Davis, Gregory (Dr)

Position: Lecturer
Discipline: Science
Phone:03 5122 8054


Research interests

  • Chromosome biology
  • DNA damage repair
  • Reproductive and developmental biology

Short biography

Greg achieved his PhD at Monash University in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology where he investigated how small endo-siRNAs influence germline chromosome integrity. Following this, he joined the Department of Developmental Biology at Monash as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow where he investigated how microRNAs influence neurodevelopment. His current research is focused on how the genome maintains chromosomal stability. This involves investigating a combination of mechanisms including small RNA gene regulatory pathways, epigenetics, DNA damage repair mechanisms, and meiotic recombination.


  • Bachelor of Science, Monash University
  • Master of Biomedical Science (prelim), Monash University
  • Graduate Certificate of Science, Swinburne University of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University

Teaching areas

  • SCBIO1010 Principles of Biology
  • SCBCH2001 Biochemistry
  • SCCOR1200 Scientific Communication
  • SCMOL2001 Biotechnology Lab Techniques

Extended research profile