TAFE grading categories, result codes and descriptions

Grading categories

G1 Grading category 1
CD Competent with distinction
CM Competent with merit
CY Competent
CN Not yet competent
G2 Grading category 2
CY Competent
CN Not yet competent
G3 Grading category 3 - VCE assessment only
S Satisfactory
N Not satisfactory
J Did not complete
G4 Grading category 4
A (80-100)
B (70-79)
C (60-69)
D (50-59)
E (40-49)
F (0-39)

Result codes and descriptions

CS Continuing studies (Assessment not complete)
CR Credit transfer
NG Recognition of prior learning - not granted
RG Recognition of current competency - granted
RN Recognition of current competency - not granted
WD Withdrawn
UP Ungraded participation
** Module/unit awaiting result

Superseded grading categories

GEN All result codes available
COM Result codes CD and CM not available

Superseded result codes

CP Credit pass
P Pass
PY Pass
NC Assessment not yet complete
NP Not passed
PN Not passed