Virginia Plummer

- Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University
- Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education, Monash University
- Graduate Certificate of Emergency Health (Disaster Preparedness and Management), Monash University
- Master of Science - Health Policy and Management, University of Wollongong
- Graduate Diploma in Health Administration, La Trobe University
- Bachelor of Nursing, La Trobe University
- Midwifery Certificate, Mercy Hospital for Women
- Critical Care Certificate, Austin Hospital, Heidelberg
- General Nursing Certificate, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne
Professional associations/affiliations
- Fellow, College of Nursing Australia.
- Fellow, Australian College of Health Service Management.
- Member, College Emergency Nurses Association.
- Member, World Association Disaster Emergency Medicine
- Member, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Research interests
- Health service evaluation
- Disaster and Emergency Nursing management
- Shared decision-making in mental health care settings
- Advanced practice roles
- Resilience, stress and burnout in the nursing workforce
Supervised projects (current and recently completed)
- Emergency nurses and public health messaging in disaster.
- Barriers and facilitators in the transition of care among hospitalised elderly patients with heart failure in developed countries
- Assessment and management of pain in residents with cognitive impairment in residential aged care.
- An exploration of emergency nurse competence in disaster in Papua New Guinea.
- Eye tracking technology and student nurse interest, gaze fixation/duration and scan path
- Knowledge and perception of dementia by immigrant African carers.
- The effect of hospital organizational structure on patient and nurse outcomes
- Nurse Practitioners in Australia: A mixed-method study of the structure, human resource, political and symbolic implications for organizational change.
- Succession planning for nurse managers in Saudi Arabia
- Needs of families and their involvement in the care process for intensive care patients in Saudi Arabia
- Discharge planning models in Saudi Arabia following limb injury.
- Transition to specialty practice programs.
- Workplace safety for nurses in Hong Kong Hospitals.
- An exploration of Emergency Nurses Competence in Disaster among Papua New Guinea Nurses
- Investigating failure to recognize clinical deterioration cues, among less and more experienced nurse participants.
- Exploration of a nursing role in emergency department waiting rooms
- Perspectives on maternity services in Saudi Arabia.
- An exploration of the culture of patient safety in public hospitals in Saudi Arabia:
- Pre-hospital emergency care in Indonesia.
- Exploring clinical competency for graduate nurses in the Emergency Department in Saudi Arabian Health Services.
- An exploration of transition from student to graduate nurse in Saudi Arabia.
- Violence in the Emergency Department in Saudi Arabia.
- Modelling a cardiac rehabilitation program in Saudi Arabia.
- The lived experience of international operating room nurses in deceased organ procurement surgery in Australia
- An investigation of incidence and outcomes of post-partum haemorrhage following in-hospital births in Ethiopia
- An exploration of ventilation associated event prevention practices in adult intensive care units
- Bronchial thermoplasty in severe asthma in Australia
- An investigation of Shared Decision-Making Regarding People with Schizophrenia in China:
- Emergency Medical Services and the Emergency Management System in Saudi Arabia
- An exploration of competence among hospital emergency nurses in armed conflict
Grants and awards
Plummer, V, McLelland, G. Partners in Maternity Care Program 2019-2021 Papua New Guinea Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trading. New Colombo Plan, $198,000
Gasevic D, Ekegren C, Bonham M, Bowles K-A, Callaway L, Dakic J, Daly S, Dunstan D, Gasevic D, Gilmartin-Thomas J, Hills D, Ilic D, Kunstler B, Perraton L, Plummer V, Sawyer S, Volders E. Optimising physical activity and sedentary behaviour counselling in education for healthcare students. Monash Education Academy. September 2018 – September 2019, $5,000
Reed F, Plummer V, Thomson H, Thompson R, Daniels C. Barwon Health, Peninsula Health Implementation of Safewards in Emergency Department DHHS Research Grant 2018 $180,000/360,000
Reed F., Plummer V, Heriot K, Stergiou J.Implementing Safewards in acute health DHHS Research Grant 2017 $50,000
McLelland G, Hall H, Plummer V,Dix S, Tremayne A, Kumar A, East CE, Carr B, Buttigieg H, Fernando S. Midwifery and medical students’ knowledge, self-efficacy and satisfaction following simulation of inter-professional management of primary postpartum haemorrhage. Monash University Learning and Teaching Research Grant. $15,000. 2017.
Plummer, V, Suryanto, Boyle, M, Wallis, J, Suharsono, T. 2016-2017 $15,000. Piloting the Ambulance Nurse Course in Indonesia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trading. (AII87).
