Judith Lyons

Phone: (03) 5122 6681
Email: judith.lyons@federation.edu.au
Room: 2W244
Position: Associate Dean, Accreditation
Discipline: Nursing


  • PhD. (Faculty of Education Monash University). Thesis - 'Learning with Technology: Simulations in Midwifery Education’.
  • Certificate 4 Assessment and Workplace Training (RMIT University TAFE)
  • MEd (Higher Education-The University of Melbourne) Research Major Thesis  'Midwifery Education: Midwives’ Struggle for Professionalisation in Victoria'.
  • Masters Qualifying (Centre for Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne)
  • B. App. Sci. (Advanced   Nursing Education)(Phillip Institute)
  • Midwifery Certificate (RM) (Royal Women’s Hospital)
  • Perioperative Nursing Certificate (Royal Melbourne Hospital)
  • New Zealand General Comprehensive Nurse and Maternity Nurse Certificates. (NZRN, NZMN) Fiji School of Nursing

Teaching areas

  • Nursing Education
  • Midwifery – all areas

Professional associations

  • HERDSA - Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
  • ASCILITE – Australian Society of Computers in Tertiary Education
  • ACM – Australian College of Midwives (Past Fellow)

Grants and awards

Expertise as an educational and research reviewer

Reviewer Office of Teaching and Learning for Awards and Grants
Reviewer JISC grants
Reviewer – Carrick Institute for Learning and Teaching in higher Education - Excellence in Learning and
Teaching Awards and Grants
Reviewer National Commonwealth Government Committee for University Teaching and Staff Development
(CUTSD) Grant: Nursing and Midwifery Projects
Reviewer & Selection Panel RMIT University Teaching Awards
Co-ordinator and Reviewer External Learning & Teaching Grants--RMIT University
Reviewer & Selection Panel Business Teaching Awards - RMIT University
Reviewer Queensland University of Technology Teaching Grants (Major)
Reviewer LearnScope TAFE Professional Development Grants
Reviewer and chair of Engineering and Art, Design and Communications programs, courses
Reviewer & Selection Panel Department of Human Services – Victoria Health Research Grants-Nursing &
Quality Reviewer RMIT EQA System
Reviewer Australian Qualitative Research Journal
Reviewer Australian Nurses Journal Review Board Member for Midwifery and Neonatal
Consultant Nurses Board of Victoria - Midwifery Education Sub Committee Reviewer


2013 Transforming Teaching and Assessment Practices: Using digital audio assessment feedback for quicker, better focused feedback to enhance student learning experiences and outcomes. Field J, Lyons et al $15,000

2013 The influence of the perceptions and stereotypes of the nursing role on career choice in secondary students within the Gippsland region. Raymond, A, Lyons J etal. $8,000

2011 PEI Network – (Collaboration with Monash University (Lead), LaTrobe University Lyons, J.University of Tasmania, Swinburne University. $50,000

2011 Peer Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (PELT) ALTC Project(Collaboration with Macquarie university (Lead), La Trobe University J Lyons, Lund University and Pretoria University $100,000

2009 La Trobe University Promoting Excellence Initiative program. Lyons, J. $200,000

2009 CREATE project JISC Funded - Support and Synthesis of 37 Institutional Innovations Grants funded by JISC to universities in Scotland,England and Wales. George R, Lyons et al $400,000

2008 EMERGE project - JISC Funded EMERGE Project - Support and Synthesis of 26 Users and Innovations Grants funded by JISC to universities in Scotland,England and Wales. George R, et al $300,000

2007 Holt D, Palmer S, Spratt C ( Lyons J RMIT), et al Carrick Institute: Institutional Leadership Grant Strategic Leadership for Institutional Teaching and Learning Centres:Developing a Model for the 21st century $200,000

2007 McKenzie J and Lyons et al Carrick Institute: Institutional Priority Grant Embedding peer review of learning and teaching in e-learning and blended learning environments $176,987

2007 Wood D, Lyons et al Carrick Institute: Institutional Priority Grant Peer Review of Online Learning and Teaching $149,885

2006 Barber J; Lines R; Lyons et al Carrick Institute: Institutional Leadership Grant – 'Developing multi-level leadership in the use of student feedback to enhance student learning and teaching practice' $200,000

2004 Boka T, Kirk, E. and Lyons,J. (Facilitator) EnactEd: Clinical simulations Learn Scope small grant project. Teaching and Learning $9,000

2003 Guy, R., Rich, P., Ellis, I, and Lyons, J., EnactEd: Evaluating student learning with EnactEd. RMIT Faculty of Life Sciences: Strategic Initiative Project – Teaching and Learning. $8,000

