Special consideration

What does this mean?

Special Consideration is for when something outside of your control impacts your ability to complete your assessment tasks (including placement). This needs to be based on one of the following grounds:

  • Medical reasons - includes hospitalisation, serious injury, severe asthma, severe anxiety or depression.
  • Compassionate grounds - includes death of significant other, significant relationship breakdown.
  • Hardship/trauma - includes victim of crime, sudden loss of income or employment, severe disruptions to domestic arrangements.
  • Other - includes service to emergency services such as Country Fire Authority, military or jury service. May also include adjustments required based on protected attributes, such as breastfeeding.
  • Technical issues (Deferred examination only) - when technical issues prevent you from completing an online examination within the allocated time. You will need photographic/screenshot evidence of the technical issues.

There are 3 types of Special Consideration:

  • Discretionary Extension
  • General
  • Deferred Examination

Please see below to understand which best suits your situation. For more information:

How can Student Advocacy help?

  • Understand your options, including which type of Special Consideration may apply to your situation
  • Understand the grounds, and whether your situation may meet them, or if not, what other options you may have
  • Understand what kinds of evidence you should provide with your application
  • Appealing the outcome if your application is rejected

Please make an appointment if you need help with any of these.

Which type is best for me, and what do i need to do?

Type of Special Consideration  
(and link to application instructions)

Use it for

Timeframes to apply

Timeframes for supporting docs

Timeframes for outcome

Discretionary Assessment

TAFE or Higher Education

Extensions of up to 5 working days for a single assessment piece (not inc. final exams)

No later than 2 working days before the
assessment due date

At time of application

Within 1 working day of application


TAFE or Higher Education

Extensions of longer than 5 working days; extensions  for multiple assessments; extension requests after the discretionary timeframe has passed; amendments to attendance requirements or placements

No later than 3 working days after the
assessment due date.

For placement, as soon as you discover you will need an amendment to placement.

Ideally, at time of application. No later than 5 days after lodging

Within 5 working days of
completed application (inc. supporting docs) being lodged

Deferred Examination

Higher Education only

When something prevents you from attending or completing an end-of-semester exam or test.

Early applications: No later than 5 working days before the date of the exam.

Other applications: No later than 3 working days after the exam.

Ideally, at time of application. No later than 5 days after lodging

Within 5 working days of completed application (inc. supporting docs) being lodged.

If successful, you will sit the exam in the official deferred examination period (see "Important Dates")

If you apply early and haven't received an outcome by the date of the exam, do not complete the exam.

Supporting documentation

You will need to provide evidence to support your application. The documentation that you provide  depends on your reasons for applying. When you submit your documentation make sure you keep a copy. Here are some common types of supporting documentation.

Statutory declarations: A 'Stat Dec' is a legal document by which a person can make a legally-binding statement - it is an offence to make false claims on a Stat Dec. It can be used as evidence for a Special Consideration application instead of/as well as other supporting documents. Please visit the Victorian state government website on statutory declarations to download the required form and for instructions on how to make a Statutory declaration. Your declaration will need to be witnessed by someone with an appropriate occupation or role (which are listed on the same webpage). Here is a list (pdf, 34kb) of FedUni staff who can witness this for you.

Healthcare professional certification: A Health Care Professional Certification (pdf, 656kb is a University form that you can use as supporting documentation if you are applying for Medical reasons. Health Care professionals including, but not limited to your GP, Psychologist or a University Counsellor can complete this form in support of your application. If you can’t see your healthcare provider in person, telehealth appointments may be available.

Medical certificates: If you are not able to submit a Health Care Professional Certification and you are using a medical certificate it MUST include a classification of the impact that your condition had on you. Details of the classifications can be found on the front of the Health Care Professional Certification form. They include, severe, moderate and minor.

How to appeal

If your application is unsuccessful, you may appeal to the Student Appeals Committee within 30 days. You will need to submit an appeal statement (we can help you with what to write) and all relevant documents through the Appeals Portal.

Need help? Contact us.