Reed. F., Olasoji, M., Plummer, V., Liam, Joseph, B., Michelle. Cross, W. 2016 Clients participation in handover in an acute mental health unit. DHHS Research Grant $50,000 Awarded
Suryanto, Plummer, V, Boyle, M. 2014 Developing a Paramedic Nurse Course for Indonesia. Awarded $19,000 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Singh, C., Willey, S., Crawford, K., Harder, K., Plummer, V., Hall, H. and Williams, A., A pilot study exploring medication adherence in Indians who have recently arrived in Australia and who experience chronic medical conditions. Peninsula Campus Grant. 2014 $9132.00
Travel Grant. Plummer, V 2013 $2500– Travel, Warrick University to establish collaborative study in ABF for nursing
Epworth Eastern Electronic Medication Initiative. A/Professor L. Dawson, Prof J. Fisher, Dr. A. Howard. A/Professor V. Plummer 2009 $ 33,000
Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP0989160-R1 (2009-2012) Dr L Dawson; Dr V M Plummer (Project Manager); A/Prof J Fisher; Dr A P Howard; Mr R M Ribbons; Mrs T M Harlem Enhancing patient management at point of care using electronic-based clinical pathways ARC Linkage 2009-2010 Collaborating/Partner Organisation(s): NEC Business Solutions, Peninsula Health, Fraser & Jenkinson P/L trading as Print Media Group.. $112,000
Total grant funding $195,000
Faculty Link Assist Grant. Plummer, V. Lord, W. (Monash Department of Community Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice) 2009 Facilitating Paramedic Nurses and the graduate year in rural settings $2000 Awarded
School of Nursing and Midwifery Collaborative Grant Scheme. Plummer V, Heslop, L. (Monash University) Gordon Lee,(Commonwealth DoHA, Casemix Division) Stuart McAlister (Commonwealth DoHA, Casemix Division) (2006) Development of a costing methodology for calculating nursing service weights. $20,000 Awarded
Faculty Link Assist Grant. Plummer V. 2006 Modeling of Diagnosis Related Group DRG nursing service weights using data from the TrendCare patient dependency system: $2000 Awarded
DHS Tender. Barnett, T., Francis, K., Peterson, C., Bird, B., Plummer, V., Pinikahana, J. 2005. Report a trial of a patient dependency system. $78,000.
Department of Human Services, Victoria, Acute Care Branch, Plummer V, Heslop L Seldon L (Monash University), (2004) Nursing Service Weight Study, $10,000
Australian Nursing Federation, $36, 000. Plummer V. (Whitehead). 2000. Nursing costs by DRG in private hospitals, Awarded
Lowe G, Zhong Y, Plummer V, Tori K. The extent, range and nature of the evidence on advanced practice among military nurses during war and terrorism: A scoping review. International Emergency Nursing. Volume 69, July 2023.
Osman A., Bradley L. Plummer V. Evaluation of resource allocation for undergraduate nursing professional experience placements coordination in Australian Higher Education: a cross sectional study with descriptive qualitative thematic analysis. Nurse Education in Practice. 67 (2023) 103571 .2023.103571
Coombs, NM,Porter, JE, Barbagallo, M, Plummer, V. Public health messaging and attitudes of Australian Emergency Nurses. Australasian Emergency Care 11/11/2022.
Tiruneh B, Fooladi E, McLelland G, Plummer V. Incidence, mortality and factors associated with primary post-partum haemorrhage following in-hospital births in northwest Ethiopia. PloS ONE : April 6, 2022
Tiruneh B, Plummer V. Fooladi E, McLelland G. Barriers to effective management of primary postpartum haemorrhage following in-hospital births in northwest Ethiopia: Healthcare providers views using qualitative approach. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2022 22:755
Li ML, Allen J, Yanling, Plummer V, Dai YL. Comparison of research hotspots and trends on long-term care for the elderly between China and Australia: a bibliometric analysis. Frontiers of Nursing Dec 2022 9 (4) * 2022. DOI10.2478/fon-2022-0053
Al Moteri M, Plummer V, Cooper S. Decision-making errors during recognizing and responding to clinical deterioration: Gaze path-cued retrospective think-aloud Clinical Simulation in Nursing 1876-1399/c 2022 https//
Al Moteri M, Plummer V, Cooper S. From eye tracker perspective: Decision-making errors during recognizing and responding to clinical deterioration. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. September 2022
Joseph B, Plummer V, Cross W. Mental Health Nurses Perceptions of Missed Nursing Care in an Acute In-patient Unit: A multi method approach. IJMHN Accepted 02/03/2022 697-707 .
Marwa Abd El-fatah, Ali El-Slamon AlHarthi S, Al-Moteri, M, Plummer V, Ahmed AlKarani,. Dimensions of burden and coping strategies of family caregivers for people diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. Healthcare Feb 2022 10030451
Wang A, Li J, Cross W, Plummer V, Lam L, ZhangZ, Zhang J. Resisting social identity threat and maintaining resilience’: a qualitative study of Chinese parents following the loss of an only child. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2022 Aug 11 doi: 10.1037/tra0001339.
Yu-Fang Guo, Jun-Ying Fan, Plummer V,Lam L , Cross W, Yue-Zhwen Ma, Yu-Fen Wang, Yan-Nan Jia. Associations between perceived overqualification, organizational commitment and work passion of nurses: A multicentre survey. The Journal of Nursing Management 2022 30 1273-1282
GuoY, Fan Jun-Ying,Lam L, PlummerV, CrossW, Ma Yue-Zhen Wang Yu-Fen Jia Yan-Nan Associations between perceived overqualification, transformational leadership and burnout in nurses from intensive care units: A multicentre study. J Nurs Management 2022 3330-3339.
1nnes, K., Jackson, D., Plummer, V Elliott, D. Exploration and model development for the emergency department waiting room nurse role: Synthesis of findings of a three-phase sequential mixed methods study. International Emergency Nursing Nov 2021 59 101075.
Almoteri M, Plummer V. Hanan, Y, Yaseen R WH, Al Maki M, Elryah AAI, Alkarani A. (2021) The experiences of people with diabetes during Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 31/12/2021. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19010340
Guo, Y, Cross, C. Lam, L, Plummer, V, Wang X, Wang S. Association between psychological capital and spiritual care competencies of clinical nurses: A multicenter cross-sectional study: Journal of Nursing Management. Published 6/4/2021 doi: 10.1111/jonm.13303
Tiruneh B, McLelland G, Plummer V. Incidence, and mortality associated with primary postpartum haemorrhage following hospital births in northwest Ethiopia. A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Epidemiology 2021 Vol 50 ( Supplement 1)
Olasoji M, Plummer V, Reed F, Shanti M, Cross W.(2020) Views of mental health consumers about being involved in mental health nursing handover on acute in-patient unit: Post-implementation views. IJMHN 2020 29 5 pp 786 -795
Gebrekidan K, Hall H. Plummer V. Fooladi E. Exclusive breastfeeding continuation and associated factors among employed women in North Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study . PloS One. Accepted 19/5/2021
Hills, D., Ekegren, C., Plummer, V, Freene, N., Kunstler, B., Robinson, T., Healy, E., Vo, J., Gasevic, D., & Crabtree, A. (2021). Nursing perspectives on reducing sedentary behaviour in sub-acute hospital settings: A mixed methods study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2021 Aug 6.
Hills, D., Kunstler, B., Ekegren, C., , Freene, N., Robinson, T., Plummer, V. Bed rest in hospital can be bad for you. Here's what nurses say would help get patients moving. The Conversation 10/12/2021
Rantung R, Griffiths D, Plummer V, Moss C. How emergency nurses cope and motivate themselves to sustain their caring work: An integrative literature review. JoCN Published on line 27/8/2021
Langton D, Vennens S, Banks C, Noble P B, Plummer V, Thien F, Donovan, G M. The effect of bronchial thermoplasty on airway volume measured 12 months post procedure. ERJ Open Research. August 2020.
Madhuvu A, Endacott R, Plummer V, Morphet J. Healthcare professional views on barriers to implementation of evidence-based practice in prevention of VAE: a qualitative descriptive study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 9/8/2021
Yu-Fang Guo, Ke-Fang Wang, W Cross, L Lam, V Plummer, Jing Li. Quality of life in cancer patients with different preferences for nurse spiritual therapeutics: The role of psychological capital. JAN. Accepted 12/8/2021
Innes, K., Jackson, D., Plummer, V Elliott, D. Exploration and model development for the emergency department waiting room nurse role: Synthesis of findings of a three-phase sequential mixed methods study. JAN. In Press 21/08/2021
Coombs, NM, Porter, JE, Barbagallo, M, Plummer, V. (2020) Public health education by emergency nurses: a scoping review and narrative synthesis. Patient Education and Counselling Accepted 27/8/2021
Alharthi S, ,Al Moteri M, Plummer V, AlThobaity, A. (2021) The impact of Covid-19 on Non-Covid patient acuity presenting to emergency department. Healthcare Published 30/9/2021.
Huang C, Cross W, Lam L, Plummer V. Feeling responsible: family caregivers’ attitudes and experiences of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with schizophrenia: a qualitative study. Patient Education and Counselling. In Press, 26th October 2020.
Olasoji M, Plummer V, Cross W. Strategies for implementing consumer participation in nursing handover on acute mental health in-patient units. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. Accepted 4/11/2020
Tiruneh B, McLelland G, Plummer V. Incidence, and mortality associated with primary postpartum haemorrhage in northwest Ethiopia. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_5, September 2020, ckaa165.723, Published: 30 September 2020
Guo, Y, Cross, C. Lam, L, Plummer, V, Wang X, Wang S. Association between psychological capital and spiritual care competencies of clinical nurses: A multicenter cross-sectional study: Journal of Nursing Management. Published 6/4/2021.
Al Moteri M, Amani R, Plummer V. Rapid visual search games and accuracy of students’ clinical observation skills. A comparative study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Accepted 1/3/2021
Guo Y, Wang X, Plummer V, Cross W, Lam L, Wang S .Influence of core competence on voice behavior of clinical nurses: A multicenter cross-sectional study. Published 29/4/2021 Psychology Research and Behavior Management.
Gebrekidan K, Plummer V. Fooladi E. Hall H. Attitudes and experiences of employed women when combining exclusive breastfeeding and work: a qualitative study among office workers in Northern Ethiopia. Maternal and Child Nutrition. Published 8/4/2021
Akhter Z, Malik G, Plummer V. Nurse Educator Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Towards Using High Fidelity Simulation: A Study in The Vocational Education Sector. Nurse Education in Practice. Accepted 26/3/2021 In Press
Huang C, Lam, L, Zhong, Y, Plummer, V, Cross, W, (2020) Chinese mental health professionals’ perceptions of shared decision- making regarding people diagnosed with schizophrenia; a qualitative study. IJMHN Accepted 20th July 2020.
