Food Waste Recovery- Production of Biogas
Project title: Food Waste Recovery- Production of Biogas
Project supervision team: Cross disciplinary team- A/Prof Ibrahim Sultan (Engineering); Dr Kamal Seyed Razavi (Food and Nutritional Science).
Project Outline:
Food waste is a big problem in this country, costing about $20 billion P/A across the food supply chain, resulting in loss of income and productivity for farmers and food processors, and contributing to a range of environmental issues such as climate change through greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, and is impacting many ecosystems and species.
This project aims at utilising food waste as a source for producing energy as in manufacturing of biogas, ultimately contributing to improved productivity in production of food and safeguarding the environment. It is anticipated that the project will attract considerable interest from food processors as well as farming communities, environmental agencies, regional development resources, and is likely to generate other research opportunities in this field.
The scope of the project includes:
- Developing research protocol.
- Investigating, analysing, and optimising waste materials generated in the region.
- Developing processing technology capable of handling the waste material identified.
- Investigating the effects of processing conditions in the yield and quality parameters of biogas.
- Recommendation for potential usage of the resulting biogas in the industry.