Grade Point Average (GPA)
A Grade Point Average is a numerical calculation, weighted by credit points, of the mean grades received over a defined study period (eg. semester/teaching period/year) or unit, and is calculated by dividing the Grade Points achieved by the Credit Points achieved for each term/year/unit.
A GPA calculation is only applicable to unitwork awards. It is not applied to research degrees.
GPA Calculator
To calculate the potential change to your GPA if you remove COVID-19 impacted results from the calculation, please follow these steps:
- Enter all the units you have completed to date, and note your GPA. You can find this information in your MySC account.
- Change the credit points to 0 against the units you are considering appealing to remove from your GPA calculation. Note the revised GPA to assess the impact.
Note: GPA calculator is not compatible with Internet Explorer; please use an alternate browser.
GPA calculation
Your GPA is calculated by assigning the following numerical values to your final grade for each unit (note that not all grades are used towards your GPA):
Final grade | Numeric value |
HD | 7 |
D | 6 |
C | 5 |
P | 4 |
MF | 3 |
F | 1.5 |
LW | 1.5 |
View the grade descriptors in Federation University Australia (Academic) Regulations 2022 (Schedule 6).
Next, the numeric value of the grade achieved for each unit is multiplied by the number of credit points associated with that unit to give a grade point value, as per the examples below:
unit code | Credit points | Grade | Numeric value | Grade points |
BUACC1506 | 15 | D | 6 | 90 |
EDBED1001 | 15 | C | 5 | 75 |
HMALS3004 | 2.5 | HD | 7 | 17.5 |
BSMAN3191 | 30 | D | 6 | 180 |
Finally, the total number of unit grade points is summed, and then divided by the total number of credit points to give the Grade Point Average for these four units.
unit code | Credit points | Grade | Numeric value | Grade points |
BUACC1506 | 15 | D | 6 | 90 |
EDBED1001 | 15 | C | 5 | 75 |
HMALS3004 | 2.5 | HD | 7 | 17.5 |
BSMAN3191 | 30 | D | 6 | 180 |
TOTAL | 62.5 | 362.5 |
Grade Point Average = 362.5/62.5 = 5.8
The maximum grade point average achievable is 7.0.
Grades included in GPA calculations
Not all grades are included in the GPA calculation. The following table outlines the result codes used at Federation, and identifies whether they are used in the GPA calculation:
Grade | Definition | Mark range | Inc. in GPA | Numeric value |
HD | High Distinction | 80 - 100% | Y | 7 |
D | Distinction | 70 - 79% | Y | 6 |
C | Credit | 60 - 69% | Y | 5 |
P | Pass | 50 - 59% | Y | 4 |
S | Ungraded Pass | N | ||
MF | Marginal Fail | 40 - 49% | Y | 3 |
MN | Fail Level 1 (Pre 2009) | 40 - 49% | Y | 3 |
F | Fail | 0 - 39% | Y | 1.5 |
NN | Fail Level 2 (Pre 2009) | 0 - 39% | Y | 1.5 |
XF | Non-assessed Fail | N | ||
UN | Ungraded Fail | N | ||
SI | Studies Impacted | N | ||
AD | Assessment Deferred: up to 3 months | N | ||
TD | Assessment Deferred: 3 - 12 months | N | ||
ZN | Supplementary assessment to be completed within 3 months | N | ||
PL | Placement not yet assessed | N | ||
W | Withdrawn without academic penalty | N | ||
O | Ongoing | N | ||
TC | Transfer Credit | N | ||
LW | Late Withdrawal - Academic penalty will apply | Y | 1.5 |
Definitions of terms used on GPA verifications
Academic Course: course in which the student is enrolled and to which the Grade Point Average calculations apply.
Credit Points: units in HE courses all have credit points which reflect the total student workload required to satisfactorily complete the unit. Each full-time year of the course total 120 credit points - 60 in each semester. Credit points are also the basis for calculating Equivalent Full-Time Study Load or EFTSL (120 credit points equals 1.0 EFTSL).
Cumulative Credit Points: total credit points of units studied in a course that contribute towards the GPA calculation.
Cumulative GPA: numerical calculation, weighted by credit points, of the mean of grades received by a student in units in the course to date.
Grade Point Average (GPA): numerical calculation, weighted by credit points, of the mean of the grades received by a student over a defined study period (eg. a semester) or over an entire course.
Mean: value calculated by dividing the sum of a set of terms by the number of terms (average).
Term Credit Points: the total credit points of units studied in defined teaching periods (eg. semester) which contribute towards the GPA calculation.
Term Grade Point Average: numerical calculation, weighted by credit points, of the mean of grades received by a student in units undertaken in a defined teaching period (eg. semester).
Yearly credit points: the total credit points of units studied in a calendar year that contribute towards the GPA calculation.
Yearly Grade Point Average: numerical calculation, weighted by credit points, of the mean of grades received by a student in units undertaken in a calendar year.