Enrolment for continuing Melbourne City and Sydney campus students

Enrol now for Semester 1, 2025.

Questions about enrolling? Please visit the Federation Enquiry and Application Portal

1. Complete the Student Enrolment Checklist

You must complete your Student Enrolment Checklist before you can enrol in units, to confirm your personal details and agree to the Federation disclaimer. It will take 5–10 minutes.

  1. Log into my Student Centre using your student ID and password.
  2. If you're using a desktop computer, click the Tasks & Holds tile. If you're using a smart device, tap To Do List.
  3. Enter your preferred name, personal email, address, USI and emergency contact details. It is a requirement of your student visa that you provide us with your Australian contact details, including phone number and address.

If you need to make any changes to your name or gender, read the instructions then download and complete the ’Amend your personal details’ form (PDF 137kb) and submit it via the Enquiry and Application Portal. Complete your checklist and enrol while you are waiting for your request to be actioned.

Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) is your lifelong education number, used to connect the online record of your Australian training history. You must provide Federation with your USI unless you’re studying offshore. It's likely we already have your USI on record. If you do need to provide it, you can find your existing USI here.

2. Review your student plan

Your student plan will be emailed to you on Wednesday, 27 November 2024.

A student plan is a personalised enrolment plan that helps you apply your course structure to your personal circumstances.

Your student plan shows:

  • The requirements of your course by each year of study and semester.
  • The order and number of units to enrol in each semester in order to meet the conditions of your course are based on your circumstances. For example, if you have failed a pre-requisite it will show you how to enrol to repeat the unit, and when you can enrol in the next unit; or if you're studying part-time it will show you which units to enrol into in each semester to complete your degree part-time.
  • Which units are compulsory and which are elective. Where electives are indicated, there may be suggestions in the course structure about which unit you can choose.
  • Whether there is a pre-requisite unit that you must have completed first or a co-requisite unit you must study at the same time.
  • Whether a unit is excluded if you’ve previously studied a similar unit.

3. Plan your academic year

If you have options in your course structure, use these definitions to understand how to pick your units.

All units that appear in your formal course structure must be completed to meet the requirements of your degree. Within a major, minor or specialisation there may also be compulsory units that are part of your chosen sequence.


A pre-requisite is a unit that must be completed prior to undertaking another unit.


A co-requisite is a unit that must be completed with another unit (i.e. you must enrol in both units in the same semester).


An exclusion is a unit that is equivalent to another unit and so excludes students from repeating an equivalent unit. During re-enrolment, you cannot enrol in a unit if you are already enrolled in an exclusion for that unit.

If ‘Elective’ is listed in your student plan, you must choose from and enrol in one of the electives listed below.

Melbourne City Campus

Bachelor of IT + Specialisations:

  • ITECH2301        Network Architecture and Design
  • ITECH2304        Emerging Information Systems
  • ITECH2306        Agile Coding
  • ITECH3100        Cloud and Mobile Security
  • ITECH3101        Business Analytics and Decision Support
  • ITECH3108        Dynamic Web Development
  • ITECH3215        Information Security

Master of Professional Accounting:

  • BUMGT5978        Creative and Critical Thinking
  • BUMGT5981        Analytical Decision Making

Sydney Campus

Bachelor of IT + Specialisations:

  • ITECH2304        Emerging Information Systems
  • ITECH2306        Agile Coding

Master of Professional Accounting:

  • BUMGT5978        Creative and Critical Thinking
  • BUMGT5981        Analytical Decision Making

You must complete your studies within the expected duration of your signed International Student Offer and Acceptance Agreement and your student visa. If you want to reduce your study load, you must obtain approval from the University.

Federation can only grant leave from studies for international students who have a compassionate or compelling circumstance. If you wish to take leave, you should refer to the Deferment, Suspension of Cancellation of a Student's Enrolment (ESOS Specific) Procedure.

4. Enrol in your units

Enrol in your Semester 1 units via my Student Centre. We recommend using a desktop computer.

  1. Log into my Student Centre using your student ID and password.
  2. Select the Higher Ed Enrolment tile.
  3. Select Class Search in the side menu. If you're using a smart device, tap to expand the side menu
  4. Select the semester you are enrolling in
  5. Search for each unit and add it to your Enrolment Shopping Cart using the following steps:
    • Enter the unit code into the search. You must include a space between the letters and numbers, e.g. ITECH 1001. Press enter or select >> on the right
    • When your unit appears, select > on the right.
    • Select Class Selection to expand the drop down, then select > on the right.
    • Select the academic course this unit relates to and select Accept.
    • Review your class selection. To confirm it, select the Next > button on the blue banner at the top of the page
    • Add the unit to your Enrolment Shopping Cart by selecting Submit.

To view all enrolled units:

  1. Log into my Student Centre using your student ID and password.
  2. Select the Higher Ed Enrolment tile.
  3. Select View My Classes in the side menu. If you're using a smart device, tap to expand the side menu
  4. Select By Class.
  5. Make sure Show Enrolled Classes is ticked and untick Dropped Classes if applicable.

If a unit you should be enrolled in doesn't appear, follow instructions above to add it to your Enrolment Shopping Cart and finalise your enrolment.

For step-by-step enrolment instructions, including screenshots of the process, download How to Enrol into Classes' guide (Higher education students) (PDF, 1.4KB).

We recommend adding all of the units for a semester to your shopping cart before you finalise your enrolment.

  1. Select Enrolment Shopping Cart in the side menu. If you're using a smart device, tap to expand the side menu.
  2. Tick the box to the left of each unit.
  3. Select Enrol.
  4. Check that a green tick appears next to each enrolled unit and that there are no alerts that need your action.

If an error occurs, or any unit appears with a red cross after trying to enrol:

  1. Select Enrolment Shopping Cart in the side menu.
  2. Tick the box to the left of each unit to select any remaining units.
  3. Select Validate to access more information about errors that may be preventing you from enrolling.
  4. Act to resolve any errors identified.

For example, if a unit has a co-requisite, add both to your Enrolment Shopping Cart.

Enrolment help

Common enrolment errors:

For help enrolling or technical issues:

  • Search our FAQs on Ask FED 
  • Submit a question via our Enquiry and Application Portal
  • Start a chat by clicking on the blue chat widget on the bottom right of this page (9 am–5 pm, Monday to Friday, AEDST)
  • Call 1800 FEDUNI (1800 333 864) (9am–5pm, Monday to Friday, AEDST)
  • Talk to Chintan Shah or Jennifer Diggens at the Melbourne City campus.
  • Talk to Mychelle Phan at the Sydney campus.

For changes to your course structure: