Extreme weather resilience of energy system

Project Title:

Extreme weather resilience of energy system


Dr. Rakibuzzaman Shah, Associate Professor Andrew Barton and Dr. Savin Chand

Contact Person:

Dr. Rakibuzzaman Shah (m.shah@federation.edu.au)

Project Outline:

Climate change has led to extreme weather events (bushfires, floods), which have caused unprecedented destruction of habitat, economy, and energy system resiliency. During the summer, Victoria and other Australian states, affected by large-scale bushfires to significant damage to people, economy, and energy systems. This work's scope focuses on aspects of energy system resilience (transmission and direct distribution), understanding of extreme weather events and their impacts on the failure of energy devices, and determining practical solutions in resilience evaluation and enhancement (techno-economic). The expected outcome of this study is to propose a resiliency strategy to be executed on energy systems through modelling against extreme weather events.