2002 Lyons, J., Guy,R., Rich, P., Ellis, I., Milton, J. and Brown, H., EnactEd: Innovating with teaching and learning technologies to improve student learning experiences and teaching methods. RMIT Faculty of Life Sciences: Strategic Initiative Project –Teaching and Learning. $5,000

2001 Milton, J., Lyons, J.,Weiss, A., Nemo, J. EnactEd RMIT funded project in interactive web-based teaching and Learning. $75,000

2000 Phillips, R., McNaught, C. et al. (Lyons, J. co-participant.) $103,000

ASCILITE/CUTSD Project- Staff Development in Evaluation of Technology-based Teaching Development Projects. CUTSD Federal Government Grant. $2,000

1999 Patrick, K., Ball, J. & Johnston, S. (Lyons J. co-participant.) $80,000.'Generating Puzzlement:Strategies for Engaging with Simulations.' CUTSD Federal Government Grant. $2,000

1996/97 Uyeda, M., Lyons, J.,Farrell, M., and Schneider Z. Chief-investigator/Midwife & content expert 'A Multimedia Distance Education Package for Rural and Remote Area Midwives and Nurses.' DETYA National Priority Research Grant $82,000

1996/97 Lyons, J.Chief Investigator/Project Leader - RMIT UROP Research Summer Program with Mechanical Engineering, Computer Systems Engineering and Graphic Design students. RMIT Grant $2,000

1995/96 Lyons, J.Chief Investigator. 'Midwifery Education: Midwives' Struggle for Professionalisation in Victoria'. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Centre for the Study of Higher Education The University of Melbourne. Nurses Memorial Centre Grant and Annie Sage Memorial Grant $10,000

1996/1997 Miller, M., Bullock, S., Lyons J. & Milton, J. Co-investigator. 'Simulated Interactive Multimedia Pain in Labour Experience' Learning Package' (SIMPLE). CUTSD Teaching Development Grant $49,000

1996/1998 Lyons, J.,Milton, J., Jennings, A. & Miller, M. Chief Investigator/Project Leader 'Pregnancy Simulator Learning Package' (PSLP). CAUT Teaching Development Grant funded. $49,991


Invitation to Oxford Round Table on e-learning, Oxford University UK.
Winner - 2007 Carrick Australian Award for University Teaching: Citation for Outstanding Contributions
to Student Learning. Citation for: Leadership in educational development and embedding educational innovations into curricula to enhance student learning experiences and outcomes
Winner - 2007 RMIT Award for University Teaching: Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student
Learning. Citation for: Leadership in educational development and embedding educational innovations into curricula to enhance student learning experiences and outcomes
Winner of Patent – Provisional Patent for PSLP
Winner - Faculty of Education, Language and Community Services Teaching and Learning Award given to reciproCITY Learning Community Project
Recipient RMIT Research and Development Travel Award & Medical Plastics Travel Scholarship to Texas,USA
Recipient RMIT Faculty of Life Sciences Travel Award to UK.
Recipient of Monash University Postgraduate HECS Scholarship
Recipient of University of Melbourne Postgraduate Scholarship
Recipient of RMIT Staff Development Cathy Scholarship
Winner of Nurse's Memorial Fund Scholarship
Winner of Royal College of Nursing Australia: Annie Sage Scholarship
Winner of Australian College of Midwives Japan Travel Scholarship
Winner 2nd Prize for best Midwifery and Paediatrics papers The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne.
Recipient of Victorian Government Health Department Postgraduate Scholarship
Recipient of New Zealand Government Scholarship for Nurse Training.
Winner of "Controller of Nursing Prize" for Best Theory and Practice Nurse

Research interests

  • Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
  • Evaluation
  • Qualitative research
  • Revisionist historical research
  • Mixed methods research
  • Midwifery, Nursing Education

Supervised projects

Completed masters/honours

Master of Nursing
B. Hannon – Completed 2000
S. Shearing – Completed 2002

Master of Engineering
K. Hauke Completed 1999

Master of Midwifery
M. Reddrop – Completed 2002
G. S. Jess – Completed 2002
F. McKay– Completed 2002
P. Calandra – Completed 2005
J. McGreggor – Completed 2001
N. Stephens – Completed 2005


Book chapter

Lyons, J. (2018) Awakening your learning. Chapter 2 in Arnott, N., Williams, D., Paliadelis, P.,Cruickshank, M. (Ed) Road To Nursing. Cambridge University Press – in Progress

