Burke, Jenene Professor

Position: Director, Academic Operations
Study area: Education
Location: Mt Helen Campus, Room T225
Phone: (03) 5327 9332
Email: js.burke@federation.edu.au  
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6624-0360
Linked-in profile


  • Doctor of Philosophy - University of Ballarat - 2010
  • Bachelor of Education (Post Primary Physical Education) - Ballarat College of Advanced Education - 1981



  • Master of Specialist Teaching
  • Master of Education Studies


  • EDMED7121 Minor Thesis A
  • EDMED7122 Minor Thesis B
  • EDMST6030 Inclusive Learning Contexts


Professor Jenene Burke is the (Acting) Executive Dean, in the Institute of Education, Arts and Community (IEAC) at Federation University Australia. She has previously held the roles of Director of Academic Operations in IEAC and Deputy Dean in the School of Education. She is the former Chair of the Higher Education Curriculum Committee at Federation, Associate Dean (Teaching Quality) in the School of Education, and former Associate Dean (Learning and Teaching) in the Faculty of Education and Arts. Jenene has led and served on numerous Federation committees and working parties. She is an accredited Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Initial Teacher Education program panellist.

Jenene is the Immediate Past President of the World Federation of Associations for Education (WFATE) and Board Member, representing Australia. She was an Ordinary Member of the Executive of the Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) from 2014-2019, National Convenor of the ATEA awards and grants (2015-2019) and Victorian representative, Network of Associate Deans of Learning and Teaching in Education (NADLATE) National Executive.

Jenene joined Federation University’s predecessor institution, the University of Ballarat, in 1998 after a successful career as a secondary teacher. Jenene’s teaching expertise in the tertiary sector was recognised with an Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in 2013 in the Australian Awards for University Teaching, and she was the recipient of the 2012 Award for Teaching Excellence, in the University of Ballarat Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Contributions to Student Learning.

Areas of expertise

As a teacher educator and sociologist, Jenene’s learning and teaching interests centre on educational responses to student diversity, with respect to inclusive education and disability studies Jenene is best known for her world-class research into play spaces as inclusive environments for children and their families. Along with this, she has broad interest in other areas of education which intersect with disability studies in education and inclusive education, as demonstrated in her research partnerships and activities, and her publications.

Jenene leads the Inclusion and Social Justice in Teacher Education in Global Contexts (ISJTE) research development group for the World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE) and is the Convenor of the Social Justice, Inclusion and Diversity in Education (SJIDE) Research Focus Area in the Institute of Education, Arts and Community at Federation University. More recently, in a leadership collaboration with Assoc Prof Marcelle Cacciattolo from Victoria University, the Equity, Inclusion and Agency (EIA) group was formed.

Jenene’s research interests can be placed in four general categories:

Inclusive play spaces

Jenene investigated children’s socio-cultural experiences of play in inclusive play spaces in her 2010 PhD. dissertation, Enabling play: Insider accounts of disabled children’s playworlds in accessible playgrounds, which led to an invitation to serve on of the Advisory Panel for the National Inclusive Play Guidelines in Canberra in 2012.

Student diversity and inclusive education

Jenene is interested in how students and teachers experience disability in learning environments and has linked this area of her research to her teaching.

Learning partnerships in education and teacher learning in universities

Reciprocal learning partnerships between schools and teacher education institutions, including professional learning for teachers in higher education, have been the focus of Jenene’s work in education partnerships. Her work in three projects researching reciprocal learning partnerships between the university and local schools has resulted in seven peer reviewed publications and numerous conference presentations. A further area of interest is professional learning in universities through peer-supported learning.

Employment of teachers in rural and regional settings

Jenene is currently leading or actively involved in several projects that aim to better understand how to attract teachers (PSTs) to work in regional, remote and rural schools including Will I stay or will I go…? Rural, regional remote, the Department of Education (DET) (Victoria) Funded Access Quality Teaching (AQT) program and the DET-funded Multi-provider TAPP.

Research interests

  • Inclusive play / Inclusive play spaces
  • Inclusive education and teaching that supports student diversity
  • Learning partnerships in education
  • Teacher preparation for rural and regional school settings
  • Researching with children and young people


Jenene is an experienced Master and PhD supervisor and is available to examine higher degree by research theses.

Current students

McMullen, T PhDADHD: The experiences of children and parents in the educational context
Rana, A PhDPreparing future teachers to teach sexuality education: A comparative study of Australia and India
O’Brien, N PhDSecondary Education: The Ambiguity of Social Competence for Adolescents with an ASD
Pantelich, M PhD, inc publicationsThe teaching experiences of university lecturers in Australia when teaching international students
Fenton, SPhDUsing physical literacy to enhance the enactment of the Victorian Health and Physical Education Curriculum in a regional primary school: A collaborative action research project
Briede, M PhDProfessional identities of staff in Australian enabling education

HDR completions

Buddhi Jayasinghe (2024)M.Ed.Studs (minor thesis)Perceptions of Childcare Educators from Asian Cultural Backgrounds about Family Partnerships, and their Inclusive Practices in Early Childhood Education in Australia
Skene, G. (2023)PhDTeaching with Difference: Barriers and Enablers for Teachers with Impairments
Dottrens, C (2022)M.Ed.Studs (minor thesis)How early childhood teachers cater for the needs of intellectually gifted students in the 4-5 years old regular kindergarten classroom
Li, B. (2021) PhDApproaches to Learning: Perceptions of Chinese International Undergraduates … in Aust. Universities
Murrell, K. (2020) PhDTransition: Setting Your Compass for Success
Walker, A. (2020) PhDA Case Study of Student Aspirations in Melbourne’s Peri-Urban Fringe
Claughton, A. (2020) PhDSpecial needs, special play? Examining the agency of children with impairments in play-based learning in a Special School.
Luong, N. (2020) PhDInternationalisation of Higher Education Curriculum: A case study in Vietnam
Elvey, M. (2020) PhDImplementing Inclusion: Classroom Journeys
Pappaluca, K. (2019) PhDVoices from the margins: A critical ethnography of conflict in female friendship… school
Metaxas, M. (2018) PhDTeachers’ Emotional Intelligence as a Predisposition for Discrimination against Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioural Disorders
Owens, J. (2018) M.Ed.Studs (minor thesis)What becomes of the broken hearted?
Griffiths, K. (2017) M. Ed (Research)Perceptions of Perseverance and its Impact on the Life and Academic Success of Nine University Students
Claridge, C. (2017) M. Ed (Research)So… I … bang in the search term and see how I go



Weuffen, S., Burke, J., Plunkett, M., Goriss-Hunter, A., & Emmett, S. (Eds). (2023). Inclusion, equity, diversity, and social justice in education: A critical exploration of the sustainable development goals. Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5008-7

Burke, J. (2021). Guest editor, Special Edition, ‘Learning, Teaching and Teacher Education in a Global Pandemic’. Journal of the World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education 4(1). https://www.worldfate.org/docpdf/journal_04-01.pdf

Brandenburg, R. McDonough, S., Burke, J., & White, S. (2016). (Eds). Teacher Education: Innovation, Intervention and Impact. Rotterdam: Springer. ISBN 978 981 10 0785 9

Burke, J., (2010). Enabling play: Insider accounts of disabled children’s playworlds in accessible playgrounds. [PhD thesis). http://researchonline.federation.edu.au/vital/access/HandleResolver/1959.17/44777

Burke, J., & Ryan, J. (2004). Teaching and learning practices for students with disabilities: staff development training program and information guide. University of Ballarat. University of Ballarat Equity Initiative Program Project.


Seemann, K., & Burke, J. (2022). Leadership network leadership plan. VicHealth.

Burke, J., Fletcher, A., & Lugg, A. (2021). Benchmarking report of selected national Jurisdictions. School of Education, Federation University Australia.

Burke, J., Brandenburg, R., Plunkett, M., Glowrey, C., Goriss-Hunter, A., McGraw, A., Echter, A., Wines, C., Schmidt, B., Davis, S. (2021). Will I stay or will I go … regional, rural, remote? Addressing teacher shortages through a framework for attracting, supporting and retaining graduate teachers. DET.

Burke, J., Smith, J., Chew, R., Mehana, M., Echter, A., & Job, K. (2019). The Pizzicato Effect in the City of Hume, 2019. Funded research report. Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. Federation University Australia.

Stafford, L., Burke, J., Darcy, S., Trost,S., Ahmadi, M., Pretorius, R. (2019).Making Playspaces Inclusive: Gaining visual and spatial insights from children with disabilities. https://research.qut.edu.au/orchid/projects/making-playspaces-inclusive/

Coyle, J., Freire, K., Wood, D., Wilding, C., Taylor, D., Ganguly, R., Burke, J., Downing, L., & Siliézar, L. (2018). The influence of disability, socioeconomic status and regionality on higher education access and participation. HEPPP NPP Research report. https://www.ncsehe.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/83_CSU_JulieCoyle_Accessible_FinalReport.pdf

Coyle, J., Freire, K., Wood, D., Wilding, C., Taylor, D., Ganguly, R., Burke, J., Downing, L., & Siliézar, L. (2018). The influence of disability, socioeconomic status and regionality on higher education access and participation: Practical advice for stakeholders working with students with disability. HEPPP NPP Report. https://www.ncsehe.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/83_CSU_JulieCoyle_Accessible_StakeholderResource.pdf

Book chapters

Burke, J., & Stafford, L. (equal authors).  (2023). Through the eyes of disabled children: Recognising children’s agency in their play in inclusive playspaces. In A. Beckett., & A. Callus, (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Children’s Rights and Disability. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003056737-42

Burke, J., Goriss-Hunter, A., & Emmett, S. (2023). Policy, discourse and epistemology in inclusive education. In S. Weuffen., J. Burke., M. Plunkett., A. Goriss-Hunter., & S. Emmett. (Eds.) Inclusion, equity, diversity, and social justice in education: A critical exploration of the sustainable development goals. (Ch. 2) Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5008-7_2

Elvey, M., & Burke, J. (2023). Implementing inclusive pedagogies: What regular primary classroom teachers know and do. In S. Weuffen., J. Burke., M. Plunkett., A. Goriss-Hunter., & S. Emmett. (Eds.) Inclusion, equity, diversity, and social justice in education: A critical exploration of the sustainable development goals. (Ch. 14) Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5008-7_14

Goriss-Hunter, A., Burke, J., Plunkett, M., Emmett, S., & Weuffen, S. (2023). Inclusion, equity, diversity, and social justice in education in the twenty-first century. In S. Weuffen., J. Burke., M. Plunkett., A. Goriss-Hunter., & S. Emmett. (Eds.) Inclusion, equity, diversity, and social justice in education: A critical exploration of the sustainable development goals. (Ch. 1) Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5008-7_1

Weuffen, S., Burke, J., Plunkett, M., Goriss-Hunter, A., & Emmett, S. (2023). Working towards a sustainable, inclusive, and diverse global education future? In S. Weuffen., J. Burke., M. Plunkett., A. Goriss-Hunter., & S. Emmett. (Eds.). Inclusion, equity, diversity, and social justice in education: A critical exploration of the sustainable development goals. (Ch. 19) Springer. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5008-7_19

Burke, J. (2022). Equity and inclusive education in Australia – A work in progress. In Z. Williams-Brown & A. Hodgkinson. (Eds.) Key issues in SEND and inclusion: International perspectives across six continents. Routledge. doi.org/10.4324/9781003177135-27

Goriss-Hunter, A., Burke, J., & Sellings, P. (2022). ‘We’re in it for the long haul’: Connection, generation, and transformation through a school-university partnership. In O. Bradbury & D, Acquaro. (Eds.) School-University Partnerships - Innovation in Initial Teacher Education. Springer Nature.

