Brown, Stuart (Dr) - Research



  1. Meek P. D, Brown S. C, (2016) It’s a dog eat dog world: observations of dingo (Canis familiaris) cannibalism, Australian Mammalogy
  2. Brown S. C, Versace V. L, Lester RE, Walter MT, (2015) Assessment of climate and land cover change on streamflows in two south-eastern Australian catchments using a physically-based hydrological model, Environmental Earth Sciences 74: 6047-6063
  3. Brown S. C, Lester R. E, Versace V. L, Fawcett J, Laurenson L (2014) Hydrologic landscape regionalisation using deductive classification and Random Forests. PLoS ONE 9: e112856.v
  4. Lester R. E, Close P. G, Barton J. L, Pope A. J, Brown S. C (2014) Predicting the likely response of data- poor ecosystems to climate change using space-for-time substitution across domains. Global Change Biology 20: 3471-3481.
  5. Laurenson L. J. B, French R. P, Jones P, Ierodiaconou D, Gray S, Versace V. L, Rattray A, Brown S. C, Monk J (2012) Aspects of the biology of Galaxias maculatus. Journal of Fish Biology 81: 1085- 1100.
  6. Brown S. C, Versace V. L, Laurenson L, Ierodiaconou D, Fawcett J, et al. (2012) Assessment of spatiotemporal varying relationships between rainfall, land cover and surface water area using geographically weighted regression. Environmental Modeling and Assessment 17: 241-254.


  1. Wishart J, Brown S. C, (2014) Mallee Recovery: Pest Animal Forum. Mount Hope, New South Wales.
  2. Wishart J, Meek P and Brown S. C, (2014) Mallee Recovery: A landscape scale predator control project for the conservation of endangered Malleefowl in New South Wales, Australia. International Wild Pig Conference Montgomery, Alabama, USA.
  3. Wishart J, Meek P and Brown S. C, (2014) The effectiveness of integrated exotic predator control for conservation of endangered Malleefowl populations near Mount Hope, New South Wales. International Vertebrate Pest Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
  4. Brown S. C, Versace V. L, Fawcett J (2011) Hydrological impacts of land use change in two agriculture dominated catchments, Deakin University School of Life and Environmental Sciences HDR conference, Lorne, Victoria
  5. Brown S. C, Versace V. L, Laurenson L, Ierodiaconou D, Fawcett J, et al. (2010) Assessment of spatiotemporal varying relationships between climate, land cover and surface water using geographically weighted regression, EGU Leonardo Topical Conference Series on the Hydrological Cycle 2010: Looking at catchment in colours, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Project reports

  1. Wishart J, Brown S. C, (2015) Protecting endangered Malleefowl from introduced predators near Mount Hope, New South Wales. Final Project Report. Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra.