Tatineni, Vijaya L Dr

Position: Lecturer
Study area: Early Childhood Education
Location: Mt Helen Campus T Building Room 218
Phone: 5327 6861
Email: v.tatineni@federation.edu.au
Orcid Id: 0000-002-3078-3953


Doctor of Philosophy - Monash University 2019
Post Graduate Diploma in Education - Massey University, New Zealand - 2002
Diploma in Early Childhood Education - Massey University, New Zealand - 1998
Bachelor Education Science and English - Anna University, India - 1992
Master of Science - Madras University, India - 1978
Bachelor of Science - Madras University, India - 1975



  • Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood and Primary)
  • Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)


  • Curriculum approaches (EDECE2016)
  • Diversity children, families and communities (EDECE2001/2015)
  • Numeracy and digital technology (EDECE2017/EDMAS6029)
  • Educational Leadership (EDECE4002/EDMAS6034)


Dr Vijaya Tatineni has worked in the field of early childhood education since 1978 in various countries including India, New Zealand and Australia in various roles of a teacher, head teacher and owner of preschool in India. Later she took her experience to tertiary teaching in New Zealand and currently in Australia. She joined as a Lecturer in Early Childhood in 2013. Her thesis topic was, ‘Engaging Indian children and families in early childhood centres in Melbourne, Australia’. She is an early career researcher interested in:

  • Understanding the implementation of early childhood policies around cultural competencies: Teacher and Indian parent partnership in engaging young children.
  • Narrative multiculturalism aptly describing where I am today as an early childhood educator
  • Promoting intercultural communications between Indian parents and early childhood educators.
  • Understanding Indian children and their socialisation in Early Childhood centres in Australia.
  • Educational aspirations of Indian parents for their children.
  • Understanding challenges international students face with assignments and feedback.

Areas of expertise

  • Early Childhood Education (ECE) Sector experience in India and New Zealand and knowledge/ skills in the Australian ECE Curriculum
  • Cultural diversity and learning in early childhood education in India, New Zealand, Australia
  • Understanding curriculum development for Indian EC centres.
  • Understanding and inclusion of student teachers with cultural learning needs.
  • Distance/online teaching and learning
  • Community Work

Research interests

  • Cultural diversity
  • Ethnic teachers in Western Countries
  • Working with Indian Families
  • Teacher Education in India
  • Ethnic Racial socialisation
  • Cultural positioning


Students in Placement


Chapter in a Book

Tatineni, Vijaya. (2021).Narrative of Multiculturalism: aptly describing where I am today as an early childhood educator. In N. Belford & R. Lahiri-Roy (Eds.). Asian Women, Identity and Migration: Experiences of transnational women of Indian origin/heritage (1st ed.). UK: Routledge. P.68-81 This ebook is available: https://library.federation.edu.au/record=b2813704

Book Review:

Tatineni, V. (2019). Weaving Te Whāriki Aotearoa New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum document in theory and practice. Early Education Journal65, 41-42.

Journal publication:

Tatineni, V., & Belford, N. (2020). Understanding the implementation of early childhood policies around cultural competencies: Teacher and Indian parent partnership in engaging young children. International Journal of Early Childhood Learning.27(1), 25-44

Review of Journal article (2021):

Early Childhood Education Journal: International Journal of Inclusive Education Manuscript ID TIED-2021-0148 Manuscript Type: Original Article Keywords: early childhood education, definitions, characteristics, model, Special Education Needs, Inclusive Education

Conference presentations:

Tatineni, V., & Belford, N. (2018, July). Understanding the implementation of early childhood policies around cultural competencies: Teacher and Indian parent partnership in engaging young children. Presented at the Learners Conference, University of Athens, Greece.

Burke, J., & Tatineni, V. (2018, July). Having productive dialogues as a transformative classroom management technique in teacher education. Presented at the World Federation Association of Teacher Education (WFATE) Fifth Biennial Conference, Melbourne.


  • Victorian Early Childhood Research Consortium
  • Australian Indian Institute (Aii)- University of Melbourne
  • Early Childhood Education Reference group - Federation University Australia
  • Professional Learning Centre group –  Federation University Australia
  • Pedagogy, Curriculum, Assessment and Learning in Education (PeCALE) - Federation University Australia
  • Common Grounds Research Networks
  • Early Childhood Forum, New Zealand.
  • Early Childhood Association, India
  • ISREM: Institute of Studies in Race, Education and Migration, Advisory Board
  • Heartfulness: Wellness centre