Wikander, L. & Lyons, J. (2018) Preparing for Success Chapter 4 in Arnott, N., Williams, D.,Paliadelis, P., Cruickshank, M. (Ed) Road To Nursing Cambridge University Press - in Progress

Porter, J., Lyons, J., Perkins, A., & Sewgolam, S. (2018) Thinking like a nurse Chapter 8 in Arnott, N., Williams, D., Paliadelis, P., Cruickshank, M. (Ed) Road To Nursing, Cambridge University Press – in Progress

Coombs N, Lyons J, Cramer R, & Kim J-ah (2018) Foundations for Professional practice Chapter 11 in Arnott, N., Williams, D.,Paliadelis, P., Cruickshank, M. (Ed) Road To Nursing Cambridge University Press – in Progress

Lyons, J. & Bliss, S. (2018) Nursing as a profession. Chapter 13 in Arnott, N., Williams, D.,Paliadelis, P., Cruickshank, M. (Ed) Road To Nursing Cambridge University - in Press

Healy .M., Lyons, J. et al. (2014) Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Chapter 11 in Sachs, J., and Parsell M., (Ed) Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education. New York: Springer

Lyons, J., Hannon, J, and Macken, C, (2014) Sustainable Practice in Embedding Learning Technologies: Curriculum Renewal through Course Design Intensives.Chapter 22 in Gosper, M., and Ifenthaler, D., (Ed) Curriculum Models in the 21st Century. New York: Springer

Lyons, J., Hannon, J, and Macken, C, (2013) Sustainable Practice in Embedding Learning Technologies: Curriculum Renewal through Course Design Intensives.Chapter 22 in Gosper, M., and Ifenthaler, D., (Ed) Curriculum Models in the 21st Century. New York: Springer e-book

Healy M., Lyons, J. etal. (2013)Peer Review of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: International Perspectives. Chapter 11 in Sachs, J., and Parsell M., (Ed) Professional Learning and Development in Schools and Higher Education. New York: Springer e-book http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-7639-5

Journal articles

Raymond A, Lyons J et al (2018) Influence of perceptions and stereotypes of the nursing role on career choice in secondary students: A regional perspective Nurse Education Today 62 (2018) 150–157

Raymond A, Lyons J et al (2016) Peer learning a pedagogical approach to enhance online learning: A qualitative exploration Nurse Education Today 44 (2016)165-1

Lyons, J. Chair – (2016) Graduate Diploma of Midwifery Curriculum

Lyons, J. Chair – (2015) Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum

Lyons, J. (2012) Learning with Technology: Theoretical Foundations Underpinning Simulations in Midwifery Education ASCILITE Conference – AJECT concise paper publication pp 1-5

Pardede, E. and Lyons, J.(2012) Redesigning the assessment of an Entrepreneurship course in information Technology degree program: Assessment for Learning Practices. IEEE Transactions on Education Vol 55, No 4 pp. 556-572

Fitzgerald, L., Wong, P., Hannon, J., Lyons, J. and Solberg-Tokerud, M. (2012) Curriculum Learning Designs: Teaching Health Assessment Skills For Advanced Nursing Practitioners through Sustainable Flexible Learning. Nurse Education Today Accepted June 2012 doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2012.05.029

Milton, J. & Lyons, J.(2011). 'Evaluate to Improve Learning: Reflecting on the role of teaching and learning models. Kandlebinder & Paseta (Eds) Higher Education Research and Development Anthology, HERDSA: UTS Printing pp 297-312.

Milton, J. & Lyons, J.(2003). 'Evaluate to Improve Learning: Reflecting on the role of teaching and learning models. Higher Education Research and Development Vol 22, No.3,pp297-312

Weiss, A., Nemo, J., Milton, J., and Lyons, J. (2002) A User Centric Approach in Designing EnactEd, ane-Learning Tool. E-learning Design and Development: International Best Practice to Enhance Corporate Performance Conference Referred Publication. ISBN 0 864592167. pp 115-125. RMIT Foundation Macromedia, RMIT University. Melbourne.

Lyons, J. and Milton, J. (2002). Learning to evaluate -evaluating to learn. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 18(2),187-207. http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet18/lyons.html

Lyons, J. and Milton, J. (2001). Learning to evaluate-Evaluating to learn. Report: Learning–Centred Evaluation of Computer-Facilitated Learning Projects in Higher Education. Phillip, R. (Ed)Chapter 11. pp 137-147. ISBN 086905-284-X. Murdoch Print: Murdoch University.

Lyons, J. & Milton,J. (1999). Recognising Through Feeling: A Physical and Computer Simulation Based on Education Theory. Computers in Nursing May/June Vol 17 No 3 pp 114–119.