Issue 4, 115-128.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Murthy, DNP (2004), 'Optimal Reliability Improvement for Used Items Sold with Warranty', International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 47-57.
- Chattopadhyay, G, Reddy, V & Larsson, P. O. (2003), 'Integrated Model for Assessment of Risk in Rail Tracks Under Various Operating Conditions', International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 4.3, 113-120.
- Yun, WY, Kim, GR & Chattopadhyay, G (2003), 'An Economic Design of a k-out-of-n System', International Journal of Reliability and Applications, Vol. 4.2, 51-56.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Murthy, D. N. P. (2001), 'Cost Sharing Warranty Policies for Second-Hand Products', International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol 8, Issue 1, 47-60.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Murthy, D. N. P. (2000), 'Warranty Cost Analysis for Second-Hand Products', Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol 31, Issue 10-12, 81-88.
Conference articles
- Chattopadhyay, G, Concepts and applications of asset management in line with ISO55000, the international standard on asset management, 27th International congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, Comadem2014, 001, 1-2, 16-18 Sept, 2014 Brisbane.
- Lutfiye A, Chattopadhyay, G, and Cholettec, M, Asset life cycle costing and economic benefits of, 27th International congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, Comadem2014, 0079, 1 - 5, 16-18 Sept, 2014 Brisbane.
- Uddin, G, Rasul, M and Chattopadhyay, G, Leinster, M and Sharma, S, Comparison of Different wayside lubrication technology in heavy haul railway, International congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, Comadem2014, 0063, 1 - 4, 16-18 Sept, 2014 Brisbane.
- Raman, D., Chattopadhyay, G., Effectiveness of Top-of-Rail Lubrication for Australian Heavy Haul Network, 4-6 February, 2013, The IHHA 10th International Conference in New Delhi
- Nielsen, D., Chattopadhyay, G., and Raman, D., Whole of Life Cost Modelling for Railway Bridge Maintenance in Australian Heavy Haul Lines, 4-6 February, 2013, The IHHA 10th International Conference in New Delhi
- Nielsen, D, Chattopadhyay, G & Raman, D 2012, 'Life cycle management of railway bridges – defect management' in M. Dhanasekar, T. Constable, & D. Schonfeld (eds.) Global Perspectives RTSA CORE 2012: Conference on Railway Engineering: Conference Proceedings, Railway Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA), Canberra, Australia. CORE 2012: Global Perspectives; Conference on railway engineering, 10-12 September 2012, Brisbane, Australia
- Uddin, Md G.; Chattopadhyay, G.; Rasul, Mohammad G; Leinster, M. Modelling of grease transport mechanism in wayside rail lubrication and impact of related parameters, in M. Dhanasekar, T. Constable, & D. Schonfeld (eds.) Global Perspectives RTSA CORE 2012: Conference on Railway Engineering: Conference Proceedings, Railway Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA), Canberra, Australia. CORE 2012: Global Perspectives; Conference on railway engineering, 10-12 September 2012, Brisbane, Australia
- Nielsen, D, Chattopadhyay, G and Raman, D., 'Proposed Australian Rail Bridge Management Framework' in D Galar, A Parida, Schunnesson, H & U Kumar (eds.) Proceedings of MPMM 1st International Conference on Maintenance Performance Measurement & Management , 13 - 15 December, 2011, Lulea, Sweden, Lulea University of Technology.
- Ahmad, SS, Mandal, N, Chattopadhyay, G, Powell, J & Micenko, P (2011), 'Improvement of Rail Creep Data to Measure the Stress State of a Continuously Welded Rail (CWR) Track', Proceedings of International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Calgary, Canada, Jun19-22
- Uddin, MG, Chattopadhyay, G, Rasul, MG, Sroba, P & Howie, A (2011), 'Friction Management Best Practices for Australian Heavy Haul Lines', International Heavy Haul Association Conference, Calgary, Canada, Jun 19-22
- Uddin, MG, Chattopadhyay, G, Rasul, M, Sroba, P & Howie, A (2011) 'Development of economic model for analysing lubrication effectiveness in heavy haul lines', Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Stavanger, Norway, May 30-Jun 2, 1430-1441
- Allahmanli, L, Chattopadhyay, G, Gibbs, D & Evans, D (2011), ' Life Cycle Cost model application when making decisions to purchase Live or Dead Tank Circuit Breaker in electricity transmission utilities', Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Stavanger, Norway, May 30-Jun 2, 1489-1497.
