
All exams are online exams

Gone are the days of sitting in rows in an exam hall - all end of semester exams (and most tests throughout the unit) are now online, using Respondus online exam software. This means that:

- You really need to know the rules for the particular exam you're doing as there's no-one there to remind you on the day.

- Your tech, and working space need to be set up to do the exams online.

- You need to do a practice test to check everything's working properly.

Head to the dedicated Respondus webpage for a lot of detail about using Respondus

The rules

- Open book, closed book and partially open book exams are all used by different units. They each have different rules, so make sure you  a) know what type of exam you're sitting, and b) know what you can and can't do for that exam type - this should be listed in Moodle on the exam page.

- Even though you might be completing the exam at home, unless it specifically states you can talk to other people, you can't. This includes texting/messaging.

- Respondus can track everything you do - if the exam uses the lockdown browser, it can tell if you try to open other windows or programs. If it uses the monitor as well it is filming you during the exam. If you do something against the rules, you probably will get caught.

- If you are sick on the day of your exam, or there are other exceptional circumstances which prevent you from sitting it properly, do not attempt the exam. Instead, gather evidence (make a medical appointment if you're sick) and apply for a deferred exam within 3 working days of the exam date.

- Keep up-to-date with all exam rules here: Exams and results.

No privacy at your place?

If you don't have a private, quiet place to sit the exam or you don't have the fast, reliable tech you need, you can book a computer on campus. Make sure you get in quick as they can be booked out around exam time.

Help, my computer/Respondus crashed during the exam!

Read your exam instructions carefully for what to do if you experience issues (such as internet or Moodle issues) during your test. If the tech dies and you can't complete the exam, take photos with time stamps and apply for a Deferred Exam.

We can help you apply for a deferred exam, or if you are accused of exam cheating (academic misconduct)

After end of semester assessments

Your grades will be published in my Student Centre. Check Important dates to find out when results will be published for your units.

Not happy with a grade? Check out our Review of Grade webpage and contact us for advice.

Check your student email regularly once grades are published in case you receive an important letter from the University. If you do get a letter, please contact us  - we can give you advice on your options

The Policy

Higher Education Examinations Procedure