Sport management

To submit an application for our students to attend placement at your organisation, complete the form below.

* indicates required field

Agency information

This email will be used to confirm the submission of this form.

Supervisor's information

For example, 5 years' event management experience

Position information

Attach a copy of the student position description. (Max. file size 5mb.) It must include:
- brief organisational overview
- roles/tasks
- pre-requisites and minimum requirements (i.e. IT, phone, etc)
- outcomes for both the provider and student
- supervisor details
- resources provided (i.e. computer, desk, space, etc)
- attire
- contact hours.

Placement start date *
Placement end date *
Are the placement dates negotiable? *

Note: Must be a minimum of 20 hours

Placement requirements *
What do you require when students apply for placement at your organisation? (Select all that apply.)

Note: After selecting the 'Submit' button, do not close your browser window or use the back button until it is confirmed that your form has been successfully submitted.