Gebrekidan K, Plummer V. Fooladi E. Hall H. (2020) Work-related factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding among employed women in Ethiopia: managers’ perspective using a qualitative approach. International Journal of Women's Health. 22/6/2020.
Huang C, Cross W, Lam L, Plummer V. (2020) Shared decision-making in serious mental illness: A comparative study. Patient Education and Counselling. In Press, Available online on 14 March 2020. DOI:
Guo, Y, Plummer, V, Lam, L, Cross, C. Zhang JP (2020) . Impact of the WeChat-Based “Three Good Things” on Turnover Intention and Coping Styles in Nurses with Burnout: A Randomized Controlled Trial" JoNM Accepted 22/7/2020.
Williams C, Jellett, J, Clayton D, Plummer V, Haines T. (2020) "Falls risk score removal does not impact inpatient falls: A stepped-wedge, cluster-randomised trial" Journal of Clinical Nursing. Accepted 13th August 2020
Schwerdtle, P, Connell C, Lee S, Plummer, V, Endacott, R, Russo R, Kuhn L. (2020) 'Nurse expertise: a critical resource in Covid-19 pandemic response' Annals of Global Health – Special Edition Celebrating International Year of Nurse and Midwife commentary.
Gebrekidan K, Fooladi, E, Plummer V, Hall H.(2020) Enablers and barriers of exclusive breastfeeding among employed women in low and lower middle-income countries. Accepted 13/4/2020 Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare
Huang C, Plummer, V, Lam, L, Cross, W, (2020) Perceptions of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with serious mental illness: A comparative study. Patient Education and Counselling Accepted 9/3/2020.
Madhuvu A, Endacott R, Plummer V, Morphet J. (2019) Intensive Care Nurses’ knowledge of evidence-based guidelines for prevention of ventilator-associated events: an evaluation study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 24th February.
Tiruneh B, McLelland G, and Plummer V. Incidence and Mortality Associated with Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage Following In-Hospital Births in Northwest Ethiopia. The Lancet Pre-print On-line 24/6/2020.
Rahman A, Plummer V. 2020. Letter to Editor. COVID-19 related suicide among hospital nurses; case study evidence from worldwide media reports. Psychiatry Research Accepted 24th June 2020.
Langton D, Sha J, Guo S, Sharp J, Banks C, Wang W, Plummer V, Thien F. Bronchial thermoplastic versus mepolizumab: Comparison of outcomes in a severe asthma clinic. Respirology. 5/5/2020.
Langton, D, Bennetts, K, Noble, P, Plummer, V, Thien. F. Bronchial thermoplasty reduces airway resistance, Respiratory Research. 2020;21:76
Connell C, Plummer V. Endacott, R, Walker L, Schwerdtle, P, Innes, K, Crawford, K, Foley, N, Griffiths, D, Morphet, J, Practice Priorities for Acute Care Nursing: A Delphi study JoCN Accepted 23rd March 2020.
Langton D, Vennens S, Banks C, Noble P B, Plummer V, Thien F, Donovan, G M.The effect of bronchial thermoplasty on airway volume measured 12 months post procedure. ERJ Open Research. Accepted 22nd August 2020.
Madhuvu A, Endacott R, Plummer V, Morphet J. (2020) Ventilation bundle compliance in two Australian intensive care units:an observational study. AUCC. Accepted 03092020.
Gao, W, V. Plummer, L. McKenna Using metaphor to interpret and understand meanings of international operating room nurses’ experiences in organ procurement surgery" JoCN.
Langton D, Bennetts K, Thien F, Plummer V, Noble PB Bronchial thermoplasty reduces ventilation heterogeneity measured by multiple breath nitrogen washout. Resp Research Pre-print
Huang C, Plummer V, Lam L, Wang Y, Cross W, (2020) I am the person who knows myself best: views on shared decision-making among hospitalized people diagnosed with schizophrenia in China" International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 26/9/2020 29 846-858..
Madhuvu A, Endacott R, Plummer V, Morphet J. (2019) Nurses’ knowledge, experience and self-reported adherence to evidence-based guidelines for prevention of ventilator-associated events: a national online survey. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing 24th February.
Huang C, Plummer, V, Lam, L, Cross, W, Perceptions of shared decision-making regarding people diagnosed with serious mental illness: A comparative study. Patient Education and Counselling Accepted 9/3/2020.
Huang C, Plummer, V, Lam, L, Cross, W. (2020). Translation and psychometric testing of a decision-making scale. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Accepted 24/1/2020.
Gao, W. Plummer, V. McKenna, L. (2019) International operating room nurses' challenges in providing person-centred care during organ procurement surgery in Australia. Journal of Peri Anaesthesia Nursing. Accepted 18th December 2019.
Guo, Y, Plummer, V, Lam, L, Cross, C. Zhang JP. (2019) A WeChat-Based “Three Good Things” Positive Psychotherapy for the Improvement of Job Performance and Self-efficacy in Nurses with Burnout symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial" Journal of Nursing Management. Accepted 5th December 2019.
Langton, D, Ing A, Fielding D, Hersch N, Sha J,Plummer V. Thien F, 2019 Safety and effectiveness of bronchial thermoplasty when FEV1 less than 50%. Chest. 29/4/2019. Accepted 12082019.
Langton D, Wang W, Sha J, Ing A, Fielding D, Hersch N, Plummer V, Thien F. 2019 Predicting the response to bronchial thermoplasty. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in Practice. 7 Nov 2019
Langton D, Sha J1, Guo S, Sharp J, Banks C, Wang W, Plummer V, Thien F. Bronchial thermoplastic versus mepolizumab: Comparison of outcomes in a severe asthma clinic. Respirology. 5/5/2020.
Al Thobaity A, Alamri S, Plummer V. Williams B, 2019, Exploring the necessary disaster plan components in Saudi Arabian Hospitals: A Principal Component Analysis Study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Volume 41, December 2019, 101316.
Langton, D, Sloan G, Banks, C, Bennetts K, Plummer V. Thien F. 2019 Bronchial thermoplasty increases airway volume measured by functional respiratory imaging. Respiratory Research.
McLelland G, Tremayne A, Carr B, Hall H, Plummer V, Kumar A, East C, Buttigieg H, Fernando H, Dix S. Learning together to manage simulated postpartum haemorrhage: undergraduate midwifery and medical students’ satisfaction with simulation and impact upon self-efficacy. Women and Birth Sept 2019.
Yuan-hui Luo, Hui Li, V. Plummer, Wendy M. Cross, Louisa Lam, Yu-fang Guo, Yi-zhen Yin, Jing Ping Zhang, 2019. An evaluation of a positive psychological intervention to reduce burnout among nurses. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.
Gao, W. Plummer, V. McKenna, L. 2019. Lived experiences of international operating room nurses in organ procurement surgery: A phenomenological study. Nursing and Health Sciences.
Huang C, Plummer V, Lam L, Cross W, 2019 " Perceptions of shared decision making among people with serious mental illness”: An integrative review. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
Innes, K., Elliott, D, Plummer, V. Jackson, D. 2018. ‘A profile of the waiting room nurse in emergency departments: an online survey of Australian nurses exploring implementation and perceptions. YAAEN-D-18-00086: Published 29th October 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.enj.2018.10.003 online 43 (2019) 67-73
Bai, X, Wang A, Plummer V, Lam L, Cross W , Guan Z, Hu X, Sun M, Tang S. 2019. Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour to predict nurse’s intention to undertake dual practice in China: A multi-centre survey". Journal of Clinical Nursing. 22nd January 2019. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14791
Weare, R Green, C Olasoji, M, Plummer, V. 2019 ICU nurses feel unprepared to care for patients with mental illness: a survey of nurses’ attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. August 2019, Vol.53, pp.37-42
R. Weare, C. Green, M Olasoji, V. Plummer. 2019 Caring for Mentally Ill Patients in the Intensive Care Unit: Development of a Survey of Nurses' Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes. AuCC 2019.
Sun, Mei; Tang Siyuan; Chen, J, Li, Ying;Bai, Wenhui; Plummer, V, Lam, L, Qin Chunxiang, Cross, W. 2019 A study protocol of Mobile phone App-based cognitive behaviour training for the prevention of postpartum depression among high-risk mothers. BMC Public Health.
Chen J, Cross W M., Plummer V, Lam l., Sun M, Qin C, Tang S;2019. The risk factors of antenatal depression: a cross-sectional survey. JoCN
Singh, C, Crawford, K, Willey, S, Hall, H, Harder, K, Plummer, V, Williams, A, (2019) Medication adherence among people of Indian ethnicity living with chronic diseases following migration to Australia, Collegian
Olasoji, M., Cross, W, Reed, F., Wang, W, Jacob, S, Plummer, V. (2019) Mental Health Nurses' attitudes towards consumer involvement in nursing handover pre and post an educational implementation. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.
Suryanto, Plummer, V. Boyle, M. 2017. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Ambulance Nurses in Prehospital Care in Indonesia. AEC. March 2018.
Innes, K., Elliott, D, Plummer, V. Jackson, D. 2018. Emergency department waiting room nurses in practice: an observational study". Journal of Clinical Nursing. 27 (7-8) pp 1402-1411 April 27 EPub. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14240
N Rochana, J Morphet, V Plummer. 2018 Triage process in Emergency Departments: an Indonesian Study. Nurse Media Journal of Nursing 6 (1), 37-46
Lowe, G, Plummer, V, Boyd, L. 2018 Nurse Practitioner integration: qualitative experiences of the change management process". Journal of Nursing Management. 2018 Apr 30. doi: 10.1111/jonm.12624. Among work published between January 2018 and December 2019, top 10% downloads in the 12 months following online publication.
Langton D, Wang W, Thien, F, Plummer, V. 2018.The acute effects of bronchial thermoplasty on FEV1.Respiratory Medicine
Guo, Y, Plummer, V, Lam, L, Zhang, J, Wang, Y, Cross, W. 2018. The effects of resilience and turnover intention on nurses’ burnout: findings from a comparative cross-sectional study" Journal of Clinical Nursing. 10.1111/jocn.14637- Editor’s choice February 2019.
R. Thompson, H. Thomson, C. Gaskin, V. Plummer. 2018. Nurses’ attitudes towards management of clinical aggression in general wards: A pilot study using actor-based simulation. Med-Surg Nursing. March 2018.
Girvan, L, Wang, W. Plummer, V. (2018) "CPAP for infants in rural and metropolitan Special Care Nurseries: Perspectives of Nurse Unit Managers." The Journal of Neonatal and Perinatal Nursing
Moteri, Al M. Plummer, V. Symmons, M., Cooper, S 2018 Clinical deterioration of ward patients in the presence of antecedents: A systematic review and narrative synthesis AUCC.
Langton D, Gaffney N, Thien, F, Plummer, V.Utility of a thin bronchoscope in facilitating bronchial thermoplasty. Journal of Asthma and Allergy published 15th October 2018.
Langton D, Ing A, Bennetts K, Wang W, Farah C, Peters M, Plummer, V, Thien, F, 2018 Bronchial thermoplasty reduces gas trapping in severe asthma, Respiratory Research. (2018) 18:155.
Langton D, Ing A, Fielding, D, Wang W, Plummer, V., Thien, F. 2018 Bronchodilator responsiveness success as a predictor for bronchial thermoplasty. Respirology, April Vol 24 ISS 163-7.
Langton D, Ing A, Sha J, Bennetts, K, Hersch N, Kwok M, Plummer, V., Thien, F Farah C, 2018 Measuring the effects of bronchial thermoplasty using oscillometry. Respirology.
Langton D, Sha, J, Ing, A, Fielding, D, Thien, F, Plummer, V. 2018 Bronchial thermoplasty: activations predict Response. Respiratory Research 4th July 2017.
Chen, J, Cross, W, Plummer, V, Lam, L, Tang, S 2018, A systematic review of prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression in Chinese immigrant women. Women and Birth. Published on-line 14th December 2018.
Al Moteri, M. Symmons, M., Plummer, V. Cooper, S 2018. Inattentional blindness and pattern-matching failure: The case of failure to recognize clinical cues. Applied Ergonomics.
Al Moteri, M. Cooper, S. Plummer, V. Symmons, M., (2018) Nurses’ cognitive and perceptual bias in the identification of clinical deterioration cues AUCC
Schwerdtle P, De Clerck V & Plummer V.2017 Experiences of Ebola survivors: Causes of distress and sources of resilience. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 2017 33 (3) 1-6. Online 17th February 2017. DOI: Volume 32 / Issue 2, , pp 234 - 239
Suryanto, Plummer, V. Boyle, M. 2017. Healthcare system in Indonesia. Hospital Topics. Vol 95 Issue 4 p82-89.
Suryanto, Plummer, V. Boyle, M. 2017. Healthcare workforce in Indonesia. Submitted APJHM doi:10.24083/apjhm.2017.0006 12 (3) 32-40.
Guo, Y., Lam, L., Luo, L., Plummer, V., Cross, W., Li, H., Yin, H., Zhang, J. 2017 Female nurses’ burnout symptoms: no association with the Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 77, 47-50
Guo, Y., Lam, L., Luo, L., Plummer, V., Cross, W., Li, H., Yin, H., Zhang, J. 2017 Reply to Letter to the Editor: Response to the concerns raised by Dr. Bianchi et al. regarding our manuscript (Guo, Y., Lam, L., Luo, Y., Plummer, V., Cross, W., Li, H., Yin, Y., Zhang, J., 2017. Female nurses’ burnout symptoms: no association with the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis. Psychoneuroendocrinology
Guo, Y, Luo, Y, Lam, L, Cross, W, Plummer, V, Zhang, J. 2017. Burnout and its association with resilience: a cross sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 5th July 2017.
Innes, K., Jackson, D., Plummer, V Elliott, D. 2017. Emergency Department Waiting Room Nurse Role: A Key Informant Perspective, AENJ, Vol 20 Issue 1 P6-11. DOI: 10.1016/. j. aenj.2016.12.002
Plummer, V. Tozer-Jones, J. Williams, B. (2017). The Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Emergency Health (Paramedic): Student views of their preparation and intention towards future practice. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine Published 10th November 14 (4) P 1-7.
Morphet, J., Plummer, V., Kent, B, Considine, J, 2017 A framework for transition to specialty practice programs, JAN.
Molloy, J., Pratt, N, Tiruvoipati, R. Green, C. Plummer, V 2017 Relationship between Diurnal patterns in Rapid Response Call activation and patient outcome. Australian Critical Care Journal Published on line 6th March 2017. Volume 30, Issue 3, May 2017.
Suryanto, Boyle, M. Plummer, V. 2017. Pre-Hospital Healthcare System in Malang, Indonesia. Australasian Journal of Paramedicine. 30th April 2017.
Olasoji, M., Plummer, V., Reed, F., Jacob, S., Shaw, L., Shanti, M., Cross, W, 2017 Views of mental health consumers about being involved in nursing handover on acute in-patient units. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 5th May 2017.
Schwerdtle P, De Clerck V & Plummer V 2017 Survivors’ perceptions of public health messages during an Ebola crisis in Liberia and Sierra Leone. An exploratory study. Nursing and Health Sciences. Volume 19, Issue 4, December 2017 Pages 492-497
Madhuvu, A.E., Plummer, V. Morphet, J, 2017. An exploration of participants’ experiences of an intensive care nursing transition to speciality practice program. AUCC. online 1/10/2017
Jahlan, I. Plummer, V. McIntyre, M. Moawed, S 2016, What women have to say about giving birth in Saudi Arabia? The Middle East Journal of Nursing Vol 10 Issue 1 March pp 10-18
Morphet J, Kent B, Plummer V, Considine J. 2016Profiling nursing resources in Australian emergency departments, Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 2016 Feb;19(1) 1-10
Al Thobaity A, Plummer V, Williams B. 2016 What are the Most Common Domains of Core Competencies of Disaster Nursing? A Scoping Review International Emergency Nursing. Published online: October 18, 2016
DOI: Vol 31 March P64-71
Al Thobaity A, Williams B, Plummer V. 2016 A new scale for disaster nursing core competencies: Development and psychometric testing. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 2016 Feb;19(1):11-19
Jespersen S, Lawman B, Reed F, Hawke K, Plummer V, Gaskin C. 2016. The impact of integrating crisis teams into community mental health services on emergency department and inpatient demand Psychiatric Quarterly. December 2016, Volume 87, Issue 4, pp 703-712.
Suryanto, Plummer V. Copnell 2016 Collaboration between Nurses and Physicians in an Indonesian Emergency Department: A Pilot Study. Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal. 19 (2016), pp. 82-89
DOI information: 10.1016/j.aenj.2016.04.001
Lowe G, Plummer V, Boyd L. 2016 Perceptions of NP roles: nurse practitioners, managers and policy advisers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 12 (2016), pp. 303-310 10.1016/j.nurpra.2016.04.023
Malik G, McKenna L, Plummer V. 2016 Facilitators and barriers to evidence-based practice: Perceptions of Nurse Educators,’ clinical coaches’ and nurse specialists from a descriptive study. Contemporary Nurse. 0.650
Gao W, Plummer V, Williams A. (2016), Perioperative nurses’ attitudes toward organ procurement: A systematic review Journal of Clinical Nursing. Volume 26, Issue 3-4 Pages 302-319 DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13386.
Suryanto, Plummer V, Boyle M. (2016) Financing healthcare in Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management. 11 - Issue 2 - pp 33-38.
Lowe G, Plummer V, Boyd L. 2016 ‘Integration of nurse practitioners using a change management framework: the way forward. AHR 41, 553-560.
Morphet J, Kent B, Plummer V, Considine J. 2016 Transition to specialty practice program characteristics and professional development outcomes. Nurse Education Today p109-115.
Suryanto, Plummer, V. Boyle, M. 2016 EMS Systems in Low-Middle Income Countries: A Literature Review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. Volume 32, Number 1 P1-7 2017.
Plummer, V. and Brooks, I.2016 Disaster and diabetes mellitus: Disaster preparedness Evidence Summary, JBI published 13/07/2016
Brooks I and Plummer V. 2016Diabetes and diabetes mellitus: Disaster response requirements. Evidence Summary, JBI published 13/07/2016:
Guo Y, Plummer V, Lam L, Cross W, Zhang, P 2016 Exploring resilience in Chinese nurses: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management.
Guo Y, Zhang X, Plummer V, Lam, L, Cross, W, Zhang, J., Positive Psychotherapy for Depression and Self-efficacy in Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial" International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. doi: 10.1111/j1445-8330.2016. 12255.x
Yue, L, Plummer, V. Cross, 2016 The Effectiveness of Nursing Education for Clinical Alarm Response and Management in Hospital: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 10 MAR 2017 | DOI: 10.1111/jocn.13605
Al Moteri, M. Symmons, M., Plummer, V. Cooper, S. 2016 Eye tracking to investigate cue processing in medical decision-making: A scoping review, Computers in Human Behaviour.
