Assessment and results

My Student Centre says I got 45, so why don't I have a supp?

This is a very common question at this time of year. In short, My Student Centre records your Grade Points, not you % score. Grade Points are the numbers which go towards your GPA and are calculated like this:

The number of Credit Points for the Unit, multiplied by the numerical value for the grade you got.

Most units are worth 15 Credit Points, and an MF Grade (40-44.9%) has a value of 3. So, 3x15 =45, which causes the confusion. For more information, please visit the GPA page, or speak to your Unit Coordinator. If you'd like to apply for your grade to be reviewed, please contact us.

Mark penalties for late assignments

Please be aware that the University has a consistent approach to late penalties, listed on this page. As you can see, the penalties can be significant quite quickly, so it is always best to avoid late submission. You should:

  • Make an appointment with a Learning Skills Adviser at the start of each assignment to help you plan your assignment and time
  • Apply for Special Consideration early if you are running behind schedule due to circumstances outside your control
  • Always submit all assignments even if you are outside of the 7 day limit, as this may impact your eligibility for supplementary assessment

If you receive a late penalty that does not abide by the rules that are outlined at this link, please make an appointment with us to discuss your options.

If you disagree with your assignment marks...

1. Request a meeting to get detailed feedback

If you'd like more information about the marks you received for an assignment, the first thing you should do is email your lecturer or tutor and request a time to meet to discuss your assessment and feedback. This is encouraged under the Higher Education Assessment Procedure Section 10.

Make sure you provide your name, student number, and which unit (subject) and assignment you are enquiring about. Often being able to discuss and ask questions about your feedback is helpful and will put you in a good position to prepare your next assignment for the unit. It can be useful to have detailed notes of the conversation if you later decide to apply for a Review of Grades.

2. Request a second marking

In some cases, after receiving more feedback, you might still disagree with the marks that you have received. If the marks that you have received differs substantially from your usual marks, then you may request a second marking by writing to your unit coordinator within the teaching period. Please note that in some units, second marking happens automatically for assignments receiving under 50%. If this applies it should be written in the Unit Description.

The relevant University Procedure is the Higher Education Assessment Procedure Section 8D - Requesting a second marking.

3. Apply for a Review of Grades

If there is a mark or final grade that you still disagree with at the end of the semester, a Review of Grades may be an appropriate option to make your case for having your assessment re-marked. Please note there are strict time limits to submit this application, and strict grounds on which you can appeal - please see the Students Regulation (Section 34).

ZN grades - What do they mean?

A ZN grade means that you have been granted a supplementary assessment.  If you have a ZN grade, check your student email for information about your supplementary assessment. Sometimes these emails don't arrive until the day after results are released. If you haven't received an email, or you need more information about the arrangements for your supplementary assessment, contact your Unit Coordinator for that subject as soon as possible, as the supplementary assessment period is usually very close to results publication.

SI (Studies Impacted) Grades in Semester 1 2020

The SI grade was implemented as a short-term measure during the first wave of COVID19, and applied only to units studied in Semester 1 2020 (term codes 2003, 2005, 2007). If you received an SI grade and are wondering what it means, or what your options are, please speak to Student Administration: 1800 333 864 or via the FRED portal.


Higher Education Assessment Procedure