Colette Browning

PhD (La Trobe University), MSc (Monash University), BSc (Hons) (Monash University)
I am a recognised national and international leader in psychology and health. My research focuses on healthy ageing and improving quality of life for older people, chronic disease self-management and consumer involvement in health care decision-making. My research informs policy and practice in the areas of ageing and primary health care. I have a strong interest in research capacity building and research training having held leadership positions in these areas at La Trobe and Monash universities.
Professional associations/affiliations
- Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society (APS)
- Fellow of the APS College of Health Psychology
- Member of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
- Member of the Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG)
- Honorary Professor Research School of Population Health, Australian National University
- Research Director, International Institute for Primary Health Care Research, Shenzhen, China
Journal boards
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Public Health
- Member, Editorial Board, Family Medicine and Community Health
- Member, Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of General Practice
Research interests
- Ageing
- Chronic illness management
- Behavioural risk factors
- Mental health
- Patient decision making
Supervised projects
Current projects
Shane Lake: Dual sensory loss in older adults: The moderating effect of communication on social isolation and anxiety in a regional population.
Sharon Hills: A General Practice Nurse led intervention for health behaviour change in people with Type 2 Diabetes.
Master of Health
Diego Ortuso: The effects of osteopathic intervention on the relaxation response
Completed student projects
- Mental health and ageing
- The rhetoric and reality of aged care
- Diabetes management in China
- Gambling treatment
- Technical quality in pathology laboratories: The role of training of laboratory technicians
- Older gamblers: initiation, maintenance consequences
- Healthy ageing in Saudi Arabia
- Physical activity and diabetes in Malaysia
- Ageing in Malaysia
- Elder Abuse
- Loneliness in Chinese elders
- Obesity Stigma in Online Spaces: Challenges, Responses and Opportunities for Change
- Social relationships and ageing
- Ethical issues in the participation of people with addictions in research
- Asthma self-management in at-risk adults
- Cognitive Behaviour Treatment of Women with Premenstrual Syndrome
- Communication and Quality of Life in Older People with Sensory Disabilities
- Parent Adjustment and the Psychological Preparation of Families for a Child’s Hospitalisation for Surgery
- The Experience of Caregiving in the Italian Community
- Baby boomer women and work after 65
- Social Activity and Quality of Life in Older People
Master of Gerontology
- The Effects of Hydrotherapy on Balance in Older People
- Mental Health of Older Italians
- Job Satisfaction and Attitudes to Ageing in nurses
- Social Isolation in Older Men
- Predictors of Change in Social Activity in Older People
- Foot Problems and Podiatry Service Use in Older People
- Secondary School Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes to Older People and Perceptions of Caregiving and Career Preferences
- Compliance with treatment recommendations in older patients with diabetes
- Diabetes self-management in Chinese immigrants
Projects and Grants (since 2008)
Title: Improving Health Care Delivery and Medicines Use
Investigators: Alzubaidi H, Browning C, McNamara K, et al.
Funder: University of Sharjah, UAE, Operational Grant
Funding: $35,000
Year(s): 2017-2018
Title: Health and wellbeing of older veterans
Publications (since 2015)
Brijnath, B., Gilbert, A., Kent, A., Ellis, K., Browning, C., Goeman. D., Adams, J., & Antoniades, J. (2020) Beyond crisis: Enacted sensemaking among ethnic minority carers of people with dementia in Australia. Dementia (London), 23:1471301220975641. doi: 10.1177/1471301220975641. Online ahead of print.
Browning, C. J., & Thomas, S. A. (2020). Challenges of providing collaborative care for comorbid depression and hypertension in low resource settings in China. International Psychogeriatrics, 32:1405-1407. doi:10.1017/S1041610220001465
Browning, C. J., Thomas, S. A., Qiu, Z., Chapman, A., & Liu, S. (Eds.). (2020). Chronic Illness and Ageing in China. Zurich: Frontiers Media.
Heine, C, Gong, C., Feldman, S. & Browning, C. (2020). Older women in Australia: Facing the challenges of Dual Sensory Loss. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17:263.
Meyer, C. Appannah, A., McMillan, S., Browning, C. & Ogrin, R. (2020). Diversity training evaluation for community aged care: tool development. Nurse Education in Practice, 45:102796.
Mariño, R, Enticott, J, Browning, C, et al. (2020). Self‐assessed impact of oral health on the psychological well‐being and depressive symptoms of older adults living in Melbourne. J Public Health Dent, 80:177-185.
