Negative Service Indicator (NSI)

A student can incur a Negative Service Indicator (NSI) any time after being confirmed as a student for the relevant semester. An NSI relates to any monies owed to the University as a result of any of the following:

  • Any fee or charge payable under Statute 9.1 Fees and Charges;
  • Charges and fees incurred for late enrolments/enrolment amendments;
  • Library fines and charges for book replacements;
  • Residential fees;
  • Student loans; and
  • Fines or order of compensation made by the Student Discipline Committee.

Unless the Vice-Chancellor in a particular case decides otherwise, a person who has not paid all fees and charges owing by the person to the University, will not be entitled to the rights and privileges of a student of the University and/or the use of University services and facilities prescribed in the regulations as follows:

  • Enrol or re-enrol
  • Receive any results of assessment
  • Graduate or receive any higher education award of the University
  • Receive an academic transcript
  • Use library services
  • Use computer services

After incurring an NSI the student has two options:

  • Remove the NSI by paying the outstanding amount. All student rights are then restored.
  • Ignore the NSI. This means that the restrictions/penalties listed above will be enforced.