- Devadoss, D, Chattopadhyay, G & Sroba, P (2011), 'Economic modelling for preventive grinding to support grinding decisions for heavy haul lines', Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Stavanger, Norway, May 30-Jun 2,1377-1387.
- Desai, A, Chattopadhyay, G, Clegg, R, Howie, A & Larsson-Kråik, P-O (2011), 'Experimental setup and methodology for the analysis of rail lubricant effectiveness', Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Stavanger, Norway, May 30-Jun 2, 592-598.
- Chattopadhyay, G, Uddin, MG, Desai, A, Sroba, P, Rasul1, M & Howie, A (2010), 'Best practice in rail curve lubrication and remote performance monitoring in heavy haul lines', AusRail, Perth, Australia, Nov 23-24.
- Parida, A & Chattopadhyay, G (2010), 'Performance measures for Achieving asset productivity improvement', Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Nara, Japan, Jun 28- Jul 2, 89-94.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Parida, A (2010), 'Work Integrated Blended Learning for Improvement by Asset Managers', Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Nara, Japan,Jun 28 - Jul 2, 95-101.
- Gibson, G, Chattopadhyay, G & Hargreaves, D (2010), 'Cost-effective Solution for Detection of Leaky Food Packaging Seals using innovative Non-Contact Testing', Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, Nara, Japan, Jun 28- Jul 2, 325-332.
- Uddin, GM, Chattopadhyay, G, Sroba, P, Rasul1, M & Howie, A (2010), 'Wayside lubricator placement model for heavy haul lines in Australia', Conference on Railway Engineering (CORE), Wellington, New Zealand, Sep 12-15, 354-364.
- Devadoss, R, Chattopadhyay, G, Mandal, N, Sroba, P, Turner, M & Creese, G (2010), ' Rail Grinding Quality Assurance based on Profile Correction and RCF Control', Conference on Railway Engineering (CORE), Wellington, New Zealand, Sept 12-15, 8-15
- Desai, A, Chattopadhyay, G & Howie, A (2010), 'Remote Condition Monitoring and Control of Wayside Rail Lubricators', e-Maintenance, Lulea, Sweden, Jun 22-24, 161-165.
- Rahman A & Chattopadhyay, G (2010), 'Modelling Cost of Maintenance Contract for Rail Infrastructure', International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Jan 9 – 10.
- Ahmad, SS, Mandal, N & Chattopadhyay, G (2010), 'A comparative study of track buckling parameters of continuous welded rail', International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Jan 9 – 10.
- Warusamanna, PP, Than Oo AM, Chattopadhyay G & Alahakoon S (2010), 'On-line Non-intrusive Condition Monitoring of High Voltage Equipment – A Review', in proc. IV Network Conference, Fusion Solutions: Challenges and Innovations, Townsville, Australia, May 26-27.
- Chattopadhyay, G (2009), 'Decision support system for integrated rail maintenance', AusRail PLUS, Adelaide, Australia, Nov 17-18.
- Chattopadhyay, G, Leinster, M, Webster, C, Phillips, H, Ramm, K, Cameron, D, Schumacher, G & Dixon, T (2009), 'Development of an effective course in asset management systems', International Conference Of Maintenance Society (ICOMS), Sydney, Australia, Jun 1-5, 1-9.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Leinster, M (2009), 'Quantitative Approach to Risk Based Maintenance Decisions', Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, San Sebastian, Spain, Jun 9-11, 141-148.
- Murthy DNP & Chattopadhyay, G (1999), 'Warranties for Second Hand Products', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Tilburg, Jun 23-25, 1145-1159.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Murthy, DNP (1999), 'Warranty Cost Analysis for Second-Hand Products Sold with Cost Sharing Policies', The15th National Conference: Operations Research from Theory to Real Life, Gold Coast, Australia, Jul 4-7, 335-347.
- Chattopadhyay, G & Murthy D.N.P (1996), 'Modelling Warranties for Second-Hand Products', proceedings of Second Australia Japan Workshop on Stochastic Models in Engineering, Technology and Management, Gold Coast, Australia, Jul 17-19, 91-99.