Thomas, S., Qiu, Z., Chapman, A., Liu, S., Xu, X., Rao, X. & Browning, C. (2020). Editorial: Chronic Illness and Ageing in China. Frontiers in Public Health.8:104
Ogrin, R., Meyer, C., Appannah, A., McMillan, S., Browning, C. (2020). The inter-relationship of diversity principles for the enhanced participation of older people in their care: a qualitative study. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19:16.doi: 10.1186/s12939-020-1124-x.
Rao, X., Lai, J., Wu, H., Li, Y., Xu, X., Browning, C. J., & Thomas, S. A. (2020). The development of a competency assessment standard and curriculum for General Practitioners in China. Frontiers in Public Health, 8:23.
Browning, C., Qiu, Z., Yang, H., Zhang, T. & Thomas, S. A. (2019). Food, Eating, and Happy Aging: The Perceptions of Older Chinese People. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 73.
Heine, C., Gong, C. H., & Browning, C. (2019). Dual sensory loss, mental health and wellbeing of older adults living in China. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 92.
Yiengprugsawan, V., Browning, C., & Kendig, H. (2019). Non-communicable diseases and mild cognitive impairment: Mini review of pathway and shared life-course risk factors among older Chinese. Frontiers in Public Health, 7.
Heine, C., Gong, C. H., & Browning, C. (2019). Sensory loss in China: Prevalence, use of aids and impacts on social participation. Frontiers in Public Health, 7, 92.
Chapman, A., Browning, C., Enticott, J., Yang, H., Liu, S., Zhang, T., & Thomas, S. A. (2018). Effect of a health coach intervention for the management of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: A pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Public Health, 6, 252.Sun, W. Li, Y., Hu, Y., Rao, X., Xu, X., Browning, C. J., & Thomas, S. A. (2019). Perspectives on the training of Chinese primary health care physicians to reduce chronic illnesses and their burden. Frontiers in Public Health, 7.
Huang, H., Sharifian, F., Feldman, S., Yang, H., Radermacher, H., & Browning, C. (2018). Cross-cultural conceptualizations of ageing in Australia. Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 5, (2).
Lowthian. J. HOspitals and patients WoRking in Unity (HOW R U?): telephone peer support to improve older patients’ quality of life after emergency department discharge – a multi-centre prospective feasibility study. BMJ Open 8:e020321.
Meyer, C., McMillan, S., Browning, C., Appannah, A., Ogrin, R., (2018). Design of an evidence-based diversity workshop to support participation of older people in their community care. Educational Gerontology, 44, 391-402.
Meyer, C., Appannah, A., McMillan, S., Browning, C. J., & Ogrin, R. (2018). “One size does not fit all”: Perspectives on diversity in community aged care. Australasian Journal on Ageing.
Lowthian, J., Turner, L., Joe, A., Pearce, C., Brijnath, B., Browning, C., Shearer, M., Mazza, D. (2018). Emergency demand, repeat and frequent presentations by older people in metropolitan Melbourne: A retrospective cohort study using routinely collected hospital data. Emergency Medicine Australasia.
Turner L, Pearce C, Brijnath B, Browning C, Lowthian JA, et al. (2018). General practice utilisation of Medicare Benefits Schedule items to support the care of older patients: findings from the REDIRECT study. Aust J Prim Health., 24 (1), 54-58.
Lowthian JA, Meyer C, Goeman D, Browning C. (2018). Premature deaths of nursing home residents. Med J Aust. 208 (3), 143.
Browning, C., Enticott, J., Thomas, S., Kendig, H. (2017). Trajectories of ageing well among older Australians: a 16-year longitudinal study, Ageing & Society, 1-22.
Meyer, C., Ogrin, R., Al-Zubaidi, H., Appannah, A., McMillan, S., Barrett, E., & Browning, C. (2017). Diversity training for health and aged care workers: an interdisciplinary meta-narrative approach. Educational Gerontology, online 28 Feb 2017.
Appannah, A., Meyer, C., Ogrin, R., McMillan, S., Barrett, E., & Browning, C. (2017) Diversity training for the community aged care workers: A conceptual framework for evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning 63 (Aug)
Subramaniam M, Satghare P, Vaingankar JA, Picco L, Browning CJ, Chong SA, Thomas SA. (2017). Responsible gambling among older adults: a qualitative exploration. BMC Psychiatry. Apr 4;17(1):124.
Subramaniam, M., Chong, S. A., Satghare, P., Browning, C. J., Thomas, S. (2017). Gambling and family: A two-way relationship. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6, 689-698.
O'Loughlin, K., Browning, C., & Kendig, H. (2017). Ageing in Australia. Springer. ISBN 978-1-4939-6466-6
O’Loughlin, K., Kendig. H., & Browning, C. (2017). Challenges and opportunities for an ageing Australia. In K. O’Loughlin, C. Browning & H. Kendig (Eds.), Ageing in Australia (pp. 1-12). Springer.
