Vaughan Reimers - extended research

Position: Senior Lecturer,
Location: Churchill,
5N 126
Phone: 5122 6704

Research interests

  • Sports Marketing.
  • Retailing.
  • University Marketing.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
  • Regional transformation and rejuvenation.
  • Social Marketing (e.g. smoking cessation, health promotion etc.).


Padlee, S., Reimers, V., Mokhlis, S., Anuar, M., & Ahmad, A. (forthcoming), “Keep up the good work in research universities: An importance-performance analysis”, Australasian Marketing Journal.

Chao, C-W., Reid, M., Lai, P-H., & Reimers, V. (2019), “Strategic recommendations for new product adoption in the Chinese market”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2018.1555545.

Reimers, V., Chao, F., & Speechley, K. (2018), “Identifying attendance motives for an international league fixture” Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 121 -138.

Rayner, J., Reimers, V., & Chao, C-W. (2018), "Testing an international measure of public service motivation: Is there really a bright and dark side?", Australian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 87-101.

Reimers, V., Magnuson, B., & Chao, C-W. (2017),"Re-visiting an old topic with a new approach: the case of ethical clothing", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 400 – 418.

Reimers, V., Magnuson, B., & Chao, C-W. (2017), "Happiness, altruism and the Prius effect. How do they influence consumer attitudes towards environmentally responsible clothing?", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 115 – 132.

Reimers, V., Magnuson, B., & Chao, C-W. (2016), “The academic conceptualisation of ethical clothing: Could it account for the attitude behaviour gap?”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp 383-399.

Reimers, V., Chao, C-W., Gorman, S. (2016), "Permission email marketing and its influence on online shopping", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 28, No. 2 pp. 308 -322.

Padlee, S., & Reimers, V. (2015), “International student satisfaction with, and behavioural intentions towards, universities in Victoria”, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 70–84.

Reimers, V., & Chao, F. (2014), “The role of convenience in a recreational shopping trip”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48, No. 11-12, pp. 2213-2236.

Reimers, V., Clulow, V. (2014), “Intra-centre spatial convenience: Bridging the gap between shopping malls and shopping strips”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 864-883.

Reimers, V. (2014), “A consumer definition of store convenience (finally)”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 315-333.

Reimers, V. (2013), “Convenience for the car-borne shopper: Are malls and shopping strips driving shoppers away?”, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 49, pp. 35-47.

Reimers, V. (2010), Designing convenient retail centres: What it entails and why it’s important, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8383-5709-6

Clulow, V., and Reimers, V. (2009), “How do consumers define retail centre convenience?”, Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp 125-132

Reimers, V. and Walters, G. (2009), “Public swimming pools: Who uses them and why”, conference proceedings, ANZMAC conference,, Melbourne, Nov-Dec.

Reimers, V. and Clulow, V. (2009), “The role of convenience in the evolution of the mall”, conference proceedings, ANZMAC conference,, Melbourne, Nov-Dec.

Reimers, V. and Clulow, V. (2009), “Retail centre convenience: Its’ influence over consumer patronage behaviour”, conference proceedings, ANZMAC conference, /papers/ANZMAC2009-410.pdf Melbourne, Nov-Dec.

Reimers, V., and Clulow, V. (2009), “Retail centres: It’s time to make them convenient”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp 541-62.

Reimers, V., & Clulow, V. (2004), “Retail concentration: A comparison of spatial convenience in shopping strips and shopping centres”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp 207-21.

Awards and grants

  • Small Business Consumers and the Energy Retail Market: 2005 - $23,178
  • An investigation of the preferred leisure experiences sought by Mt Baw Baw's summer visitor market: 2009 - $8000
  • Quashing the myths about squash: A quantitative analysis of consumer attitudes towards the sport: 2010 - $3300
  • Determinants of attendee satisfaction with the Australian Grand Prix: 2011 - $10,000 (Australian Grand Prix Corporation).
  • Determinants of consumer stakeholder satisfaction with the Local Power Industry: 2010 - $7000
  • Determinants of consumer stakeholder satisfaction with the Local Power Industry: 2011 - $23,000
  • Determinants of consumer stakeholder satisfaction with the Local Power Industry: 2012 - $24,000
  • Determinants of consumer stakeholder satisfaction with the Local Power Industry: 2013 - $23,000
  • Determinants of consumer stakeholder satisfaction with the Local Power Industry: 2014-16: $58,000.
  • Determinants of consumer stakeholder satisfaction with the Local Power Industry: 2017-18: $54,000.
  • "Permission email marketing and its influence on online shopping", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 28, No. 2 pp. 308 -322, selected by the journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.
  • Determinants of consumer stakeholder satisfaction with the Local Power Industry: 2019-20:  $40,000.
  • Porter, J., Reimers, V., Morgan, D., Missen, K., Whyte, S., Edmondson, E., & Prokopiv, V. (2018-2019), “Latrobe Health Innovation Zone Evaluation Project - Development of an Evaluation Model”, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), $399,976.
  • Porter, J., Reimers, V., Morgan, D., Missen, K., & Prokopiv, V. (2019), “Development of an Evaluation Model”, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Extension grant $122,400.
  • Porter, J.. & Reimers, V. (2020), “Evaluation of PHN’s Early Detection and Screening, including Tobacco Program”, Gippsland Primary Health Network. $289,890.