Alex Millmow - extended research
Position: | Associate Professor, Economics |
Location: | Mt Helen, Building B, B018 |
Phone: | 5327 9057 |
Email: | |
During the 1990s he wrote a series of papers highlighting the alarming fall in student numbers enrolling in economic degrees within Australia. Alex's other research interests include the economics of Joan Robinson, Australian economics and the role of economic ideas in steering public policy.
Refereed journal articles and book extracts
All journal articles either have an A or a B ranking according to the Economic Society and the Australian Business Deans Council Journal rankings
The transition from Keynesian to Monetarist economics in Australia: Joan Robinson's 1975 visit to Australia, History of Economics Review No 49, Winter
Cambridge versus Cambridge, Australia, 1975 in K Puttaswarmiah (ed) (2009) Milton Friedman: Nobel Monetary economist Isle Publishing: New Hampshire pp. 189-206.
The boom we never had: Australian economic degree enrolments 1990-2007, Economic Papers 28(1), 2009 March
A Canary in the Coalmine: The Near Death Experience of History of Economics in Australia History of Economic Ideas XVI, 2008/3, pp. 78-94, (co-authored with Steve Kates)
A Canary in the Coalmine: A Rejoinder History of Economic Ideas XVI, 2008/3, pp.112-118, (co-authored with Steve Kates)
Crank or Proto-Monetarist: J.K. Gifford and the Cost Push Inflation Fallacy, History of Economics Review No. 47, Winter pp. 54-71. (Co-authored with J.E. King)
The History Wars of Economics: the Classification Struggle in the History of Economic Thought History of Economics Review No. 47, Winter pp. 110-124, (Co-authored with Steven Kates)
Douglas Berry Copland, in King, J.E. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
Robert Francis Irvine in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar
Gerald Gill Firth in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar
Max Oliver Newton in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar
Ronald Mendelsohn in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
Edward Clarence Evelyn Dyason in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
Donald Henry Merry in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
John K. Gifford in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
L.H. E. Bury in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
Clarence 'Clarry' Martin in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
F.C. Benham in King, J. (Ed 2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
Alfred C. Davidson in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
C. V. Janes in King, J. (ed.),(2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
Torliev Hytten in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
R.N. Kershaw in King, J. (ed.), (2007) Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar.
The Two tribes of The Econ: a Study of Economists and Economic Media Commentary in Australia (with Jerry Courvisanos) Economic Papers 26(2) 2007, pp. 101-117.
An ignoble scandal in E. Fullbrook (2007) (ed.) Real World Economics : a Post-Autistic Economic Reader Anthem Press
'Girls and economics: an unlikely pairing (co authored with Cheryl Bookallil), Economic Papers 25(3) September 2006, pp. 221-234.
How Milton Friedman came to Australia: a case study of class based political business cycles, (co-authored with Jerry Courvisanos), Journal of Australian Political Economy, No. 57, June 2006, pp.112-136.
Trends in Economic Degree Enrolments within Australia 1990-2004. Australasian Journal of Economics Education Vol. 3 Nos. 1&2, 2006 pp.111-122.
The book that never was: the biography of Sir Robert Gibson Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Vol 92, Part 2, 2006 pp.182-201.
A brief note on Australian economics degree enrolments in the 21st century, Economic Papers, Vol. 23, no 3, pp. 211-212.
Australian economics in the twentieth first century, Cambridge Journal of Economics 29(6) November 2005, pp.1011-1026.
'The search for A first class man: Filling the Ritchie Research Chair in economics' History of Economics Review 42 Summer, 2005 pp.57-66.
The strange case of Edward Shann, History of Economics Review 42 Summer, 2005, pp. 67-76.
Death of a Revolutionary Textbook History of Political Economy Vol. 35, No1, Fall, 2003 pp.105-134.
The Power and Triumph of Economic Ideas: Australian Economists in the Thirties, History of Economics Review No. 37, Winter, 2003 pp. 84-99.
Joan Robinson's Disillusion with Economics, Review of Political Economy Vol. 15, No.4 pp. 561-574.
A Problem in the Making: Economics in Australian Schools Economic Analysis and Policy 33(1) March 2003 pp. 126-135
Niemeyer, Scullin and the Australian Economists Australian Economic History Review 44(2), 2004, pp.142-160.
The Disintegration of Economics Economic Papers Vol. l21, No. 2, June 2002, pp. 61-70.
L.F. Giblin: The Economist who had been everything Tasmanian Historical Research Association Papers and Proceedings Vol. 48, No 2, June 2001, pp.84-96.
'A Goodbye to British Economics? Economics Doctorate Enrolments in Britain and Australia Economic Papers, Vol. 19, No. 1, March 2000, pp. 28-32.
Revisiting L.F. Giblin Australia's Great Proto-Keynesian Economist, History of Economics Review, No. 31, 2000, pp. 47-69.
The State We're In: University Economic Enrolments 1989-99, Economic Papers, Vol. 19, No. 3, Sep 2000.
M. Staples and A. Millmow (eds.) 1998 Studies in Australian Rural Economic Development Centre for Rural Social Research: CSU.
'Towards a Marginal Existence: Economics in Business Schools', Economic Papers, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1997.
'Ian Sutherland; a Neglected Australian Economist', History of Economics Review, No. 26, Winter-Summer 1997.
'The Market for Economists in Australia', Economic Papers, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1996.
'Always in Demand: The Keynes Biographies' History of Economics Review No. 21, Winter, 1994, pp. 130-144.
'Quality at any price : Australian PhDs in Economics 1980/90', Economic Papers, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1993.
The Development of J.M. Keynes Wage and Employment Theory 1920-46, History of Economics Review, Winter 1992 (subsequently republished in Critical Assessments on Keynes Second Series Vol.8 (ed.) John Cunningham Wood, London: Routledge)
'Contemporary Economic Debate in Britain: a view from afar', Economics: The Journal of the Economics Association (UK), Spring 1992.
'The Keynesian Renaissance', Economic Papers, Vol. 8, No. 4, 1990.