Browning, C., Davis, J., & Thomas, S. (2017) Primary health care and older people. In K. O’Loughlin, C. Browning & H. Kendig (Eds.), Ageing in Australia (pp 225-238). Springer.
Chapman, A., Meyer, C., Renehan, E., Hill, K., & Browning, C. J. (2017). Exercise interventions for the improvement of falls-related outcomes among older adults with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta-analyses. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications, 31, 631-645.
Alzubaidi, H., McNamara, K., & Browning, C. (2017). Time to question diabetes self-management support for Arabic-speaking migrants: exploring a new model. Diabetic Medicine, 34, 348-355.
Kendig, H., Gong, C.H., Cannon, L., & Browning, C. (2017). Preferences and predictors of aging in place: Longitudinal evidence from Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 31, 259-271.
Burns, R.A., Browning, C., & Kendig, H. (2017). Living well with chronic diseases for those older people living in the community. International Psychogeriatrics, 29, 835-843.
Subramaniam, M., Chong, S.A., Browning, C., & Thomas, S. (2017) Cognitive distortions among older adult gamblers in an Asian context. PLoS ONE, 12, e0178036.
Browning, C.J., Chapman, A., Yang, H., Liu, S., Zhang, T., Enticott, J., & Thomas, S.A. (2016). Management of type 2 diabetes in China: The Happy Life Club, a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial using health coaches. BMJ (China), 19(9), 499-507.
Mazza D, Pearce C, Joe A, Turner LR, Brijnath B, Browning C, Shearer M, Lowthian J. (2017). Emergency department utilisation by older people in metropolitan Melbourne, 2008-12: findings from the Reducing Older Patient's Avoidable Presentations for Emergency Care Treatment (REDIRECT) study. Aust Health Rev.
Joe A, Lowthian JA, Shearer M, Turner LR, Brijnath B, Pearce C, Browning C, Mazza D. (2016). After-hours medical deputising services: patterns of use by older people. Med J Aust., 205(9), 397-402.
Lowthian JA, Lennox A, Curtis A, Dale J, Browning C, Smit V, Wilson G, O'Brien D, Rosewarne C, Boyd L, Garner C, Cameron P. (2016). HOspitals and patients WoRking in Unity (HOW R U?): protocol for a prospective feasibility study of telephone peer support to improve older patients' quality of life after emergency department discharge, BMJ Open, 6(12):e013179.
Davis, J., Morgans, A., Birks, M., & Browning, C. (2016). The rhetoric and reality of nursing in aged care in Australia: views from the inside. Contemporary Nurse, 52, 191-203.
Dickins, M., Browning, C., Feldman, S., & Thomas, S. (2016). Social inclusion and the Fatosphere: The role of an online weblogging community in fostering social inclusion. Sociology of Health and Illness, 38, 797-811.
Merkouris, S., Dowling, N., Browning, C., & Thomas, S. (2016). Predictors of outcomes of psychological treatments for disordered gambling: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 48, 7-31
Browning, C., Chapman, A., Yang, H., Liu, S., Zhang, T., Enticott, J. C., & Thomas, S. A. (2016). Management of type 2 diabetes in China: the Happy Life Club, a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial using health coaches. BMJ Open, 6(3).
Browning, C., & Kendig, H. (2016). The Melbourne Longitudinal Studies in Healthy Ageing Program (MELSHA). In A. N. Pachana (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology (pp. 1-8). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Browning, C., Thomas, S., Ory, M., & Kendig, H. (2016). Healthy Aging. In A. N. Pachana (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Burn, K., Dennerstein, L., Browning, C., & Szoeke, C. (2016). Patterns of social engagement in the transition to later life. Maturitas, 88, 90-95.
Chapman, A., Yang, H., Thomas, S. A., Searle, K., & Browning, C. (2016). Barriers and enablers to the delivery of psychological care in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: a qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 1-10.
Feldman, S., Radermacher, H., & Browning, C. (2016). Contemporary Intergenerational Relationships. In M. Cordella & H. Huang (Eds.), Rethinking Second Language Learning: Using Intergenerational Community Resources (Vol. 98). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Huang, H., Cordella, M., Browning, C., & Baumgartner, R. (2016). An innovative model for second language learning and social inclusion. In M. Cordella & H. Huang (Eds.), Rethinking Second Language Learning: Using Intergenerational Community Resources (Vol. 98). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Radermacher, H., Browning, C., & Feldman, S. (2016). 'I feel very happy that I can contribute to society': Exploring the value of the project for older people. In M. Cordella & H. Huang (Eds.), Rethinking Second Language Learning: Using Intergenerational Community Resources (Vol. 98). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Thomas, S., & Browning, C. (2016). Burden of Disease. In A. N. Pachana (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Alzubaidi, H., McNamara, K., Browning, C., & Marriott, J. (2015). Barriers and enablers to healthcare access and use among Arabic-speaking and Caucasian English-speaking patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a qualitative comparative study. BMJ Open, 5(11).
Browning, C. J., Yang, H., Zhang, T., Chapman, A., Liu, S., Enticott, J., & Thomas, S. A. (2015). Implementing a Chronic Disease Self-Management Program into China: Happy Life Club. Frontiers in Public Health, 3.
Browning, C. J. and S. A. Thomas (2015). Implementing Chronic Disease Self-Management Approaches in Australia and the United Kingdom. Front Public Health 3: doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00162
Liu, S. Yang, H., Browning, C., Thomas, S., & Zhang, T. (2015). Process analysis of a motivational interviewing intervention by primary health care setting staff in China – the Happy Life ClubTM. Chinese General Practice, 18 (19), 2241-2248.
Liu, S. Yang, H., Browning, C., Thomas, S., & Zhang, T. (2015). The influence of family responsibility on the self management behavior of patients with type 2 diabetes – the Happy Life ClubTM. Chinese General Practice, 18 (13), 1477-1482.
Liu, S. Yang, H., Browning, C., Thomas, S., & Zhang, T. (2015). The influence of social connectedness under traditional Chinese culture on the self management behavior of patients with type 2 diabetes – the Happy Life ClubTM. Chinese General Practice, 18 (16), 1878-1883.
Burns, R. A., & Browning, C. (2015). Wellbeing and its improvability as national goals. In H. Kendig, P. McDonald & J. Piggott (Eds.), Population Ageing and Australia’s Future (pp.205-232). ANU Press.
Kendig, H. & Browning, C. (2015). Social research and actions on ageing well. In H. Kendig, P. McDonald & J. Piggott (Eds.), Population Ageing and Australia’s Future (pp. 137-164). ANU Press.
Burns, R. A., Browning, C. J., & Kendig, H. L. (2015). Examining the 16-year trajectories of mental health and wellbeing through the transition into widowhood. International Psychogeriatrics, 27(12), 1979-1986.
Burns, R. A., Butterworth, P., Browning, C., Byles, J., Luszcz, M., Mitchell, P., Shaw, J., & Anstey, K. J. (2015). Examination of the association between mental health, morbidity, and mortality in late life: findings from longitudinal community surveys. Int Psychogeriatr, 27(5), 739-746.
Chapman, A., Liu, S., Merkouris, S., Enticott, J. C., Yang, H., Browning, C. J., & Thomas, S. A. (2015). Psychological interventions for the management of glycemic and psychological outcomes of type 2 diabetes mellitus in China: A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. Frontiers in Public Health, 3.
Clemson, L., Kendig, H., Mackenzie, L., & Browning, C. (2015). Predictors of injurious falls and fear of falling differ: an 11-year longitudinal study of incident events in older people. J Aging Health, 27(2), 239-256.
Heine, C., & Browning, C. (2015). Dual Sensory Loss in Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Gerontologist, 55(5), 913-928.
Ren, Y., Yang, H., Browning, C., Thomas, S., & Liu, M. (2015). Performance of Screening Tools in Detecting Major Depressive Disorder among Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: A Systematic Review. Medical Science Monitor: International Medical Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, 21, 646-653.
Shariff, S. G., Browning, C. J., & Yasin, S. (2015). Effectiveness of Personalized Feedback Alone or Combined with Peer Support to Improve Physical Activity in Sedentary Older Malays with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Front Public Health, 3, 178.
Stewart, J., Browning, C., & Sims, J. (2015). Civic Socialising: a revealing new theory about older people's social relationships. Ageing & Society, 35(4), 750-764.
Subramaniam, M., Abdin, E., Shahwan, S., Vaingankar, J. A., Picco, L., Browning, C. J., Thomas, S., & Chong, S. A. (2015). Culture and age influences upon gambling and problem gambling. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 1, 57-63.
Thomas, S. A., Merkouris, S. S., Browning, C. J., Radermacher, H., Feldman, S., Enticott, J., & Jackson, A. C. (2015). The PROblem Gambling RESearch Study (PROGRESS) research protocol: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of psychological interventions for problem gambling. BMJ Open, 5(11).
Subramaniam, M., Wang, P., Soh, P., Vaingankar, J. A., Chong, S. A., Browning, C. J., & Thomas, S. A. (2015). Prevalence and determinants of gambling disorder among older adults: a systematic review. Addict Behav, 41, 199-209.