Delete browser history

Delete Browser History

If you are having errors or your device is running slow while logged in to my Student Centre it is recommended to clear your browser history. See below on how to clear browser history on desktop and mobile device.


Internet Explorer

Click on the settings icon, located in the top right of the browser.

Click on Internet Options.

Click the Delete button.

Click as many check boxes as you can (passwords and form data are ok not to select) Click on the Delete button.

Click OK.

Close all tabs in your browser. Reopen the browser again and input


Click on the settings icon located in the top right of the browser.

Click on More tools, click on Clear Browsing data (use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Del)

Ensure the Time range is All time.


Note click on the Advanced tab to select or un-select data to clear.

Close all tabs in your browser. Reopen the browser again and input


Select the setting icon from the top left corner of the browser.

Click on Options.

Click on Privacy & Security from the menu on the left.

Click on Clear History…

Select Everything in the Time Range to clear. Tick all check boxes.

Click Clear Now.

Close all Firefox tabs. Open Firefox and navigate to

If you have any further issues after enabling pop-up windows please log a job with the Service Desk or call 1800 333 864.