Do I need to complete a new eCAF if I change the way I pay?

Yes, if you would like to change the way that you pay for your fees, for example you would like to apply for a HECS-HELP loan after previously paying upfront, you must complete a new eCAF.

Request a new eCAF email and passkey via our Enquiry and Application Portal.

  1. Go to the Enquiry and Application Portal and Submit a Question.
  2. Select Category 'Fees & Charges', Sub-category 'Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF)'
  3. Detail your request for new eCAF email/s to be generated, including the name of the eCAF from the list above
  4. Click 'Submit your question'.

Our team will trigger the eCAF system to regenerate your email/s, including a new unique passkey. Add as a Safe/Recognised Sender once your request is submitted so that you receive the regenerated email/s. We'll also let you know and close your enquiry when your request is processed.