Kelly Carabott
Position: Lecturer
Study Area: Primary
Location: Churchill
Phone: 03 5122632
PHD. Thesis Title - An Australian Primary School Teacher Teaching and Learning about Picturebooks. A Phenomenological Study
Master of Education. Thesis Title - Integrating Digital Mobile Technology: iPads Supporting Oral Language Development.
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
EDBED1011: Literacy and numeracy
EDBED2012: Science Education
EDECE2021 Wellbeing in Early Childhood Contexts
EDBED2008: Literacy, Language and Literature A
EDBED3111: Literacy, Language and Literature B
EDBED4112: Multiliteracies in a Global World
EDFGC2512: Gifted Education
Kelly Carabott brings a wealth of educational experience, which spans 19 years in early childhood and primary teaching, and 14 years in higher education. Her professional journey has encompassed a variety of roles, most notably a decade as an academic within Monash University's Faculty of Education. Additionally, she played a pivotal role in designing and guiding a new Bachelor of Early Childhood Education program in her role as a senior lecturer at the Ikon Institute of Australia.
As a teacher educator, Kelly has had the privilege of teaching a wide array of educational topics, totalling well over 80 subjects. Her approach to teaching is grounded in a balanced intertwining of theoretical knowledge and practical application.
Kelly's academic pursuits have centred around educational approaches to digital technology and media, children's language and literacy development, and the significance of partnerships in nurturing pre-service teachers. Drawing inspiration from phenomenology (hermeneutics and post-intentional), she values the importance of lived experiences in shaping educational understanding. Her research delves into these experiences within educational contexts, to privilege individual voices and perspectives.
Contributing to the scholarly discourse, Kelly has authored book chapters and journal articles that reflect her dedication to the field. Her insights have also led to invitations to share her work at both national and international platforms, including multiple engagements in Australia, Japan, Wales, Austria, and England.
Teaching awards
Monash University: Nominated Vice Chancellors: Programs that Enhance Learning Award 2019
Monash University: Deans Award: Programs that Enhance Learning 2019
Monash University: Deans Partnership Award: 2018
DEECD: Shortlisted for the 2013 Early Years Awards.
Monash University: Commendation for Vice Chancellors Social Inclusion Award 2013
Monash University: Deans Learning and Teaching Award: Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning.
Areas of expertise and research interests
Multimodality, reading practices, literacy, digital technology, phenomenology, teacher education, partnerships.
Keary, A., Wood, N., Barley, K., & Carabott, K. (2022). Generating Reflections Through Professional Collaborative Storytelling. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(2).
Kirkby, J., Carabott, K., Wilson, S., Rafi, H. & White, P. (2022). Innovative task design: Becoming a reader involves more than reading strategies. Literacy Research and Instruction
Creely, E., Southcott, J., Carabott, K., & Lyons, D. (2021). Phenomenological inquiry in education.
Theories, practices, provocations and directions: Routledge
Panizzon, D., Smith, K., & Carabott, K. (2019). Critical and creative thinking inquiry project final report March 2019. Department of Education South Australia.
Carabott, K., & McLeod, A. (2019). Teacher education, thinking about ICT. In Tatnall, A. (ed.). Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60013-0_153-1
McLeod, A. & Carabott, K. (2019). Empowering Learners for Life in the Digital Age: IFIP TC 3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, OCCE 2018, Revised Selected Papers. Passey, D., Bottino, R., Lewin, C. & Sanchez, E. (eds.). 1st ed. Springer, p. 91-100 10 p. (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; vol. 524).
Carabott, K., & McLeod, A. (2019). Why bother with digital technology? In Carden, C. (ed.). Primary teaching: Learning & teaching in primary schools today. 1st ed. SAGE Publications Ltd, p. 459-471
Kirkby, J., Carabott, K., & Corrigan, D. (2018). Beyond Classroom Walls: How Industry Partnerships Can Strengthen Pre-service Literacy Teachers’ Identities. In Fitzgerald, A., Parr, G., & Willimas, J (Eds.), Re-imagining Professional Experience in Initial Teacher Education (pp. 37-54). Springer,
McLeod, A., Carabott, K. & Lang, C. (2018). Teaching with digital technologies. Allen, J. & White, S. (Eds.). Learning to Teach in a New Era. Cambridge University Press, p. 111-158 48
McLeod, A. & Carabott, K. (2017). Tomorrow’s learning: Involving everyone. learning with and about technologies and computing. In Tatnell, A. & Webb, M. (Eds.). Springer, p. 366-375. (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; vol. 515)
Peer reviewed and conference presentations
Carabott, K., Parr, G., Wilson, S & Gervasoni, A. (2019). Maths and English in Changing Times: Australian teacher education responds to opportunities and challenges of the 21st century. University of South Pacific. Fiji. Public Lecture
Keary, A., Carabott, K., Wood, N., & Bailey, K. (2019). Teaching writing and language in context: Teacher educators and reflective dialogue. Monash English Symposium.
Carabott, K., & Wilson, S. (2019). Literacy Education in Australian Middle Schools. Zhejiang Middle School Leaders program (professional development)
Carabott, K & McLeod, A. (2018-2019). Using ICT to Support Multimodal Literacy practices from foundation to year 6. Monash Short Course
Carabott, K., & McLeod, A. (2018). Who is teaching the teachers? Open Conference of Computers in Education. Lin,z Austria
Carabott, K., Kirkby, J., & Corrigan, D. (2018). Using principles of authentic assessment in times of change. The European Conference of Education. Brighton, UK
Carabott, K., & McLeod, A. (2018). Exploring complexities in ICT government policy and initial teacher education. The European Conference of Education. Brighton, UK
Carabott, K., Kirkby, J., & Corrigan, D. (2018). Augmented reality; engaging readers in and beyond the text United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA). Cardiff, Wales.
Carabott, K., Kirkby, J., & Corrigan, D. (2018). Becoming literacy teachers: two stories of emerging practice. United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA). Cardiff, Wales
Creely, E., Carabott, K., Lyons, D., & Southcott, J. (2018). Doing Phenomenological Inquiry in education: possibilities, provocations and affordances. Australian Education Research Association. Sydney, Australia
Carabott, K., & McLeod, A. (2017). Embedding ICT into teacher education. IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education. Ireland
Carabott, K., & McLeod, A. (2016). Synergies in a third space: Digital literacy classes taught by both professional and academic staff. Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference. Ballarat, Australia
Carabott, K., & McLeod, A. (2016). Creating Tech Savvy Teachers – Increasing pre-service teachers’ digital self-efficacy. Asian Conference on Technology in Classrooms (ACTC). Kobe, Japan
Carabott, K., McLeod, A., Lofhelem, K., & Schultz K. (2015). Creating Tech-Savvy Teachers
Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference. Darwin, Australia
Carabott, K. (2014). Switch On, Plug In, Power Up: using digital resources for authentic learning. Museum Australia Education. Sydney, Australia
Carabott, K. (2013). iPads and their implications for speaking and listening in the classroom. Australian Literacy Education Association (ALEA), State-wide Conference. Melbourne, Australia
Carabott, K. (2013.) i-Pads supporting oral language development: The benefits and the disadvantages. Australian Literacy Education Association (ALEA), National Conference. Brisbane, Australia
White, S., Goff, W., Carabott, K., & Davies, K. (2012). Reshaping teacher education curriculum to provide better futures for all students. Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference. Adelaide, Australia
Carabott, K., & Goff, W. (2012). Building teacher capacity through sustainable work embedded professional development. Australian Teacher Educators Association (ATEA), National Conference. Adelaide, Australia