Burke, J., Sellings, P., & Nelson, N. (2020). Pre-service teacher perceptions of LANTITE: Complexity theory in action? In J. Fox, C. Alexander & T. Aspland, (Eds.) Teacher Education in Globalised Times: Local Responses in Action. Singapore, Springer Nature. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5057-5_7

Burke, J., Plunkett, M., & Li, B. (2017). Peer enhancement of learning and teaching for teacher educators. In A. Garcia-Valcarcel, F. J. Garcia Penalvo, M. Martin Del Pozo (Eds.) Search and research: teacher education for contemporary contexts. (pp. 347-356). Salamanca, Espana: Ediciones de Universidad de Salamanca. ISBN: 978 84 9012 769 8. https://books.google.es/books?id=2ykqDwAAQBAJ&pg

Burke, J., & Bushby, A. (2017). Dyslexia and learning: An Insider Account of Negotiating Barriers and Aids in Secondary Education. In V. Plows & B. Whitburn. (Eds.). Inclusive Education: Making Sense of Everyday Practice. (pp. 141-158). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Brandenburg, R. McDonough, S., Burke, J., & White, S. (2016). Teacher Education Research and the Policy Reform Agenda. In R. Brandenburg, S. McDonough, J. Burke, & S. White. (Eds.) Teacher Education: Innovation, Intervention and Impact. (pp. 1-14). Singapore: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-0785-9

Goriss-Hunter, A., & Burke, J. (2015). First in family: Girls like us in the third space of regional universities. In D. Michell, J. Wilson & V Archer (Eds.). Bread and Roses: Voices of Australian Academics from the Working Class. (pp. 105-118). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Burke, J. (2015). Not just for the fun of it: Children’s constructions of disability and inclusive play through spatiality in a playspace. In T. Corcoran, J. White, J., & B. Whitburn. (Eds.) Disability studies: Educating for inclusion. (pp. 3-22). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-6300-199-1_

Refereed journal articles

Smith, J., Burke, J., Chew, R. (2024, in press). “The barrier has to be jumped out with this music”: Collaborative Creation in an After-school Community Music Program. International Journal of Community Music.

Li, B., Burke, J., Plunkett, M. (2023). Perceptions of Chinese international students’ learning approaches in Australian universities: A co-constructed model. Asia Pacific Journal of Education,  DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2023.2234097

Li, B., Plunkett, M., Burke, J. (2022). Deep or surface learning? Perceptions of Chinese international and local students in Australian universities. Issues in Educational Research. 32(1). 149-181. http://www.iier.org.au/iier32/li.pdf

Burke, J. (2021). Learning, Teaching and Teacher Education in a pandemic. Journal of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education, 4(1), 9-17.

Burke, J. (2021). Connecting Teacher Educators across the world in the wake of a pandemic. Journal of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education, 4(1), 99-114.

Burke, J., & Claughton, A. (2019). Playing with or next to? The nuanced and complex play of children with impairment., International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(10), 1065-1080, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2019.1626498

Burke, J. (2018). WFATE fifth biennial conference. Journal of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education. 3(3a). 5-8.

Burke, J. & Cooper, M. (2017). Transformative teacher education in local and global contexts. Journal of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education. 2(2), 4-5.

Burke, J., Redford, M., Coker, H., & McDonough, S. (2017). Developing international partnerships for teacher education through digital platforms: possibilities for transformational partnership. Journal of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education. 1(4).

Burke. J. & Goriss-Hunter, A. (2013). Forging a school-university partnership from a teacher education perspective. Australian Teacher Education Association Conference (ATEA) 2013.

Burke, J. (2013). Just for the fun of it: Making playgrounds inclusive to all children. World Leisure Journal. 55, (1) 83-95.

Smith, A. Fotinatos, N. Duffy, B., & Burke, J. (2013). The provision of puberty and sexual health education in Australia: A case study of rural Victorian primary school teachers. Sex Education, Society and Learning. 13 (3) 247-262.

