Beseler, Brad

Position: Lecturer 
Discipline: Health and Physical Education
Location: Mt Helen, Room T310
Phone: (03) 5327 9063


  • Doctor of Philosophy – Federation University Australia - 2022
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) (Hons), University of Ballarat - 2013
  • Bachelor of Education (Physical Education), University of Ballarat - 2001



  • Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education Teaching) – Program Coordinator


  • Fundamental of Movement, Skill Acquisition and Instruction (EDHPE1000)
  • HPE Curriculum Studies I (EDHPE2000)
  • HPE Curriculum Studies III (EDHPE3001)
  • Health and Physical Activity in Society (EDHPE 3002)


  • 2017 Associate Dean's Award for Learning and Teaching – Innovation. the innovative work he has been completing within his PhD, in particular the Interactive Video Program (IVP) he has developed and implemented into one of his courses
  • 2013 Vice-Chancellor's Citation Award, 'For the implementation of innovative and engaging ICT teaching strategies that enhances undergraduates learning in Physical Education'.


A graduate of the University of Ballarat, Brad holds a Bachelor of Education – Physical Education and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement) Honours. In 2022 he also completed his degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Before starting at Federation University Australia in 2010, Brad taught for eight years as a secondary school Health and Physical Education teacher, both here in Australia and in the United Kingdom.

Areas of expertise

Brad coordinates fundamental movement, health and physical education curriculum, health and physical activity and motor learning courses.

Research interests

The primary focus of Brad Beseler’s research is examining whether video technology can assist kinesiology professionals (e.g. physical education teachers, coaches) to improve analysis and performance of fundamental motor skills. Brad has a keen interest in all sports, with a particular interest in skill acquisition. Brad has conducted research into set shot goal kicking in Australian Rules football.


Beseler, B., Mesagno, C., Spittle, M., Johnson, N. F., Harvey, J., Talpey, S., & Plumb, M. S. (2022). Validation of a Follow-Through Developmental Sequence for the Overarm Throw for Force in University Students. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 10(2), 309-327.

Beseler, B., Plumb, M. S., & Williams, K. (2021). Validation of a backswing developmental sequence for the overarm throw for force. Journal of Motor Learning and Development.

Beseler, B., & Plumb, M. S. (2019). 10 Tips to Using Video Analysis More Effectively in Physical Education: Editor: Brian Mosier. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 90(1), 52-56.

Beseler, B., Mesagno, C., Young, W., & Harvey, J. (2016). Igniting the Pressure Acclimatization Training Debate: Contradictory Evidence from Australian Football. Journal of Sport Behavior, 39(1).

Talpey, S., Young, W., & Beseler, B. (2016). Effect of instructions on selected jump squat variables. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.