Foley, Annette Prof.

Position: Professor  
Study area: Education
Location: Mount Helen Campus, H Building, Room H236
Phone: 5327 9764


Doctor of Philosophy - University of Melbourne - 2008

Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching - University of Ballarat - 2008

Master of Education (Professional Education and Training) - Deakin University - 2000

Graduate Diploma of Education - Deakin University - 1998

Bachelor of Arts - Deakin University - 1994

Diploma of Applied Science - Box Hill Institute - 1989

Associate Diploma of Applied Science - Box Hill Institute - 1980


Annette joined the university in 2005. She has held several leadership positions from 2013 – 2018 as Deputy Dean Education and Head of School Education. Before Annette commenced her academic role at FedUni she had first-hand experience as a TAFE manager and CEO in a VET/ACE and youth services organisation, where she liaised and worked with industry, community and local government agencies to develop education and training programs for young and older learners. Annette is a member of the research focus group, Research in Adult and Vocational Education (RAVE). This research group frames Annette’s key research efforts which include: Access and equity, informal learning, gender, lifelong learning, adult education, education for health and well-being, youth engagement in adult education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) opportunity and pathways.

Annette is the president of Adult Learning Australia and on the Editorial Boards for the Australian Journal of Adult Education (AJAL) and Studies in Adult Education and Learning.

Areas of expertise

  • Educational policy
  • Professional VET identities
  • Educational inequalities
  • Informal learning by adults
  • Narrative inquiry
  • Subjectivities
  • Post-structural analyses
  • Critical Discourse Analysis
  • Critical Theory

Research interests

Annette is an active researcher in the areas of vocational education and training (VET), adult and community education, gender, lifelong learning, youth engagement and Informal learning where she has published widely both in Australia and internationally.

Current funded project

Foley, A., Ollis., T (joint chief investigators) & Rossiter, T. (2021-2022) Pre-Accredited-Quality Framework Review. Department of Education and Training. Victoria, $100,000

Funded research over the last 10 years

2018 - Smith, E., Foley, A. &  Weadon, H., Young futures: Education, training and employment decision-making in non-metropolitan areas. Department of Education and Training, Victoria, Strategic Research Seed Funding, $50,000.

2012 - Golding, B., Angus, L., Lavender, P & Foley. A. Closing the loop’ Listening and responding to learner voice. NVEAC (National Vocational Education & Training Equity Advisory Council). $30,000.

2010 - Smyth, J., McDonald,J & Foley.,A. Re-engaging disadvantaged young people with learning. ARC. $150,000.

2009 - Golding, B., Foley, A., Smith, E., Brown, M., Grace, L., Angwin, J & Campbell & Schultz Deakin university collaboration $16,000.

2009 - Golding, B., Foley. A., Brown, M. & Harvey, J. Men’s learning through community participation in Australia. $60,000.

2008 - Golding, B, Foley, A and Brown M. Men’s learning through Community participation in Australia. National Seniors Australia. $50,000.



Liam Frost Camilleri – Doctor of Philosophy (Principal Supervisor)
‘TAFE and ACE Teacher Pedagogies: Reengaging early School leavers.’

Sally-Anne Leigh – Doctor of Philosophy (Principal Supervisor)
‘The culturalization of international higher education in Australia and the challenges for international students in adapting to different modes of teaching and learning’


Dr. Woody Boyse ‘Integrating youth and adult perceptions: Using participatory action research to examine education in out-of-home-care’.

Dr. Karen Felstead
Title: Public and personal discourses: How 'teenage mothers' construct their parenting practices with their pre-schoolers.

Dr. Anthony Keeble
Title: Building social capital through the delivery of outdoor education at Victorian government schools.

Dr Palaniappan Ramanathan Chettiar
Title: The Development of the Malaysian Vocational Education and Training System

Dr. James Cannan
Title: Learning a trade in New Zealand: of and off the job learning in engineering trades

Dr. Sara Weuffen
Title: Your stories, my stories, our stories: Power knowledge relations and Koorie perspectives in discourses of Australian History education.

Dr. Julianne Krusche
Negotiated Policy – renegotiated practice: Understanding language, literacy and numeracy teachers’’ professional identities within discursive weather patterns.

Mr. Derek Bendall
Title: Integrated project based curriculum: A case study in a Victorian school.



McDonough, S., Brandenburg, R., Fletcher, A. & Foley (2021). Reimagining University Work: Academics resetting research, learning and engagement in higher education (Springer Publishing, Under review)

Smith, E. Gonon. P & Foley, A. (eds.) (2015) Architectures for apprenticeship: Achieving economic and social goals Australian Scholarly Publishing.

