Alana Thomson Extended Research
Position | Lecturer in Management |
Location | Brisbane Campus |
Phone | +61 7 3727 3337 | |
Research interests
- Sport event impacts and legacy
- Sport and event management
- Inter-organisational networks
- Policy and planning
- Community development and organisational capacity
FOR codes: 1506; 1599; 1608; 1605
Current Research Projects
Currently progressing a range of projects looking at legacy planning and realisation for large-scale sport events.
Journal articles
Carlini, J., Pavlidis, A., Thomson, A., & Morrison, C., (recently accepted for publication). Delivering on social good - Corporate social responsibility and professional sport: a systematic quantitative literature review, Journal of Strategic Marketing
Doyle, J., Filo, K., Thomson, A., & Kunkel, T., (recently accepted for publication). Large-scale sport events and resident well-being: Examining PERMA and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, Journal of Sport Management
Thomson, A., Toohey, K. & Darcy, S. (in print - ahead of print). The Political Economy of Mass Sport Participation Legacies from Large-Scale Sport Events: A Conceptual Paper, Journal of Sport Management, DOI:10.1123/jsm.2019-0166
Thomson, A., Proud, I., Goldston, A., & Dodds-Gorman, R. (2020). Virtual Reality for Better Event Planning and Management, in Birdir, K., Birdir, A., Dalgic, Al. & Toksoz, D. (Eds) Impact of ICTs on Event Management and Marketing DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4954-4.ch011
Thomson, A., Kennelly, M., & Toohey, K., (2020). A systematic quantitative literature review of empirical research on large-scale sport events' social legacies, Leisure Studies, 39(6), 859-876, DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2020.1800804
Carlini, J., Coghlan, A., Thomson, A., & O’Neill, A. (2020) From legacy rhetoric to business benefits: A case study the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, Event Management, 24(1), 75-96, DOI: 10.3727/152599519X15506259856057
Thomson, A., Cuskelly, G., Toohey, K., Kennelly, M., Burton, P. & Fredline, L. (2019) Sport Event Legacy: A Systematic Quantitative Literature Review of Literature, Sport Management Review, DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2018.06.11
Reis, A., Frawley, S., Hodgetts, D., Thomson, A., & Hughes, K., (2017) Sport Participation Legacy and the Olympic Games: The Case of Sydney 2000, London 2012, and Rio 2016, Event Management, 21(2), pp.139-158.
Toohey, K., MacMahon, C., Weissensteiner, J., Thomson, A., Auld, C., Beaton, A., Bourke, M. & Woolcock, G. (2017) Using a transdisciplinary approach to examine talent identification and development in sport, Sport in Society. 21(2) pp.356-375.
Thomson, A., Schlenker, K. & Schulenkorf, N. (2013), Conceptualising Sport Event Legacy, Event Management, 17 (2) pp.111-122.
Schulenkorf, N., Thomson, A. & Schlenker, K. (2011), Inter-Community Sport Events: Vehicles and Catalysts for Social Capital in Divided Societies, Event Management, 15 (2), pp.105-119
Thomson, A., Darcy, S. & Pearce, S. (2010) Ganma theory and third-sector sport development programmes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth: Implications for sports management, Sport Management Review, 13, pp.313-330.