Jan Jones
Phone: (03) 5122 8486Email: janet.jones@federation.edu.au
Room: 2W-136
Position: Lecturer
Discipline: Midwifery and Nursing
- Registered Nurse
- Registered Midwife
- Master of Clinical Midwifery (Monash),
- Graduate Diploma of Midwifery (Monash),
- Graduate Certificate in Health Professional Education (Monash),
- Bachelor of Nursing - conversion degree (Deakin),
- General Nursing Certificate (CGH)
- Cert IV Workplace Assessment & Training (East Gipps TAFE)
Teaching areas
- Midwifery
- Neonatal nursing
- Indigenous health
Professional associations
- Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF)
- Australian College of Midwives (ACM)
- Midwifery Academics Victoria (MIDAC)
- Gippsland Midwifery Educators Advisory Group (GMEAG)
Grants and awards
- Learning and teaching grant (2014) $15,000.00 Project title: Transforming teaching and assessment practice using digital audio assessment feedback for quicker, better, focussed feedback to enhance student learning experiences and outcomes;
- Centre for Learning Innovation and Professional Practice (CLIPP) mini learning and teaching grants (2017) $2,500.00 Project title: Evaluating Midwifery Practice Portfolios for appropriateness and adaptation as e-portfolios into FedUni InPlace to facilitate midwifery practice learning and meet ANMAC accreditation requirements;
- The Latrobe Health Assembly Community programs evaluation. DHHS, Latrobe Health Assembly -$173,866 Submitted Dec 2020;
- School of Health Seed Grant (2020) $4947.00 Project title: Newly qualified midwives confidence providing intrapartum care
Research interests
- Midwifery, childbearing and partnerships
- Rural and remote area nursing & midwifery
- Community development, public & primary healthcare
- Midwifery & nursing history
- Professional & Ethical issues
- First Peoples health (Australia)
Journal articles
Birks, M.J., Mills, J.E., Francis, K.L., Coyle, M., Davis, J.M., Jones, J.M., 2010, Models of health service delivery in remote or isolated areas of Queensland: A multiple case study, The Australian journal of advanced nursing : a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation [E], vol 28, issue 1, Australian Nursing Federation, Australia, pp. 25-34.
Mills, J., Birks, M., Francis, K., Miles, M., Jones, J., 2010, Australian rural remote registered nurses' experiences of learning to provide antenatal services in general practice: A pilot study, International Journal of Nursing Practice [P], vol 16, issue 4, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia, Australia, pp. 319-325.
Mills, J., Francis, K., Birks, M., Coyle, M., Henderson, S., Jones, J., 2010, Registered nurses as members of interprofessional primary health care teams in remote or isolated areas of Queensland: collaboration, communication and partnerships in practice, Journal of Interprofessional Care [E], vol 24, issue 5, Informa Healthcare, United Kingdom, pp. 587-596.
Birks, M., Cant, R., Al-Motlaq, M., Jones, J., 2011, 'I don't want to become a scientist': Undergraduate nursing students' perceived value of course content, Australian Journal Of Advanced Nursing [P], vol 28, issue 4, Australian Nursing Federation, Australia, pp. 20-27.
Cooper, S.J.R., Bulle, B., Biro, M., Jones, J., Miles, M., Gilmour, C., Buykx, P., Boland, R., Kinsman, L., Scholes, J., Endacott, R., 2012, Managing women with acute physiological deterioration: Student midwives performance in a simulated setting, Women and Birth [P], vol 25, issue 3, Elsevier BV, Netherlands, pp. e27-e36
Francis, K., Chapman, Y., Sellick, K.J., James, A., Miles, M.A., Jones, J.M., Grant, J.A., 2012, The decision making processes adopted by rurally located mandated professionals when child abuse or neglect is suspected, Contemporary Nurse: Health Care Across the Lifespan [P], vol 41, issue 1, eContent Management Pty Ltd, Australia, pp. 58-69.
Scholes, J., Endacott, R., Biro, M., Bulle, B., Cooper, S., Miles, M., Gilmour, C., Buykx, P., Kinsman, L., Boland, R., Jones, J., Zaidi, F., 2012, Clinical decision-making: midwifery students' recognition of, and response to, postpartum haemorrhage in the simulation environment, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth [P], vol 12, issue 19, BioMed Central Ltd, United Kingdom, pp. 1-12
McKenna, L.G., Gilmour, C.J., Biro, M.A., McIntyre, M.J., Bailey, C.M., Jones, J.M., Miles, M.A., Hall, H.G., McLelland, G.E., 2012, Undergraduate midwifery students' sense of belongingness in clinical practice, Nurse Education Today [P], vol In Press, Elsevier - Churchill Livingstone, United Kingdom, pp. 1-4.
Lawlor, D. & Jones, J. (2014) Sustainable continuing education for rural midwives: a model that works. Australian Midwifery News, Dec, 2014
Jacob, E., Raymond, A., Jones, J., Jacob, A., Drysdale, M., & Issacs, A. Ms. Ref. No.: COLL-D-15-00048R1 Exploration of nursing degree students' content expectations of a dedicated Indigenous health unit, Collegian (2015) ,
Wood, P. & Jones, J. (2015) Health guides for unattended births in New Zealand and Australia, 1900 – 50. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 51, pp 44 49
Isaacs A., Raymond A., Jacob E., Jones J., McGrail M. & Drysdale, M. Cultural desire need not improve with cultural knowledge: A cross-sectional study of student nurses. Nurse Education in Practice. 19 (2016) 91 – 96
Jarvelainen, M., Cooper, S. & Jones, J. (2018). Nursing students’ educational experience in regional Australia: Reflections on acute events. A qualitative review of clinical incidents. Nurse Education in Practice 31 (2018) 188-193
Book Chapters
Jones, J. - Chapter 18: Nutritional needs of a newborn, in Haley, C. (2015). Pillitteri's Child and Family Health Nursing in Australia and New Zealand, 2nd edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
Jones, J. - Chapter 18: Nutritional needs of a newborn, in Haley, C. (2012). Pillitteri's Child and Family Health Nursing in Australia and New Zealand, 1st edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
2014 – Victorian Standardised Clinical assessment Tool for Midwifery Students 2nd ed. Revision of the 1st edition.