Golding, B., Mark, R. & Foley, A. (Eds.) (2014,) Men learning through life. Leicester: NIACE.

Golding, B., Brown, M., Foley, A., Harvey, J. & Gleeson, L. (2007) Men's sheds in Australia: Learning through community contexts, NCVER, Adelaide, South Australia.

Book chapters

Foley, A. & Golding, B., (2021), Men’s Shed Research Evidence Since 2014, In Golding, B (Ed.) Shoulder to Shoulder; Broadening the Men’s Shed Movement. Common Ground.

Foley, A. (2021), Therapeutic Landscapes: An exploration of gendered learning spaces during the COVID-19 lockdown. In Reflections on Adult Education and Learning: The Education Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krasovec. Publisher: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts

Golding, B., & Foley, A., (2021), The Mothership: Exploring the anatomy of one New Zealand Men’s Shed. In Reflections on Adult Education and Learning: The Education Legacy of Sabina Jelenc Krasovec. Publisher: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts

Foley, A (2014) The Case of some Men's Spaces, in B. Golding, R Mark & A. Foley (Eds.) Men learning through life. Leicester: learner voice NIACE. CIP 978-1-86201-828-0.

Foley, A. & Golding, B. (2014) Men and Boys: Ages and Stages, in B. Golding, R Mark & A. Foley (Eds.) Men learning through life. Leicester: NIACE

Golding, B & Foley, A Men's Learning in Australia, in B. Golding, R Mark & A. Foley (Eds.) Men learning through life. Leicester: NIACE

Golding, B., Mark, R. & Foley, A. (2014) Men Learning Through Life (introduction), in B. Golding, R Mark & A. Foley (Eds.) Men learning through life. Leicester: NIACE.

Golding, B., Mark, R. & Foley, A. (2014) Men's turn to lean? Discussion and conclusion, ), in B. Golding, R Mark & A. Foley (Eds.) Men learning through life. Leicester: NIACE.

Refereed Journal Articles

McDonough, S., Foley, A., Weadon, H., & Taylor, R. (2022). Ties that bind or exclude? Knitting and craft groups as contested spaces of inclusion and exclusion. Textiles: Cloth and culture.

Carragher, L., Golding, B. & Foley, A., (2022). Shedding Light: A qualitative study of women’s views of men’s Sheds in Ireland and Australia. Health and Social Care. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13828

Foley, A., Golding, B., & Weadon, H., (2022), Respite, renewal, retirement and tensions: Australian Men’s Sheds and the impact on significant others. Ageing & Society, 1-22.

Foley, A., Weadon, H.,  McDonough, S & Taylor, R. (2022), A Gendered Therapeutic landscape: Responding creatively to the pandemic. Australian, Journal of Adult Learning. Vol 62(1), 9-30

Golding, B., Carragher, L., & Foley, A., (2021), The Women’s Shed Movement: Scoping the field internationally. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, Vol 61 (2) 150-174.

Golding, B., Foley., A & Weadon, H., (2020) Community learning through adversity and disaster: An Australian case study of rural adaption and resilience beyond paid work. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, Vol 60 (3) , 515-437.

Jin, A., Foley, A., & Cooley, D., (2020) Participant Chinese teacher and student perceptions of an international practicum with Australian pre-service teachers. Intercultural Education, 31 (1) 1-16.

Foley, A. (2018). Gender and its implications in Adult Learning and Education (Editorial) Studies in Adult Education and Learning. Vol 24 (3) pp. 3-9.

Foley, A. (2018). Masculine Gendered Space. Studies in Adult Education and Learning. Vol 24 (3) pp. 29-38.

Golding, B. & Foley, A. (2017). Men and Boys: Sharing the Skills across Generations. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships. Vol. 15 (1) pp. 52-63.

Golding, B. & Foley, A. (2017). Constructing narratives in later life: Auto ethnography beyond the academy. Australian Journal of Adult Learning. Vol 57 (3), pp. 384-400.

Foley, A. (2011) VET manager identities: Culture, Philosophy and Professional Practice, International Journal of Training research, 9 (3) pp. 185-203.

Golding, B., Lavender, P., Angus, L. & Foley, A. (2012) Closing the loop: Listening and responding to learner voice in vocational education and training in Australia, Report to National VET Equity Advisory Council (NVEAC), University of Ballarat.

