Rachel Taylor - extended research

Location:Mt Helen,
Building B
Phone:5327 9020


Research interests

Social innovation and social entrepreneurship, non-profit organisations, disability and health services management, complexity theory, systems thinking.



  • Taylor, R., Torugsa, N. & Arundel, A. (2020). Social Innovation in Disability Nonprofits: An Abductive Study of Capabilities for Social Change. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 49(2), 399-423.
  • Taylor, R., Torugsa, N., & Arundel, A. (2020). Transformed management scholarship and ways forward for exploring social innovation in organizations. International Studies of Management & Organization, 50(2), 107-129.
  • Taylor, R. & Torugsa, N. (2020). ‘Building Theories-in-Practice on Social Innovation in Disability Nonprofit Organizations’ in Ç Dogru (ed.), Leadership Styles, Innovation, and Social Entrepreneurship in the Era of Digitalization. Hershey PA: IGI Global, pp. 212-250.


  • Taylor, R., Torugsa, N. A., & Arundel, A. (2019). Organizational Pathways for Social Innovation and Societal Impacts in Disability Nonprofits. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. April, No. 2.
  • Taylor, R., Torugsa, N. & Arundel, A. (2019). 'Thriving within the turbulence: a complexity theorizing approach to social innovation by nonprofit organizations', in Ç Dogru (ed.), Handbook of Research on Contemporary Approaches in Management and Organizational Strategy. Hershey PA: IGI Global, pp. 36-62.


  • Taylor, R., Torugsa, N. & Arundel, A. (2018). Leaping into Real-World Relevance: An “Abduction” Process for Nonprofit Research. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly47(1), 206-227.

Refereed conference papers:


  • Taylor, R., Torugsa, N. & Arundel, A. (2017). Disruptors in a Time of Disruption: Social Innovation in the Australian Disability Sector. International Social Innovation Research (ISIR) Conference, 12th–14th December, Melbourne.


  • Taylor, R., Torugsa, N. & Arundel, A. (2016). Exploring a Pre-Theoretical Management Phenomenon: Promising Ways Forward for Researching Social Innovation in Organisations. Accepted as a competitive paper at the 30th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, 6th–9th December, Brisbane.

Awards and grants

  • Best Paper - Public Sector Management and Not-for-Profit Stream at the 30th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, in December 2016.

Easy-read plain language resources

  • Rachel’s PhD research project was converted into Easy Read format by The Information Access Group. Please view the resource (pdf, 1.7MB) for a plain language project summary.