Malik, G, McKenna, L, Plummer, V, 2015 Perceived skills, knowledge and contextual factors effecting evidence-based practice among nurse educators, clinical coaches and nurse specialists. International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2015 May; 21: Supplement: 46-57. ISSN: 1322-7114
Danckert R., Ryan A., Plummer, V., Williams, C. 2015 Hospitalization impacts on dental hygiene; an audit of oral hygiene in a metropolitan hospital. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 11 May 2015
Majid, N, Plummer, V., Lee, S. 2015 The effectiveness of orthopaedic patient education in improving patient outcomes: a systematic review protocol, JBI, 13th Feb 2015, ISSN: 1838-2142
Al Thobaity, A., Plummer, V., Innes, K.L., Copnell, B., 2015, Perceptions of knowledge of disaster management among military and civilian nurses in Saudi Arabia, Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal [P], vol 25, issue 3, Elsevier Ltd, UK, pp. 156-164
Innes, K., Jackson, D., Elliott, D., Plummer, V. 2015 Care of patients in emergency department waiting rooms - an integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 71 (12) p2902-2714. DOI 10.1111/jan.12719
Morphet, J., Kent, B, Plummer, V., Considine, J.2015 Transition to specialty practice programs in Emergency Nursing, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal July 2015, Volume 23, Number 1. ISSN: 2202-7114
Morphet, J., Kent, B, Plummer, V., Considine, J. 2015The effect of transition to specialty practice programs on Australian emergency nurses’ professional development, recruitment and retention, AENJ. On P204-2011. 2015
Al Moteri, M. Plummer, V. Symmons, M., Cooper, S. 2015 Training paradigms to enhance clinical observational skills in clinical practice: A scoping review. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. Online published 24 September Vol 5, No. 12. DOI: 10.5430/jnep. v5n12p96 URL:
Al Mutair, A, Plummer, V, O’Brien, T, Clerehan, R, 2014 Families' Needs of Critical Care Muslim Patients in Saudi Arabia: A Quantitative Study” Nursing in Critical Care Journal. doi: 10.1111/nicc. 12039
Al Mutair A, Plummer, V. O'Brien, T, Clerehan, R 2014 Providing culturally congruent care for Saudi patients and their families, Vol. 46/2, Contemporary Nurse.
Morphet, J., Griffiths, D., Plummer, V., Innes, K., Fairhall, R., Beattie, J. 2014 At the crossroads of violence and aggression in the Emergency Department: Perspectives of Australian emergency nurses. Australian Health Review Volume 38(2), 194-201. DOI: 10.1071/AH13189. ISSN: 0156-5788 PMID: 24670224
Al Mutair A, Plummer, V. O'Brien, T, Clerehan, R 2013 "Family Needs and Involvement in the Intensive Care Unit: A Literature Review" Journal of Clinical Nursing © Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Journal of Clinical Nursing, doi: 10.1111/jocn.12065. ISSN: 0962-1067 PMID: 23534510
Al Mutair, A, Plummer, V, O’Brien, T, Clerehan, R, 2013 Needs and Experiences of Intensive Care Patients’ Families: A Saudi Arabia Qualitative Study. Nursing in Critical Care
Lowe, G, Plummer, V, Boyd, L. 2013 Perceptions of nurse practitioner roles in Australian healthcare settings, Nursing Management UK, May 20 (2): 28-35. ISSN: 1354-5760 PMID: 23734418
Al Mutair, A, Plummer, V, Clerehan, R, O’Brien, T, (2013) "Attitudes of healthcare providers towards family involvement and presence in adult critical care units in Saudi Arabia: a quantitative study” Journal of Clinical Nursing.
Nelwati, McKenna L, Plummer V 2012 "Indonesian student nurses’ perceptions of stress in clinical learning: A phenomenological study”. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. , Vol 3, No 5 (2013), p56-65. e-version.
Heslop L, Plummer. V, 2012 Nurse staff allocation by nurse/patient ratio versus a computerized nurse dependency management system: A comparative cost analysis of Australian and New Zealand Hospitals. Nursing Economic$, Volume 30, Number 6 November/December 2012.
Al Mutair A, Plummer V Copnell, B2012 Family presence during Resuscitation: Descriptive Study of Nurses' Attitudes from Two Saudi Hospitals. Nursing in Critical Care Article first published online: 25 JAN 2012, DOI: 10.1111/j.1478-5153.2011. 00479.
Plummer V, Harlem T, Aylward J, Weeding S, Dawson L, Waterhouse D, Halley R 2012 Electronic clinical pathways made easy with digital pen and paper, September 2012 edition of RCNA Connections.
Innes, K, Plummer, V, Considine J 2011 Nurses’ perceptions of their preparation for triage, Australasian Emergency Nursing Journal, vol. 14, pp.81-86
Garvey. LJ, Plummer. V 2011What factors influence decision-making by graduate nurses initiating medication? International Journal of Clinical Skills, April, vol. 6, Issue 1.
Lowe. G, Plummer. V, Boyd. L, O’Brien. A 2011 Time to clarify - the value of Advanced Nursing Practice roles in healthcare, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Volume 68, Issue 3, pages 677-685. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011. To date cited 194 times
Lowe. G, Plummer. V, Boyd. L, O’Brien. A 2011 Time to clarify - the value of Advanced Nursing Practice roles in healthcare, Re-published again 18 months later in an on-line version of the best papers on New and Evolving Nursing Roles, Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Al Hosis. K, Plummer. V, O’Connor. M 2011 Nursing Management in Saudi Arabia: Evaluating strategies for succession planning, Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management (Volume 7 Issue 1 PP19-27).
Plummer, V. Hall, H. & French, J. 2010. Promoting careers in health to Indigenous youth. Australian Nursing Journal, 17(10), 34.
Newton, J., Plummer, V. 2009.Using creativity to encourage reflection in undergraduate education. Special Issue of Reflective Practice, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 67-76
Reid, L.W., Chivers, S., Plummer, V., Gibson, P. 2009. Inflammatory bowel disease: a review of nurses’ roles in Australia and the United Kingdom, The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 27, no.2, pp.19-26
Plummer V. 2005. It’s a perfect match: Dependency and skills. Hospital and Health Care July 2005.