Burke, J. (2012). ‘Some kids climb up; some kids climb down’: culturally constructed play-worlds of children with impairments. Disability and Society. 27 (7) 965-981

Duffy, B. Fotinatos, N. Smith, A., & Burke, J. (2012). Puberty, health and sexual education in Australian regional primary schools: Year 5 and 6 teacher perceptions. Sex Education, Society and Learning. 13, (2) 186-203.

Refereed conference proceedings

Burke, J. (2022, Feb). Learning, Teaching and Teacher Education in a pandemic. Lessons learned from COVID-19 seminar.

Burke, J. (2021, Nov 13). Global teacher education: WFATE in the post-pandemic world (Keynote). WFATE Sixth Biennial Conference, Texas, USA.

Elvey, M., & Burke, J. (2021, Nov 12). Implementing Inclusive Pedagogies: What Regular Primary Classroom Teachers Know and Do. WFATE Sixth Biennial Conference, Texas, USA.

Burke, J., Glowrey, C., Goriss-Hunter, A., Plunkett, M. (2021). Where do I see myself in 20 years? The career aspirations of beginning teachers from a regional university. ATEA Conference, Brisbane.

Burke, J. (2021). Slipping backwards? Human rights and inclusive education in contemporary Australian Education. SJIDE Virtual Conventicle 2021.

Burke, J., Mehana, M., & Smith, J. (2020). “The barrier has to be jumped out with this music”: Collaborative Creation in a Metropolitan Community Music Program. TASA 2020 Virtual Event. The Australian Sociological Association (TASA).

Burke, J., & Stafford, L. (2020). Through the eyes of children with impairments: recognising children’s agency in their play in inclusive playspaces. Webinar for Contributors to “The Routledge International Handbook of Children’s Rights and Disability”. University of Leeds, UK/ University of Malta, Malta.

Burke, J., & Stafford, L. (2020). See it my way: What children with impairments tell us about their experiences of play in inclusive community playspaces. SJIDE Virtual Conventicle 2020. Federation University Australia.

Burke, J. (2020, Nov 23). How to support professional learning for teacher educators around the world. Teacher education around the world - Pacific Event. ATEE, WFATE, CATE, TEFANZ and ATE.

Burke, J., Chew, R., Echter, A., Mehana M., & Smith, J. (2020, 16 September). “The violin makes my brain feel happy”: Children’s perceptions of learning to play a musical instrument in a community-based music program. School of Arts Research Symposium, ‘Lunchbox’ Series 2020, Federation University Australia.

Burke, J., & Claughton, A. (2019). Playing with or next to? The nuanced and complex play of children with impairments. School of Education Research Sharing Day, Karstens, Melbourne.

Burke, J., Mehana, Echter, A., Smith, J., Chew, R., & Job, K. (2019). “The violin makes my brain feel happy”: Children’s perceptions of learning to play a musical instrument in a community-based music program. SJIDE Conventicle, Federation University.

Burke, J. (2019). Selection into Initial Teacher Education in Victoria: The dangers of homogenising the teaching profession. ATEA National conference, Sippy Downs, QLD.

Burke, J. (2018). Your space or mine? Spatial justice and inclusion in learning environments. The Inclusive Education Summit. Geelong.


  • World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE), Immediate Past President; Board Member representing Australia
  • Social Justice, Inclusion and Diversity research development group, Co-convener, World Federation of Associations for Teacher Education (WFATE)
  • Ballarat Police and Citizens Youth Club (PCYC), Board member, 2021-2024
  • Inner Gippsland Sub-Committee, Department of Education, Federation University Delegate
  • Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
  • Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA)
    • Member, 2010-current
    • Ordinary Executive Member (2014-2018)
    • National Awards and Grants Convenor, (2015-2016; 2016-2017;2017-2018; 2018-2019)
    • National Conference, Ballarat, Co-convenor (2016)
  • Disability Advisory Committee (DAC), City of Ballarat, Committee Member, 2010-current
  • Sovereign Hill School Council, Community Council member, 2014-current