2019 Geoscience Awards




Academic Excellence in 1st Year Geoscience

For the most outstanding academic achievement in a 1st year Geoscience program

Bailey Knight

Academic Excellence in 2nd Year Geoscience

For the most outstanding academic achievement in 2nd year Engineering.

Benjamin Sinclair

Academic Excellence for the top Geoscience graduating student

For the most outstanding academic achievement from a graduating student in Geoscience

Alisha Van Es

AusIMM Award for Academic Excellence in 1st Year Bachelor of Geoscience (Industry Award)

For academic excellence and achievement for a 1st Year Bachelor of Geoscience student.

Bailey Knight

AusIMM Award for Academic Excellence in a 2nd Year Bachelor of Geoscience (Industry Award)

For academic excellence and achievement for a 2nd Year Bachelor of Geoscience student.

Benjamin Sinclair

AusIMM Award for Academic

Excellence in 3rd Year Bachelor

of Geoscience

For academic excellence and achievement for a 3rd Year Bachelor of Geoscience

Alisha Van Es

AusIMM JT Woodcock Book Prize

For achieving the highest grades within their degree.

Alisha Van Es

Adam Paine Encouragement


An encouragement award for a first year Bachelor of Geoscience.

Jessie Longley

Professor Ferdinand Moritz

Krause Medal

For outstanding performance in Geology

Josh Bicknell