Margaret McKenzie - extended research
Position: | Honorary Research Fellow |
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For a full list of Dr Margaret McKenzie's contributions to research, please see her CV.
Research interests
Labour market, wages and institutions, macroeconomic policy, inequality, and industry policy. (140202, 140209, 140211, 140212, 140214, 140305, 149901)
Current research projects
- Economics of the minimum wage
- Wages, taxes, employment and distribution
Refereed academic publication:
McKenzie, M. 2018 The erosion of minimum wage policy in Australia and Labour’s shrinking share of total income Journal of Australian Political Economy No.81, pp.52-77
McKenzie, Margaret and Keneley Monica 2011 Privatisation and performance: the case of four Australian financial institutions, The Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics V82, 3, pp. 313-334
Keneley, M.J. and M. McKenzie 2008 The Privatisation Experience in the Australian Banking and Insurance Sectors: An evaluation of the change in ownership structures Accounting Business and Financial History, Vol. 18, 3 pp. 303-321
M. McKenzie 2008 Privatisation and economic growth in Australia: the shorthand of a long process Applied Economics Vol 40, 15, pp. 1953-1967
Seminars and refereed conference proceedings:
McKenzie, Margaret, 2017, The Minimum Wage and Labour’s Share of Income, 16th Conference of the Australian Society of Heterodox Economists, UNSW, 4 December.
McKenzie, Margaret, 2017, What Do Minimum Wages Do? When theory and practice collide: a survey from an Australian perspective, seminar paper, Federation Business School, Federation University, Mt Helen, 3 November
McKenzie, Margaret, 2015, The current state of deindustrialization in Australia, invited presentation for Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Workshop on Industrial Policies in the Era of Financialisation and Globalisation 20 - 21 July
McKenzie, Margaret, 2015, The effectiveness of industry assistance in Australia, presented at ACE, UQ, Griffith U and QUT, Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane 7-10 July 2015
McKenzie, Margaret, 2014, The macroeconomics of Sovereign Wealth Funds for developing countries, presented at ACEESAM, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 1-4 July 3
McKenzie, Margaret, 2009, The macroeconomics of Sovereign Wealth Funds, presented at Financial Crises: Causes, Characteristics and Effects, International Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth Nov 23-25
McKenzie, Margaret and Monica Keneley, 2009, The Privatisation Experience in Banking and Insurance in Australia, presented at 22nd Australasian Finance and Banking Conference 2009, University of NSW, 16-18 Dec.
McKenzie M S seminar presentation by invitation Dept of Economics and Dept of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island, ‘Sovereign Wealth funds and economic development’, 29 October 2008
McKenzie M S seminar presentation by invitation, Dept of Economics School of Oriental and African Studies University of London, Sovereign Wealth Funds and developing countries with reference to MENA, 12 November 2008
McKenzie, M. 2007 Is privatisation good for investment in Australia? the 36th Australian Conference of Economists 2007, University of Tasmania, Hobart, September
McKenzie, M. 2005 Microeconomic reform and productivity in Australia-boom or blip, Proceedings of the Australian Conference of Economists, 2005, University of Melbourne, Melbourne [cited at least three times]
M. McKenzie 2001 Unemployment variability and growth Australian Macroeconomics Workshop April University of Adelaide April
M. McKenzie 2000 Discussion of A Quantile Regression Analysis of Growth by R Barreto and A Hughes The Australian Macroeconomics Workshop April University of Queensland
Margaret McKenzie 1995 An empirical test of convergence: the transfer of technology to eastern Europe in the post War period Proceedings of the Australian Conference of Economists, 1995, University of Adelaide
Margaret McKenzie 1990 The transfer of technology from the West to eastern Europe and the Soviet Union seminar 8 October The Centre for Soviet and East European Studies, University of Melbourne
Awards and grants
- A model of analysis for measuring the impact of farm-forestry in dairy country with K. O'Toole and M. Keneley, Gardiner Foundation $65,000 (2006-2007)
- Privatisation: efficiency and equity: An evaluation of the impact of change in ownership structures on organizations within the Australian finance sector, AFAANZ $5,500 with M. Keneley (2006)