Louise Townsin

Position: Adjunct Research Fellow


  • PhD – Torrens University Australia

Professional associations/affiliations

  • Secretary, Australasian Research Management Society- South Australia Chapter

Research interests

  • Intercultural competence and communication
  • Educational interventions to encourage attitudinal and behavioural change


Articles and book chapters

Townsin, L., & Walsh, C. (2016). A new border pedagogy: Rethinking outbound mobility programs in the Asian Century. In D. M. Velliaris & D. Coleman-George (Eds.), Handbook of research on study abroad programs and outbound mobility (pp. 215–247). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Townsin, L. (2015). Towards maximising intercultural learning for Australian university students in an English-speaking study abroad program in Malaysia. Journal of the Australia & New Zealand Student Services Association, 45, 52–64.

Conference publications

Walsh, C., & Townsin, L. (2015). A new border pedagogy to foster intercultural competence to meet the global challenges of the future. In M. Baguley (Ed.), AARE Conference Proceedings. Canberra, ACT: Australian Association for Research in Education. Retrieved from https://www.aare.edu.au/data /2015_Conference/Full_papers/AARE_2015_Refereed_Paper_Walsh_Townsin_Paper267_Final_.pdf


Townsin, L., & Walsh, C. (2016, March). A new border pedagogy for rethinking outbound mobility programs in the Asian Century. Paper presented at APAIE Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Townsin, L., & Walsh, C. (2016, November). A subject-based approach to productively develop students’ intercultural competence. Paper presented at AARE Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Townsin, L. (2016, May). Intercultural competence. Paper presented at UECA PDFest, UNSW Institute of Languages, Sydney, Australia.

Townsin, L. (2016, October). Language teaching as complicated entanglement. Paper presented at UECA PDFest, Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia.

Townsin, L. (2016, July). Supporting outbound students to develop dispositions for living together-in-difference. Paper presented at IEAA Internationalisation of the Curriculum Forum, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.

Townsin, L. (2014, October). Overview of the concept of intercultural competence. Paper presented at UECA PDFest, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.

Townsin, L. (2014, November). Towards maximising intercultural learning for Australian university students in an English-speaking study abroad program in Malaysia. Paper presented at ISANA/ANZSSA Conference, Adelaide, Australia.

Walsh, C., & Townsin, L. (2016, November). A pedagogy to interrupt the anti-LGBTI continuum of violence? Paper presented at AARE Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Walsh, C., Townsin, L., & Piper, M. (2016, July). Literacy strategies for border crossing to live together in a gender, sex and sexuality diverse world. Paper presented at the AATE/ALEA National Conference, Adelaide, Australia.