Foley, A. (2011) VET manager identities: Culture, Philosophy and Professional Practice, International Journal of Training research, 9 (3) pp. 185-203.

Foley, A. (2011). Vocational Education and Training Manager Discursive Practices at the Frontline: Alternative Possibilities in a Victorian setting. Education Management Administration & Leadership pp. 42 (4) 103-121.

Golding, B. & Foley, A. (2011) 'All over red rover? The neglect and potential of Australian adult education in the community', Australian Journal of Adult Learning 51, Special Edition, December, pp.53-71.

Foley, A., & Grace, L. (2009). Water, Weeds and Autumn Leaves: Learning to be Drier in the Alpine region. Australian Journal of Adult Learning 49 (3), 451-471.

Golding, B, Brown, M, Foley, A (2009) Informal Learning: A discussion around the defining and Researching its breath and importance, Australian Journal of Adult Learning

Golding, B., Brown, M., Foley, A., (2009) Smith, E., Campbell, C., Schulz, C., Angwin, J., & Grace, L. Wicked learning reflecting on Learning to be Drier, Australian Journal of Adult Learning 49 (3),

Angus, L. Golding, B., Foley, A. & Lavender, P. (2013) Promoting 'learner voice' in VET: Developing democratic, transformative possibilities or further entrenching the status quo? Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp.560-574.

Golding, B., Kimberley, H., Foley, A., & Brown, M. (2008). Houses and Sheds: an exploration of the genesis and growth of neighbourhood houses and men's sheds in community settings. Australian Journal of Adult Learning.48(2),237-262.

Brown, M., Golding, B., & Foley, A. (2008). Out the back: men's sheds and informal learning. A Journal of Adult English Language and Literacy Education. 31(2), 12-15.

Golding, B., Foley, A. & Brown, M. (2007) 'The international potential for men's shed based learning', Ad Lib, Journal of Continuing Liberal Adult Education, University of Cambridge, Issue 34, December, pp.9-13.

Refereed conference papers

Smith, E. & Foley, A. (2021) Choosing VET as a post-school activity: What are some influences on non-metropolitan students? Recover, rethink and rebuild: All eyes on VET, Annual conference of the Australian VET Researchers Association (AVETRA), online, April 19-23.

Smith, E. & Foley, A. (2021). Preparation for post-school careers in rural and peri-urban Australia: Connections with employers and labour markets. Employer engagement: Preparing Young People for the Future, 6th International Conference on Employer Engagement in education. 1-2 July, online.

Smith, E & Foley, A (2019). Young peoples decision-making as they leave school in non-metropolitan areas in Australia: Insights from those working with young people SCUTREA (Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults) Adult Education100: Reflections and Reconstructions. At the university of Nottingham, UK. July 2019

Golding, B & Foley A (2017) Constructing narratives in later life: Auto ethnography beyond the academy. The Getting of Wisdom conference, Ballarat, Melbourne and Wellington NZ, 14-16 February, 2017.

Foley, A. (2016). Youth reengagement: Developing capabilities through a human development approach Association for Research in Post Compulsory Education 2nd Annual Conference, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, UK. July, 2016.

Foley, A. & Lavender, P. (2013). Closing the loop: Listening and responding to learner voice in vocational education and training - an Australian and UK perspective. The Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 10th Annual Conference. Worchester College, Oxford, 5th – 7th July 2013.

Golding, B. & Foley, A. (2013) The men's shed movement: Some implications for men's informal learning, Paper to ESREA Network on Gender and Adult learning Conference, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 10-12 Oct.

Foley, A (2012) 'Relationships, Community and Choices: Creating Spaces for Capabilities.'
Keynote Address: The Youth Partnerships Alternative Education Forum, Ballarat, November 30th.

Golding, B., Angus, L., Foley, A. & Lavender, P. (2012) 'Learner voice in VET and ACE: What do stakeholders say?' Refereed Paper 78 to 15th Annual AVETRA Conference, Sydney, 12 April.

Angus, L., Golding, B., Foley, A. & Lavender, P. (2012) 'Learner voice": Who speaks? Who listens?' Paper to European Conference on Education Research, Cadiz, Spain, 17-21 Sept.

Foley, A. (2011) Young People at risk: pedagogies for re engagement, ALA Conference Melbourne.

Golding, B. & Foley, A. (2011) 'Do you want VET with that? Some implications for lifelong and life wide learning in an era of universal VET', Refereed Paper No. 29 to AVETRA Conference, 28-29 April, Melbourne.

