HE assessment categories

This page summarises the current and historical higher education assessment categories. Full grade descriptors, indicating the level of overall student performance in a unit, are detailed in Schedule 6 of the Federation University Academic Regulations.


Grades for units

Code Grade %
HD High distinction 80 - 100
D Distinction 70 - 79
C Credit 60 - 69
P Pass 50 - 59
S Ungraded pass  
MF Marginal fail 40 - 49
F Fail 0 - 39
SI *Studies impacted 
XF Non-assessed fail  
UN Ungraded fail  

* only applies to enrolments in term codes 2003, 2005, 2007, 2015 and 2223. The student has been unable to adequately demonstrate their knowledge against the full range of assessment criteria within the timeframe permitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Institute/School has determined the application of this grade and in doing so granted permission to repeat the unit without academic penalty.

Grades for honours units

Code Grade %
H1 First class honours 80 - 100
H2A Second class honours, Upper 70 - 79
H2B Second class honours, Lower 60 - 69
H3 Third class honours 50 - 59
F Fail 0 - 49

Codes for incomplete assessment

Code Category
AD Assessment deferred: up to 3 months
TD Assessment deferred: 3 - 12 months
ZN Supplementary assessment to be completed within 3 months
PLPlacement not yet assessed

Additional codes

Code Category
W Withdrawn without academic penalty
LW Applied for late withdrawal
O Ongoing
TC Transfer credit

1996 - 2008

Grades for units

Code Grade %
HD High distinction 80 - 100
D Distinction 70 - 79
C Credit 60 - 69
P Pass 50 - 59
S Ungraded pass  
MN Fail Level 1 40 - 49
NNFail Level 20 - 39
XNNot assessed 

Grades for honours units

Code Grade %
H1 First class honours 80 - 100
H2A Second class honours, Upper 70 - 79
H2B Second class honours, Lower 60 - 69
H3 Third class honours 50 - 59
N Fail 0 - 49

Additional codes

Code Category
W Withdrawn without academic penalty
E Unit exemption on the basis of credit
O Ongoing

Codes for incomplete assessment

Code Category
AD Assessment deferred: up to 3 months
TD Assessment deferred: 3 - 12 months
ZN Supplementary assessment to be completed within 3 months

Prior to 1996

Grades for units

A Excellent
B Very good
C Good pass
D Moderate pass
E Marginally below pass
F Considerably below pass
M Grade deferred (Medical)
W Withdrawn from unit
S Ungraded pass
X, Y Grade deferred (Other)
U Ungraded no pass (Equivalent to UN grade)
*Current unit