Golding, B. & Foley, A. (2009). Shifting the Locus/ts: Evidence and Insights into Academic power and Knowledge from recent Australian Adult, Vocational and Community Education Research Paper to AVETRA Conference, Sydney 16-17 April.

Foley, A. (2008). Alternative possibilities: social impulses in ACE coordinator practices. Paper to SCUTREA 38thth Annual Conference, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh 2-4 July 2008.

Brown, M., Golding, B., & Foley, A. (2008). A long and winding road: autonomous men's learning through participation in community sheds across Australia. Paper to SCUTREA 38thth Annual Conference, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh 2-4 July 2008.

Foley, A. (2008). Let the men speak: health, friendship, community and shed therapy. Paper presented to the AVETRA conference, Adelaide.
Golding, B., & Foley, A. (2008). Shedding School Early: Insights from School and Community Shed Collaboration in Australia. Paper presented to the AVETRA conference, Adelaide.

Foley, A. (2008). Alternative Possibilities: Social impulses in ACE coordinator practices. Paper to SCRUTEA 38th Annual Conference, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2-4 July 2008

Brown, M., Golding, B. & Foley, A. (2008). A long and winding road: autonomous men's learning through participation in community sheds across Australia. .Paper to SCRUTEA 38th Annual Conference, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2-4 July 2008

Golding, B., Foley, A. (2008). How men are worked with: gender roles in men's informal learning. Paper to SCRUTEA 38th Annual Conference, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2-4 July 2008

Golding, B., Foley, A. (2008) Shedding School Early: Insights from School and Community Shed Collaboration in Australia. Paper presented to the AVETRA conference, Adelaide.

Foley, A. (2007). ACE working within/outside VET. Paper presented to the AVETRA conference, Melbourne.

Golding, B. Brown, M., Foley, A. (2007) Old Dogs, new shed tricks: An exploration of innovative workshop-based learning practice. Paper presented to the AVETRA conference, Melbourne.

Golding, B., Foley, A., & Brown, M. (2007) 'Shedding some new light on gender: Evidence about informal learning preferences from Australian men's sheds in community contexts', Paper to SCUTREA Conference, 3-5 July, The Queen's University of Belfast, Ireland.

Conference Papers

Foley, A & Golding, B, (2021) Federation University 'And now Women's Sheds’: Scoping the Shed field Internationally. OctoberVET Ballarat 2021: Presentation titles and abstracts: ‘Beyond COVID OctoberVET’ Thursday 25th Nov

Foley, A & Golding, B. (2021) Community learning through adversity and disaster ALA webinar: Aug 25,

Smith, E & Foley, A (2019). Young Futures: Education, Training and Employment decision making in non-metropolitan areas in Australia. OctoberVET Ballarat Australia, 14th November 2019

Foley, A. (2019). Adult Pedagogies: Engaging Early School Leavers at TAFE. OctoberVET Ballarat, 14th November, 2019.

Smith, E., Foley, A, Wise, M. (2019) Learning about Environmental Sustainability Practices, OctoberVET Ballarat, 14th November, 2019.


Smith, E & Foley, A. (2019), Young Futures: Education, training and employment decision making in non-metropolitan areas. Report to Department of Education and Training, Victoria, September 2019.

Golding, B., Lavender, P., Angus, L. & Foley, A. (2012) Closing the loop: Listening and responding to learner voice in vocational education and training in Australia, Report to National VET Equity Advisory Council (NVEAC), University of Ballarat,

Golding, B., Brown, M., Foley, A. & Harvey, J. (2009) Men's Learning and wellbeing through community organizations in Western Australia, Report to the Western Australia Department of Education and Training, University of Ballarat, October,

Golding, B., Brown, M., Foley, A., Harvey, J. & Gleeson, L. (2007) Men's sheds in Australia: Learning through community contexts, NCVER, Adelaide, South Australia.

Golding, B., Foley, A., Brown, M. & Harvey, J (2009) Senior men's learning and wellbeing through community participation in Australia, Report to National Seniors Productive Ageing Centre (NSPAC), University of Ballarat, October,.

Golding, B., Harvey, J., Foley, A. & Brown, M. (2006) Final Report on a survey of men's sheds participants in Victoria, Report to Adult, Community & Further Education (ACFE) Board, Melbourne.

Golding, B., Brown, M., Foley, A., Harvey, J. & Gleeson, L. (2006) Results of a survey of men's sheds in community contexts: Early feedback to men's sheds of survey findings from a major national research project funded by National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 4 July


  • Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA)
  • Adult Learning Australia (ALA)
  • British Education Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS)
  • Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
  • Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA)